65 resultados para dietary pattern


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OBJECTIVES: Polypharmacy is one of the main management issues in public health policies because of its financial impact and the increasing number of people involved. The polymedicated population according to their demographic and therapeutic profile and the cost for the public healthcare system were characterised. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Primary healthcare in Barcelona Health Region, Catalonia, Spain (5 105 551 inhabitants registered). PARTICIPANTS: All insured polymedicated patients. Polymedicated patients were those with a consumption of ≥16 drugs/month. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: The study variables were related to age, gender and medication intake obtained from the 2008 census and records of prescriptions dispensed in pharmacies and charged to the public health system. RESULTS: There were 36 880 polymedicated patients (women: 64.2%; average age: 74.5±10.9 years). The total number of prescriptions billed in 2008 was 2 266 830 (2 272 920 total package units). The most polymedicated group (up to 40% of the total prescriptions) was patients between 75 and 84 years old. The average number of prescriptions billed monthly per patient was 32±2, with an average cost of 452.7±27.5. The total cost of those prescriptions corresponded to 2% of the drug expenditure in Catalonia. The groups N, C, A, R and M represented 71.4% of the total number of drug package units dispensed to polymedicated patients. Great variability was found between the medication profiles of men and women, and between age groups; greater discrepancies were found in paediatric patients (5-14 years) and the elderly (≥65 years). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides essential information to take steps towards rational drug use and a structured approach in the polymedicated population in primary healthcare.


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Con objeto de buscar información para un mejor control de Oxalis latifolia Kunth, se ha estudiado el efecto que presentan la temperatura y la humedad sobre la activación de sus bulbos, tanto en la forma común como en la forma Cornwall de la misma. Los bulbos de la mala hierba se mantuvieron en un refrigerador a +4°C durante 13, 20, 27, 41, 48 y 55 días. Se sacaron tres grupos de 30 bulbos de cada forma en cada fecha de muestreo y se colocaron a 21°C; 15 de ellos se mantuvieron en condiciones de sequía —no se regaron— y otros 15 en condiciones de humedad —añadiendo el agua necesaria—. Los resultados muestran que la activación ocurre durante un período prolongado de tiempo en ambas formas, tanto en seco como en húmedo. También se observó que los bulbos secos se activaron antes que los húmedos y los de la forma común antes que los Cornwall. Se observaron dos patrones de activación: los bulbos secos de la forma común generalmente presentaron una activación que sigue un patrón logarítmico, mientras que sus bulbos humedecidos mostraron una tendencia linear; los bulbos Cornwall se activaron con una tendencia exponencial en la mayoría de los casos. El tiempo medio requerido para la activación después del almacenamiento en frío fue constante en la forma común, sin embargo la activación de Cornwall fue más rápida cuanto más tiempo permanecieron almacenados en frío.


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Many classification systems rely on clustering techniques in which a collection of training examples is provided as an input, and a number of clusters c1,...cm modelling some concept C results as an output, such that every cluster ci is labelled as positive or negative. Given a new, unlabelled instance enew, the above classification is used to determine to which particular cluster ci this new instance belongs. In such a setting clusters can overlap, and a new unlabelled instance can be assigned to more than one cluster with conflicting labels. In the literature, such a case is usually solved non-deterministically by making a random choice. This paper presents a novel, hybrid approach to solve this situation by combining a neural network for classification along with a defeasible argumentation framework which models preference criteria for performing clustering.


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Se analizaron las variaciones de peso durante la estación de pastoreo de vacas multíparas de raza Parda Alpina con partos en otoño (n = 152) o primavera (n = 123) durante el período 1989-1996. Los animales pasta- ron en áreas boscosas (900-1.500 m, 0,2 vacas/ha) y en pastos supraforestales (1.500-2.200 m, 1,2 vacas/ha). Las vacas con parto en otoño presentaron mayores recuperaciones de peso en pastoreo que las de primavera (0,661 vs 0,071 kg/día, P < 0,001), diferencia observada tanto en los pastos forestales como en los supraforestales. Las variaciones de peso en pastoreo se relacionaron negativamente con las observadas en estabulación (r = –0,20, P < 0,05) y también con el peso a la salida al pasto (r = –0,32, P < 0,05). La contribución energética del pasto a los aportes recibidos anualmente de la dieta fue similar en ambas parideras (43,6 p. 100 y 42,2 p. 100 en otoño y primavera, respectivamente, NS), aunque la pauta de reparto de la energía hacia las funciones fisiológicas en los distintos períodos de manejo fue diferente.


