554 resultados para Estudiants universitaris -- Unió Europea, Països de la


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The aim of this study is to measure the psychometric properties of a Catalan translation of the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST), and to analyse the different learning styles used by university students, considering the influence of gender and type of studies. The instrument was administered to 834 students at the University of Girona. The results showed that most students interviewed had a deep approach to learning, although the analysis by gender showed that females tended to use a more strategic approach, while males used a deep approach predominantly. As to whether the type of studies influenced learning styles, a prevalence of deep approach was found among Science and Technology students, while a more strategic approach was found among Humanities and Education students


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Thanks to ART.17.7 of the Lisbon Treaty, the European Council now has to “take into account” the results of EP Elections when selecting a candidate for the role of Commission President. The European Parliament has grabbed the opportunity to launch the first electoral race for spitzenkandidaten to the Presidency. Is this the start of a new democratizing (and thus, politicizing) process for the European Union? This dissertation will try to give a possible answer to the dilemma by constructing a comprehensive framework around EP Elections 2014 that will involve both the Commission and the Parliament and an analysis of the debate beyond legal provisions and the possibility of a politicized presidency of the Commission.


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This paper investigates the example of Cyprus as a case study for the Europeanisation of conflict resolution. The argument advanced is that the European Union (EU) impacts the positions of the parts of the conflict (here, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots and Turkey) but not always towards the resolution of the dispute and compliance with EU conditionality. Conformity with EU conditionality depends on its credibility, which is decreased by the internalisation of the conflict into the EU. In this context, this work contributes to the discussion on Europeanisation and the aptitude of the EU in conflict resolution as well as the role of the EU in the Cyprus conflict during the post-accession years.


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Broadband access is a key factor for economic and social development. However, providing broadband to rural areas is not attractive to private telecommunications operators due its low or zero investment return. To deal with broadband provision in rural areas, different governance systems based on private and public cooperation have appeared. This paper not only identifies and defines public and private cooperation models but also assesses their impact on overcoming the digital divide in rural areas. The results show that public ownership infrastructure under private management policy has had positive effects on reducing the broadband digital divide and being applied to areas with higher digital divide; subsides to private operators providers only positive effects on reducing broadband digital divide; but public infrastructure with public management programs did not. The results, obtained using quasi-experimental methods, suggest the importance of incentives and control mechanisms in broadband universal service provision plans.


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The paper reviews the historical transformation of the European regulatory framework for electronic communications from the era dominated by state-owned enterprises to the presence of regulated competition. In the course of these developments, the vision of the roles of the public and private sectors in electronic communications changed in expected and unexpected ways. While the period is characterized by a shift toward less direct state intervention, the intensity of regulation has increased in many areas. Most recently, in the wake of the financial crisis, new forms of state intervention can be observed, including public investment in communications infrastructure and public-private partnerships. As a result of the reforms, Europe has been able to achieve major successes but it also suffered unanticipated setbacks compared to other regions. The European Union emerged as the global leader in mobile communications during the 1990s and was able to roll-out first-generation broadband access networks more rapidly than many of its peers. Recently, however, Europe as a whole has not performed as well in deploying next-generation networks and advanced mobile communications services. The paper offers a political-economic explanation for these developments and assesses their effects on the performance of the European electronic communications sector and the economy. From this analysis, the European model emerges as a unique institutional arrangement with peculiar advantages and disadvantages. Once these are recognized, sensible next steps to build the strengths while avoiding the weaknesses of the model can be seen more clearly.


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Los estudiantes de medicina efectúan una parte de sus rotaciones en entornos como salas de hospitalización, consultas externas y centros de salud, donde comparten las experiencias clínicas con un médico al que llamaremos"tutor". La reforma de los planes docentes abordados por las facultades de medicina pone el acento en este tipo de prácticas [1,2]. El presente trabajo se enmarca en un esfuerzo de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universitat de Barcelona para hacer presente las habilidades de comunicación en la tarea docente [3,4], e indica algunas pautas para la recepción y acomodación de estos estudiantes, así como situaciones delicadas que deben ser resueltas con asertividad...


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Objetivo: Conocer la opinión de los estudiantes sobre un seminario que enseña la interacción de los médicos con las fuentes comerciales de información de los medicamentos. Sujetos y métodos: Se realizó una encuesta a los estudiantes de tercero de medicina sobre un seminario que trataba de las fuentes comerciales de información de medicamentos. El seminario incluyó una videograbación de un representante comercial de una empresa farmacéutica que presentaba un nuevo medicamento a un médico, y ejemplos de información sobre medicamentos incluida en el catálogo comercial Vademécum Internacional y en los anuncios publicitarios. Se preguntó a los estudiantes el grado de interés y de satisfacción con el seminario y qué nivel de utilidad creían que podían tener las actividades desarrolladas en el seminario en su futuro profesional. En la valoración de la opinión se utilizó una escala de Likert (de 0 a 10 puntos). Resultados: De 107 estudiantes que asistieron a los seminarios, 101 (94%) participaron en la encuesta. La edad media de los estudiantes fue de 21 años (desviación estándar-DE-: 2,2 años) y 75 fueron mujeres (74%). La puntuación media del grado de interés fue de 7,4 (DE: 1,5), del grado de satisfacción de 7,5 (DE: 1,6) y del grado de potencial utilidad de 7,6 (1,6). Conclusión: Los estudiantes de medicina están interesados en las actividades docentes sobre las fuentes de información comercial, y consideran que pueden ser potencialmente útiles para su futuro profesional. Es necesario formar y preparar a los estudiantes de medicina para la interacción con las fuentes comerciales de medicamentos.


