58 resultados para Port systemic shunt


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[cat]El present treball ofereix una revisió de les pintures murals de la basílica de «Es Cap des Port» (Fornells, Menorca), així com un estudi de caracterització arqueomètrica deIs materials i tècniques per microscòpia òptica, tant amb lupa binocular com amb microscopi petrogràfic mitjançant làmina prima, difracció de raigs X i microscòpia electrònica de rastreig. Els resultats han permès identificar els pigments emprats, així com la seva tècnica d'aplicació. Igualment, han permès caracteritzar els morters i han desvelat l' existència de dos tipus diferents de suport. Malgrat aquestes diferències en els morters, els pigments són sempre els mateixos per a tots els conjunts pictòrics caracteritzats [eng] The present paper offers a revision of the wall paintings found at the early Christian church of 'Es Cap des Port' (Fornells, Menorca). Moreover, the materials and techniques employed have been archaeometrically studied by means of optical microscopy, both with steromicroscope and petrographic microscope by thin section, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results enable to identify the pigments used, as well as the techniques of application. It has also been possible to characterize the mortars, revealing the existence of two different types of support. In spite of these differences in the mortars, the pigments used are the same ones for all the studied wall paintings


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This article examines the determinants of traffic volumes and the revenues per tonne generated by Spain’s port authorities. The interest of the study lies on the strong differences between port authorities in a context of strict regulation but that provides some scope for price competition. We find that port charges influence the amount of traffic that a port is able to generate. Furthermore, we find clear evidence of local price competition and report mixed results for global competition. Revenues per tonne are higher in ports operating more international regular lines and with multinational terminal operators, while they are lower in ports with nearby competing facilities and where the market share of the dominant shipping firm is high.


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En aquest estudi es planteja l’existència d’un port romà a Barcino (Barcelona), tot intentant esbrinar la seva ubicació i la relació amb el nucli urbà de la ciutat. S’estudia també el paper del praefectus orae maritimae laeetanae, magistrat documentat en una inscripció de Tarragona, en relació amb aquest port.


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Background: The DNA repair protein O6-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) confers resistance to alkylating agents. Several methods have been applied to its analysis, with methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP) the most commonly used for promoter methylation study, while immunohistochemistry (IHC) has become the most frequently used for the detection of MGMT protein expression. Agreement on the best and most reliable technique for evaluating MGMT status remains unsettled. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the correlation between IHC and MSP. Methods A computer-aided search of MEDLINE (1950-October 2009), EBSCO (1966-October 2009) and EMBASE (1974-October 2009) was performed for relevant publications. Studies meeting inclusion criteria were those comparing MGMT protein expression by IHC with MGMT promoter methylation by MSP in the same cohort of patients. Methodological quality was assessed by using the QUADAS and STARD instruments. Previously published guidelines were followed for meta-analysis performance. Results Of 254 studies identified as eligible for full-text review, 52 (20.5%) met the inclusion criteria. The review showed that results of MGMT protein expression by IHC are not in close agreement with those obtained with MSP. Moreover, type of tumour (primary brain tumour vs others) was an independent covariate of accuracy estimates in the meta-regression analysis beyond the cut-off value. Conclusions Protein expression assessed by IHC alone fails to reflect the promoter methylation status of MGMT. Thus, in attempts at clinical diagnosis the two methods seem to select different groups of patients and should not be used interchangeably.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Kyotorphin (KTP; L-Tyr-L-Arg), an endogenous neuropeptide, is potently analgesic when delivered directly to the central nervous system. Its weak analgesic effects after systemic administration have been explained by inability to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and detract from the possible clinical use of KTP as an analgesic. In this study, we aimed to increase the lipophilicity of KTP by amidation and to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of a new KTP derivative (KTP-amide - KTP-NH 2). EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH We synthesized KTP-NH 2. This peptide was given systemically to assess its ability to cross the BBB. A wide range of pain models, including acute, sustained and chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain, were used to characterize analgesic efficacies of KTP-NH 2. Binding to opioid receptors and toxicity were also measured. KEY RESULTS KTP-NH 2, unlike its precursor KTP, was lipophilic and highly analgesic following systemic administration in several acute and chronic pain models, without inducing toxic effects or affecting motor responses and blood pressure. Binding to opioid receptors was minimal. KTP-NH 2 inhibited nociceptive responses of spinal neurons. Its analgesic effects were prevented by intrathecal or i.p. administration of naloxone. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Amidation allowed KTP to show good analgesic ability after systemic delivery in acute and chronic pain models. The indirect opioid-mediated actions of KTP-NH 2 may explain why this compound retained its analgesic effects although the usual side effects of opioids were absent, which is a desired feature in next-generation pain medications