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Drift has recived considerable attention in recent times as a method to collect chironomid pupal exuviae (COFFMAN, 1973; LAVILLE, 1979, 1981) for taxonomie as well as water pollution studies (WILSON, 1977).


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The aim of this study was to assess the alterations in plasma, liver, and meat oxidative stability and R-tocopherol content when moderately oxidized sunflower oils were added to feeds and when feeds were supplemented with R-tocopheryl acetate (100 mg/kg) and Zn (200 mg/kg). The effects of cooking the meat and its subsequent refrigeration were also studied. When the content of primary oxidation compounds of the oil was high, rabbit plasma, liver, and meat R-tocopherol content was reduced and meat susceptibility to oxidation increased. The addition of oil with a high content of secondary oxidation compounds (oil heated at 140 'C, 31 h) to feed also led to an increase in meat susceptibi- lity to oxidation, although it presented an R-tocopherol content similar to that of nonheated oil. Feed supplementation with R-tocopheryl acetate increased tissue R-tocopherol content and improved the oxidative stability of liver and meat. However, in the latter, it was less effective when oil heated at 55 'C was added.


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This study examines the correlation between buccal dental microwear and stable isotopes. The buccal surface of post-canine teeth casts from El Collado, the largest Mesolithic site in Spain, were examined under Scanning Electron Microscope; photomicrographs were taken from the middle third of the buccal surface with magnification 100X. Only six individuals passed the criteria for buccal dental microwear analysis. The photomicrographs were treated by adobe Photoshop 8.01 to cover an area 0.56 mm² of middle third of buccal surface, the output photomicrographs were digitized using Sigmascan Pro 5 by SPSS. Then the correlation between buccal microwear pattern and stable isotopes of the same individuals, of the previous study of Guixe et al., 2006, was examined using a Pearson test. Statistical analysis revealed that there is no significant correlation between stable isotopes and buccal dental microwear of the people of the Mesolithic site of El Collado. The historical and archaeological documentation suggest that the Mesolithic people tended to consume marine food. Fish-drying techniques were used during the Mesolithic period which allowed the introduction of dust and sand to the fish. These abrasive particles affected the buccal dental microwear pattern, so that no correlation between the isotopes and microwear may be expected. This also suggests that the buccal dental microwear pattern exceeds dietary reconstruction to reconstruct food processing techniques.


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The effects of the addition of heated oils to feeds (3%, w/w) and the dietary supplementation with a-tocopheryl acetate (TA; 100 mg/kg) and Zn (200 mg/kg) on rabbit tissue fatty acid (FA) composition and on the Zn, Cu, Fe and Se content in meat were assessed. Heating unrefined sunflower oil (SO) at 558C for 245 h increased its content in primary oxidation products and reduced its a-tocopherol content. However, this did not significantly affect tissue FA composition. Heating SO at 1408C for 31 h increased its content in secondary oxidation products and in some FA isomers asc9,t11-CLA and di-trans CLA. This led to increases in di-trans CLA in liver and in t9,c12-18:2 in meat. The c9,t11-CLA was the most incorporated CLA isomer in tissues. The dietary supplementation with a-TA did not affect the FA composition of plasma, liver or meat. The cooking of vacuum-packed rabbit meat at 788C for 5 min reduced significantly but slightly its polyunsaturated FA content. The dietary supplementation with Zn did not modify the content of Zn, Fe or Se in meat, but it reduced its Cu content. On the other hand, it increased the content of some FAs in meat when SO heated at 1408C for 31 h was added to feeds.


