262 resultados para Ampurdán (Catalonia : Region)
La intrusió de les plantes exòtiques invasores en els espais naturals protegits de Catalunya s’ha convertit en un problema de primer ordre. En alguns d’aquests espais fa temps que s’han començat a gestionar aquestes espècies exòtiques. No és el cas del PNAP, que degut a la seva recent creació, encara no ha pogut tractar a fons aquesta problemàtica. Per tant, amb el present estudi s’ha treballat en conèixer la distribució d’aquetes espècies en el Parc i en crear una base de referència. La major part de les plantes trobades estan situades en llocs on la pressió humana es molt forta. Un cop establertes prop de les àrees més antropitzades, aquestes espècies es disseminen pel territori aprofitant-se de les zones degradades per establir-se. Per aquesta raó, també es proposen les mesures d’actuació més adients per a gestionar aquestes espècies en el territori de l’Alt Pirineu, prenent com a referent les actuacions que es duen a terme avui arreu del món.
The precondition for labour-market competition between immigrants and natives is that both are willing to accept jobs that do not differ in quality. To test this hypothesis, in this paper we compare the working conditions between immigrants and natives in Catalonia. Comparing immigrants’ working conditions in relation to their native counterparts is not only a useful analysis for studying the extent to which immigrants and low-skilled native workers are direct competitors in the labour market, but also allows us to contribute to the literature on this issue by moving away from the conventional approach used in previous studies. Our results indicate that: i) natives and immigrants display a different taste for job (dis)amenities; ii) Catalan-born workers might be in direct competition with EU15 immigrants, while non-Catalan Spanish workers might be competing with Latin American immigrants, and; iii) African-born immigrants are the group in the Catalan workforce that by far face the worst working conditions.
Water scarcity is a long-standing problem in Catalonia, as there are significant differences in the spatial and temporal distribution of water through the territory. There has consequently been a debate for many years about whether the solution to water scarcity must be considered in terms of efficiency or equity, the role that the public sector must play and the role that market-based instruments should play in water management. The aim of this paper is to use a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to analyze the advantages and disadvantages associated with different policy instruments, from both a supply and a demand viewpoint, which can be applied to water management in Catalonia. We also introduce an ecological sector in our CGE model, allowing us to analyze the environmental impact of the alternative policies simulated. The calibration of the exogenous variables of the CGE model is performed by using a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the Catalan economy with 2001 data. The results suggest that taking into account the principle of sustainability of the resource, the policy debate between supply and demand in water policies is obsolete, and a new combination of policies is required to respect the different values associated with water. Keywords: Water Policies; Computable General Equilibrium Model; Economic Effects; Environmental Effects.
In this paper we simulate and analyse the economic impact that sectorial productivity gains have on two regional Spanish economies (Catalonia and Extremadura). In particular we study the quantitative effect that each sector’s productivity gain has on household welfare (real disposable income and equivalent variation), on the consumption price indices and factor relative prices, on real production (GDP) and on the government’s net income (net taxation revenues of social transfers to households). The analytical approach consists of a computable general equilibrium model, in which we assume perfect competition and cleared markets, including factor markets. All the parameters and exogenous variables of the model are calibrated by means of two social accounting matrices, one for each region under study. The results allow us to identify those sectors with the greatest impact on consumer welfare as the key sectors in the regional economies. Keywords: Productivity gains, key sectors, computable general equilibrium
To start off, this document describes the Catalan model for emergencies response and its reference frame in terms of geography, location population…In addition, describes the main actors involved in emergencies response such as: police, the Fire and Rescue Emergency Service, the Emergency Medical System, Civil Protection, Reception and Management of Emergency Calls, Rural Agents, ADF’s and UME. Civil Protection, Firefighters and Police are includes in the training model developed by the Institute for Public Safety of Catalonia which at the same time does research in both security and safety matters. Research activities are performed by the Area for Research, Knowledge and International Cooperation at the ISPC and an example of these activities are European Research Projects such as COIM-Best (Coordination Improvement by Best Practices) and BESECU (cross-cultural differences of human behaviour in fire disasters and other crisis situations) among others.
The Digital Memory of Catalonia, Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia, contains open-access digitized collections of photographs, drawings, maps, posters, pamphlets, incunabula, ancient Catalan periodicals and many other items with a total of over two million documents related to Catalonia from 18 different institutions (universities, specialized libraries, institutes, archives, etc.).
