56 resultados para Estimators
Image registration has been proposed as an automatic method for recovering cardiac displacement fields from Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging (tMRI) sequences. Initially performed as a set of pairwise registrations, these techniques have evolved to the use of 3D+t deformation models, requiring metrics of joint image alignment (JA). However, only linear combinations of cost functions defined with respect to the first frame have been used. In this paper, we have applied k-Nearest Neighbors Graphs (kNNG) estimators of the -entropy (H ) to measure the joint similarity between frames, and to combine the information provided by different cardiac views in an unified metric. Experiments performed on six subjects showed a significantly higher accuracy (p < 0.05) with respect to a standard pairwise alignment (PA) approach in terms of mean positional error and variance with respect to manually placed landmarks. The developed method was used to study strains in patients with myocardial infarction, showing a consistency between strain, infarction location, and coronary occlusion. This paper also presentsan interesting clinical application of graph-based metric estimators, showing their value for solving practical problems found in medical imaging.
The restricted maximum likelihood is preferred by many to the full maximumlikelihood for estimation with variance component and other randomcoefficientmodels, because the variance estimator is unbiased. It is shown that thisunbiasednessis accompanied in some balanced designs by an inflation of the meansquared error.An estimator of the cluster-level variance that is uniformly moreefficient than the fullmaximum likelihood is derived. Estimators of the variance ratio are alsostudied.
This paper analyzes the asymptotic performance of maximum likelihood (ML) channel estimation algorithms in wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) scenarios. We concentrate on systems with periodic spreading sequences (period larger than or equal to the symbol span) where the transmitted signal contains a code division multiplexed pilot for channel estimation purposes. First, the asymptotic covariances of the training-only, semi-blind conditional maximum likelihood (CML) and semi-blind Gaussian maximum likelihood (GML) channelestimators are derived. Then, these formulas are further simplified assuming randomized spreading and training sequences under the approximation of high spreading factors and high number of codes. The results provide a useful tool to describe the performance of the channel estimators as a function of basicsystem parameters such as number of codes, spreading factors, or traffic to training power ratio.
This work provides a general framework for the design of second-order blind estimators without adopting anyapproximation about the observation statistics or the a prioridistribution of the parameters. The proposed solution is obtainedminimizing the estimator variance subject to some constraints onthe estimator bias. The resulting optimal estimator is found todepend on the observation fourth-order moments that can be calculatedanalytically from the known signal model. Unfortunately,in most cases, the performance of this estimator is severely limitedby the residual bias inherent to nonlinear estimation problems.To overcome this limitation, the second-order minimum varianceunbiased estimator is deduced from the general solution by assumingaccurate prior information on the vector of parameters.This small-error approximation is adopted to design iterativeestimators or trackers. It is shown that the associated varianceconstitutes the lower bound for the variance of any unbiasedestimator based on the sample covariance matrix.The paper formulation is then applied to track the angle-of-arrival(AoA) of multiple digitally-modulated sources by means ofa uniform linear array. The optimal second-order tracker is comparedwith the classical maximum likelihood (ML) blind methodsthat are shown to be quadratic in the observed data as well. Simulationshave confirmed that the discrete nature of the transmittedsymbols can be exploited to improve considerably the discriminationof near sources in medium-to-high SNR scenarios.
This paper addresses the estimation of the code-phase(pseudorange) and the carrier-phase of the direct signal received from a direct-sequence spread-spectrum satellite transmitter. Thesignal is received by an antenna array in a scenario with interferenceand multipath propagation. These two effects are generallythe limiting error sources in most high-precision positioning applications.A new estimator of the code- and carrier-phases is derivedby using a simplified signal model and the maximum likelihood(ML) principle. The simplified model consists essentially ofgathering all signals, except for the direct one, in a component withunknown spatial correlation. The estimator exploits the knowledgeof the direction-of-arrival of the direct signal and is much simplerthan other estimators derived under more detailed signal models.Moreover, we present an iterative algorithm, that is adequate for apractical implementation and explores an interesting link betweenthe ML estimator and a hybrid beamformer. The mean squarederror and bias of the new estimator are computed for a numberof scenarios and compared with those of other methods. The presentedestimator and the hybrid beamforming outperform the existingtechniques of comparable complexity and attains, in manysituations, the Cramér–Rao lower bound of the problem at hand.