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Resveratrol is a polyphenol that is mainly found in grapes and red wine and has been reported to be a caloric restriction (CR) mimetic driven by Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) activation. Resveratrol increases metabolic rate, insulin sensitivity, mitochondrial biogenesis and physical endurance, and reduces fat accumulation in mice. In addition, resveratrol may be a powerful agent to prevent age-associated neurodegeneration and to improve cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Moreover, different findings support the view that longevity in mice could be promoted by CR. In this study, we examined the role of dietary resveratrol in SAMP8 mice, a model of age-related AD. We found that resveratrol supplements increased mean life expectancy and maximal life span in SAMP8 and in their control, the related strain SAMR1. In addition, we examined the resveratrol-mediated neuroprotective effects on several specific hallmarks of AD. We found that long-term dietary resveratrol activates AMPK pathways and pro-survival routes such as SIRT1 in vivo. It also reduces cognitive impairment and has a neuroprotective role, decreasing the amyloid burden and reducing tau hyperphosphorylation.


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Resveratrol is a polyphenol that is mainly found in grapes and red wine and has been reported to be a caloric restriction (CR) mimetic driven by Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) activation. Resveratrol increases metabolic rate, insulin sensitivity, mitochondrial biogenesis and physical endurance, and reduces fat accumulation in mice. In addition, resveratrol may be a powerful agent to prevent age-associated neurodegeneration and to improve cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Moreover, different findings support the view that longevity in mice could be promoted by CR. In this study, we examined the role of dietary resveratrol in SAMP8 mice, a model of age-related AD. We found that resveratrol supplements increased mean life expectancy and maximal life span in SAMP8 and in their control, the related strain SAMR1. In addition, we examined the resveratrol-mediated neuroprotective effects on several specific hallmarks of AD. We found that long-term dietary resveratrol activates AMPK pathways and pro-survival routes such as SIRT1 in vivo. It also reduces cognitive impairment and has a neuroprotective role, decreasing the amyloid burden and reducing tau hyperphosphorylation.


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Brain damage caused by an acute injury depends on the initial severity of the injury and the time elapsed after the injury. To determine whether these two variables activate common mechanisms, we compared the response of the rat medial septum to insult with a graded series of concentrations of a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) with the time-course effects of a low dose of AMPA. For this purpose we conducted a dose-response study at concentrations of AMPA between 0.27 and 10.8 nmol to measure atrophy of the septal area, losses of cholinergic and GABAergic neurons, astroglial and microglial reactions, and calcification. Cholinergic neurons, whose loss paralleled the degree of septal atrophy produced by AMPA, are more sensitive than GABAergic neurons to the injury produced by AMPA. At doses of AMPA above 2.7 nmol, calcification and the degree of microglial reaction increased only in the GABAergic region of the septal area, whereas atrophy and neuronal loss reached a plateau. We chose the 2.7-nmol dose of AMPA to determine how these parameters were modified between 4 days and 6 months after injection. We found that atrophy and neuronal loss increased progressively through the 6-month study period, whereas astrogliosis ceased to be observed after 1 month, and calcium precipitates were never detected. We conclude that septal damage does not increase with the intensity of an excitotoxic insult. Rather, it progresses continuously after the insult. Because these two situations involve different mechanisms, short-term paradigms are inappropriate for interpreting the pathogenic mechanisms responsible for long-term neurodegenerative processes.


