135 resultados para Aggregation process


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Human beings increase their productivity by specializingtheir resources and exchanging their products. Theorganization of exchange is costly, however, becausespecialized activities need coordination and incentiveshave to be aligned. This work first describes how theseexchanges are organized in an institutional environment.It then focuses on the dual effect of this environment-as with any other specialized resource, institutions maybe used for expropriation purposes. They enjoyspecialization advantages in safeguarding exchange butthey also make possible new forms of opportunism,causing new costs of exchange. Three perverse tendenciesare identified:In the legal field, there is a surplus ofmandatory rules and, at the same time, a deficit in default rules. Second, courts activity is biased againstthe quasi-judicial role of the parties and the market. Third, Market enforcement is based on reputationalassets that are badly exposed to opportunism.


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This paper argues that any specific utility or disutility for gamblingmust be excluded from expected utility because such a theory is consequentialwhile a pleasure or displeasure for gambling is a matter of process, notof consequences. A (dis)utility for gambling is modeled as a process utilitywhich monotonically combines with expected utility restricted to consequences.This allows for a process (dis)utility for gambling to be revealed. Asan illustration, the model shows how empirical observations in the Allaisparadox can reveal a process disutility of gambling. A more general modelof rational behavior combining processes and consequences is then proposedand discussed.


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The examinations taken by high-school graduates in Spain and the role ofthe examination in the university admissions process are described. Thefollowing issues arising in the assessment of the process are discussed:reliability of grading, comparability of the grades and scores(equating),maintenance of standards, and compilation and use of the grading process,and their integration in the operational grading are proposed. Variousschemes for score adjustment are reviewed and feasibility of theirimplementation discussed. The advantages of pretesting of items and ofempirical checks of experts' judgements are pointed out. The paperconcludes with an outline of a planned reorganisation of the highereducation in Spain, and with a call for a comprehensive programme ofempirical research concurrent with the operation of the examination andscoring system.


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Accomplish high quality of final products in pharmaceutical industry is a challenge that requires the control and supervision of all the manufacturing steps. This request created the necessity of developing fast and accurate analytical methods. Near infrared spectroscopy together with chemometrics, fulfill this growing demand. The high speed providing relevant information and the versatility of its application to different types of samples lead these combined techniques as one of the most appropriated. This study is focused on the development of a calibration model able to determine amounts of API from industrial granulates using NIR, chemometrics and process spectra methodology.


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El presente documento ilustra la aplicación de la metodología Business Process Managementpara el caso de una empresa multinacional del sector de la electrónica. Para ello se han tomado los procesos excepcionales de Supply Chain Operations en el área EMEA (Europa, Oriente Medio y África). Se ha analizado la situación inicial, donde la aparición de incidencias de calidad en productos terminados y listos para entregar a clientes generaba una serie de acciones descoordinadas y con resultados insatisfactorios. Todos los departamentos implicados comprometían recursos, tiempo y esfuerzo, sin estar alineados entre sí. A partir de la aplicación sistemática de la metodología BPM definida en 10 fases, se ha desarrollado una solución completa para los procesos excepcionales. El documento describe con detalle en proceso de Reflash y la documentación necesaria para poner el proceso bajo control y en mejora continua.


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Proves de conversió de fòrmules matemàtiques des d'editors de text ofimàtics i des de Làtex. Visionat en HTML i MathML. El millor resultat s'aconsegueix amb MSWord+MathType i IE+MathPlayer.


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New economic geography models show that there may be a strong relationship between economic integration and the geographical concentration of industries. Nevertheless, this relationship is neither unique nor stable, and may follow a ?-shaped pattern in the long term. The aim of the present paper is to analyze the evolution of the geographical concentration of manufacturing across Spanish regions during the period 1856-1995. We construct several geographical concentration indices for different points in time over these 140 years. The analysis is carried out at two levels of aggregation, in regions corresponding to the NUTS-II and NUTS-III classifications. We confirm that the process of economic integration stimulated the geographical concentration of industrial activity. Nevertheless, the localization coefficients only started to fall after the beginning of the integration of the Spanish Economy into the international markets in the mid-70s, and this new path was not interrupted by Spain¿s entry in the European Union some years later


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We study the induced aggregation operators. The analysis begins with a revision of some basic concepts such as the induced ordered weighted averaging (IOWA) operator and the induced ordered weighted geometric (IOWG) operator. We then analyze the problem of decision making with Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. We suggest the use of induced aggregation operators in decision making with Dempster-Shafer theory. We focus on the aggregation step and examine some of its main properties, including the distinction between descending and ascending orders and different families of induced operators. Finally, we present an illustrative example in which the results obtained using different types of aggregation operators can be seen.


