111 resultados para visual search
Our task in this paper is to analyze the organization of trading in the era of quantitativefinance. To do so, we conduct an ethnography of arbitrage, the trading strategy that bestexemplifies finance in the wake of the quantitative revolution. In contrast to value andmomentum investing, we argue, arbitrage involves an art of association - the constructionof equivalence (comparability) of properties across different assets. In place of essentialor relationa l characteristics, the peculiar valuation that takes place in arbitrage is based on an operation that makes something the measure of something else - associating securities to each other. The process of recognizing opportunities and the practices of making novel associations are shaped by the specific socio-spatial and socio-technical configurations of the trading room. Calculation is distributed across persons and instruments as the trading room organizes interaction among diverse principles of valuation.
This paper considers a job search model where the environment is notstationary along the unemployment spell and where jobs do not lastforever. Under this circumstance, reservation wages can be lower thanwithout separations, as in a stationary environment, but they can alsobe initially higher because of the non-stationarity of the model. Moreover,the time-dependence of reservation wages is stronger than with noseparations. The model is estimated structurally using Spanish data forthe period 1985-1996. The main finding is that, although the decrease inreservation wages is the main determinant of the change in the exit ratefrom unemployment for the first four months, later on the only effect comesfrom the job offer arrival rate, given that acceptance probabilities areroughly equal to one.
A welfare analysis of unemployment insurance (UI) is performed in a generalequilibrium job search model. Finitely-lived, risk-averse workers smooth consumption over time by accumulating assets, choose search effort whenunemployed, and suffer disutility from work. Firms hire workers, purchasecapital, and pay taxes to finance worker benefits; their equity is the assetaccumulated by workers. A matching function relates unemployment, hiringexpenditure, and search effort to the formation of jobs. The model is calibrated to US data; the parameters relating job search effort to the probability of job finding are chosen to match microeconomic studies ofunemployment spells. Under logarithmic utility, numerical simulation shows rather small welfaregains from UI. Even without UI, workers smooth consumption effectivelythrough asset accumulation. Greater risk aversion leads to substantiallylarger welfare gains from UI; however, even in this case much of its welfareimpact is due not to consumption smoothing effects, but rather to decreased work disutility, or to a variety of externalities.
In this paper I show how borrowing constraints and job search interact.I fit a dynamic model to data from the National Longitudinal Survey(1979-cohort) and show that borrowing constraints are significant. Agentswith more initial assets and more access to credit attain higher wagesfor several periods after high school graduation. The unemployed maintaintheir consumption by running down their assets, while the employed saveto buffer against future unemployment spells. I also show that, unlikein models with exogenous income streams, unemployment transfers, byallowing agents to attain higher wages do not 'crowd out' but increasesaving.
Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. L’objectiu del treball ha consistit a desenvolupar un programa informàtic per controlar les fases d'un procés de rentat industrial.
The main goal of this research is to investigate how people with different cultural background differ in their interaction style and visual behavior on search engine results pages (SERP), more specifically between groups from the Middle Eastern region vs. Western Europe. We conducted a controlled eye-tracking experiment to explore and evaluate the visual behavior of Arabs and Spaniardusers when scanning through the first page of the search results in Google. Big differences can be observed in the 4 aspects studied: U.A.E. participants stayed on the SERPs for longer, they read more results and they read each snippet in a more complete way than Spaniards. In Spain, people tended to scan the SERP, reading less text on each snippet, and choose a result among the first top rankedones without hardly seeing those in bottom positions.
Desconocemos los mecanismos fisiopatológicos subyacentes a la aparición de alucinaciones/alucinosis visual en pacientes con ictus, su incidencia, características y valor predictivo topográfico o pronóstico. En este trabajo estudiamos prospectivamente 78 pacientes con ictus isquémico/hemorrágico agudo y ausencia de enfermedad neurodegenerativa/psiquiátrica basal o clínica alucinatoria previa, administrándoles cuestionario estandarizado sobre alucinaciones/alucinosis visual y realizándoles prueba de neuroimagen. Un subgrupo de pacientes también cuenta con EEG y evaluación neuropsicológica. La incidencia de alucinaciones/alucinosis fue del 16,7%, siendo la mayoría imágenes complejas, con presentación precoz y curso autolimitado. Se asoció con lesiones occipitales, defecto campimétrico inicial, y alteraciones del sueño entre otras variables.
Recent studies of relativistic jet sources in the Galaxy, also known as microquasars, have been very useful in trying to understand the accretion/ejection processes that take place near compact objects. However, the number of sources involved in such studies is still small. In an attempt to increase the number of known microquasars we have carried out a search for new Radio Emitting X-ray Binaries (REXBs). These sources are the ones to be observed later with VLBI techniques to unveil their possible microquasar nature. To this end, we have performed a cross-identification between the X-ray ROSAT all sky survey Bright Source Catalog (RBSC) and the radio NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) catalogs under very restrictive selection criteria for sources with |b|<5 degrees. We have also conducted a deep observational radio and optical study for six of the selected candidates. At the end of this process two of the candidates appear to be promising, and deserve additional observations aimed to confirm their proposed microquasar nature.