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The fusion of bone marrow (BM) hematopoietic cells with hepatocytes to generate BM derived hepatocytes (BMDH) is a natural process, which is enhanced in damaged tissues. However, the reprogramming needed to generate BMDH and the identity of the resultant cells is essentially unknown. In a mouse model of chronic liver damage, here we identify a modification in the chromatin structure of the hematopoietic nucleus during BMDH formation, accompanied by the loss of the key hematopoietic transcription factor PU.1/Sfpi1 (SFFV proviral integration 1) and gain of the key hepatic transcriptional regulator HNF-1A homeobox A (HNF-1A/Hnf1a). Through genome-wide expression analysis of laser captured BMDH, a differential gene expression pattern was detected and the chromatin changes observed were confirmed at the level of chromatin regulator genes. Similarly, Tranforming Growth Factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and neurotransmitter (e.g. Prostaglandin E Receptor 4 [Ptger4]) pathway genes were over-expressed. In summary, in vivo BMDH generation is a process in which the hematopoietic cell nucleus changes its identity and acquires hepatic features. These BMDHs have their own cell identity characterized by an expression pattern different from hematopoietic cells or hepatocytes. The role of these BMDHs in the liver requires further investigation.


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The response of the common carp to diets with varying amounts of digestible starch, provided either as pea meal (LP, HP, 30 and 46% peas, respectively) or as cereal (LW, HW, 30 and 46% wheat, respectively), was studied and compared with the response to a carbohydrate-free protein-rich diet (CF). Here we focused on the utilisation of dietary carbohydrates by examining the relationship between dietary starch intake, hepatic hexokinase activities, circulating insulin and muscle insulin receptor system. Plasma glucose concentration and hepatic high Km hexokinase (glucokinase, GK) activity were not affected by the content of digestible starch, but 6 h after feeding enzyme activity was higher in the fish fed carbohydrate diets. Similarly, low Km hexokinase (HK) activity was also higher in the fish 24 h after feeding. Fat gain and protein retention were significantly improved by increased digestible starch intake, especially in the HP group, which in turn, presented the highest plasma insulin levels. Glycogen stores were moderately increased by the ingestion of digestible starch. The number of insulin receptors was greater in the CF group than in fish on carbohydrates, except the HP group. Our results confirmed that the common carp uses dietary carbohydrates efficiently, especially when there are provided by peas. This efficiency might be related to the enhanced response of postprandial insulin observed in the HP group.


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OBJECTIVES: Polypharmacy is one of the main management issues in public health policies because of its financial impact and the increasing number of people involved. The polymedicated population according to their demographic and therapeutic profile and the cost for the public healthcare system were characterised. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Primary healthcare in Barcelona Health Region, Catalonia, Spain (5 105 551 inhabitants registered). PARTICIPANTS: All insured polymedicated patients. Polymedicated patients were those with a consumption of ≥16 drugs/month. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: The study variables were related to age, gender and medication intake obtained from the 2008 census and records of prescriptions dispensed in pharmacies and charged to the public health system. RESULTS: There were 36 880 polymedicated patients (women: 64.2%; average age: 74.5±10.9 years). The total number of prescriptions billed in 2008 was 2 266 830 (2 272 920 total package units). The most polymedicated group (up to 40% of the total prescriptions) was patients between 75 and 84 years old. The average number of prescriptions billed monthly per patient was 32±2, with an average cost of 452.7±27.5. The total cost of those prescriptions corresponded to 2% of the drug expenditure in Catalonia. The groups N, C, A, R and M represented 71.4% of the total number of drug package units dispensed to polymedicated patients. Great variability was found between the medication profiles of men and women, and between age groups; greater discrepancies were found in paediatric patients (5-14 years) and the elderly (≥65 years). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides essential information to take steps towards rational drug use and a structured approach in the polymedicated population in primary healthcare.


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In the world of transport management, the term ‘anticipation’ is gradually replacing ‘reaction’. Indeed, the ability to forecast traffic evolution in a network should ideally form the basis for many traffic management strategies and multiple ITS applications. Real-time prediction capabilities are therefore becoming a concrete need for the management of networks, both for urban and interurban environments, and today’s road operator has increasingly complex and exacting requirements. Recognising temporal patterns in traffic or the manner in which sequential traffic events evolve over time have been important considerations in short-term traffic forecasting. However, little work has been conducted in the area of identifying or associating traffic pattern occurrence with prevailing traffic conditions. This paper presents a framework for detection pattern identification based on finite mixture models using the EM algorithm for parameter estimation. The computation results have been conducted taking into account the traffic data available in an urban network.