129 resultados para Surface evanescent waves


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We analyze how the spatial localization properties of pairing correlations are changing in a major neutron shell of heavy nuclei. It is shown that the radial distribution of the pairing density depends strongly on whether the chemical potential is close to a low or a high angular momentum level and has little sensitivity to whether the pairing force acts at the surface or in the bulk. The pairing density averaged over one major shell is, however, rather flat, exhibiting little dependence on the pairing force. Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations for the isotopic chain 100-132Sn are presented for demonstration purposes.


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We comment on a recent paper by Uma Maheswari et al. in which it is claimed that quantal calculations of the half-infinite nuclear matter, in contrast to semiclassical approximations, exhibit an unusually strong dependence of the 90%10% surface thickness of the density profile on the Fermi momentum kF at saturation. This conclusion was carried over to the surface incompressibility. On the contrary we find essential agreement between semiclassical and quantal results and very weak dependence on kF of the quantities in question.


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We have studied the growth of interfaces in driven diffusive systems well below the critical temperature by means of Monte Carlo simulations. We consider the region beyond the linear regime and of large values of the external field which has not been explored before. The simulations support the existence of interfacial traveling waves when asymmetry is introduced in the model, a result previously predicted by a linear-stability analysis. Furthermore, the generalization of the Gibbs-Thomson relation is discussed. The results provide evidence that the external field is a stabilizing effect which can be considered as effectively increasing the surface tension.


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A Comment on the Letter by Mark Mineev-Weinstein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2113 (1998). The authors of the Letter offer a Reply.


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Spiral chemical waves subjected to a spatiotemporal random excitability are experimentally and numerically investigated in relation to the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. Brownian motion is identified and characterized by an effective diffusion coefficient which shows a rather complex dependence on the time and length scales of the noise relative to those of the spiral. A kinematically based model is proposed whose results are in good qualitative agreement with experiments and numerics.


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We show that small amounts of 3He atoms, added to a 4He drop deposited on a flat cesium surface at zero temperature, populate bound states localized at the contact line. These edge states show up for drops large enough to develop well defined surface and bulk regions together with a contact line, and they are structurally different from the well-known Andreev states that appear at the free surface and at the liquid-solid interface of films. We illustrate the one-body density of 3He in a drop with 1000 4He atoms, and show that for a sufficiently large number of impurities the density profiles spread beyond the edge, coating both the curved drop surface and its flat base and eventually isolating it from the substrate.


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We present a numerical study of classical particles diffusing on a solid surface. The particles motion is modeled by an underdamped Langevin equation with ordinary thermal noise. The particle-surface interaction is described by a periodic or a random two-dimensional potential. The model leads to a rich variety of different transport regimes, some of which correspond to anomalous diffusion such as has recently been observed in experiments and Monte Carlo simulations. We show that this anomalous behavior is controlled by the friction coefficient and stress that it emerges naturally in a system described by ordinary canonical Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics.


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We study the singular effects of vanishingly small surface tension on the dynamics of finger competition in the Saffman-Taylor problem, using the asymptotic techniques described by Tanveer [Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 343, 155 (1993)] and Siegel and Tanveer [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 419 (1996)], as well as direct numerical computation, following the numerical scheme of Hou, Lowengrub, and Shelley [J. Comput. Phys. 114, 312 (1994)]. We demonstrate the dramatic effects of small surface tension on the late time evolution of two-finger configurations with respect to exact (nonsingular) zero-surface-tension solutions. The effect is present even when the relevant zero-surface-tension solution has asymptotic behavior consistent with selection theory. Such singular effects, therefore, cannot be traced back to steady state selection theory, and imply a drastic global change in the structure of phase-space flow. They can be interpreted in the framework of a recently introduced dynamical solvability scenario according to which surface tension unfolds the structurally unstable flow, restoring the hyperbolicity of multifinger fixed points.


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A semiclassical coupled-wave theory is developed for TE waves in one-dimensional periodic structures. The theory is used to calculate the bandwidths and reflection/transmission characteristics of such structures, as functions of the incident wave frequency. The results are in good agreement with exact numerical simulations for an arbitrary angle of incidence and for any achievable refractive index contrast on a period of the structure.


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We show that time-dependent couplings may lead to nontrivial scaling properties of the surface fluctuations of the asymptotic regime in nonequilibrium kinetic roughening models. Three typical situations are studied. In the case of a crossover between two different rough regimes, the time-dependent coupling may result in anomalous scaling for scales above the crossover length. In a different setting, for a crossover from a rough to either a flat or damping regime, the time-dependent crossover length may conspire to produce a rough surface, although the most relevant term tends to flatten the surface. In addition, our analysis sheds light into an existing debate in the problem of spontaneous imbibition, where time-dependent couplings naturally arise in theoretical models and experiments.


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A simple model for a dimer molecular diffusion on a crystalline surface, as a function of temperature, is presented. The dimer is formed by two particles coupled by a quadratic potential. The dimer diffusion is modeled by an overdamped Langevin equation in the presence of a two-dimensional periodic potential. Numerical simulation¿s results exhibit some dynamical properties observed, for example, in Si2 diffusion on a silicon [100] surface. They can be used to predict the value of the effective friction parameter. Comparison between our model and experimental measurements is presented.


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We study the minimal class of exact solutions of the Saffman-Taylor problem with zero surface tension, which contains the physical fixed points of the regularized (nonzero surface tension) problem. New fixed points are found and the basin of attraction of the Saffman-Taylor finger is determined within that class. Specific features of the physics of finger competition are identified and quantitatively defined, which are absent in the zero surface tension case. This has dramatic consequences for the long-time asymptotics, revealing a fundamental role of surface tension in the dynamics of the problem. A multifinger extension of microscopic solvability theory is proposed to elucidate the interplay between finger widths, screening and surface tension.