The MAGIC collaboration has searched for high-energy gamma-ray emission of some of the most promising pulsar candidates above an energy threshold of 50 GeV, an energy not reachable up to now by other ground-based instruments. Neither pulsed nor steady gamma-ray emission has been observed at energies of 100 GeV from the classical radio pulsars PSR J0205+6449 and PSR J2229+6114 (and their nebulae 3C58 and Boomerang, respectively) and the millisecond pulsar PSR J0218+4232. Here, we present the flux upper limits for these sources and discuss their implications in the context of current model predictions.
We estimate the attainable limits on the coupling of a nonstandard Higgs boson to two photons taking into account the data collected by the Fermilab collaborations on diphoton events. We based our analysis on a general set of dimension-6 effective operators that give rise to anomalous couplings in the bosonic sector of the standard model. If the coefficients of all blind operators have the same magnitude, indirect bounds on the anomalous triple vector-boson couplings can also be inferred, provided there is no large cancellation in the Higgs-gamma-gamma coupling.
The aim of this article is to show how a contemporary playwright thinks once more of the Platonic image of the cave in order to reflect on the necessary existential journey of men and women as in the case of a Bildungsroman. Sooner or later men and women must abandon the protection that any sort of cavern such as home, the family garden or family itself can offer. In spite of writing from a by no means idealistic or metaphysical point of view, thanks to R. Sirera and to the very applicability of Platonic images, Plato becomes once again a classical reference which is both useful and even unavoidable if one bears in mind the Platonic origin of all the literary caverns.
The problem of searchability in decentralized complex networks is of great importance in computer science, economy, and sociology. We present a formalism that is able to cope simultaneously with the problem of search and the congestion effects that arise when parallel searches are performed, and we obtain expressions for the average search cost both in the presence and the absence of congestion. This formalism is used to obtain optimal network structures for a system using a local search algorithm. It is found that only two classes of networks can be optimal: starlike configurations, when the number of parallel searches is small, and homogeneous-isotropic configurations, when it is large.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és promoure la incorporació de llibres il-lustrats a l'espai docent, tot defensant la interacció entre escola i entorn. Amb aquesta intenció es presenta una experiència docent que es du a terme a les classes de Didàctica de l'Educació Visual i Plàstica (UB), en la formació inicial del professorat d'educació primària, que empra el llibre il-lustrat com a eina docent. Es tracta d'un corpus d'obres de gran qualitat, la temàtica dels quals està relacionada amb el fet artístic i la seva didàctica. Amb l'ús a les aules universitàries d'aquest tipus de llibres es volen aconseguir principalment tres objectius: donar-los a conèixer als futurs mestres per a la seva formació i perquè els puguin compartir amb els seus futurs alumnes a les aules d'Educació Primària; tractar temes específics de l'àrea de plàstica, i fomentar la reflexió sobre la pràctica docent o altres temes específics.
El presente trabajo es el resultado de un año de investigación de campo y de estudio bibliográfico, que se formalizó en un proyecto educativo dirigido a alumnos de 3 de secundaria en la área de educación visual y plástica. " Las manos" , título del proyecto, se presentó como una alternativa en la didáctica de la educación visual y plástica cuando se plantea desde un aprendizaje lineal, desde un modelo. El planteamiento consistió en potenciar la comprensión y expresión artísticas a partir de la interrelación de otras áreas de conocimiento con la visual y plástica para sensibilizar al alumno en la importancia que tiene el proceso en el acto creativo. Valorar el proceso facilitó la asimilación de conceptos como figuración, abstracción y síntesis tan importantes para entender el hecho artístico. La valoración positiva del proyecto no pretende contraponer dos metodologías diferentes: la lineal con modelos y la que se presenta en espiral, inductiva, con referentes que no tienen que ser necesariamente visuales. Las dos opciones pueden actuar en simbiosis siempre que el alumno sepa percibir el significado que quiere dar a su obra y que todo no quede en una pura representación decorativa.
L'era de la comunicació acara la comunitat educativa davant de nous reptes, especialment en l'àmbit de la cultura visual. La cultura visual es manifesta avui arreu i no hi ha àmbit ni familiar ni social ni educatiu que no en participi. Més enllà de la visualització i experimentació d'alguns procediments artístics canònics, l'ensenyament de les arts visuals i plàstiques observa la necessitat d'ampliar el seu radi d'acció, reflexió i anàlisi de manera coparticipada. Un repàs a la trajectòria històrica de l'aprenentatge artístic dóna peu a algunes preguntes rellevants com ara, quins aprenentatges per a quines competències? Per a quina societat i amb quins instruments cal educar els infants? Quines inèrcies i teories s¿hereten del passat i quin lloc cal que tinguin en el futur? Quines aportacions cognitives o empíriques permetrien una renovació positiva en l'àmbit de l¿educació visual i plàstica? Són preguntes difícils però peremptòries si no es vol girar l'esquena a l'evidència dels canvis comunicatius i socials del nostre temps.