63 resultados para bipolar transistors


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[cat] En els últims temps es parla molt del nou paper dels hidrocarburs d'Àfrica, fins i tot s'al·ludeix a un oil rush o a un african oil scramble , que inevitablement desembocarà en una confrontació bipolar entre la Xina i els Estats Units, pel control de les reserves de petroli del subsòl del continent africà. Així, el propòsit d'aquest text és, en primer lloc, realitzar una anàlisi descriptiva que ajudi a valorar la hipòtesi d'aquest african oil scramble. A continuación, amb les dades obtingudes, es discutirà sobre la possibilitat de que aquest fenomen desemboqui en un escenari de confrontació xinoamericana. Aquesta especulació ens durà a concloure que hi ha suficients indicis per a argumentar que el joc petrolífer africà podria desenvolupar-se en un escenari marcat per la multilateralitat.


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El presente trabajo pretende mostrar el panorama bipolar en el que se mueve el sistema fichteano, entre la exigencia de un radical solipsismo fundado en el "yo", y la primera configuración del paradigma intersubjetivo, al como se indica en el título. Se ve cómo, por un lado, existe la exigencia de que no es posible salir del campo del sujeto, aunque, sin embargo, y esto es lo que se pretende estudiar, muy especialmente en la "Filosofía del derecho" para Fichte no hay auténtica autoconciencia y libertad, si no es mediante el recurso a la intersubjetividad. En efecto, como es bien sabido, si, por un lado, un ser racional finito no puede ponerse a sí mismo, sin atribuirse una causalidad radicalmente libre, por otro lado, no es posible atribuirse tal causalidad en el mundo sensible, sin aceptar la acción recíproca con otros "yo", es decir, sin admitir que hay otros seres racionales finitos fuera del propio "yo", por los que estoy afectado mediante una especial llamada exhortativa, que implica comunicación, sin pérdida de libertad.


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Introducción: Las fracturas distales de radio (FDR) presentan diferentes resultadosfuncionales siendo desfavorables entre el 24% y el 31% de los casos. Una de lascomplicaciones más frecuentes es el síndrome del dolor regional complejo tipo I(SDRC-I), cuyo origen es desconocido. Sólo el 20-30% de los pacientes recuperarán sugrado de funcionalidad anterior.Objetivos: Estimar la prevalencia de SDRC-I tras una FDR de acuerdo a cuatro tipos detratamiento.Métodos: estudio de una serie de casos retrospectivos. La población de referencia hansido los 391 trabajadores afiliados a una Mutua en Cataluña y diagnosticados deFDR tras una lesión por accidente laboral durante lo años 2008-2010.Los casos han sido trabajadores accidentados que tras una FDR desarrollaron el SDRCI.Como variable dependiente se ha utilizado el diagnóstico de SDRC-I; como variablesindependientes el tipo de tratamiento, la edad, el sexo, la ocupación y el mecanismo dela lesión.Resultados: el 19,7% de la muestra ha desarrollado SDRC-I, siendo esta prevalenciasuperior en los pacientes intervenidos mediante la técnica de tracción bipolar o conagujas de Kirschner; 29,17% y 30,56% respectivamente, que para aquellos en los quese ha realizado un tratamiento conservador o una intervención quirúrgica con placa en Ty tornillos; 15,92% y 15,79%.Conclusiones El tratamiento conservador y la técnica quirúrgica de fijación con placaen T y tornillos han dado una menor prevalencia de SDRC-I.Los mecanismos de lesión asociados a una mayor fuerza presentan fracturas másinestables y requieren un tratamiento quirúrgico. Los tratamientos conservadores sonlos más usados en edades mayores relacionados con fracturas estables.A nivel clínico se extrae una recomendación profiláctica con Vitamina C para evitar laaparición de SDRC-I sobre los pacientes de edad comprendida entre los 36 y los 55años, con mecanismo lesional de caída o caída desde altura, intervenidos con agujas de Kirschner o tracción bipolar.


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El objetivo es llevar a cabo una serie de actividades, actuaciones necesarias que me permitiránconocer a los participantes y a partir de ello, diseñar unas sesiones grupales donde sefomentará la mejora del mal afrontamiento a la patología, Trastornos Bipolares, de lospacientes seleccionados.Introducción: Tras valorar las necesidades personales que me llevaron a seleccionar lapatología estudiada, me plantee la realización de un estudio que me permitieradesarrollar una intervención enfermera dirigida al afrontamiento de ésta nuevasituación de vida en personas a las que se le había diagnosticado.Métodos: Diseño cualitativo a través de un grupo de participantes diagnosticados de trastornobipolar que muestran un afrontamiento inefectivo de la nueva situación de salud. Seprocederá a realizar una encuesta a cada uno de los participantes para poder conocer aquellostemas que más les preocupan, aquello que les hace mantener ese afrontamiento negativo,para posteriormente realizar entrevistas individuales donde se trataran los temas clave de lasencuestas para profundizar los temas y aclarar dudas. Posteriormente a partir de aquí seanalizarán los datos y se podrán desarrollar las sesiones grupales.Participarán aproximadamente 15 personas, entre 20 y 24 años sin diferenciación entre sexos,todos ellos extraídos de la asociación ABV. Todas ellas diagnosticadas de Trastorno Bipolar conafrontamiento inefectivo. Se pedirá consentimiento informado, para la participación en elestudio, así como para algunas intervenciones como grabación de conversaciones.


