88 resultados para Character Group


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The significance of thermal fluctuations in nucleation in structural first-order phase transitions has been examined. The prototypical case of martensitic transitions has been experimentally investigated by means of acoustic emission techniques. We propose a model based on the mean first-passage time to account for the experimental observations. Our study provides a unified framework to establish the conditions for isothermal and athermal transitions to be observed.


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A generalization of the predictive relativistic mechanics is studied where the initial conditions are taken on a general hypersurface of M4. The induced realizations of the Poincar group are obtained. The same procedure is used for the Galileo group. Noninteraction theorems are derived for both groups.


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Chemisorption of group-III metal adatoms on Si(111) and Ge(111) has been studied through the ab initio Hartree-Fock method including nonempirical pseudopotentials and using cluster models to simulate the surface. Three different high-symmetry sites (atop, eclipsed, and open) have been considered by using X4H9, X4H7, and X6H9 (X=Si,Ge) cluster models. In a first step, ideal surface geometries have been used. Metal-induced reconstruction upon chemisorption has also been taken into account. Equilibrium distances, binding energies, and vibrational frequencies have been obtained and compared with available experimental data. From binding-energy considerations, the atop and eclipsed sites seem to be the most favorable ones and thus a coadsorption picture may be suggested. Group-III metals exhibit a similar behavior and the same is true for Si(111) and Ge(111) surfaces when chemisorption is considered.


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Magnetic interactions in ionic solids are studied using parameter-free methods designed to provide accurate energy differences associated with quantum states defining the Heisenberg constant J. For a series of ionic solids including KNiF3, K2NiF4, KCuF3, K2CuF4, and high- Tc parent compound La2CuO4, the J experimental value is quantitatively reproduced. This result has fundamental implications because J values have been calculated from a finite cluster model whereas experiments refer to infinite solids. The present study permits us to firmly establish that in these wide-gap insulators, J is determined from strongly local electronic interactions involving two magnetic centers only thus providing an ab initio support to commonly used model Hamiltonians.


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The article begins with the theoretical bases for developing a training programme to foment the exercise of an active participation. The designed program is applied in a group of women with different cultural backgrounds that live in the city of L'Hospitalet and it is evaluated following the methodological characteristics of an investigation evaluation of participatory character. From the collection and analysis of the information, we present the results obtained that turn around the investigation objectives: the validation of the program design, the investigation on the exercise of active participation, the formation of the work team and the creation of a meeting point for women. El artículo se inicia con las bases teóricas para elaborar un programa de formación para fomentar el ejercicio de una participación activa. El programa diseñado se aplica en un grupo de mujeres con diferentes orígenes culturales que viven en la ciudad de L¿Hospitalet, y se evalúa siguiendo las características metodológicas de una investigación evaluativa de carácter participativo. A partir de la recogida y análisis de la información, se presentan los resultados que giran en torno a los objetivos de la investigación: la validación del programa, la investigación sobre el ejercicio de la participación, la formación del equipo de trabajo y la creación de un espacio de encuentro de mujeres.


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The article begins with the theoretical bases for developing a training programme to foment the exercise of an active participation. The designed program is applied in a group of women with different cultural backgrounds that live in the city of L'Hospitalet and it is evaluated following the methodological characteristics of an investigation evaluation of participatory character. From the collection and analysis of the information, we present the results obtained that turn around the investigation objectives: the validation of the program design, the investigation on the exercise of active participation, the formation of the work team and the creation of a meeting point for women. El artículo se inicia con las bases teóricas para elaborar un programa de formación para fomentar el ejercicio de una participación activa. El programa diseñado se aplica en un grupo de mujeres con diferentes orígenes culturales que viven en la ciudad de L¿Hospitalet, y se evalúa siguiendo las características metodológicas de una investigación evaluativa de carácter participativo. A partir de la recogida y análisis de la información, se presentan los resultados que giran en torno a los objetivos de la investigación: la validación del programa, la investigación sobre el ejercicio de la participación, la formación del equipo de trabajo y la creación de un espacio de encuentro de mujeres.


