805 resultados para Comportament de risc


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l'Àrea de Gestió de la Biblioteca de la Universitat de Barcelona va coordinar durant l'estiu de 1994 un treball de recerca amb l'objectiu d'analitzar el comportament dels estudiants davant els canvis tecnològics i d'organització en la BUB. En l'article s'ofereixen els resultats obtinguts a partir del qüestionari que es distribuí als estudiants de les cinc àrees de coneixement que cobreix la BUB.


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Per lluitar contra els accidents és necessari establir programes educatius,entre els quals destaquen els escolars. Durant les primeres etapes de la vida i fins a l'adolescència, l'educació en la seguretat esdevé primordial pel fet que els infants són molt vulnerables, perquè els adolescents i joves s'exposen voluntàriament al risc i també perquè els uns i els altres estan en una etapa de la vida molt plàstica i receptiva per incorporar hàbits sans i segurs. Quan aquests programes es duen a terme a les institucions educatives és més fàcil d'assolir els objectius, perquè hi ha la possibilitat de sistematitzar les experiències d'aprenentatge i es disposa de més recursos i de més oportunitats per incidir en el tema de manera continuada i progressiva.


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During the winters of 1999 and 2000 large avalanches occurred in the ski resort of Las Leñas (Los Andes, Mendoza, Argentina). On 8 September 1999 an avalanche of new, dry snow ran over a path with a 1000 m vertical drop. On 30 June and on 1 July 2000 five avalanches of similar vertical drop, which start with new snow, entrained very wet snow during their descent, and evolved into dense snow avalanches. To use the MN2D dynamics model correctly, calibration of model parameters is necessary. Also, no previous works with the use of dynamics models exist in South America. The events used to calibrate the model occurred during the winters of 1999 and 2000 and are a good sample of the kind of avalanches which can occur in this area of the Andes range. By considering the slope morphology and topography, the snow and meteorological conditions and the results of the model simulations, it was estimated that these avalanches were not extreme events with a return period greater than one hundred years. This implies that, in natural conditions, bigger, extreme avalanches could happen. In this work, the MN2D dynamics model is calibrated with two different avalanches of the same magnitude: dry and wet. The importance of the topographic data in the simulation is evaluated. It is concluded that MN2D dynamics model can be used to simulate dry extreme avalanches in Argentinean Andes but not to simulate extreme wet avalanches, which are much more sensitive to the topography.


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This work deals with the elaboration of flood hazard maps. These maps reflect the areas prone to floods based on the effects of Hurricane Mitch in the Municipality of Jucuarán of El Salvador. Stream channels located in the coastal range in the SE of El Salvador flow into the Pacific Ocean and generate alluvial fans. Communities often inhabit these fans can be affected by floods. The geomorphology of these stream basins is associated with small areas, steep slopes, well developed regolite and extensive deforestation. These features play a key role in the generation of flash-floods. This zone lacks comprehensive rainfall data and gauging stations. The most detailed topographic maps are on a scale of 1:25 000. Given that the scale was not sufficiently detailed, we used aerial photographs enlarged to the scale of 1:8000. The effects of Hurricane Mitch mapped on these photographs were regarded as the reference event. Flood maps have a dual purpose (1) community emergency plans, (2) regional land use planning carried out by local authorities. The geomorphological method is based on mapping the geomorphological evidence (alluvial fans, preferential stream channels, erosion and sedimentation, man-made terraces). Following the interpretation of the photographs this information was validated on the field and complemented by eyewitness reports such as the height of water and flow typology. In addition, community workshops were organized to obtain information about the evolution and the impact of the phenomena. The superimposition of this information enables us to obtain a comprehensive geomorphological map. Another aim of the study was the calculation of the peak discharge using the Manning and the paleohydraulic methods and estimates based on geomorphologic criterion. The results were compared with those obtained using the rational method. Significant differences in the order of magnitude of the calculated discharges were noted. The rational method underestimated the results owing to short and discontinuous periods of rainfall data with the result that probabilistic equations cannot be applied. The Manning method yields a wide range of results because of its dependence on the roughness coefficient. The paleohydraulic method yielded higher values than the rational and Manning methods. However, it should be pointed out that it is possible that bigger boulders could have been moved had they existed. These discharge values are lower than those obtained by the geomorphological estimates, i.e. much closer to reality. The flood hazard maps were derived from the comprehensive geomorphological map. Three categories of hazard were established (very high, high and moderate) using flood energy, water height and velocity flow deduced from geomorphological and eyewitness reports.


