81 resultados para Playing cards


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Multiobjective matrix games have been traditionally analyzed from two different points of view: equiibrium concepts and security strategies. This paper is based upon the idea that both players try to reach equilibrium points playing pairs of security strategies, as it happens in scalar matrix games. We show conditions guaranteeing the existence of equilibria in security strategies, named security equilibria


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Background: The trithorax group (trxG) and Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are responsible for the maintenance of stable transcriptional patterns of many developmental regulators. They bind to specific regions of DNA and direct the post-translational modifications of histones, playing a role in the dynamics of chromatin structure.Results: We have performed genome-wide expression studies of trx and ash2 mutants in Drosophila melanogaster. Using computational analysis of our microarray data, we have identified 25 clusters of genes potentially regulated by TRX. Most of these clusters consist of genes that encode structural proteins involved in cuticle formation. This organization appears to be a distinctive feature of the regulatory networks of TRX and other chromatin regulators, since we have observed the same arrangement in clusters after experiments performed with ASH2, as well as in experiments performed by others with NURF, dMyc, and ASH1. We have also found many of these clusters to be significantly conserved in D. simulans, D. yakuba, D. pseudoobscura and partially in Anopheles gambiae.Conclusion: The analysis of genes governed by chromatin regulators has led to the identification of clusters of functionally related genes conserved in other insect species, suggesting this chromosomal organization is biologically important. Moreover, our results indicate that TRX and other chromatin regulators may act globally on chromatin domains that contain transcriptionally co-regulated genes.


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The aim of this paper is to underline the fact that, in most contemporary philosophical debates (and somehow, issues in feminist theory are not an exception), a well-known term is playing an important role: experience. We need a cartography of the uses of experience, if we want to know what we are talking about and also if we intend to analyze and to rethink the last 25 years of ¿women studies¿, ¿gender studies¿ or ¿subaltern studies¿.


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Multiobjective matrix games have been traditionally analyzed from two different points of view: equiibrium concepts and security strategies. This paper is based upon the idea that both players try to reach equilibrium points playing pairs of security strategies, as it happens in scalar matrix games. We show conditions guaranteeing the existence of equilibria in security strategies, named security equilibria


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNA molecules playing regulatory roles by repressing translation or cleaving RNA transcripts. Although the number of verified human miRNA is still expanding, only few have been functionally described. However, emerging evidences suggest the potential involvement of altered regulation of miRNA in pathogenesis of cancers and these genes are thought to function as both tumours suppressor and oncogenes. In our study, we examined by Real-Time PCR the expression of 156 mature miRNA in colorectal cancer. The analysis by several bioinformatics algorithms of colorectal tumours and adjacent non-neoplastic tissues from patients and colorectal cancer cell lines allowed identifying a group of 13 miRNA whose expression is significantly altered in this tumor. The most significantly deregulated miRNA being miR-31, miR-96, miR-133b, miR-135b, miR-145, and miR-183. In addition, the expression level of miR-31 was correlated with the stage of CRC tumor. Our results suggest that miRNA expression profile could have relevance to the biological and clinical behavior of colorectal neoplasia.


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Logistic regression is included into the analysis techniques which are valid for observationalmethodology. However, its presence at the heart of thismethodology, and more specifically in physical activity and sports studies, is scarce. With a view to highlighting the possibilities this technique offers within the scope of observational methodology applied to physical activity and sports, an application of the logistic regression model is presented. The model is applied in the context of an observational design which aims to determine, from the analysis of use of the playing area, which football discipline (7 a side football, 9 a side football or 11 a side football) is best adapted to the child"s possibilities. A multiple logistic regression model can provide an effective prognosis regarding the probability of a move being successful (reaching the opposing goal area) depending on the sector in which the move commenced and the football discipline which is being played.


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The aim of this paper is to underline the fact that, in most contemporary philosophical debates (and somehow, issues in feminist theory are not an exception), a well-known term is playing an important role: experience. We need a cartography of the uses of experience, if we want to know what we are talking about and also if we intend to analyze and to rethink the last 25 years of ¿women studies¿, ¿gender studies¿ or ¿subaltern studies¿.


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El objetivo del trabajo es determinar si el uso de un grupo de verbos es propio del español de Argentina o si, por el contrario, se extiende a otros países hispanohablantes. Para ello, se analizan el proceso de derivación verbal, la semántica y el carácter neológico de las voces.


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En los años 30 del siglo XX, mientras las primeras vanguardias artísticas recorren Europa, María Zambrano y Martin Heidegger denuncian la pérdida del lugar del arte. El arte, para Zambrano, ya no da a ver, sólo se ve como arte. Por ello, perdió la tierra, está desterrado. Para Heidegger, por su parte, muchas de las obras de arte del siglo XX no pueden establecer un mundo y producir la tierra. En ese destierro del arte nos situaremos para interrogar el papel de la música en el pensamiento de ambos filósofos


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Este proyecto es un estudio que pretende realizar una aplicación dirigida a centros deportivos, implementando a través de BIOMAX el acceso a las instalaciones utilizando tarjetas de proximidad. Además la aplicación permitirá gestionar de forma eficiente a sus socios e instalaciones. De esta manera se consigue automatizar - mejorando en tiempo y calidad -una tarea imprescindible de realizar, control de accesos de forma sencilla y con un mantenimiento fácil por parte de los usuarios que la utilicen. Para ello se utilizará un dispositivo KIMALDI que nos permitirá gestionar el control de accesos


