75 resultados para Key intervention


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Fonaments: La hipertensió és una malaltia crònica amb alta prevalença al món. Els estils de vidasaludables es relacionen directament amb aquesta patologia pel que el rol de la infermeria és clauen el desenvolupament d'eines i intervencions per millorar l'autocontrol dels pacients hipertensosmitjançant l'educació sanitària.Objectiu: És valorar l'eficàcia de les intervencions en consultes d'infermera per a l'autocontrol dela tensió arterial en pacients amb hipertensió arterial respecte al seguiment habitual d'aquestspacients en consultes mèdiques.Mètode: S'estudiaran a 34 adults hipertensos mitjançant un assaig clínic aleatoritzat en dos grupsde 17 pacients hipertensos. El grup experimental serà objecte d'unes intervencions educativessobre la hipertensió i la repercussió dels estils de vida pel control d'aquesta patologia per partd'infermeria, a més a més, d'un control rutinari mèdic. Mentre que el grup control solamentassistirà als controls rutinaris mèdics sobre la hipertensió i no rebrà intervencions infermeres. Enl'avaluació de les dades es tindran en compte les variables de la mesura de la tensió arterial, ladieta, l'exercici físic i el seguiment del tractament, a més de diferents variablessociodemogràfiques com són l'edat, el gènere i el nivell socioeconòmic. Les dades s'analitzaranmitjançant Chi Cuadrat per a les variables qualitatives, la Correlació de Pearson i la de Spearmanper a les variables quantitatives i, finalment, la T de Student per a la comparació de la mitja de lesdues mostres independents.Conclusió: Amb l'assaig clínic es pretés demostrar que les intervencions d’infermeria en consultesmilloren l'autocontrol dels pacients amb hipertensió arterial, és a dir, són eficaces.


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We use data from a randomized controlled trial conducted in 2003-2006 in rural Amhara andOromiya (Ethiopia) to study the impacts of the introduction of microfinance in treated communities. We document that borrowing increased substantially in locations where the programs started their operations, but we find mixed evidence of improvements in a number ofsocio-economic outcomes, including income from agriculture, animal husbandry, non-farm self-employment, schooling and indicators of women's empowerment.


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The enzyme HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR) has a key regulatory role in the mevalonate pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis, critical not only for normal plant development, but also for the adaptation to demanding environmental conditions. Consistent with this notion, plant HMGR is modulated by many diverse endogenous signals and external stimuli. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is involved in auxin, abscisic acid, ethylene and brassinosteroid signaling and now emerges as a positive and negative multilevel regulator of plant HMGR, both during normal growth and in response to a variety of stress conditions. The interaction with HMGR is mediated by B" regulatory subunits of PP2A, which are also calcium binding proteins. The new discoveries uncover the potential of PP2A to integrate developmental and calcium-mediated environmental signals in the control of plant HMGR.


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Background The global mortality caused by cardiovascular disease increases with weight. The Framingham study showed that obesity is a cardiovascular risk factor independent of other risks such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and smoking. Moreover, the main problem in the management of weight-loss is its maintenance, if it is achieved. We have designed a study to determine whether a group motivational intervention, together with current clinical practice, is more efficient than the latter alone in the treatment of overweight and obesity, for initial weight loss and essentially to achieve maintenance of the weight achieved; and, secondly, to know if this intervention is more effective for reducing cardiovascular risk factors associated with overweight and obesity. Methods This 26-month follow up multi-centre trial, will include 1200 overweight/obese patients. Random assignment of the intervention by Basic Health Areas (BHA): two geographically separate groups have been created, one of which receives group motivational intervention (group intervention), delivered by a nurse trained by an expert phsychologist, in 32 group sessions, 1 to 12 fortnightly, and 13 to 32, monthly, on top of their standard program of diet, exercise, and the other (control group), receiving the usual follow up, with regular visits every 3 months. Discussion By addressing currently unanswered questions regarding the maintenance in weight loss in obesity/overweight, upon the expected completion of participant follow-up in 2012, the IMOAP trial should document, for the first time, the benefits of a motivational intervention as a treatment tool of weight loss in a primary care setting.