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Conocer cuál es la personalidad de aquellos que acceden a nuestras Escuelas y que en pocos años se convertirán en futuros profesionales de Enfermería, ha sido el objetivo de un estudio llevado a cabo por la Comisión de Docencia de la E.U.E. de Barcelona. En él se realiza un análisis comparativo de los perfiles de personalidad de los estudiantes admitidos en la E.U.E. de Barcelona y los candidatos pre-inscritos en dicha escuela en 1983, frente a estudiantes de Enfermería americanas y británicas y los candidatos a estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad de Navarra.


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This study examines both the motives for and the benefits of attending a uni- versity programme for older people (UPOP) in Spain, and how they vary with the type of UPOP. Two UPOP models were assessed: The"Older People"s Classes" of the University of Barcelona, which is organised as a lecture course, and the"University of Experience" at the University of Valencia, which is a three- or four- year variant of regular university degrees. A sample of 321 older students (mean age 67.5 years) was gathered from the two UPOPs, 161 participants from the former and 157 from the latter. The findings suggest that expressive motives such as acquiring knowledge, expanding the mind or learning for the joy of learning were the most important reasons for joining a UPOP, and that among the perceived benefits from taking classes at university featured"gaining more friends","enhanced self or life-satisfaction" and"joy in life". Perceived benefits were particularly high among the less educated and the older students. While students participating in the Older People"s Classes were older and included relatively more women, differences between the two models in motives and benefits did not exist or were slight. These results are discussed in the context of new strategies to improve university courses aimed at older students.


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El treball s’emmarca en un projecte d’innovació docent concedit per la UB (2011PID-UB/90), que té com a objectius:a) definir diferents modalitats de tutoria grupal;b) recollir l’opinió dels estudiants sobre les tutories; ic) analitzar la incidència de les tutories en els aprenentatges dels estudiants.En aquest treball ens centrem en el segon objectiu.


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Aims: The aim of this paper is to know what means for Spanish university students “sexual relations”, from a sexually transmitted infections prevention point of view. Method: Participants were seven hundred and fifty university students from 18 to 25 years (67.7% women; 65.5% between 18 and 21 years old) selected by multistage proportional sampling. They were asked to give a maximum of three free definitions or examples of “sexual relations”. They could use the language they feel more comfortable. An example of (vaginal sex) was provided and three blank spaces for answering were marked. Results: 23.5% of participants repeated the example provided (vaginal sex). The other answers were categorized in the following topics: euphemisms (42,3%), sex with penetration (40,3%), divagations (11,2%), sex without penetration (11,1%), anal sex (10,5%), oral sex (5,6%), masturbation (2,4%) and having an orgasm (1,5%). Conclusions: Young people’s meaning of “having sex” has become more diversified in the last years. These results must be useful in order to design future preventive campaigns


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La presente comunicación describe el análisis de un proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo en un entorno de educación superior mediado por tecnologías desde la perspectiva del estudiante. Partimos de la hipótesis que en un proceso educativo de estas características, el tipo de intervención y orientación docente incide en la respuesta del alumnado, de manera que una orientación estructurada y pautada permite enfatizar tanto la dimensión académica como la social del aprendizaje, y determina una mejor comprensión y realización de la actividad por parte de los estudiantes. Con esta investigación se pretende llegar a una comprensión de los principales parámetros e indicadores que se reflejan en una situación de aprendizaje colaborativo en entornos mediados por tecnologías, con el objeto de determinar el conjunto de estrategias orientadas a la colaboración que resultan eficaces para promover el aprendizaje. El estudio se enmarca en la teoría sociocultural inspirada por Vigotski, que enfatiza la interacción social que se relaciona con el cambio cognitivo. Gros (2005) señala algunas cuestiones que han centrado los estudios en este ámbito y que orientan nuestro trabajo: la interacción, la intervención del profesorado, la construcción colaborativa del conocimiento y las herramientas mediadoras.


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La presente comunicación muestra los resultados de una investigación que tiene por finalidad identificar y comprender los usos de las TIC por parte de estudiantes universitarios en sus procesos de aprendizaje, con la intención de extraer conclusiones que permitan mejorar el diseño de las situaciones de aprendizaje en contextos formales, haciéndolas más próximas, adaptadas y motivadoras para éstos, teniendo en cuenta los diferentes perfiles de estudiantes identificados y aprovechando la identificación y uso que estos muestran por determinados recursos tecnológicos.


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Aquesta comunicació presenta l’experiència desenvolupada el curs 2010-11 i en l’assignatura del Grau de Mestre d’Educació Infantil: Desenvolupament psicomotor i Expressió Corporal de la Universitat de Vic.


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Espanya s'ha convertit en el segon Estat de la Unió Europea quant al consum de drogues. Sens dubte cal posar-hi remei, i un dels remeis probablement més eficaços és informar els més joves dels greus perjudicis sobre la salut física, mental i social que generen les drogues, tant les il·legals com les legals [...].