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of pork value chains in Catalonia, Spain and Manitoba, Canada. Intensive hog production models were implemented in Catalonia in the 1960s as a result of agriculture crises and fostered by feedstuffs factories. The expansion of the hog sector in Manitoba is more recent (in the 1990s) and brought about in large part by the opening of the Maple Leaf Meats processing plant in Brandon, Manitoba. This plant is capable of processing 90,000 hogs per week. Both hog production models ‐ the ‘older’ one in Catalonia (Spain) and the ‘newer’ in Manitoba‐ have been, until recently, examples of success. Inventories and production have been increasing substantially and both regions have proven to have great export potential. Recently, however, tensions have been developing with the hog production models of both regions, particularly as they relate to environmental concerns. The purpose of the paper is to compare the value chains with respect to their origins (e.g. supply a growing demand for pork, ensure farm profitability) and present states (e.g. environmental concerns, profitability). Keywords: pork value chain, hog farms, agri‐food studies. JEL: Q10, Q13, O57
This article examines the governance structures for managing the location and operation of Intensive Livestock Farming Operations (ILFOs). The article focuses on the hog sector and compares two very different jurisdictions: the Province of Manitoba, Canada and the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, Spain. Both are regions that have witnessed recent increases in hog production, including increasing spatial concentration of ILFOs and increasing size of those ILFOs. Policy has both fostered and sought to manage the increased production. Following a brief background description of restructuring, the changing legislative framework for Manitoba and Catalonia are described. Keywords: environmental regulations, hog farms, manure management, animal feeding operations. JEL: Q15, Q58, R52, O57
There is a major concern in economic literature about innovation, which is the interaction between internal and external factors.. In this paper those activities are hypothesized as being determined by some territorial characteristics like labour skills, technological infrastructure, educational facilities, agglomeration economies and industrial structure. This assumption allows understanding why those innovative activities are not spread across space and are located into specific areas. We use a detailed survey containing microdata for 497 SMEs located in Catalonia.
He organitzat aquest escrit de la manera següent: començo amb una visió general de l'entorn social i econòmic de la comarca, faig esment de breus aspectes lingüístics dels mots, continuo amb un breu repàs de la literatura culinària, principalment a Catalunya, i amb una breu visió històrica, continuo amb el món del pa i de la pastisseria i acabo amb la visió més lúdica dels cócs: el moment de consumir-los. Finalment entro en l'exposició de les receptes més genuïnes dels cócs terraltins, mirant que quedi tot ben clar, gràcies a la informació desinteressada de les persones a qui he consultat, i les comparo amb altres de semblants que trobem en antics manuscrits medievals. Per acabar, mostro quines conclusions podem extreure sobre els cócs i els dolços de la Terra Alta, vinculades bàsicament amb el seu origen i la seva continuïtat fins als nostres dies.
Anàlisi dels discursos sobre la identitat aranesa a Internet durant la polèmica per l'aprovació del Projecte de Llei de Vegueries, el mes de febrer de 2010. A través de l'estudi d'aquests discursos s'identifiquen quins són els principals trets identitaris amb els quals es defineixen els aranesos.
Aquest projecte ofereix una diagnosi comarcal que hauria de ser útil per a planificar diverses solucions per al desenvolupament rural de la comarca, desenvolupament que depèn, entre altres factors, de promoure i aprofitar eficientment l'afluència turística a la comarca.
Desenvolupament d'un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG), que permeti analitzar les funcions dels jaciments romans de la zona del riu Llobregat i consultar els jaciments, emmagatzemats en una base de dades de forma espacial.
El cas que ens ocupa es fonamenta en l'aplicació dels SIG a l'estudi arqueològic de les restes romans del Baix Llobregat. Amb aquest pretext, s'han abordat una gran varietat d'aspectes tècnics que ens han posat en contacte, entre d'altres, amb problemàtiques derivades de com posicionar elements sobre representacions de la superfície terrestre, de com representar en 3 dimensions i de com analitzar tot el conjunt per obtenir làmines d'inundació.
L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és construir un sistema d'informació geogràfica (SIG) que permeti l'anàlisi de la relació del llit del riu Llobregat amb la ubicació dels jacimentsarqueològics i les vies de transport del Baix Llobregat a l'època romana.