59 resultados para skills-based learning
La formación en Derecho ha sido tradicionalmente una formación que puede orientarse y resolverse en un abanico de posibilidades profesionales muy elevado. Sin embargo esta amplitud y diversidad de referentes profesionales no ha sido históricamente asumido por el modelo de formación general seguido por las universidades españolas, centralizado y orientado a un aprendizaje fundamentalmente memorístico de los contenidos a los que se somete a un tratamiento muy dogmático. No obstante existen enfoques estratégicos distintos, de calidad y contrastados, para la formación profesional en Derecho. Entre ellos, destaca el enfoque conocido como el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP). En este artículo se analizan los referentes que aportan sentido y valor a esta opción estratégica, se validan en datos empíricos las opiniones de los estudiantes y se analizan aquellos aspectos susceptibles de atención en su implementación y desarrollo en las aulas. Los estudiantes consideran que adquieren conocimientos y competencias que les ayudarán en la práctica profesional futura, valorando positivamente el reforzamiento de su autonomía, la interacción con los compañeros y con el profesor y el poder disponer de una"orientación hacia la acción" más o menos clara.
This study presents an innovative pedagogical approach where teachers become game designers and engage in creative teaching practices. Within co-design training workshops, 21 Spanish primary and secondary school teachers have developed their own Game-Based Learning (GBL) scenarios, especially tailored to their teaching contexts and students profiles. In total, teachers developed 13 GBL scenarios and put them into practice in real teaching contexts. The present paper analyses the impacts of this learner-centred game design approach on teachers" creativity from three different points of view: the GBL design process, the GBL scenario, and the teaching processes at stake.
La Universidad debe erigirse como motor de la sociedad civil y abordar con decisión los desafíos sociales contemporáneos, como es la situación de paro en España. La metodología del Aprendizaje Servicio Universitario permite integrar un aprendizaje basado en la realidad con el servicio a la comunidad concretizando la responsabilidad social de la Universidad. El artículo presenta el proyecto interfacultativo EcoSPORTech desarrollado en la Universidad de Vic cuya finalidad ha sido la creación de empleo juvenil desde la emprendeduría social. La política de comunicación ha sido clave en este proyecto.
Este artículo pretende estudiar el impacto del tutor de ABP en los aprendizajes de los estudiantes de educación superior mediante la revisión de los estudios empríricos publicados. El análisis se desarrolla sobre tres ejes el rendimiento de los grupos de trabajo; sus dinámicas y funcionamiento interno; y la percepción y el grado de satisfacción de los estudiantes frente a la tutoría , y se concluye con una reflexión sobre el papel que debería jugar el tutor de ABP de acuerdo con la noción de «congruencia cognitiva» de H. G. Schmidt y J. H. Moust.
[cast] La formulación magistral, una de las actividades profesionales más representativas del farmacéutico, consiste en la elaboración, de acuerdo con una prescripción médica, de un medicamento personalizado, adaptado a un paciente concreto, en un compromiso profesional de solucionar un problema de salud específico. La amplia oferta de medicamentos industriales ha reducido considerablemente esta actividad, que a pesar de todo, debe considerarse una herramienta de futuro en sintonía con la tendencia personalizadora actual de la medicina y las necesidades del paciente. Los conocimientos y competencias requeridas para dicha actividad profesional se introducen actualmente en la carrera de Farmacia mediante una asignatura optativa. En el presente trabajo se presenta el planteamiento metodológico diseñado por el Grupo de Innovación Docente de Tecnología Farmacéutica (GIDTF) y el grupo e-Galenica, ambos de la Universidad de Barcelona, para esta asignatura. Dicha metodología esta basada en el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) incluyendo tutorías y prácticas de campo, apoyada en estrategias no presenciales como foro de debate, recursos on-line, cuestionarios y tareas de autoevaluación a través de la plataforma Moodle del Campus Virtual de la UB. Se evalúan asimismo los resultados académicos y las respuestas de los estudiantes a las encuestas realizadas en relación al sistema de impartición de la asignatura. [eng] The pharmaceutical compounding, one of the most representative professional activities of pharmacists, involves the preparation of an individualized medicine tailored to a specific patient in a professional commitment to solve a specific health problem, according to a prescription. The wide range of industrial medicine has significantly reduced this activity, which nevertheless should be considered a tool of the future in line with the current trend of personalizing medicine and patient needs. The knowledge and competences required for this professional activity are introduced to the students of Pharmacy through an optional subject. In this paper we present the ethodological approach developed for this subject by the Teaching Innovation Group of pharmaceutical Technology (GIDTF) and e-Galenica group, both from the University of Barcelona. This methodology is based on Problem-Based Learning (PBL) including tutorials and practices in other centres, supported by out of class strategies as discussion forum, online resources, self-assessment questionnaires and work through the platform Moodle of Virtual Campus UB. The academic performance and student responses to surveys in relation to the didactic methodology are also assessed.