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Proposit: L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar quins efectes produeix un programa d'activitat física en pacients amb trastorn bipolar de tipus II. Mètodes: Per la realització d'aquest estudi he comptat amb una mostra petita (n=14), la qual estava dividida en grup control (n=7) i grup intervenció (n=7). Es va realitzar una valoració inicial de la mostra per mitjà del Yesavage i SF-12. Posteriorment el grup intervenció va participar en 20 sessions d'activitat física (freq: 2/set). Un cop finalitzat el programa es va tornar a valorar la mostra per mitjà del Yesavage i SF-12. Resultats: Els subjectes del grup intervenció van millorar en: Estat d'ànim (Yesavage), Percepció de la pròpia salut, nivell d'energia i sentiment de tristesa i desànim. En l'estat de tranquil·litat i calma no van mostrar una gran variació. Conclusions: La pràctica d'activitat física en grup millora l'estat d'ànim, percepció de pròpia salut, redueix l'estat de tristesa i desànim i nivell d'energia.


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BACKGROUND: This study identifies a set of psychosocial difficulties that are associated with short term changes in health outcomes across a heterogeneous set of brain disorders, neurological and psychiatric. METHODS: Longitudinal observational study over approximately 12 weeks with three time points of assessment and 741 patients with depression, bipolar disorders, multiple sclerosis, parkinson's disease, migraine, traumatic brain injury and stroke. The data on disability was collected with the checklist of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. The selected health outcomes were the Short Form 36 and the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule. Multilevel models for change were applied controlling for age, gender and disease severity. RESULTS: The psychosocial difficulties that explain the variability and change over time of the selected health outcomes were energy and drive, sleep, and emotional functions, and a broad range of activities and participation domains, such as solving problems, conversation, areas of mobility and self-care, relationships, community life and recreation and leisure. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings are of interest to researchers and clinicians for interventions and health systems planning as they show that in addition to difficulties that are diagnostic criteria of these disorders, there are other difficulties that explain small changes in health outcomes over short periods of time.


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Here we report that the kinesin-5 motor Klp61F, which is known for its role in bipolar spindle formation in mitosis, is required for protein transport from the Golgi complex to the cell surface in Drosophila S2 cells. Disrupting the function of its mammalian orthologue, Eg5, in HeLa cells inhibited secretion of a protein called pancreatic adenocarcinoma up-regulated factor (PAUF) but, surprisingly, not the trafficking of vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSV-G) to the cell surface. We have previously reported that PAUF is transported from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the cell surface in specific carriers called CARTS that exclude VSV-G. Inhibition of Eg5 function did not affect the biogenesis of CARTS; however, their migration was delayed and they accumulated near the Golgi complex. Altogether, our findings reveal a surprising new role of Eg5 in nonmitotic cells in the facilitation of the transport of specific carriers, CARTS, from the TGN to the cell surface.


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Process variations are a major bottleneck for digital CMOS integrated circuits manufacturability and yield. That iswhy regular techniques with different degrees of regularity are emerging as possible solutions. Our proposal is a new regular layout design technique called Via-Configurable Transistors Array (VCTA) that pushes to the limit circuit layout regularity for devices and interconnects in order to maximize regularity benefits. VCTA is predicted to perform worse than the Standard Cell approach designs for a certain technology node but it will allow the use of a future technology on an earlier time. Ourobjective is to optimize VCTA for it to be comparable to the Standard Cell design in an older technology. Simulations for the first unoptimized version of our VCTA of delay and energy consumption for a Full Adder circuit in the 90 nm technology node are presented and also the extrapolation for Carry-RippleAdders from 4 bits to 64 bits.


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N-type as well P-type top-gate microcrystalline silicon thin film transistors (TFTs) are fabricated on glass substrates at a maximum temperature of 200 °C. The active layer is an undoped μc-Si film, 200 nm thick, deposited by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor. The drain and source regions are highly phosphorus (N-type TFTs) or boron (P-type TFTs)-doped μc-films deposited by HW-CVD. The gate insulator is a silicon dioxide film deposited by RF sputtering. Al-SiO 2-N type c-Si structures using this insulator present low flat-band voltage,-0.2 V, and low density of states at the interface D it=6.4×10 10 eV -1 cm -2. High field effect mobility, 25 cm 2/V s for electrons and 1.1 cm 2/V s for holes, is obtained. These values are very high, particularly the hole mobility that was never reached previously.


