57 resultados para small software project


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El trabajo se centra en proporcionar una solución informática para la Administración de Propiedades haciendo uso de nuevas tecnologías y a su vez dotar de las herramientas necesarias para la construcción de una comunidad. El desarrollo de la solución pasa por la descripción de las herramientas empleadas y las etapas para su construcción, que incluyen el análisis, diseño, implementación y posterior implantación. Se hace énfasis en el Framework elegido para demostrar las ventajas de su aplicación. En la construcción de la comunidad se describen las herramientas utilizadas para la difusión del proyecto que incluyen la publicación de una página del proyecto, el uso de redes sociales y páginas publicitarias y la puesta en marcha de un software de colaboración para la administración del desarrollo del proyecto.


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Aquest projecte té com a objectiu la creació d'una aplicació informàtica de gestió de baix cost per a petits tallers de reparació d'automòbils per tal que puguin gestionar els seus clients i facturar les reparacions de vehicles automòbils.


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In this project a research both in finding predictors via clustering techniques and in reviewing the Data Mining free software is achieved. The research is based in a case of study, from where additionally to the KDD free software used by the scientific community; a new free tool for pre-processing the data is presented. The predictors are intended for the e-learning domain as the data from where these predictors have to be inferred are student qualifications from different e-learning environments. Through our case of study not only clustering algorithms are tested but also additional goals are proposed.


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With this final master thesis we are going to contribute to the Asterisk open source project. Asterisk is an open source project that started with the main objective of develop an IP telephony platform, completely based on Software (so not hardware dependent) and under an open license like GPL. This project was started on 1999 by the software engineer Mark Spencer at Digium. The main motivation of that open source project was that the telecommunications sector is lack of open solutions, and most of the available solutions are based on proprietary standards, which are close and not compatible between them. Behind the Asterisk project there is a company, Digum, which is the project leading since the project was originated in its laboratories. This company has some of its employees fully dedicated to contribute to the Asterisk project, and also provide the whole infrastructure required by the open source project. But the business of Digium isn't based on licensing of products due to the open source nature of Asterisk, but it's based on offering services around Asteriskand designing and selling some hardware components to be used with Asterisk. The Asterisk project has grown up a lot since its birth, offering in its latest versions advanced functionalities for managing calls and compatibility with some hardware that previously was exclusive of proprietary solutions. Due to that, Asterisk is becoming a serious alternative to all these proprietaries solutions because it has reached a level of maturity that makes it very stable. In addition, as it is open source, it can be fully customized to a givenrequirement, which could be impossible with the proprietaries solutions. Due to the bigness that is reaching the project, every day there are more companies which develop value added software for telephony platforms, that are seriously evaluating the option of make their software fully compatible withAsterisk platforms. All these factors make Asterisk being a consolidated project but in constant evolution, trying to offer all those functionalities offered by proprietaries solutions. This final master thesis will be divided mainly in two blocks totally complementaries. In the first block we will analyze Asterisk as an open source project and Asterisk as a telephony platform (PBX). As a result of this analysis we will generate a document, written in English because it is Asterisk project's official language, which could be used by future contributors as an starting point on joining Asterisk. On the second block we will proceed with a development contribution to the Asterisk project. We will have several options in the form that we do the contribution, such as solving bugs, developing new functionalities or start an Asterisk satellite project. The type of contribution will depend on the needs of the project on that moment.


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Nowadays, when a user is planning a touristic route is very difficult to find out which are the best places to visit. The user has to choose considering his/her preferences due to the great quantity of information it is possible to find in the web and taking into account it is necessary to do a selection, within small time because there is a limited time to do a trip. In Itiner@ project, we aim to implement Semantic Web technology combined with Geographic Information Systems in order to offer personalized touristic routes around a region based on user preferences and time situation. Using ontologies it is possible to link, structure, share data and obtain the result more suitable for user's preferences and actual situation with less time and more precisely than without ontologies. To achieve these objectives we propose a web page combining a GIS server and a touristic ontology. As a step further, we also study how to extend this technology on mobile devices due to the raising interest and technological progress of these devices and location-based services, which allows the user to have all the route information on the hand when he/she does a touristic trip. We design a little application in order to apply the combination of GIS and Semantic Web in a mobile device.


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Final degree project report. It summarizes the email upgrade project that was held at CELLS by Sergio Vicente.