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El funcionamiento y el rendimiento de los grupos en contextos diferentes están relacionados con el grado en que las características de los miembros son complementarias o suplementarias. El presente artículo describe un procedimiento para cuantificar el grado de disimilitud a nivel de grupo. A diferencia de la mayoría de técnicas existentes, el procedimiento que aquí se describe está normalizado y es invariante a los cambios de localización y escala. Por lo tanto, es posible comparar la disimilitud en escalas con diferente métrica y en grupos de distinto tamaño. La disimilitud está medida en términos relativos, independientemente de la posición que ocupan los individuos en la dimensión que mide la escala. Cuando no existe una justificación teórica para combinar las diversas propiedades medidas, se puede cuantificar la disimilitud para cada escala por separado. También es posible obtener las contribuciones diádicas e individuales respecto a la diversidad global y la asignada a cada escala. Las medidas descriptivas pueden ser complementadas con la significación estadística para, así, comparar los resultados obtenidos con distribuciones discretas de referencia, ya sean simétricas o asimétricas. Se ha elaborado un paquete en R que permite obtener los índices descriptivos y los valores p, además de contener las expresiones desarrolladas para simular una amplia variedad de distribuciones discretas de probabilidad.


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The present work deals with quantifying group characteristics. Specifically, dyadic measures of interpersonal perceptions were used to forecast group performance. 46 groups of students, 24 of four and 22 of five people, were studied in a real educational assignment context and marks were gathered as an indicator of group performance. Our results show that dyadic measures of interpersonal perceptions account for final marks. By means of linear regression analysis 85% and 85.6% of group performance was respectively explained for group sizes equal to four and five. Results found in the scientific literature based on the individualistic approach are no larger than 18%. The results of the present study support the utility of dyadic approaches for predicting group performance in social contexts.


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Workgroup diversity can be conceptualized as variety, separation, or disparity. Thus, the proper operationalization of diversity depends on how a diversity dimension has been defined. Analytically, the minimal diversity must be obtained when there are no differences on an attribute among the members of a group, however maximal diversity has a different shape for each conceptualization of diversity. Previous work on diversity indexes indicated maximum values for variety (e.g., Blau"s index and Teachman"s index), separation (e.g., standard deviation and mean Euclidean distance), and disparity (e.g., coefficient of variation and the Gini coefficient of concentration), although these maximum values are not valid for all group characteristics (i.e., group size and group size parity) and attribute scales (i.e., number of categories). We demonstrate analytically appropriate upper boundaries for conditional diversity determined by some specific group characteristics, avoiding the bias related to absolute diversity. This will allow applied researchers to make better interpretations regarding the relationship between group diversity and group outcomes.


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The communication presents the results of an investigation of exploratory and comparative character which objective is to analyze the influence of the actual labour situation into the demand of official master studies in the field of education. The study has been developed in two countries with a very different labour situation: Brasil, country of economic expansion and Spain, in recession due to the actual economic crisis. In that sense, the study provides data for deep thinking about the influence of the constriction or expansion of employment on the behaviour and demand of the students who access master studies and on how the previous formative and labour trajectory affects their expectations, demands and future projects. The working methodology is qualitative and the strategy for data collection the “focus group”. As a first approach, two groups of discussion have been formed with master students. A first one with students from Universidad de Barcelona- España and another one with members of Universidade do Vale do Itajaí- Brasil. Then, we constituted a mixed group of discussion in order to analyze differences and similarities.


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The communication presents the results of an investigation of exploratory and comparative character which objective is to analyze the influence of the actual labour situation into the demand of official master studies in the field of education. The study has been developed in two countries with a very different labour situation: Brasil, country of economic expansion and Spain, in recession due to the actual economic crisis. In that sense, the study provides data for deep thinking about the influence of the constriction or expansion of employment on the behaviour and demand of the students who access master studies and on how the previous formative and labour trajectory affects their expectations, demands and future projects. The working methodology is qualitative and the strategy for data collection the “focus group”. As a first approach, two groups of discussion have been formed with master students. A first one with students from Universidad de Barcelona- España and another one with members of Universidade do Vale do Itajaí- Brasil. Then, we constituted a mixed group of discussion in order to analyze differences and similarities.


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Background The global mortality caused by cardiovascular disease increases with weight. The Framingham study showed that obesity is a cardiovascular risk factor independent of other risks such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and smoking. Moreover, the main problem in the management of weight-loss is its maintenance, if it is achieved. We have designed a study to determine whether a group motivational intervention, together with current clinical practice, is more efficient than the latter alone in the treatment of overweight and obesity, for initial weight loss and essentially to achieve maintenance of the weight achieved; and, secondly, to know if this intervention is more effective for reducing cardiovascular risk factors associated with overweight and obesity. Methods This 26-month follow up multi-centre trial, will include 1200 overweight/obese patients. Random assignment of the intervention by Basic Health Areas (BHA): two geographically separate groups have been created, one of which receives group motivational intervention (group intervention), delivered by a nurse trained by an expert phsychologist, in 32 group sessions, 1 to 12 fortnightly, and 13 to 32, monthly, on top of their standard program of diet, exercise, and the other (control group), receiving the usual follow up, with regular visits every 3 months. Discussion By addressing currently unanswered questions regarding the maintenance in weight loss in obesity/overweight, upon the expected completion of participant follow-up in 2012, the IMOAP trial should document, for the first time, the benefits of a motivational intervention as a treatment tool of weight loss in a primary care setting.