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Clinical trials today are conducted in multiple countries to enhance patient recruitment and improve efficiency of trials. However, the demographic and cultural diversity may contribute to variations in study outcomes. Here we conducted post-hoc analyses for a placebo-controlled study with ziprasidone and haloperidol for the treatment of acute mania to address the demographic, dosing, and outcome disparities in India, Russia and the USA. We compared the baseline characteristics, outcomes and discontinuations in patients and explored the relationship between the outcome measures across these countries. We found substantial differences in baseline characteristics of subjects, administered dosage and disease severity in India compared to the USA and Russia. Conversely, US subjects had a higher placebo response compared to subjects in Russia and India. These results are probably due to demographic differences in patient populations and psychiatric clinical practice across countries. While we offer initial ideas to address the disparities identified in this analysis, it is clear that further research to improve our understanding of geographical differences is essential to ensure globally applicable results for clinical trials in psychiatry.


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This paper deals with the structural properties of a-Si:H/a-Si1-xCx: H multilayers deposited by glow-discharge decomposition of SiH4 and SiH4 and CH4 mixtures. The main feature of the rf plasma reactor is an automated substrate holder. The plasma stabilization time and its influence on the multilayer obtained is discussed. A series of a-Si:H/a-Si1-xCx: H multilayers has been deposited and characterized by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). No asymmetry between the two types of interface has been observed. The results show that the multilayers present a very good periodicity and low roughness. The difficulty of determining the abruptness of the multilayer at the nanometer scale is discussed.


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Dual diagnosis (DD) is the co-occurrence, in the same person, of a mental disorder (MD) and a substance use disorder (SUD). Nowadays, the study of the personality with DD is realized mainly from a categorical view, focusing on the detection of personality disorders and not on the traits associated to DD and the possible differential profile compared to those patients with only MD or SUD. Studies analyzing personality traits of patients with DD and their possible differential profile are very limited. However, existing data indicates that DD patients show higher levels of Sensation Seeking, Impulsivity, Harm Avoidance and Neuroticism; and lower levels of Persistence, Self-Direction, Self-Transcendence and Cooperation. Therefore, DD is associated to personality characteristics that suggest more disruptive behaviors, fewer resources for recovering and keeping abstinent and worse prognosis compared to those with only one disorder. Progress in the characterization of personality traits in DD, taking into consideration the methodological aspects to be improved could allow better adaptation of the integrated treatment of these patients in the future.


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Deletions in the 2p16.3 region that includes the neurexin (NRXN1) gene are associated with intellectual disability and various psychiatric disorders, in particular, autism and schizophrenia. We present three unrelated patients, two adults and one child, in whom we identified an intragenic 2p16.3 deletion within the NRXN1 gene using an oligonucleotide comparative genomic hybridization array. The three patients presented dual diagnosis that consisted of mild intellectual disability and autism and bipolar disorder. Also, they all shared a dysmorphic phenotype characterized by a long face, deep set eyes, and prominent premaxilla. Genetic analysis of family members showed two inherited deletions. A comprehensive neuropsychological examination of the 2p16.3 deletion carriers revealed the same phenotype, characterized by anxiety disorder, borderline intelligence, and dysexecutive syndrome. The cognitive pattern of dysexecutive syndrome with poor working memory and reduced attention switching, mental flexibility, and verbal fluency was the same than those of the adult probands. We suggest that in addition to intellectual disability and psychiatric disease, NRXN1 deletion is a risk factor for a characteristic cognitive and dysmorphic profile. The new cognitive phenotype found in the 2p16.3 deletion carriers suggests that 2p16.3 deletions might have a wide variable expressivity instead of incomplete penetrance


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Massive protostars have associated bipolar outflows with velocities of hundreds of km s-1. Such outflows can produce strong shocks when they interact with the ambient medium leading to regions of nonthermal radio emission. Aims. We aim at exploring under which conditions relativistic particles are accelerated at the terminal shocks of the protostellar jets and whether they can produce significant gamma-ray emission. Methods. We estimate the conditions necessary for particle acceleration up to very high energies and gamma-ray production in the nonthermal hot spots of jets associated with massive protostars embedded in dense molecular clouds. Results. We show that relativistic bremsstrahlung and proton-proton collisions can make molecular clouds with massive young stellar objects detectable by the Fermi satellite at MeV-GeV energies and by Cherenkov telescope arrays in the GeV-TeV range. Conclusions. Gamma-ray astronomy can be used to probe the physical conditions in star-forming regions and particle acceleration processes in the complex environment of massive molecular clouds.