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Proposem una divisió dels Catalanids en unitats que reflecteixen un comportament paleogeografic i estratigrafic diferent durant l'etapa preorogenica (Mesozoic) i un de tectonic relativament diferenciat durant l'etapa compressiva (Paleoge). Distingim els sectors (extern, intermedi i intern) limitats per falles de sbcol longitudinals, paral.leles a la serralada, la majoria de les quals es concentra en una zona que separa els sectors extern i intern. En aquesta zona (sector intermedi) s'hi atasconen les unitats litoestratigrafiques mesozoiques. Aquest atasconament, conjuntament amb la reactivació de les fractures profundes, és el responsable, durant l'etapa compressiva, de la localització en el sector intermedi dels fronts de les principals estructures d'encavalcament. També distingim les unitats que hem anomenat domini; (septentrional, central i meridional), que estan limitades per fractures transversals a la serralada. Així, doncs, les unitats queden limitades per dos sistemes de fractures de sòcol aproximadament ortogonals.


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The omega-3 index, defined as the sum of EPA and DHA in erythrocyte membranes expressed as a percentage of total fatty acids, has been proposed as both a risk marker and risk factor for CHD death. A major determinant of the omega-3 index is EPA þ DHA intake, but the impact of other dietary fatty acids has not been investigated. In a cross-sectional study on 198 subjects (102 men and 96 women, mean age 66 years) at high cardiovascular risk living in Spain, the country with low rates of cardiac death despite a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, dietary data were acquired from FFQ and blood cell membrane fatty acid composition was measured by GC. The average consumption of EPA þ DHA was 0·9 g/d and the mean omega-3 index was 7·1%. In multivariate models, EPA þ DHA intake was the main predictor of the omega-3 index but explained only 12% of its variability (P,0·001). No associations with other dietary fatty acids were observed. Although the single most influential determinant of the omega-3 index measured here was the intake of EPA þ DHA, it explained little of the former"s variability; hence, the effects of other factors (genetic, dietary and lifestyle) remain to be determined. Nevertheless, the high omega-3 index could at least partially explain the paradox of low rates of fatal CHD in Spain despite a high background prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors.


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L’estudi realitzat aborda i caracteritza des de l’enfocament de la resiliència com l’alumnat de procedència estrangera s’enfronta a una etapa d’alt risc d’abandonament escolar com és l’Educació Secundària Obligatòria (ESO) –especialment en el segon cicle– i el moment de transició acadèmica cap a la Postobligatòria (PO). En altres paraules, s’analitzen i valoren els mecanismes resilients desplegats per l’alumnat immigrant que donen llum sobre com aconseguir que processos, a priori, qualificats com a problemàtics o dificultosos per aquests grups degut a la seva situació de major vulnerabilitat esdevinguin una xarxa protectora que afavoreixi trajectòries d’èxit escolar. L’emmarcament conceptual des de la resiliència educativa, en general, ha centrat la seva atenció en la capacitat de l’individu per “compensar” certes limitacions amb altres habilitats. Tanmateix, la definició de resiliència a la qual ens hem aferrat té un caire més ecològic i culturalment sensible. És la definició proposada pel Resilience Research Centre (RRC) i encunyada pel seu co-director Michael Ungar: In the context of exposure to significant adversity, resilience is both the capacity of individuals to navigate their way to the psychological, social, cultural, and physical resources that sustain their well-being, and their capacity individually and collectively to negotiate for these resources to be provided in culturally meaningful ways (Ungar, 2012). Entesa d’aquesta manera, la resiliència és un constructe social que identifica els processos i resultats relacionats amb allò que la gent conceptualitza com a “benestar”. Així, es més probable que la resiliència aparegui quan es proporcionin els serveis, suports i recursos que garanteixen el benestar de tots els nens/es des d’una perspectiva que sigui significativa tant per a l’individu, com per la seva família i comunitat...


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Aquest escrit des d'una bona información de l'estat actual dels estudis platonics és una mostra de la renovació de la lectura dePlató que ara ens cal. La forma del dialeg com escena és considerada filosoficament (A). La qüestió, que és x?, en el nostre cas la pietat esta situada en una dvamatica que mostra el joc del dialeg com possibilitat im-possibilitat del desplaqament vers la dikaiosyne (B). Des d'aquesta perspectiva la qüestió d'una teoria de les idees s'obra i no oculta la recepció d'un ensenyament platonic.Hi ha una confrontació píat6nica entre la fixació d'un saber especial i secret sobre les histories dels déus i l'interrogació socratica com obertura i desplacament a la situació de respecte que comporta el risc de sofrir l'in-justicia per tal de mostrar la jucticia-cosmicitat (C).