E-learning, understood as the intensive use of Information and Communication Technologies in mainly but not only) distance education, has radically changed the meaning of the latter. E-learning is an overused term which has been applied to any use of technology in education. Today, the most widely accepted meaning ofe-learning coincides with the fourth generation described by Taylor (1999), where there is an asynchronousprocess that allows students and teachers to interact in an educational process expressly designed in accordance with these principles. We prefer to speak of Internet-Based Learning or, better still, Web-Based Learning, for example, to explain the fact that distance education is carried out using the Internet, with the appearance of the virtual learning environment concept, a web space where the teaching and learning process is generated and supported (Sangrà, 2002). This entails overcoming the barriers of space and time of brickand mortar education (although we prefer the term face-to-face) or of classical distance education using broadcasting and adopting a completely asynchronous model that allows access to education by many more users, at any level (including secondary education, but primarily higher education and lifelong learning).
The challenges posed by the assessment of distance learning is a topic that requires, on the one hand, evolution with new trends and, on the other improving evaluative processes, to promote good practices. This demand becomes more imperative when we are dealing with a formativescenario based on distance assessment of competence-based learning.The Open University of Catalonia has begun to work with these formative tools, promoting new practices for online education. A very clear example of these educational practices is the assessment of research competences using the e-portfolio system. To meet this aim a profound and solid process has been developed over recent years, with the intention of making this tool an assessment alternative, and providing the opportunity to use it in a formative context. The objective is to study its strengths and limitations keeping in mind the final goal of offering the higher education community a validated assessment system.
La metodología ABP respeta la tendencia innata al crecimiento y la autorrealización defendida desde la psicología humanista, y permite crear el contexto de desarrollo idóneo para satisfacer las necesidades psicológicas básicas propuestas desde la teoría de la autodeterminación. Por su contribución al desarrollo de las competencias personales y sociales, está indicada tanto para universitarios como para alumnado de niveles preuniversitarios
El objetivo de estos aplicativos, centrados cada uno de ellos en diferentes sectores de la economía, es facilitar la consecución de uno de los objetivos vinculados a la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior (EEES), donde se establece que el proceso formativo universitario debe basarse en desarrollar el estudio continuado y autónomo de los estudiantes (self-regulated/managed learning). Nuestro aplicativo informático es un instrumento mediante el cual el alumno, de forma autónoma, puede autoevaluar cuál es su nivel de conocimiento de los contenidos de las asignaturas de Estadística (grado de A.D.E. de la Universitat de Barcelona) a través del análisis de una empresa ubicada en un determinado sector económico. En este sentido, también puede entenderse como un material didáctico en la línea del llamado aprendizaje basado en problemas (problem-based learning). Con una estructura dinámica, basada en cuestiones de opción múltiple, e incorporada como módulo dentro de la plataforma Moodle (utilizada por la Universitat de Barcelona), permite una ejecución "on-line" de su contenido. Nuestra herramienta es un ejemplo más de cómo el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), puede contribuir enormemente a la innovación de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el contexto universitario1
Language acquisition is a complex process that requires the synergic involvement of different cognitive functions, which include extracting and storing the words of the language and their embedded rules for progressive acquisition of grammatical information. As has been shown in other fields that study learning processes, synchronization mechanisms between neuronal assemblies might have a key role during language learning. In particular, studying these dynamics may help uncover whether different oscillatory patterns sustain more item-based learning of words and rule-based learning from speech input. Therefore, we tracked the modulation of oscillatory neural activity during the initial exposure to an artificial language, which contained embedded rules. We analyzed both spectral power variations, as a measure of local neuronal ensemble synchronization, as well as phase coherence patterns, as an index of the long-range coordination of these local groups of neurons. Synchronized activity in the gamma band (2040 Hz), previously reported to be related to the engagement of selective attention, showed a clear dissociation of local power and phase coherence between distant regions. In this frequency range, local synchrony characterized the subjects who were focused on word identification and was accompanied by increased coherence in the theta band (48 Hz). Only those subjects who were able to learn the embedded rules showed increased gamma band phase coherence between frontal, temporal, and parietal regions.
