57 resultados para Escala de campo


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El estudio del bienestar psicológico, como componente de la calidad de vida, ha sido un campo de notables desarrollos durante las dos últimas décadas. No obstante, existen todavía pocos instrumentos aplicables al estudio de dicho bienestar en la adolescencia. En este articulo se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de uno de dichos instrumentos ya adaptado a la población infantil española (Alsinet, 1998), la escala SLSS de Huebner (1991a, 1994), a una muestra de 1.590 adolescentes catalanes entre 12 y 14 años. Los resultados se contrastan con 1os obtenidos al administrar escalas de afecto positivo y afecto negativo a la misma muestra y con 1os originalmente obtenidos por Huebner con una muestra norteamericana. Dichos resultados muestran una buena validez interna, una estructura factorial consistente, un buen funcionamiento de la escala con la población española y unas pautas de respuesta coherentes con las originalmente obtenidas por Huebner con muestras norteamericanas.


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El primer levantamiento topográfico a gran escala del territorio catalán, efectuado con carácter sistemático, completo y uniforme, fue realizado entre 1912 y 1932. Este artículo estudia la organización del citado levantamiento, que formaba parte de la ejecución del Mapa topográfico de España a escala 1:50.000, y que en Cataluña fue llevado a término por el Instituto Geográfico y Estadístico y el Depósito de la Guerra. Se analiza el desarrollo de las labores topográficas, y se describe el personal y el instrumental empleado en las mismas. Una de las novedades de los trabajos topográficos conducidos en Cataluña fue la introducción de la fotogrametría terrestre en las zonas de montaña.


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Al iniciarse la transgresión miocena se producen varios olistostromas de materiales mesozoicos, debido a los basculamientos relacionados con la formación de la Depresión Prelitoral. Se analiza y demuestra la naturaleza gravitacional de estos procesos, netamente separados en el tiempo de la fase de tectónica compresiva. Los olistostromas y materiales asociados presentan una brechación muy característica, con calcitización y microsparitización, que indican un largo período de exposición subaérea. Atendiendo a sus características litológicas y posicionales, en estos depósitos puede establecerse la siguiente zonación: núcleo, frente de transición y parte posterior. Se considera el posible mecanismo de desplazamiento.


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En este trabajo se estudian las facies graniticas del sector suroccidental del batolito granitico herciniano que aflora al NE de Barcelona. Tomando como base sus composiciones mineralógicas y texturales se individualizan cuatro tipos graniticos y se realiza su cartografa a escala 1:100.000. Dos de los tipos son tonalitas biotitico-homblendicas, el tercero granodioritas biotiticas y el cuarto leucogranitos biotitico (-moscoviticos). Por último. las relaciones de campo (contactos netos; diques y enclaves de unos tipos en otros) sugieren una relación entre ellos de tipo intrusivo con una sucesión en su emplazamiento desde los tipos mas básicos a los más ácidos.


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En el año 2008 tuvo lugar el aniversario del centenario de las excavaciones arqueológicas en la ciudad greco-romana de Ampurias. Precisamente las investigaciones de esa época tienen un significado cultural y simbólico muy importante para el desarrollo de la autognosis de Cataluña a comienzos del siglo XX. El presente artículo intenta llamar la atención sobre los verdaderos comienzos de las investigaciones sobre la antigua ciudad, que habían comenzado bastante antes. Si nos concentramos en considerar los lugares de patrocinio público las excavaciones privadas fueron habituales en todas las épocas entonces las excavaciones científicas comenzaron siete décadas antes. Responsable fue la Comisión de Monumentos de Girona, que contó con el apoyo financiero de la Diputación Provincial.


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We live in an era of profound changes in university education. The implementation of Bologna plan has led us to raise new teaching methodologies, to review the role of the student, competency assessment, the incorporation of ICT. Unthinkable acts, one or two decade ago. The TIC concept is very broad and is attributed to the media, processes and content usage. Inside the supports and platforms, we stress tools that allow automatic correction of exercises, because they are instruments of great educational value because instantly they assess students and provide instant feedback about the knowledge that they have either as message support or note. If the power of these tools, we add the Internet, using e-learning environment, the results allow us to work, edit, evaluate, resolve doubts, and so on, anywhere, anytime. We present part of a platform and the results of its use in the field of health sciences


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This paper reviews some of the most usual definitions of stress and trauma including the notion of accumulative trauma. Then, the Spanish version of the Cumulative Trauma Scale by Kira et al (2008) is presented. It has been developed by following a process of translation and by applying it to two small groups of subjects to test it for comprehension (pilot test).


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The satisfaction of consumers and users with the products and services is an issue that in recent years has been taking more and more importance and now it even reaches psychotherapy. This paper presents the Spanish adaptation of the Consumer Reports Effectiveness Scale (CRES-4)consisting of four items designed to evaluate whether patients are satisfied with the therapy they have received and if it has been perceived as effective or not. Its global score is intended to reflect treatment effectiveness as percived by the patient. Existing studies suggest that the CRES-4 is a good complementary tool to judge, in particular, satisfaction with treatment received.


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Psychometric analysis of the AF5 multidimensional scale of self-concept in a sample of adolescents and adults in Catalonia. The aim of this study is to carry out a psychometric study of the AF5 scale in a sample of 4.825 Catalan subjects from 11 to 63 years-old. They are students from secondary compulsory education (ESO), from high school, middle-level vocational training (CFGM) and from the university. Using a principal component analysis (PCA) the theoretical validity of the components is established and the reliability of the instrument is also analyzed. Differential analyses are performed by gender and normative group using a 2 6 factorial design. The normative group variable includes the different levels classifi ed into 6 sub-groups: university, post-compulsory secondary education (high school and CFGM), 4th of ESO, 3rd of ESO, 2nd of ESO and 1st of ESO. The results indicate that the reliability of the Catalan version of the scale is similar to the original scale. The factorial structure also fi ts with the original model established beforehand. Signifi cant differences by normative group in the four components of self-concept explored (social, family, academic/occupational and physical) are observed. By gender, signifi cant differences appear in the component of physical self-concept, academic and social but not in the family component


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Research on psychological well-being - as a component of quality of life - has paroduced notable developments during the last two decades. However, few instruments exist that are applicable to the study of psychological well-being among adolescents. This article presents the results of administering un instrument of this kind to a sample of 1590 Catalan adolescents between 12 and 14 years old. The instrument, Huebner's siss scale (Huebner, 1991a, 1994) had already been adapted to study a population of Spanish children (Alsinet, 1998). The results are compared to those of positive and negative affect scales administered to the same sample, and to those obtained by Huebner with a US sample. The results demonstrate good reliability, a consistent factor structure, a goodfunctioning of the scale in the Spanish population, and a pattern of answers consistent with the original results by Huebner


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Geographical scale is not merely a technical question. The learning of geographical scale goes beyond geometricunderstanding; it implies the etymological comprehension of the concept, the recognition of the importance of scale in theelaboration of the geographical discourse. It implies placing oneself in the centre of the teaching and learning of Geographyand asking oneself, what scale? Why this scale? What progression of scales? The answer to these questions puts in doubtthe scientific discourse that is presently taught in schools especially on the scale of analysis, the sequencing of studiedspaces and the false dichotomy local and global


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The technological advances and new organisation of the economy together with a change in ideas in consumer habits andlifestyle that have happened in the last 25 years have placed us in a new state of capitalism. The spatial translation of thisnew state has been immediate and implies among other changes the overcoming of the concept of scale. Commercialspaces and those of leisure and tourism offer us an unbeatable opportunity of exemplifying these changes because they arethe most effected by the new postmodern tendencies