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La traducció de la Catalunya dins 1'Espanya moderna la veig ara com un fet a la vegada remot i actual. Remot per les circumstincies polítiques que enmarcaren la publicació de l'obra; actual perquè continua essent un pilar fonamental de la historiografia catalana. L'edició original fou publicada a París l'any 1962; les gestions per a publicar-la en catali s'iniciaren de seguida a partir dels volums enviats per Vilar al meu pare, Agusti Duran i Sanpere, amb qui l'unia una bona amistat des dels anys trenta. En aquell moment estava iniciant les seves activitats Edicions 62; tot i el risc que comportava la publicació, que no podia ser entesa sinó com una obra de resistencia per part de ].a censura franquista, decidirem tirar-la endavant i que jo m'encarregués de la traducció, ja que disposava del temps necessari, coneixia i admirava Pierre Vilar i m'era ficil mantenir contactes amb ell per a les imprescindibles consultes tecniques.


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This article studies alterations in the values, attitudes, and behaviors that emerged among U.S. citizens as a consequence of, and as a response to, the attacks of September 11, 2001. The study briefly examines the immediate reaction to the attack, before focusing on the collective reactions that characterized the behavior of the majority of the population between the events of 9/11 and the response to it in the form of intervention in Afghanistan. In studying this period an eight-phase sequential model (Botcharova, 2001) is used, where the initial phases center on the nation as the ingroup and the latter focus on the enemy who carried out the attack as the outgroup. The study is conducted from a psychosocial perspective and uses "social identity theory" (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986) as the basic framework for interpreting and accounting for the collective reactions recorded. The main purpose of this paper is to show that the interpretation of these collective reactions is consistent with the postulates of social identity theory. The application of this theory provides a different and specific analysis of events. The study is based on data obtained from a variety of rigorous academic studies and opinion polls conducted in relation to the events of 9/11. In line with social identity theory, 9/11 had a marked impact on the importance attached by the majority of U.S. citizens to their identity as members of a nation. This in turn accentuated group differentiation and activated ingroup favoritism and outgroup discrimination (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986). Ingroup favoritism strengthened group cohesion, feelings of solidarity, and identification with the most emblematic values of the U.S. nation, while outgroup discrimination induced U.S. citizens to conceive the enemy (al-Qaeda and its protectors) as the incarnation of evil, depersonalizing the group and venting their anger on it, and to give their backing to a military response, the eventual intervention in Afghanistan. Finally, and also in line with the postulates of social identity theory, as an alternative to the virtual bipolarization of the conflict (U.S. vs al-Qaeda), the activation of a higher level of identity in the ingroup is proposed, a group that includes the United States and the largest possible number of countries¿ including Islamic states¿in the search for a common, more legitimate and effective solution.


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L'estructura jeràrquica és una de les característiques fonamentals de les societats de primats, que condiciona en gran mesura el comportament dels individus que conviuen al grup, però quines lleis regeixen la formació i l'estructura d'aquestes jerarquies?, per què en determinats grups els subjectes més dominants se situen al centre del grup i en altres de la mateixa espècie no? En el camp de la conducta animal s"han proposat múltiples hipòtesis però cap totalment satisfactòria, ja que a causa de les múltiples variables que hi influeixen és difícil desenvolupar una teoria que expliqui tota la complexitat que s"observa empíricament. La nostra proposta d"estudi es basa en l"enfocament de la modelització de la conducta adaptativa, la qual ens permet, mitjançant la simulació informàtica, implementar moltes de les variables que autors com Gust (1995), Koenig (2001) i Barta & Giraldeau (1998) han considerat importants per a l"estructura de formacions jeràrquiques en primats. Seguint el model proposat per Hemelrijk (1998), hem programat un simulador basat en agents, en el qual les regles de conducta implementades fan emergir estructures jeràrquiques complexes. En una primera fase de la investigació, que es desenvolupa en el present article, hem replicat els estudis de Hemelrijk (1996). Com els nostres resultats coincideixen amb els obtinguts per Hemelrijk, en posteriors treballs implementarem noves variables al nostre model.


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This article studies alterations in the values, attitudes, and behaviors that emerged among U.S. citizens as a consequence of, and as a response to, the attacks of September 11, 2001. The study briefly examines the immediate reaction to the attack, before focusing on the collective reactions that characterized the behavior of the majority of the population between the events of 9/11 and the response to it in the form of intervention in Afghanistan. In studying this period an eight-phase sequential model (Botcharova, 2001) is used, where the initial phases center on the nation as the ingroup and the latter focus on the enemy who carried out the attack as the outgroup. The study is conducted from a psychosocial perspective and uses "social identity theory" (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986) as the basic framework for interpreting and accounting for the collective reactions recorded. The main purpose of this paper is to show that the interpretation of these collective reactions is consistent with the postulates of social identity theory. The application of this theory provides a different and specific analysis of events. The study is based on data obtained from a variety of rigorous academic studies and opinion polls conducted in relation to the events of 9/11. In line with social identity theory, 9/11 had a marked impact on the importance attached by the majority of U.S. citizens to their identity as members of a nation. This in turn accentuated group differentiation and activated ingroup favoritism and outgroup discrimination (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986). Ingroup favoritism strengthened group cohesion, feelings of solidarity, and identification with the most emblematic values of the U.S. nation, while outgroup discrimination induced U.S. citizens to conceive the enemy (al-Qaeda and its protectors) as the incarnation of evil, depersonalizing the group and venting their anger on it, and to give their backing to a military response, the eventual intervention in Afghanistan. Finally, and also in line with the postulates of social identity theory, as an alternative to the virtual bipolarization of the conflict (U.S. vs al-Qaeda), the activation of a higher level of identity in the ingroup is proposed, a group that includes the United States and the largest possible number of countries¿ including Islamic states¿in the search for a common, more legitimate and effective solution.


