102 resultados para Urban VI, Pope, 1318-1389.


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The current state of regional and urban science has been much discussed and a number of studies have speculated on possible future trends in the development of the discipline. However, there has been little empirical analysis of current publication patterns in regional and urban journals. This paper studies the kinds of topics, techniques and data used in articles published in nine top international journals during the 1990s with the aim of identifying current trends in this research field


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In this paper we analyse some of the organisational aspects of the urban solid waste collection and, in particular, the privatization modality of contracting out. We start by discussing some of the theoretical aspects of contracting out. We then specify and estimate an explanatory model on a sample of municipalities that we surveyed. Our purpose is twofold: on the one hand, we identify the economic factors at work when deciding to contract out the service and, on the other hand, we analyse the role of ideological factors in choosing between the public production of the service or contracting it out. The results show a significant effect of the demand for waste collection on contracting out. There also appears to be a neighbouring effect as the municipalities close to other cities that contract out are also more prone to do so. Finally, the decisions to contract seem to have been motivated by pragmatic rather than ideological reasons.


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This paper examines the most productive authors, institutions and countries in regional and urban science from 1991 to 2000 using information on published articles (and pages) from a sample of widely recognized journals in this field: ARS, JUE, JRS, IJURR, IRSR, PRS, RSUE, RS and US. We also consider the relation between the country of the institution named in articles and the country in which the journal is published, in order to know if there are a home publication bias in regional and urban science. Analysis was made for the whole decade and by subperiods, this allowed us to make a more dynamic interpretation of the results


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The current state of regional and urban science has been much discussed and a number of studies have speculated on possible future trends in the development of the discipline. However, there has been little empirical analysis of current publication patterns in regional and urban journals. This paper studies the kinds of topics, techniques and data used in articles published in nine top international journals during the 1990s with the aim of identifying current trends in this research field


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The scene from Callirnachus' H. VI in which Derneter, under the appearance of her arateira Nicippa, curses Erisichthon rnay be related to the arai of Cnidos. On the other hand, Euphorio fr. 8 Powell can be understood better in the light of the curses of Cnidos, where the culprit's name is not rnentioned ut rhe first stage; a similar interpretation can be applied to Ovid's Ibis 7-10, which was probably inspired on Euphorio


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In this paper we analyse some of the organisational aspects of the urban solid waste collection and, in particular, the privatization modality of contracting out. We start by discussing some of the theoretical aspects of contracting out. We then specify and estimate an explanatory model on a sample of municipalities that we surveyed. Our purpose is twofold: on the one hand, we identify the economic factors at work when deciding to contract out the service and, on the other hand, we analyse the role of ideological factors in choosing between the public production of the service or contracting it out. The results show a significant effect of the demand for waste collection on contracting out. There also appears to be a neighbouring effect as the municipalities close to other cities that contract out are also more prone to do so. Finally, the decisions to contract seem to have been motivated by pragmatic rather than ideological reasons.


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La serie editada por la Universidad de Murcia, especializada en trabajos sobre la antigüedad tardía y cristianismo, publica este nuevo libro que aborda la presencia de Bizancio en Hispania. Se trata de un tema de larga trayectoria historiográfica en la investigación histórica en España, que desde el estudio de M. Vallejo Girvés en 1993 se ha visto renovado y enriquecido con nuevas líneas interpretativas que persiguen la contextualización de las referencias aportadas por las fuentes escritas y, al mismo tiempo, la ampliación de las perspectivas de estudio con diversos argumentos de análisis, como es la discusión abierta en torno al componente social del proceso.


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La legislación hispana de los siglos VI y VII (tanto la civil como la canónica) nos ofrece múltiples ejemplos relativos a la pervivencia de supersticiones y prácticas idolátricas. Las leyes visigodas pertinentes atañen principalmente a la toma de augurios y al uso de la magia, ambas consideradas perniciosas y castigadas severamente. Por su parte, los cánones eclesiásticos, aunque también regularon la cuestión de los augurios y de la magia, dedicaron casi toda su atención al problema de la herencia del paganismo (algo que no observamos en la legislación civil). El análisis de las fuentes narrativas contemporáneas nos permite comprobar que éste era un problema real y cotidiano y que su inclusión en los códigos legislativos no respondía a una mera necesidad de llenar lo que podría haber supuesto un vacío legal.


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Les ceràmiques gregues, sobretot atiques, s' estudien des del punt de vista tipologic i decoratiu, pero també atenent a les categories funcionals i a la posició d'aquests materials dins el conjunt de cerarruques fines i dins del conjunt de ceramiques d'importació. Es condou l'existencia d'una facies original, pero vinculada, per diferents raons, amb la de la Iberia centre-meridional i amb la de l'area hel·lenitzant del golf del Lleó.


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Análisis de la problemática de la producción de excedentes cerealísticos en el ámbito de la Cultura Ibérica del NE. peninsular, así como de su posterior comercialización, a través de Emporion y Massalia, hacia los mercados del Mediterráneo central y el Atica. El estudio se basa en la comparación de la información proporcionada por las fuentes clásicas, con la obtenida mediante modelos teóricos de productividad.


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Como en anteriores trabajos de esta serie, se reunen en el presente cierto número de datos inéditos sobre especies observadas en recolecciones un tanto esporádicas. La representación de las desmidiales y de las rodofíceas en las tierras bajas de Cataluña es pobre; en conjunto, en la siguiente enumeración no figuran más que ochenta y cuatro nombres.


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Urban Regeneration. A challenge for Public Art, supposed the start of a trend of critical thought related to the topics of Public Art, Urban Regeneration and Urban Design. This trend agglutinated around the Public Art Observatory that, still today, develops its activities.The book gathers a series of critical proposals organized in the chapters " Art and Design in/for Public Space ", " Forms and Representations of Public Art/Public Space. The Producer/User Dilemma " and " Public Art / Cities in Competition: Strategies, Bridges and Gateways ", with the participation of, among others, Sergi Valera, Ray Smith, Martí Peran, Ian Rawlinson, Chaké Matosian, Enric Pol, J. Hyatt, J. Gingell or T. Bovaird.


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La necròpolis protohistòrica de Milmanda (Vimbodí, Conca de Barberà, Tarragonès). Un exemple del món funerari català durant el trànsit entre els segles VII i VI aC és una monografia que documenta els materials que es van trobar en aquest jaciment i els posa en el context del món funerari del període ibèric antic a Catalunya.