154 resultados para Joaquim Sapinho


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The objective was to evaluate the effect of ZnO-Functionalised-Sepiolite (ZnO-Sepiolite) to fulfil Zn requirements and health status of weaning piglets. Pre-starter Basal Diet (BD, corn– soybean based, from weaning till 14 days on trial) was calculated to provide 27 mg Zn/kg feed from raw materials and had no added ZnO and no antibiotics or organic acids. Treatments during pre-starter period were: 1) BD+90% of NRC Zn requirements completed with ZnO (ZnO90); 2) BD+90% of NRC Zn requirements completed with ZnO-Sepiolite (ZnOS90); 3) BD+3000 mg ZnO/kg of diet (ZnO3000); 4) BD+150 mg added Zn/kg diet from ZnO-Sepiolite (ZnOS150). The starter feed (corn–soybean based, from 14 till 31 days on trial) was common for all piglets, and met 90% NRC Zn requirements by adding ZnO. Diarrhea affected more than 50% of the animals of ZnO90, ZnOS90 and ZnOS150, and 33% of the ZnO3000 animals. Animals from ZnOS90 tended (Pb0.10) to improve Gain to Feed ratio (G:F) compared to animals from ZnO90 (0.830 kg/kg vs. 0.811 kg/kg for G:F). Performance of animals from ZnO3000 was not significantly different from the other treatments, and was numerically similar to animals from ZnOS90. The inclusion of ZnO at 3000 mg/kg of feed in the pre-starter period numerically decreased P in serum at the end of this period, with no effect on Ca level; normal levels were restored after 2 weeks of feeding the same levels of Zn than other animals. Animals fed ZnOSepiolite diets had numerically higher serum Ca than ZnO90 and ZnO3000 at 12 days and higher than ZnO90 at 28 days. Serum Zn levels were significantly higher for ZnO3000 than the other treatments.


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Two experiments were performed to determine the best strategy of use of the product TRACTcare® 4P (ITPSA) (TC, specific immunoglobulin-rich egg yolk powder within an energetic fatty acid matrix) in piglets from weaning and for 6 weeks, in diets without or with inclusion of antibiotics. Each trial was performed with 144 piglets in 24 pens, in a completely randomized design blocked by initial body weight. Feeds were formulated according to animal requirements in two periods. In the first trial no antibiotics were included in the feeds and no room disinfection from previous trial was performed; treatments were: 1) Negative control (NC); 2) NC+TC on top of the feed within the hopper for the first 3 days on trial (30 g/pig×day), and eventually if diarrhea appeared (TCOT); 3) NC+TC ad libitum provided in an extra hopper within the pen (TCAL); and 4) NC+TC at 5 g/kg added to the feed in the mixer (TC5). In the second trial, treatments were: 1) Positive control: basal diet that included 250 mg/kg amoxiciline (BD)+100 mg/kg colistine (AC); 2) BD+2 g/kg TC (TC2A); 3) BD+5 g/kg TC (TC5A); and 4) BD+8 g/kg TC (TC8A). In diets without antibiotics, the product TC at 5 g/kg in the feed numerically improved BW by 8% compared to Control animals, while G:F was almost identical between both groups. When antibiotics were used in the feed, replacement of colistin at 100 mg/kg for TC at 2 g/kg in feed numerically improved the performance compared to Positive control animals (for the whole trial period ADG 8% better: 390 g vs. 361 g; G:F 1% better: 0.748 kg/kg vs. 0.742 kg/kg), possibly due to the stimulation of feed consumption at weaning. In both trials, the lower number of dead and culled animals from TC5 and TC2A together with higher BW represented an advantage over Control treatments of 6% to 10% animals more and 15% to 17% total BW more at the end of the trial.


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AbstractArticle StructureFigures and TablesReferences Benefits from probiotic micro-organisms have been recognised for over 100 years, and as being useful in poultry for 50 years. Fuller (1989) redefined probiotics as ‘a live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance’. Benefits derived from this improved intestinal microbial balance could be reflected in performance or prevention of pathogen colonisation. Probiotic micro-organisms use in poultry production has been widely accepted and new opportunities arose from the 2006 EU ban on antimicrobial growth promoters. The majority of microbial products for compound feeds are made up from a relatively small number of micro-organisms that are normally present in the GI tract. They include non-sporulated bacteria, sporulated bacteria, fungi or yeasts; and presented from single to multi-strain products. A review on the proposed modes of action is presented including recent approaches to quorum sensing interference


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El tema en què se situa aquest projecte és el de “música i Festa”. El cas documentat i analitzat és el de la festa de Sant Sebastià de Cadaqués (Catalunya) que es celebra el 20 de gener, principalment a l’ermita situada a la muntanya del Pení. Se n’estudien els tres elements musicals principals relacionant-los amb el tot de la festa: la missa, les sardanes i les patacades, un ball en el qual es canten sàtires. L’objectiu principal del projecte és veure si, per com es realitzen i es conceben la música i el ball, l’esdeveniment té més característiques de la Festa, entenent aquesta com un camp d’estudi divers.