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Background Depression is one of the more severe and serious health problems because of its morbidity, disabling effects and for its societal and economic burden. Despite the variety of existing pharmacological and psychological treatments, most of the cases evolve with only partial remission, relapse and recurrence. Cognitive models have contributed significantly to the understanding of unipolar depression and its psychological treatment. However, success is only partial and many authors affirm the need to improve those models and also the treatment programs derived from them. One of the issues that requires further elaboration is the difficulty these patients experience in responding to treatment and in maintaining therapeutic gains across time without relapse or recurrence. Our research group has been working on the notion of cognitive conflict viewed as personal dilemmas according to personal construct theory. We use a novel method for identifying those conflicts using the repertory grid technique (RGT). Preliminary results with depressive patients show that about 90% of them have one or more of those conflicts. This fact might explain the blockage and the difficult progress of these patients, especially the more severe and/or chronic. These results justify the need for specific interventions focused on the resolution of these internal conflicts. This study aims to empirically test the hypothesis that an intervention focused on the dilemma(s) specifically detected for each patient will enhance the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression. Design A therapy manual for a dilemma-focused intervention will be tested using a randomized clinical trial by comparing the outcome of two treatment conditions: combined group CBT (eight, 2-hour weekly sessions) plus individual dilemma-focused therapy (eight, 1-hour weekly sessions) and CBT alone (eight, 2-hour group weekly sessions plus eight, 1-hour individual weekly sessions). Method Participants are patients aged over 18 years meeting diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder or dysthymic disorder, with a score of 19 or above on the Beck depression inventory, second edition (BDI-II) and presenting at least one cognitive conflict (implicative dilemma or dilemmatic construct) as assessed using the RGT. The BDI-II is the primary outcome measure, collected at baseline, at the end of therapy, and at 3- and 12-month follow-up; other secondary measures are also used. Discussion We expect that adding a dilemma-focused intervention to CBT will increase the efficacy of one of the more prestigious therapies for depression, thus resulting in a significant contribution to the psychological treatment of depression. Trial registration ISRCTN92443999; ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01542957.


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Previous studies have reported that a diet containing 10% cocoa, a rich source of flavonoids, has immunomodulatory effects on rats and, among others effects, is able to attenuate the immunoglobulin (Ig) synthesis in both systemic and intestinal compartments. The purpose of the present study was focused on investigating whether these effects were attributed exclusively to the flavonoid content or to other compounds present in cocoa. To this end, eight-week-old Lewis rats were fed, for two weeks, either a standard diet or three isoenergetic diets containing increasing proportions of cocoa flavonoids from different sources: one with 0.2% polyphenols from conventional defatted cocoa, and two others with 0.4% and 0.8% polyphenols, respectively, from non-fermented cocoa. Diet intake and body weight were monitored and fecal samples were obtained throughout the study to determine fecal pH, IgA, bacteria proportions, and IgA-coated bacteria. Moreover, IgG and IgM concentrations in serum samples collected during the study were quantified. At the end of the dietary intervention no clear changes of serum IgG or IgM concentrations were quantified, showing few effects of cocoa polyphenol diets at the systemic level. However, in the intestine, all cocoa polyphenol-enriched diets attenuated the age-related increase of both fecal IgA and IgA-coated bacteria, as well as the proportion of bacteria in feces. As these effects were not dependent on the dose of polyphenol present in the diets, other compounds and/or the precise polyphenol composition present in cocoa raw material used for the diets could be key factors in this effect.


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Executive report of the adaptation study "Needs assessment and design of the intervention for high risk sex offenders social reintegration: Adaptation of the Circles of Support and Accountability to the Penal Enforcement System of Catalonia".


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La informació biomètrica s'ha convertit en una tecnologia complementària a la criptografia que permet administrar còmodament les dades criptogràfiques. Són útils dues necessitats importants: en primer lloc, posar aquestes dades sempre a mà i, a més, fent fàcilment identificable el seu legítim propietari. En aquest article es proposa un sistema que integra la signatura biomètrica de reconeixement facial amb un esquema de signatura basat en la identitat, de manera que la cara de l'usuari esdevé la seva clau pública i la ID del sistema. D'aquesta manera, altres usuaris poden verificar els missatges utilitzant fotos del remitent, proporcionant un intercanvi raonable entre la seguretat del sistema i la usabilitat, així com una manera molt més senzilla d'autenticar claus públiques i processos de distribució.