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Aquest article comença amb un repàs a les situacions de risc vocal que suporten diàriament els docents en el desenvolupament de la seva tasca i continua amb la presentació de les dades més rellevants de salut vocal dels docents de l'Estat espanyol, recollides a les principals recerques específiques. Més endavant, es revisa la situació que ocupa l'educació vocal en la formació inicial dels docents i, finalment, es descriuen els blocs de continguts d'una proposta de formació vocal (treball postural, treball respiratori i treball vocal), i els espais en què aquesta proposta podria ser inserida en els plans d'estudi de formació inicial dels docents de l'Estat espanyol.


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L’estudi realitzat aborda i caracteritza des de l’enfocament de la resiliència com l’alumnat de procedència estrangera s’enfronta a una etapa d’alt risc d’abandonament escolar com és l’Educació Secundària Obligatòria (ESO) –especialment en el segon cicle– i el moment de transició acadèmica cap a la Postobligatòria (PO). En altres paraules, s’analitzen i valoren els mecanismes resilients desplegats per l’alumnat immigrant que donen llum sobre com aconseguir que processos, a priori, qualificats com a problemàtics o dificultosos per aquests grups degut a la seva situació de major vulnerabilitat esdevinguin una xarxa protectora que afavoreixi trajectòries d’èxit escolar. L’emmarcament conceptual des de la resiliència educativa, en general, ha centrat la seva atenció en la capacitat de l’individu per “compensar” certes limitacions amb altres habilitats. Tanmateix, la definició de resiliència a la qual ens hem aferrat té un caire més ecològic i culturalment sensible. És la definició proposada pel Resilience Research Centre (RRC) i encunyada pel seu co-director Michael Ungar: In the context of exposure to significant adversity, resilience is both the capacity of individuals to navigate their way to the psychological, social, cultural, and physical resources that sustain their well-being, and their capacity individually and collectively to negotiate for these resources to be provided in culturally meaningful ways (Ungar, 2012). Entesa d’aquesta manera, la resiliència és un constructe social que identifica els processos i resultats relacionats amb allò que la gent conceptualitza com a “benestar”. Així, es més probable que la resiliència aparegui quan es proporcionin els serveis, suports i recursos que garanteixen el benestar de tots els nens/es des d’una perspectiva que sigui significativa tant per a l’individu, com per la seva família i comunitat...


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Purpose: Despite the fundamental role of ecosystem goods and services in sustaining human activities, there is no harmonized and internationally agreed method for including them in life cycle assessment (LCA). The main goal of this study was to develop a globally applicable and spatially resolved method for assessing land-use impacts on the erosion regulation ecosystem service.Methods: Soil erosion depends much on location. Thus, unlike conventional LCA, the endpoint method was regionalized at the grid-cell level (5 arc-minutes, approximately 10×10 km2) to reflect the spatial conditions of the site. Spatially explicit characterization factors were not further aggregated at broader spatial scales. Results and discussion: Life cycle inventory data of topsoil and topsoil organic carbon (SOC) losses were interpreted at the endpoint level in terms of the ultimate damage to soil resources and ecosystem quality. Human health damages were excluded from the assessment. The method was tested on a case study of five three-year agricultural rotations, two of them with energy crops, grown in several locations in Spain. A large variation in soil and SOC losses was recorded in the inventory step, depending on climatic and edaphic conditions. The importance of using a spatially explicit model and characterization factors is shown in the case study.Conclusions and outlook: The regionalized assessment takes into account the differences in soil erosion-related environmental impacts caused by the great variability of soils. Taking this regionalized framework as the starting point, further research should focus on testing the applicability of the method trough the complete life cycle of a product and on determining an appropriate spatial scale at which to aggregate characterization factors, in order to deal with data gaps on location of processes, especially in the background system. Additional research should also focus on improving reliability of the method by quantifying and, insofar as it is possible, reducing uncertainty.