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The Mechatronics Research Centre (MRC) owns a small scale robot manipulator called aMini-Mover 5. This robot arm is a microprocessor-controlled, six-jointed mechanical armdesigned to provide an unusual combination of dexterity and low cost.The Mini-Mover-5 is operated by a number of stepper motors and is controlled by a PCparallel port via a discrete logic board. The manipulator also has an impoverished array ofsensors.This project requires that a new control board and suitable software be designed to allow themanipulator to be controlled from a PC. The control board will also provide a mechanism forthe values measured using some sensors to be returned to the PC.On this project I will consider: stepper motor control requirements, sensor technologies,power requirements, USB protocols, USB hardware and software development and controlrequirements (e.g. sample rates).In this report we will have a look at robots history and background, as well as we willconcentrate how stepper motors and parallel port work


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Some of the elements that characterize the globalization of food and agriculture are industrialization and intensification of agriculture and liberalization of agricultural markets, that favours elongation of the food chain and homogenization of food habits (nutrition transition), among other impacts. As a result, the probability of food contamination has increased with the distance and the number of “hands" that may contact the food (critical points); the nutritional quality of food has been reduced because of increased transport and longer periods of time from collection to consumption; and the number of food-related diseases due to changes in eating patterns has increased. In this context, there exist different agencies and regulations intended to ensure food safety at different levels, e.g. at the international level, Codex Alimentarius develops standards and regulations for the marketing of food in a global market. Although governments determine the legal framework, the food industry manages the safety of their products, and thus, develops its own standards for their marketing, such as the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) programs. The participation of the private sector in the creation of regulatory standards strengthens the free trade of food products, favouring mostly large agribusiness companies. These standards are in most cases unattainable for small producers and food safety regulations are favouring removal of the peasantry and increase concentration and control in the food system by industrial actors. Particularly women, who traditionally have been in charge of the artisanal transformation process, can be more affected by these norms than men. In this project I am analysing the impcact of food safety norms over small farms, based on the case of artisanal production made by women in Spain.


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El proyecto consiste en la creación de un CRM de contact center con canal de telefonía y correo electrónico. Se ha llevado a cabo utilizando software libre. Se integra con centralita telefónica para permitir la realización de llamadas por Voip.


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Background: We present the results of EGASP, a community experiment to assess the state-ofthe-art in genome annotation within the ENCODE regions, which span 1% of the human genomesequence. The experiment had two major goals: the assessment of the accuracy of computationalmethods to predict protein coding genes; and the overall assessment of the completeness of thecurrent human genome annotations as represented in the ENCODE regions. For thecomputational prediction assessment, eighteen groups contributed gene predictions. Weevaluated these submissions against each other based on a ‘reference set’ of annotationsgenerated as part of the GENCODE project. These annotations were not available to theprediction groups prior to the submission deadline, so that their predictions were blind and anexternal advisory committee could perform a fair assessment.Results: The best methods had at least one gene transcript correctly predicted for close to 70%of the annotated genes. Nevertheless, the multiple transcript accuracy, taking into accountalternative splicing, reached only approximately 40% to 50% accuracy. At the coding nucleotidelevel, the best programs reached an accuracy of 90% in both sensitivity and specificity. Programsrelying on mRNA and protein sequences were the most accurate in reproducing the manuallycurated annotations. Experimental validation shows that only a very small percentage (3.2%) of the selected 221 computationally predicted exons outside of the existing annotation could beverified.Conclusions: This is the first such experiment in human DNA, and we have followed thestandards established in a similar experiment, GASP1, in Drosophila melanogaster. We believe theresults presented here contribute to the value of ongoing large-scale annotation projects and shouldguide further experimental methods when being scaled up to the entire human genome sequence.


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El software lliure està tenint últimament un pes cada cop més important en les empreses, però encara és el gran desconegut per a molta gent. Des de la seva creació als anys 80 fins ara, hi ha hagut un creixement exponencial de software lliure de gran qualitat, oferint eines per a tot tipus de necessitats, eines ofimàtiques, gestors de correu, sistemes de fitxer, sistemes operatius…. Tot aquest moviment no ha passat desapercebut per a molts usuaris i empreses, que s’han aprofitat d’ell per cobrir les seves necessitats. Pel que fa a les empreses, cada cop n’hi ha més que en petita o gran mesura, utilitzen el software lliure, ja sigui per el seu menor cost d’adquisició, o bé per la seva gran fiabilitat o per que és fàcilment adaptable o per no establir cap lligam tecnològic, en definitiva per tenir més llibertat. En el moment de la creació d’una nova empresa, on es parteix de zero en tota la tecnologia informàtica, és el moment menys costòs d’implementar l’arquitectura informàtica amb software lliure, és quan l’impacte que té sobre l’empresa, usuaris i clients és menor. En les empreses que ja tenen un sistema informàtic, caldrà establir un pla de migració, ja sigui total o parcial. La finalitat d’aquest projecte no és la de dir quin software és millor que l’altre o de dir quin s’ha d’instal•lar, sinó el de donar a conèixer el món del software lliure, mostrar part d’aquest software, fer alguna comparativa de software lliure amb software propietari, donant idees i un conjunt de solucions per a empreses, per què una empresa pugui agafar idees d’implementació d’algunes de les solucions informàtiques exposades o seguir algun dels consells proposats. Actualment ja hi ha moltes empreses que utilitzen software lliure. Algunes només n’utilitzen una petita part en les seves instal•lacions, ja que el fet de que una empresa funcioni al 100% amb software lliure, tot i que n’hi comença ha haver, de moment ho considero una mica arriscat, però que en poc temps, aquest fet serà cada cop més habitual.