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[spa] Se presenta el operador OWA generalizado inducido (IGOWA). Es un nuevo operador de agregación que generaliza al operador OWA a través de utilizar las principales características de dos operadores muy conocidos como son el operador OWA generalizado y el operador OWA inducido. Entonces, este operador utiliza medias generalizadas y variables de ordenación inducidas en el proceso de reordenación. Con esta formulación, se obtiene una amplia gama de operadores de agregación que incluye a todos los casos particulares de los operadores IOWA y GOWA, y otros casos particulares. A continuación, se realiza una generalización mayor al operador IGOWA a través de utilizar medias cuasi-aritméticas. Finalmente, también se desarrolla un ejemplo numérico del nuevo modelo en un problema de toma de decisiones financieras.


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A bidimensional array based on single-photon avalanche diodes for triggered imaging systems is presented. The diodes are operated in the gated mode of acquisition to reduce the probability to detect noise counts interfering with photon arrival events. In addition, low reverse bias overvoltages are used to lessen the dark count rate. Experimental results demonstrate that the prototype fabricated with a standard HV-CMOS process gets rid of afterpulses and offers a reduced dark count probability by applying the proposed modes of operation. The detector exhibits a dynamic range of 15 bits with short gated"on" periods of 10ns and a reverse bias overvoltage of 1.0V.


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The need to move forward in the knowledge of the subatomic world has stimulated the development of new particle colliders. However, the objectives of the next generation of colliders sets unprecedented challenges to the detector performance. The purpose of this contribution is to present a bidimensional array based on avalanche photodiodes operated in the Geiger mode to track high energy particles in future linear colliders. The bidimensional array can function in a gated mode to reduce the probability to detect noise counts interfering with real events. Low reverse overvoltages are used to lessen the dark count rate. Experimental results demonstrate that the prototype fabricated with a standard HV-CMOS process presents an increased efficiency and avoids sensor blindness by applying the proposed techniques.


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This research provides a description of the process followed in order to assemble a "Social Accounting Matrix" for Spain corresponding to the year 2000 (SAMSP00). As argued in the paper, this process attempts to reconcile ESA95 conventions with requirements of applied general equilibrium modelling. Particularly, problems related to the level of aggregation of net taxation data, and to the valuation system used for expressing the monetary value of input-output transactions have deserved special attention. Since the adoption of ESA95 conventions, input-output transactions have been preferably valued at basic prices, which impose additional difficulties on modellers interested in computing applied general equilibrium models. This paper addresses these difficulties by developing a procedure that allows SAM-builders to change the valuation system of input-output transactions conveniently. In addition, this procedure produces new data related to net taxation information.


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We study the induced aggregation operators. The analysis begins with a revision of some basic concepts such as the induced ordered weighted averaging (IOWA) operator and the induced ordered weighted geometric (IOWG) operator. We then analyze the problem of decision making with Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. We suggest the use of induced aggregation operators in decision making with Dempster-Shafer theory. We focus on the aggregation step and examine some of its main properties, including the distinction between descending and ascending orders and different families of induced operators. Finally, we present an illustrative example in which the results obtained using different types of aggregation operators can be seen.


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[spa] Se presenta el operador OWA generalizado inducido (IGOWA). Es un nuevo operador de agregación que generaliza al operador OWA a través de utilizar las principales características de dos operadores muy conocidos como son el operador OWA generalizado y el operador OWA inducido. Entonces, este operador utiliza medias generalizadas y variables de ordenación inducidas en el proceso de reordenación. Con esta formulación, se obtiene una amplia gama de operadores de agregación que incluye a todos los casos particulares de los operadores IOWA y GOWA, y otros casos particulares. A continuación, se realiza una generalización mayor al operador IGOWA a través de utilizar medias cuasi-aritméticas. Finalmente, también se desarrolla un ejemplo numérico del nuevo modelo en un problema de toma de decisiones financieras.


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New economic geography models show that there may be a strong relationship between economic integration and the geographical concentration of industries. Nevertheless, this relationship is neither unique nor stable, and may follow a ?-shaped pattern in the long term. The aim of the present paper is to analyze the evolution of the geographical concentration of manufacturing across Spanish regions during the period 1856-1995. We construct several geographical concentration indices for different points in time over these 140 years. The analysis is carried out at two levels of aggregation, in regions corresponding to the NUTS-II and NUTS-III classifications. We confirm that the process of economic integration stimulated the geographical concentration of industrial activity. Nevertheless, the localization coefficients only started to fall after the beginning of the integration of the Spanish Economy into the international markets in the mid-70s, and this new path was not interrupted by Spain¿s entry in the European Union some years later