116 resultados para thematic criticism


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Inventari que recull les notícies que l’autor ha pogut aplegar sobre plecs solts poètics en llengua catalana de temàtica relacionada amb el bandolerisme (des de l’arribada de la impremta a Catalunya fins al final del segle XVII). També ofereix l’edició del text de tres d’aquests plecs solts, impresos a la segona meitat del segle XVI, inèdits modernament i poc coneguts. Es tracta d’una «sèrie» sobre dos germans bandolers, caps de colla: Janot i Montserrat Poc


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Es presenta una crítica textual de fragments de l’obra d’Ausiàs Marc. Es tracten, entre altres, les imatges marineres


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Breu repàs de la vida i, sobretot, de l’obra d’Agustí Eura, home de lletres de formació barroca amb una obra àmplia en català, castellà i llatí


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Article sobre les al·lusions i anècdotes tradicionals que fa servir Lópe de Vega a les seves obres. Concretament es tracta un episodi del llibre El mejor alcalde, el rey


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Estudi de per què el llibre de Dan Brown “El Código da Vinci” és un èxit de vendes, i de les claus de la seva adaptació cinematogràfica


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El treball d'investigació té per objecte oferir un inventari raonat de novel•les i contes curts d’autors sicilians d’entre 1860 i 1898, de Giovanni Verga a la Simonetta Agnello Hornby, diferents en edat, cultura i condició social. Vol fer evident la persistència de la reflexió sobre el Risorgimento "traït", i ajudar a comprendre com hi havia un marc d’unitat política i institucional en el què no es donava cabuda a les diferències entre el Nord i el Sud d’Itàlia


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This dissertation involves a close reading of Springsteen’s lyrics in relation to the thematic concerns of the Tom Joad album. Enquiring into the sometimes multiple levels of significance that these lyrics can be seen to express, in order to show the manner in which Springsteen mirrors the broader thematic concerns of Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath’ s novel but also adapts and reinterprets these themes for his own time. In this sense, I will try to underline the ways in which, for Springsteen’s vision of his country in the 1990’s, the presence of troublesome issues from decades before is one that can, in certain ways, still be seen, felt and experienced. It is in this manner that the ghost of Tom Joad is summoned


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El document és el resultat d'una investigació més àmplia sobre la construcció de l'Arc Mediterrani. El seu objectiu és posar en relleu el notable grau de desenvolupament de la cooperació regional en la matèria, a través d'una anàlisi detallada de les diferents figures institucionalitzades de cooperació territorial existents (o haver existit) a la zona. L'anàlisi s'ha dut a terme des d'un punt de vista temàtic, basat en els objectius prioritaris d'aquestes institucions. En concret, les xifres estudiades es limiten a les institucions formals o les associacions de col · laboració de caràcter específic, com ara euroregions o les agrupacions europees d'interès econòmic, entès com les figures de major institucionalització dels espais transnacionals a nivell europeu. En canvi, hem deixat de banda altres figures, com Interreg (finançat pel FEDER), ja que no són entitats correctament. Encara que de vegades els acords de cooperació establerts per als projectes d'Interreg han donat lloc a algunes de les entitats estudiades aquí.


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Es presenten notícies sobre l’activitat dels els inicis de la història literària catalana, la multiplicitat dels vehicles on apareix, les formes que adopta i l’evolució que experimenta


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This project is about the development of a web that uses the tools offered by the Geographic Information Systems based in open source in order to monitoring and detect legionella clusters in Barcelona. This web also produces thematic maps for the study of epidemiologic diseases and has been made with the colaboration of the Barcelona public health agency.