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Revisió sobre l’eficàcia de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadorsinformals de malalts amb demència per a reduir els nivells de morbiditatpsicològicaAntecedentsL’envelliment de la població està relacionat amb l’augment de la prevalença dedemències tals com la malaltia d’Alzheimer. El caràcter progressiu, incapacitanti irreversible de la malaltia d’Alzheimer comporta dependència i demanda,obligant l’aparició d’un cuidador informal per cobrir les necessitats del malalt.Amb l’evolució de la malaltia, augmenta l’exigència de les cures i el cuidador esveu en risc de patir alteracions a qualsevol nivell, principalment a nivellpsicològic.Objectius1. Avaluar l’efectivitat de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals depersones amb demència per a reduir la morbiditat psicològica, segons latipologia de les intervencions i els seus components.2. Avaluar l’efectivitat de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals depersones amb demència per a reduir la morbiditat psicològica, segons lescaracterístiques sociodemogràfiques del cuidador i la persona que rep lescures, el tipus de càrrega i els instruments de mesura.Material i mètodesEs va realitzar una revisió bibliogràfica en les bases de dades: MEDLINEPubMed, CSIC-IME, CUIDEN i Biblioteca Cochrane Plus sobre lesintervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals de demència o Alzheimerd’estudis publicats entre el gener de 2002 i febrer de 2013. Els criteris d’inclusióvan ser: cuidadors informals que convisquessin amb la persona a qui donen lescures i sense remuneració econòmica, persones amb demència o Alzheimer noinstitucionalitzades, intervencions comparades entre un grup experimental i ungrup control, prioritat per revisions sistemàtiques i metanàlisis. La mostra finalla van composar 7 estudis.ResultatsLes diferents intervencions analitzades van mostrar dades estadísticamentsignificatives tot i produir efectes discrets en les diferents variables demorbiditat psicològica. Les intervencions psicoeducatives i les intervencionsdirigides als pacients van resultar efectives en la millora de la sensació debenestar i la simptomatologia del malalt. Les intervencions psicològiques vanincidir en la sobrecàrrega i la depressió. Les intervencions de suport vanproduir un augment dels coneixements, habilitats i de la xarxa social delcuidador. El dia de descans va disminuir l’estrès, l’ansietat i la càrrega objectivaperò els efectes van ser a curt termini. Les intervencions múltiplesestructurades van mostrar una disminució del risc d’institucionalització. Lesintervencions centrades en la resolució de problemes, superiors a 6 sessions oaquelles que havien realitzat seguiment, van mostrar efectes a llarg termini finsals 12 mesos. Altres intervencions pràctiques com les realitzades al domicili oamb tecnologia, no van mostrar suficient evidència científica. El sexe i l’edat delcuidador així com la relació de parentesc amb el malalt van mostrar diferènciesen els efectes de les intervencions.ConclusionsLes intervencions s’han de planificar en funció de les necessitats del cuidadorja que no hi ha cap intervenció que incideixi en totes les variables de morbiditatpsicològica. La variabilitat de tipologia i composició de les intervencions, lesdiferències sociodemogràfiques del cuidador i la persona que rep les cures i lescaracterístiques dels estudis influeixen en l’heterogeneïtat de resultats de larevisió. Aquests fets limiten la contundència de resultats pel que cal seguirinvestigant


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This paper examines statistical analysis of social reciprocity, that is, the balance between addressing and receiving behaviour in social interactions. Specifically, it focuses on the measurement of social reciprocity by means of directionality and skew-symmetry statistics at different levels. Two statistics have been used as overall measures of social reciprocity at group level: the directional consistency and the skew-symmetry statistics. Furthermore, the skew-symmetry statistic allows social researchers to obtain complementary information at dyadic and individual levels. However, having computed these measures, social researchers may be interested in testing statistical hypotheses regarding social reciprocity. For this reason, it has been developed a statistical procedure, based on Monte Carlo sampling, in order to allow social researchers to describe groups and make statistical decisions.