In 2009 the University of Girona (Spain) created four interest groups on teaching innovation. The objective of the project is that lecturers with an interest in teaching innovation can exchange their points of view and learn from one another, so University teaching is improved as a result. There are four such groups: “Problem based learning (ABP)”, “Cooperative learning”, “Evaluation”, and “Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Teaching”. The coordinators of the groups or networks, as they are also called, are chosen on a free basis by its members. This paper presents their point of view as regards the current activity of encouragement of interest in higher education and they elaborate on the main difficulties involved. The implications of the interdisciplinary work are explored, as well as the challenges of an initiative of this kind. The evolution of the ongoing work is reviewed, taking into account the context of a changing University, the lack of previous experience regarding projects of this kind, the asynchronous communication among the participants, and the necessity of a flexible approach in organizational matters
En aquest article presentem una experiència docent dins de l’àmbit de la Psicologia del Pensament. Es tracta d’una activitat d’aprenentatge basat en problemes en la qual els estudiants han de reflexionar sobre com determinats continguts de l’assignatura, els de resolució de problemes, estan fortament relacionats amb la seva futura pràctica professional i amb el desenvolupament del seu aprenentatge des de psicòlegs novells a psicòlegs experts. En este artículo presentamos una experiencia docente en el ámbito de la Psicología del Pensamiento. Se trata de una actividad de aprendizaje basado en problemas en la que los estudiantes han de reflexionar sobre cómo determinados contenidos de la asignatura, los de resolución de problemas, estan fuertemente relacionados con su futura práctica profesional y con el desarrollo de su aprendizaje desde psicólogos novatos a psicólogos expertos
[spa] La literatura científica sobre el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) ha dedicado una atención creciente a la cuestión del pensamiento crítico a lo largo de las dos últimas décadas. Los trabajos de investigación que se han llevado a cabo en los distintos contextos disciplinares de la educación superior presentan definiciones e instrumentos de medición del pensamiento crítico dispares. El presente artículo parte de dicha apreciación y trata de revisar sistemáticamente los mencionados trabajos con un doble objetivo: por un lado, esbozar una clasificación de los instrumentos de medición del pensamiento crítico de estudiantes de ABP y, por el otro, mostrar una panorámica de las evidencias hasta ahora obtenidas; todo ello con la finalidad de animar a profesores, estudiosos y autoridades académicas a seguir avanzando en esta línea de investigación. [eng] Critical thinking has received growing attention from scientific literature on Problem-Based Learning (PBL)during the last two decades. The research carried out in different disciplinary contexts of higher education presents disparate definitions and measuring instruments of critical thinking. This article aims to review systematically the mentioned literature with a dual purpose: on the one hand, to outline a classification of instruments measuring PBL students' critical thinking, on the other, to show an overview of the evidence so far obtained; all of this with the ultimate purpose of encouraging teachers, scholars and academical authorities to proceed further in this line of research.
This communication is part of a larger teaching innovation project financed by the University ofBarcelona, whose objective is to develop and evaluate transversal competences of the UB, learningability and responsibility. The competence is divided into several sub-competencies being the ability toanalyze and synthesis the most intensely worked in the first year. The work presented here part fromthe results obtained in phase 1 and 2 previously implemented in other subjects (Mathematics andHistory) in the first year of the degree of Business Administration Degree. In these subjects’ previousexperiences there were deficiencies in the acquisition of learning skills by the students. The work inthe subject of Mathematics facilitated that students become aware of the deficit. The work on thesubject of History insisted on developing readings schemes and with the practical exercises wassought to go deeply in the development of this competence.The third phase presented here is developed in the framework of the second year degree, in the WorldEconomy subject. The objective of this phase is the development and evaluation of the same crosscompetence of the previous phases, from a practice that includes both, quantitative analysis andcritical reflection. Specifically the practice focuses on the study of the dynamic relationship betweeneconomic growth and the dynamics in the distribution of wealth. The activity design as well as theselection of materials to make it, has been directed to address gaps in the ability to analyze andsynthesize detected in the subjects of the first year in the previous phases of the project.The realization of the practical case is considered adequate methodology to improve the acquisition ofcompetence of the students, then it is also proposed how to evaluate the acquisition of suchcompetence. The practice is evaluated based on a rubric developed in the framework of the projectobjectives. Thus at the end of phase 3 we can analyze the process that have followed the students,detect where they have had major difficulties and identify those aspects of teaching that can help toimprove the acquisition of skills by the students. The interest of this phase resides in the possibility tovalue whether tracing of learning through competences, organized in a collaborative way, is a goodtool to develop the acquisition of these skills and facilitate their evaluation.