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Recull, identificació i documentació d'aproximadament 130 obres de l'artista sirià Bassam Kanaan entre 1960 i 1987. El treball inclou un apunt biogràfic de l'artista que, com diu la seva autora, va evitar conscientment formar part del sistema, cosa que ha complicat la tasca de rescatar de l'oblit informacions sobre Kanaan


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From an interdisciplinary perspective, the present investigation undertaken by the GREILI-UPF research group has expanded a previous study aiming at explaining how young secondary school students of Latin American and Chinese origin in Catalonia construct their linguistic and cultural identity. Here we analyze the relationship between these youngsters and their social environment in order to determine how these relationships and the socialization process that derives from them influence language attitudes and practices. We focus on two spaces of socialization: (1) the school, where youngsters from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds coexist and interact, and (2) the neighborhood, a geographic and symbolic space where social identity is constructed and, consequently, where young newcomers construct their perceptions regarding the host society, including its linguistic reality. We have collected several sets of data in three public secondary schools and three neighborhoods from Barcelona’s metropolitan area with a high index of immigrant population: (1) interviews with secondary school students, (2) interviews with teachers, (3) social discourses in newspapers that consolidate the social image of the neighborhood, (4) narratives from immigrant families in relation to their neighborhood, (5) participant observation in schools, and (5) observation in the neighborhood. The results of the thematic and, when appropriate, discursive analysis of the data allow us to reach conclusions regarding: (a) the social image of the neighborhoods, (b) the socialization of young newcomers in the schools and the neighborhoods, (c) the identity games, and (d) the language and cultural practices and attitudes of young people, in relation to their countries and languages of origin as well as the school and the neighborhood investigated.


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A partir de l'anàlisi comparatiu de l'obra de dos grans teòrics de la modernitat i la postmodernitat com són Clement Greenberg i Arthur C. Danto es fa un estudi de com aquests dos autors han arribat a construir els seus discursos i, en relació a això, com ha anat evolucionant el concepte d'art de la modernitat a la postmodernitat. La qüestió central que se'ns planteja és: què ha canviat en la idea d'art de la postmodernitat respecte a la idea o a la concepció d'art anterior, per arribar-nos a qüestionar si realment hi ha art i, si n'hi ha, què és art i que no ho és? Existeix una idea universal de què ha de ser art? O aquesta és una qüestió intrínsicament relacionada amb la societat en què es produeix; en aquest cas, la societat occidental?


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In the last decades; a growing stock of literature has been devoted to the criticism of GDP as an indicator of societal wealth. A relevant question is: what are the perspectives to build, on the existing knowledge and consensus, alternative measures of prosperity? A starting point may be to connect well-being research agenda with the sustainability one. However, there is no doubt that there is a lot of complexity and fuzziness inherent in multidimensional concepts such as sustainability and well-being. This article analyses the theoretical foundations and the empirical validity of some multidimensional technical tools that can be used for well-being evaluation and assessment. Of course one should not forget that policy conclusions derived through any mathematical model depend also on the conceptual framework used, i.e. which representation of reality (and thus which societal values and interests) has been considered.


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Background: This paper analyses gender inequalities in health status and in social determinants of health among the elderly in Western Europe. Methods: Data came from the first wave of the “Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe” (SHARE, 2004). For the purposes of this study a subsample of community-residing people aged 65-85 years with no paid work was selected (4218 men and 5007 women). Multiple logistic regression models separated by sex and adjusted for age and country were fitted. Results: Women were more likely to report poor health status, limitations in mobility and poor mental health. Whereas in both sexes educational attainment was associated with the three health indicators, household income was only related to poor self-rated health among women. The relationship between living arrangements and health differed by gender and was primarily associated with poor mental health. In both sexes, not living with the partner but living with other people and being the household head was related to poor mental health status (aOR=2.14; 95% CI=1.11-4.14 for men and aOR=1.75; 95% CI=1.12-2.72 for women). Additionally, women living with their partner and other(s) and those living alone were more likely to report poor mental health status (aOR=1.67; 95% CI=1.17-2.41 and aOR=1.58; 95% CI=1.26-1.97, respectively). Conclusions: Health inequalities persist among the elderly. Women have poorer health status than men and in both sexes the risk of poor health status increases among those with low educational attainment. Living arrangements are primarily associated with poor mental health status with patterns that differ by gender.