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This paper intends to elaborate the relationship between Kelly's Personal Construct Theory (PCT) and the systemic therapies beyond their notable similarities. Kelly's constructive alternativism is situated in the context of the current constructivist orientation that the family therapy movement seems to be adopting. A model of change is presented based on PCT's experience cycle. From this cycle, the relationship between behaviors and constructions is elaborated incorporating Procter's (52, 53) notions of the Family Construct System (FCS) andposition. This model allows for interventions both at behavioral and construction levels, as well as allowing for a certain technical eclecticism while, at the same time, retaining a strong theoretical coherence. This approach is discussed in the context of the debate about strategizing, power, and control held by authors such as Golann, Hoffman, and Tomm. Finally, some implications for research are outlined.


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El pasado 15 de mayo de 2010, realizamos un acto de recordatorio y de homenaje, de amigos y amigas, de personas que lo valorábamos y respetábamos, de educadores y educadoras sociales que nos consideramos sus discípulos, de Toni Julià, que había muerto hacía unos meses, a comienzos del verano de 2009. Y lo hicimos en el espacio emblemático que en 1977 ocupaba 'el Asilo del Port' del ayuntamiento de Barcelona y que ahora ocupa, en parte, la escuela Bàrkeno. El Asilo del Port, nombre con el que era conocido en los años 70 por los vecinos del Barrio de la Marina del Prat Vermell, estaba situado en la calle Cisell, en lo que había sido, hasta su anexión a Barcelona,"la Marina" del municipio de Sants (3). Era un centro-institución municipal de muy larga trayectoria, entre los de la Beneficencia de la ciudad de Barcelona. Y en 1977 actuó como base de operaciones logística del nacimiento de los 'Colectivos Infantiles del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona', experiencia pionera en el proceso de renovación de la acción socioeducativa con la infancia del inicio de la democracia en España. (4) En este artículo queremos ofrecer algunos elementos que nos ayuden a ubicar, dentro de la historia de la acción social de la ciudad de Barcelona, las diferentes funciones y el recorrido de esta institución, el Asilo del Port. Y de paso, rescatar alguna anécdota relacionada con Toni Julià.


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La present memòria es planteja com una aportació a la comprensió de les últimes dos dècades de relacions comercials amb la Xina des del port de València, en fase d'integració amb el de Sagunt i Gandia, i el seu hinterland constituït a més de pel País Valencià per una àrea que abasta tota la zona est i central de la Península Ibèrica. La Xina és el país protagonista d'entre les economies emergents en l'actualitat, així l'estudi analitza, des d'una perspectiva eminentment valenciana, quins són els principals intercanvis de mercaderies entre València Port i els principals ports de la Xina.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) predominantly affects young women in their 20s. In 40 out of 250 (16%) patients with SLE seen in our hospital disease onset occurred after the age of 50. The interval between the time of onset and diagnosis was five years in this older group compared with three years in the younger group. Arthritis, as a first symptom, was less common in the older onset group. During the follow up a lower incidence of arthritis, malar rash, photosensitivity, and nephropathy was found in the older onset group. In contrast, this group showed an increased incidence of myositis. High titres of anti-dsDNA tended to occur less often and the incidence of anti-Ro antibodies was lower in the older onset group. These features seem to distinguish patients with older onset SLE as a particular subset.