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En una economia basada en el coneixement, la innovació del producte es considera un factor clau a l'hora de determinar la competitivitat, la productivitat i el creixement d'una companyia. No obstant això, l'experiència de les companyies demostra la necessitat d'un nou model de gestió de la innovació del producte: una gestió basada en el màrqueting, en què la cooperació i l'ús intensiu de les tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació (TIC) són especialment importants. En els darrers anys, la bibliografia sobre màrqueting ha analitzat el paper de la cooperació en l'èxit del procés d'innovació. No obstant això, fins ara pocs treballs han estudiat el paper que té l'ús de les TIC en el màrqueting en l'èxit del desenvolupament de nous productes (NPD, New Product Development en anglès). És una omissió curiosa, tenint en compte que el nou entorn competitiu és definit per una economia i una societat basades principalment en l'ús intensiu de les TIC i del coneixement. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és investigar el paper que l'ús de les TIC en el màrqueting té en el procés de desenvolupament de nous productes, com a element que reforça la integració d'agents al projecte, afavorint l'establiment de relacions dirigides a la cooperació i l'adquisició d'intel·ligència de mercat útil en el procés de desenvolupament de nous productes. L'estudi d'una mostra de 2.038 companyies de tots els sectors de l'activitat econòmica a Catalunya ens permet contrastar hipòtesis inicials i establir un perfil de companyia innovadora basat en les importants relacions que hi ha entre la innovació, l'ús de TIC en el màrqueting i la integració. Sobresurten dues idees en la nostra anàlisi. En primer lloc, l'ús intensiu de les TIC en el màrqueting fa que la companyia sigui més innovadora, ja que percep que el seu ús ajuda a superar barreres a la innovació i accelera els processos, que es tornen més eficients. En segon lloc, incrementant l'ús de les TIC en el màrqueting es fa augmentar la predisposició de la companyia a integrar agents particulars en l'entorn de negoci en el desenvolupament del procés d'innovació i a col·laborar-hi, de manera que es millora el grau d'adaptació del nou producte a les demandes del mercat.


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Background Depression is one of the more severe and serious health problems because of its morbidity, disabling effects and for its societal and economic burden. Despite the variety of existing pharmacological and psychological treatments, most of the cases evolve with only partial remission, relapse and recurrence. Cognitive models have contributed significantly to the understanding of unipolar depression and its psychological treatment. However, success is only partial and many authors affirm the need to improve those models and also the treatment programs derived from them. One of the issues that requires further elaboration is the difficulty these patients experience in responding to treatment and in maintaining therapeutic gains across time without relapse or recurrence. Our research group has been working on the notion of cognitive conflict viewed as personal dilemmas according to personal construct theory. We use a novel method for identifying those conflicts using the repertory grid technique (RGT). Preliminary results with depressive patients show that about 90% of them have one or more of those conflicts. This fact might explain the blockage and the difficult progress of these patients, especially the more severe and/or chronic. These results justify the need for specific interventions focused on the resolution of these internal conflicts. This study aims to empirically test the hypothesis that an intervention focused on the dilemma(s) specifically detected for each patient will enhance the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression. Design A therapy manual for a dilemma-focused intervention will be tested using a randomized clinical trial by comparing the outcome of two treatment conditions: combined group CBT (eight, 2-hour weekly sessions) plus individual dilemma-focused therapy (eight, 1-hour weekly sessions) and CBT alone (eight, 2-hour group weekly sessions plus eight, 1-hour individual weekly sessions). Method Participants are patients aged over 18 years meeting diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder or dysthymic disorder, with a score of 19 or above on the Beck depression inventory, second edition (BDI-II) and presenting at least one cognitive conflict (implicative dilemma or dilemmatic construct) as assessed using the RGT. The BDI-II is the primary outcome measure, collected at baseline, at the end of therapy, and at 3- and 12-month follow-up; other secondary measures are also used. Discussion We expect that adding a dilemma-focused intervention to CBT will increase the efficacy of one of the more prestigious therapies for depression, thus resulting in a significant contribution to the psychological treatment of depression. Trial registration ISRCTN92443999; ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01542957.