This paper analyzes the role of formalization of land property rights in the war against illicit crops in Colombia. We argue that as a consequence of the increase of state presence and visibility during the period of 2000 and 2009, municipalities with a higher level of formalization of their land property rights saw a greater reduction in the area allocated to illicit crops. We hypothesize that this is due to the increased cost of growing illicit crops on formal land compared to informal, and due to the possibility of obtaining more benets in the newly in- stalled institutional environment when land is formalized. We exploit the variation in the level of formalization of land property rights in a set of municipalities that had their rst cadastral census collected in the period of 1994-2000; this selection procedure guarantees reliable data and an unbiased source of variation. Using fixed effects estimators, we found a signicant negative relationship between the level of formalization of land property rights and the number of hectares allocated to coca crops per municipality. These results remain robust through a number of sensitivity analyses. Our ndings contribute to the growing body of evidence on the positive effects of formal land property rights, and e ective policies in the war on drugs in Colombia.
We investigate the importance of the labour mobility of inventors, as well as the scale, extent and density of their collaborative research networks, for regional innovation outcomes. To do so, we apply a knowledge production function framework at the regional level and include inventors’ networks and their labour mobility as regressors. Our empirical approach takes full account of spatial interactions by estimating a spatial lag model together, where necessary, with a spatial error model. In addition, standard errors are calculated using spatial heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent estimators to ensure their robustness in the presence of spatial error autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity of unknown form. Our results point to the existence of a robust positive correlation between intraregional labour mobility and regional innovation, whilst the relationship with networks is less clear. However, networking across regions positively correlates with a region’s innovation intensity.
With this paper we build a two-region model where both innovation and imitation are performed. In particular imitation takes the form of technological spillovers that lagging regions may exploit given certain human capital conditions. We show how the high skill content of each region’s workforce (rather than the average human capital stock) is crucial to determine convergence towards the income level of the leader region and to exploit the technological spillovers coming from the frontier. The same applies to bureaucratic/institutional quality which are conductive to higher growth in the long run. We test successfully our theoretical result over Spanish regions for the period between 1960 and 1997. We exploit system GMM estimators which allow us to correctly deal with endogeneity problems and small sample bias.
The author studies random walk estimators for radiosity with generalized absorption probabilities. That is, a path will either die or survive on a patch according to an arbitrary probability. The estimators studied so far, the infinite path length estimator and finite path length one, can be considered as particular cases. Practical applications of the random walks with generalized probabilities are given. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the variance is given, together with heuristics to be used in practical cases. The optimal probabilities are also found for the case when one is interested in the whole scene, and are equal to the reflectivities
The directional consistency and skew-symmetry statistics have been proposed as global measurements of social reciprocity. Although both measures can be useful for quantifying social reciprocity, researchers need to know whether these estimators are biased in order to assess descriptive results properly. That is, if estimators are biased, researchers should compare actual values with expected values under the specified null hypothesis. Furthermore, standard errors are needed to enable suitable assessment of discrepancies between actual and expected values. This paper aims to derive some exact and approximate expressions in order to obtain bias and standard error values for both estimators for round-robin designs, although the results can also be extended to other reciprocal designs.
Standard indirect Inference (II) estimators take a given finite-dimensional statistic, Z_{n} , and then estimate the parameters by matching the sample statistic with the model-implied population moment. We here propose a novel estimation method that utilizes all available information contained in the distribution of Z_{n} , not just its first moment. This is done by computing the likelihood of Z_{n}, and then estimating the parameters by either maximizing the likelihood or computing the posterior mean for a given prior of the parameters. These are referred to as the maximum indirect likelihood (MIL) and Bayesian Indirect Likelihood (BIL) estimators, respectively. We show that the IL estimators are first-order equivalent to the corresponding moment-based II estimator that employs the optimal weighting matrix. However, due to higher-order features of Z_{n} , the IL estimators are higher order efficient relative to the standard II estimator. The likelihood of Z_{n} will in general be unknown and so simulated versions of IL estimators are developed. Monte Carlo results for a structural auction model and a DSGE model show that the proposed estimators indeed have attractive finite sample properties.