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Segons Castelo (1999, 2009) i Ardá i Casal (2003) la fase ofensiva del futbol es divideix en la fase de progressió, en la qual es busca progressar a porteria, i en la fase de manteniment o emergència, en la qual s’assegura la possessió de la pilota. L’objectiu és analitzar si quan el davanter centre rep la pilota d’esquena a porteria, es manté amb més eficàcia la possessió jugant en progressió o en emergència durant els 5” posteriors a la recepció de la pilota per part del davanter. L’estudi és Descriptiu d’Observació Directa, en aquest s’observen i s’analitzen, a través de vídeos, 10 partits de la fase de grups de la fase final de la Eurocopa 2012, en concret els partits són dels grups A i B. Els resultats confirmen la hipòtesi inicial, ja que es manté amb més eficàcia la pilota quan aquesta es juga en emergència (71%) que no pas en progressió (54%).


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We present a framework for modeling right-hand gestures in bowed-string instrument playing, applied to violin. Nearly non-intrusive sensing techniques allow for accurate acquisition of relevant timbre-related bowing gesture parameter cues. We model the temporal contour of bow transversal velocity, bow pressing force, and bow-bridge distance as sequences of short segments, in particular B´ezier cubic curve segments. Considering different articulations, dynamics, andcontexts, a number of note classes is defined. Gesture parameter contours of a performance database are analyzed at note-level by following a predefined grammar that dictatescharacteristics of curve segment sequences for each of the classes into consideration. Based on dynamic programming, gesture parameter contour analysis provides an optimal curve parameter vector for each note. The informationpresent in such parameter vector is enough for reconstructing original gesture parameter contours with significant fidelity. From the resulting representation vectors, weconstruct a statistical model based on Gaussian mixtures, suitable for both analysis and synthesis of bowing gesture parameter contours. We show the potential of the modelby synthesizing bowing gesture parameter contours from an annotated input score. Finally, we point out promising applicationsand developments.


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Tot i que la creixent amenaça de les plantes exòtiques invasores en els espais naturals és un fet evident, aquest problema és gairebé desconegut a la Vall d'Alinyà. Es van estudiar set punts de mostreig associats a quatre tipologies d'hàbitat per esbrinar la distribució de les plantes invasores en la Vall d'Alinyà, així com canvis recents en la seva composició, abundància i en el rang de distribució a partir de fonts bibliogràfiques. Es va desenvolupar un índex per quantificar la problemàtica de les invasions de flora exòtica en els diferents hàbitats estudiats. Els focus d'invasió van resultar estar associats a zones pertorbades, nuclis de població i baixes altituds. El canvi climàtic i els canvis en els usos del sòl podrien estar jugant un paper essencial en l'aparició de noves plantes invasores i en l'increment tant de l'abundància com de la cota altitudinal dels nivells més grans d'invasió. Tot i que la problemàtica associada a les plantes invasores en la Vall d'Alinyà és generalment baixa, algunes espècies com Senecio inaequidens representen una amenaça per a l'espai, motiu pel qual es proposa un pla de gestió per a la flora invasora.


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Playing a musical instrument demands the engagement of different neural systems. Recent studies about the musician"s brain and musical training highlight that this activity requires the close interaction between motor and somatosensory systems. Moreover, neuroplastic changes have been reported in motor-related areas after short and long-term musical training. Because of its capacity to promote neuroplastic changes, music has been used in the context of stroke neurorehabilitation. The majority of patients suffering from a stroke have motor impairments, preventing them to live independently. Thus, there is an increasing demand for effective restorative interventions for neurological deficits. Music-supported Therapy (MST) has been recently developed to restore motor deficits. We report data of a selected sample of stroke patients who have been enrolled in a MST program (1 month intense music learning). Prior to and after the therapy, patients were evaluated with different behavioral motor tests. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) was applied to evaluate changes in the sensorimotor representations underlying the motor gains observed. Several parameters of excitability of the motor cortex were assessed as well as the cortical somatotopic representation of a muscle in the affected hand. Our results revealed that participants obtained significant motor improvements in the paretic hand and those changes were accompanied by changes in the excitability of the motor cortex. Thus, MST leads to neuroplastic changes in the motor cortex of stroke patients which may explain its efficacy.


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Playing a musical instrument demands the engagement of different neural systems. Recent studies about the musician"s brain and musical training highlight that this activity requires the close interaction between motor and somatosensory systems. Moreover, neuroplastic changes have been reported in motor-related areas after short and long-term musical training. Because of its capacity to promote neuroplastic changes, music has been used in the context of stroke neurorehabilitation. The majority of patients suffering from a stroke have motor impairments, preventing them to live independently. Thus, there is an increasing demand for effective restorative interventions for neurological deficits. Music-supported Therapy (MST) has been recently developed to restore motor deficits. We report data of a selected sample of stroke patients who have been enrolled in a MST program (1 month intense music learning). Prior to and after the therapy, patients were evaluated with different behavioral motor tests. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) was applied to evaluate changes in the sensorimotor representations underlying the motor gains observed. Several parameters of excitability of the motor cortex were assessed as well as the cortical somatotopic representation of a muscle in the affected hand. Our results revealed that participants obtained significant motor improvements in the paretic hand and those changes were accompanied by changes in the excitability of the motor cortex. Thus, MST leads to neuroplastic changes in the motor cortex of stroke patients which may explain its efficacy.