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A prospective study of IgG and IgM isotypes of anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL) in a series of 100 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus was carried out. To determine the normal range of both isotype titres a group of 100 normal control serum samples was studied and a log-normal distribution of IgG and IgM isotypes was found. The IgG anticardiolipin antibody serum was regarded as positive if a binding index greater than 2.85 (SD 3.77) was detected and a binding index greater than 4.07 (3.90) was defined as positive for IgM anticardiolipin antibody. Twenty four patients were positive for IgG aCL, 20 for IgM aCL, and 36 for IgG or IgM aCL, or both. IgG aCL were found to have a significant association with thrombosis and thrombocytopenia, and IgM aCL with haemolytic anaemia and neutropenia. Specificity and predictive value for these clinical manifestations increased at moderate and high anticardiolipin antibody titres. In addition, a significant association was found between aCL and the presence of lupus anticoagulant. Identification of these differences in the anticardiolipin antibody isotype associations may improve the clinical usefulness of these tests, and this study confirms the good specificity and predictive value of the anticardiolipin antibody titre for these clinical manifestations.


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A prospective two dimensional and Doppler echocardiographic study of 70 consecutive patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 40 controls was carried out. Forty patients (57%) were found to have echocardiographic disturbance. Valvular abnormalities were detected in 31 patients (44%) and in only two controls (5%). Mitral valve abnormalities were the most common findings (23/70 (33%)) with mild or moderate regurgitation the most frequent lesion (16% and 9% respectively). Three patients (4%) had a morphological echocardiographic pattern suggestive of non-infective verrucous vegetations affecting the mitral valve. No patient had haemodynamically significant clinical valve disease. Pericardial effusion was identified in 19 patients (27%), of whom 14 had mild and clinically silent disease. Myocardial abnormalities were found in 14 patients (20%), but clinical features of myocardial dysfunction were present in only one. Patients with antiphospholipid antibodies were found to have an increased prevalence of endocardial lesions, mainly valvular regurgitation. It is concluded that the inclusion of echocardiography in a study protocol of patients with SLE can identify an important subset of patients with cardiac abnormalities, many of which are clinically silent. In addition, the association of antiphospholipid antibodies with endocardial lesions suggests that these antibodies may have a prominent role in the pathogenetic mechanisms of heart valve disease in SLE.


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Although systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has traditionally been considered a disease of women, men may also be affected. Thirty of 261 patients (12%) with SLE seen in this hospital were men. Arthritis was less common as a first symptom in the men, although this group of patients had discoid lesions and serositis more often than the women. During the follow up a lower incidence of arthritis and malar rash and a higher incidence of other skin complications including discoid lesions and subcutaneous lupus erythematosus was found in the men. The incidence of nephropathy, neurological disease, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, and serositis, was similar in the two groups. No significant immunological differences were found between men and women. These features indicate that several gender associated clinical differences may be present in patients with SLE.


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A prospective two dimensional and Doppler echocardiographic study of 70 consecutive patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 40 controls was carried out. Forty patients (57%) were found to have echocardiographic disturbance. Valvular abnormalities were detected in 31 patients (44%) and in only two controls (5%). Mitral valve abnormalities were the most common findings (23/70 (33%)) with mild or moderate regurgitation the most frequent lesion (16% and 9% respectively). Three patients (4%) had a morphological echocardiographic pattern suggestive of non-infective verrucous vegetations affecting the mitral valve. No patient had haemodynamically significant clinical valve disease. Pericardial effusion was identified in 19 patients (27%), of whom 14 had mild and clinically silent disease. Myocardial abnormalities were found in 14 patients (20%), but clinical features of myocardial dysfunction were present in only one. Patients with antiphospholipid antibodies were found to have an increased prevalence of endocardial lesions, mainly valvular regurgitation. It is concluded that the inclusion of echocardiography in a study protocol of patients with SLE can identify an important subset of patients with cardiac abnormalities, many of which are clinically silent. In addition, the association of antiphospholipid antibodies with endocardial lesions suggests that these antibodies may have a prominent role in the pathogenetic mechanisms of heart valve disease in SLE.