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A collection of spherical obstacles in the unit ball in Euclidean space is said to be avoidable for Brownian motion if there is a positive probability that Brownian motion diffusing from some point in the ball will avoid all the obstacles and reach the boundary of the ball. The centres of the spherical obstacles are generated according to a Poisson point process while the radius of an obstacle is a deterministic function. If avoidable con gurations are generated with positive probability Lundh calls this percolation di usion. An integral condition for percolation di ffusion is derived in terms of the intensity of the point process and the function that determines the radii of the obstacles.


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Investigación producida a partir de una estancia en la Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Alemania, entre julio y septiembre del 2007. En este trabajo, se estudia la situación del crédito hipotecario en España a mediados de siglo XIX (con especial atención a Cataluña). En su desarrollo, se abordan tres cuestiones. La situación del crédito hipotecario en España a mediados de siglo XIX. La legislación hipotecaria española en el siglo XIX. En especial, se ha puesto de relieve su incapacidad para movilizar la riqueza inmueble, que sólo se solucionó con una completa reforma hipotecaria y registral. El “sistema de crédito territorial” que, ideado por el desconocido abogado catalán Joaquín Borrell y Vilá, debe considerarse como el verdadero primer paso jurídico hacia el futuro desarrollo de las instituciones de crédito hipotecario en España, aunque fue ignorado por el Gobierno y los agentes económicos.


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Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt.


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En aquest sentit, no hem d’oblidar que l’èxit o el fracàs en la selecció d’un model de prestació de serveis de seguretat avançat depèn, de manera principal, de en quina mida serem capaços d’adaptar-nos als requeriments actuals i d’anticipar-nos a la demanda futura. No tinc cap dubte que és precisament aquí on està una part de la clau de l’èxit o el fracàs de les polítiques públiques de seguretat: en l’establiment d’una sintonia fina entre els productors de serveis seguretat -i aquí entra també la seguretat privada, a més de la pública- i els receptors d’aquests serveis –la ciutadania, entesa com a ciutadans i com a entitats ciutadanes. Per a trobar l’altra part de la clau cal donar un pas més: entendre que els ciutadans i les seves entitats són –a més de receptors- productors de seguretat, d’aquí la importància capital de la qüestió de la participació ciutadana.


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Qui és Robert Spaemann?, en què consisteix l'ètica de la benevolència?, quina correlació hi ha entre la visió antropològica d'aquest filòsof i les seves propostes ètiques? El treball vol respondre aquestes i altres preguntes sobre aquest filòsof i docent, especialitzat en filosofia pràctica, que ha rebut reconeixements arreu, tot i que encara és poc conegut en el nostre país.


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Aquest treball té com a objectiu fonamental reflectir el procés d'aproximació a l'estudi de la civilització mesopotàmica antiga per mitjà d'una de les seves obres literàries més significatives, l'Epopeia de Gilgameix.


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Sistema de control i seguiment dels horaris dels consultors i les despeses associades a projectes de consultoria.


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Aquest TFC-J2EE, està basat en l'anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'un proveïdor de seguretat en un entorn distribuït. Ha consistit en dues aplicacions independents, una consumidora i l'altre servidora que es comunicaven usant el patró Façana (una façana amigable amaga el negoci i la complexitat de l'aplicació a la que es vol accedir).


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Sistema comptable per a professionals i/o treballadors autònoms que aprofita els avantatges d'una aplicació web basada en la plataforma J2EE (JSP, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT).


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In order to explain the speed of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus VSV infections, we develop a simple model that improves previous approaches to the propagation of virus infections. For VSV infections, we find that the delay time elapsed between the adsorption of a viral particle into a cell and the release of its progeny has a veryimportant effect. Moreover, this delay time makes the adsorption rate essentially irrelevant in order to predict VSV infection speeds. Numerical simulations are in agreement with the analytical results. Our model satisfactorily explains the experimentally measured speeds of VSV infections


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Es descriuen els resultats de les excavacions realitzades els anys 1991 i 1992 i els materials arqueològics trobats a la vil·la romana de la Font del Vilar, a Avinyonet de Puigventòs