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El departament d’electrònica i telecomunicacions de la Universitat de Vic ha dissenyat un conjunt de plaques entrenadores amb finalitat educativa. Perquè els alumnes puguin utilitzar aquestes plaques com a eina d’estudi, és necessari disposar d’un sistema de gravació econòmic i còmode. La major part dels programadors, en aquest cas, no compleixen amb aquests requeriments. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és dissenyar un sistema de programació que utilitzi la comunicació sèrie i que no requereixi d'un hardware ni software específics. D’aquesta manera, obtenim una placa autònoma i un programador gratuït, de muntatge ràpid i simple d’utilitzar. El sistema de gravació dissenyat s’ha dividit en tres blocs. Per una banda, un programa que anomenem “programador” encarregat de transferir codi de programa des de l’ordinador al microcontrolador de la placa entrenadora. Per altra banda, un programa anomenat “bootloader”, situat al microcontrolador, permet rebre aquest codi de programa i emmagatzemar-lo a les direccions de memòria de programa corresponents. Com a tercer bloc, s’implementa un protocol de comunicació i un sistema de control d’errors per tal d’assegurar una correcta comunicació entre el “programador” i el “bootloader”. Els objectius d’aquest projecte s’han complert i per les proves realitzades, el sistema de programació ha funcionat correctament.


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L’Slot, conegut per tots amb el nom d’Scalextric, s’ha implantat com a una forma d’oci habitual, la pràctica del qual no queda restringida als més petits, sinó que cada vegada crea més afició entre els grans. El fet que l’Slot s’hagi extès entre els adults n’ha revolucionat la pràctica. L’entrada al mercat de l’Slot de gent adulta, i amb poder adquisitiu molt superior als adolescents, ha provocat que les marques especialitzades vagin evolucionant els seus productes cada vegada més. Totes les marques s’han vist obligades a desenvolupar vehicles més competitius i alhora treure al mercat accessoris que augmentin la realitat del joc. Una de les necessitats que s’ha creat és la de competir entre jugadors. Aquesta competició tan pot ser en forma de carrera entre diversos participants, com de forma individual, cronometrant el temps de cada participant en un circuit. L’objectiu principal del projecte és crear un sistema capaç de realitzar cronometratges en temps real mitjançant sensors digitals ja existents en el mercat de l’Slot i poder controlar i visualitzar la informació des d’un PC. Per a poder captar els senyals dels sensors s’ha utilitzat un sistema microcontrolat, que garanteix gran velocitat d’adquisició, processament de dades i transmissió. La comunicació del Microcontrolador amb el PC s’ha realizat mitjançant el bus USB. El PC serà el controlador del sistema i donarà les ordres al Microcontrolador, podent així tenir control total sobre el funcionament del programa. També serà el PC el que tractarà els crocometratges enregistrats i els mostrarà per pantalla


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El proyecto que se presenta trata del estudio y desarrollo para la implementación de un sistema de gestión centralizada de software de una red Sanitaria en Clientes Windows. Este proyecto surge de la necesidad, en una empresa concertada dado el crecimiento de la red, de poder administrar los host de una manera más automatizada y más eficiente.


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Frequently the choice of a library management program is conditioned by social, economic and/or political factors that result in the selection of a system that is not altogether suitable for the library’s needs, characteristics and functions. Open source software is quickly becoming a preferred solution, owing to the freedom to copy, modify and distribute it and the freedom from contracts, as well as for greater opportunities for interoperability with other applications. These new trends regarding open source software in libraries are also reflected in LIS studies, as evidenced by the different courses addressing automated programs, repositorymanagement, including the Linux/GNU operating system, among others. The combination of the needs of the centres and the new trends for open source software is the focus of a virtual laboratory for the use of open source software for library applications. It was the result of a project, whose aim was to make a useful contribution to the library community, that was carried out by a group of professors of the School of Library and Information Science of the University of Barcelona, together with a group of students, members of a Working Group on Open Source Software for Information Professionals, of the Professional Library Association of Catalonia.