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Las metáforas son un instrumento pedagógico y terapéutico para facilitar la comunicación y comprensión de temas relacionados con la salud-enfermedad. Objetivo: Presentar las metáforas que el equipo de “Aula de Salut” ha elaborado en base a la experiencia en formación de grado, posgrado y profesionales, intervención y asesoramiento en Educación para la Salud (EpS), con el fin de reflexionar y enseñar los modelos de intervención en EpS. Método: Se ha seguido la metodología de la investigación-acción de Mac Kernan. Resultados: Se han caracterizado cuatro tipologías distintas de profesionales de la salud en función de su modelo de intervención (botijo, maceta, látigo y matrona) con sus respectivas metáforas. A través de dichas metáforas se provoca la implicación, tanto del alumno como del profesional, permitiéndoles observar y analizar sus modelos de intervención para ayudarles a comprenderlos y mejorarlos. Conclusiones: Ha resultado ser una herramienta muy útil porque abre una vía de investigación en el campo de la EpS tanto en la práctica asistencial como en la formación de los profesionales de la salud. También constituye un elemento clave de comunicación al convertirse en un modo de transmitir el mensaje de forma más efectiva y, finalmente, se alzan como una herramienta de pensamiento al transformarse en un medio para ayudar a entender nuevas ideas, conceptos y métodos.


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L’actual situació d’inestabilitat social i econòmica que viu la nostra societat ha evidenciat l’existència de grans bosses de persones que viuen en situació de marginació o exclusió social. Les polítiques socials han donat resposta a situacions concretes, però no han articulat un teixit social fort que permeti incorporar de manera efectiva la persona exclosa, ni prevenir aquests processos. Es presenta en aquest article un model d’intervenció socioeducativa anomenat Pedagogia Social Comunitària que centra la seva acció en dos objectius: la millora de la qualitat de vida i el benestar de les persones, especialment d’aquelles que es troben en situació d’exclusió social; i el foment de la cohesió social. Aquestes finalitats s’operativitzen mitjançant l’increment de la participació, l’empoderament individual i comunitari, la coresponsabilitat i la sensibilització social.


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Angiogenesis is a tightly regulated process in vertebrates that leads to the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels or by the recruitment of bone marrow-derived endothelial precursor cells[1]. During embryogenesis, after stimulation by proangiogenic factors, such as VEGF or FGF, it contributes to the maturation of the vascular plexus. In adults, it is important in some physiologic conditions, such as wound healing or the reproductive cycle in females, although most of the time it is"switched off" by endogenous inhibitors, such as endostatin or angiostatin. Furthermore, its misregulation is the cause of many pathological situations, as it contributes to tumor development[2], diabetic retinopathy[3], rheumatoid arthritis[4], psoriasis[5], but also cardiovascular disorders[6] and obesity[7]


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The international scientific community points to the need to include contents on prevention and early detection of gender violence in initial teacher training and provides guidance to ensure their quality. Many of these studies highlight the role played by teachers in the domestic context. Scientific literature also provides guidance to train teachers in the intervention and coordination with the various professionals and stakeholders in working with children, adolescents and women. Domestic violence is a social problem and the intervention of the whole community is key for its prevention and early detection. Some schools are already promoting this model of communitarian and dialogic work.


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Background: Non-adherence to antidepressants generates higher costs for the treatment of depression. Little is known about the cost-effectiveness of pharmacist's interventions aimed at improving adherence to antidepressants. The study aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a community pharmacist intervention in comparison with usual care in depressed patients initiating treatment with antidepressants in primary care. Methods: Patients were recruited by general practitioners and randomized to community pharmacist intervention (87) that received an educational intervention and usual care (92). Adherence to antidepressants, clinical symptoms, Quality-Adjusted Life-Years (QALYs), use of healthcare services and productivity losses were measured at baseline, 3 and 6 months. Results: There were no significant differences between groups in costs or effects. From a societal perspective, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) for the community pharmacist intervention compared with usual care was 1,866 for extra adherent patient and 9,872 per extra QALY. In terms of remission of depressive symptoms, the usual care dominated the community pharmacist intervention. If willingness to pay (WTP) is 30,000 per extra adherent patient, remission of symptoms or QALYs, the probability of the community pharmacist intervention being cost-effective was 0.71, 0.46 and 0.75, respectively (societal perspective). From a healthcare perspective, the probability of the community pharmacist intervention being cost-effective in terms of adherence, QALYs and remission was of 0.71, 0.76 and 0.46, respectively, if WTP is 30,000. Conclusion: A brief community pharmacist intervention addressed to depressed patients initiating antidepressant treatment showed a probability of being cost-effective of 0.71 and 0.75 in terms of improvement of adherence and QALYs, respectively, when compared to usual care. Regular implementation of the community pharmacist intervention is not recommended.