55 resultados para galaxies: clusters: individual: RX J1257.2 4738
As adult height is a well-established retrospective measure of health and standard of living, it is important to understand the factors that determine it. Among them, the influence of socio-environmental factors has been subjected to empirical scrutiny. This paper explores the influence of generational (or environmental) effects and individual and gender-specific heterogeneity on adult height. Our data set is from contemporary Spain, a country governed by an authoritarian regime between 1939 and 1977. First, we use normal position and quantile regression analysis to identify the determinants of self-reported adult height and to measure the influence of individual heterogeneity. Second, we use a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition approach to explain the `gender height gap¿ and its distribution, so as to measure the influence on this gap of individual heterogeneity. Our findings suggest a significant increase in adult height in the generations that benefited from the country¿s economic liberalization in the 1950s, and especially those brought up after the transition to democracy in the 1970s. In contrast, distributional effects on height suggest that only in recent generations has ¿height increased more among the tallest¿. Although the mean gender height gap is 11 cm, generational effects and other controls such as individual capabilities explain on average roughly 5% of this difference, a figure that rises to 10% in the lowest 10% quantile.
The binding energies of two-dimensional clusters (puddles) of¿4He are calculated in the framework of the diffusion Monte Carlo method. The results are well fitted by a mass formula in powers of x=N-1/2, where N is the number of particles. The analysis of the mass formula allows for the extraction of the line tension, which turns out to be 0.121 K/Å. Sizes and density profiles of the puddles are also reported.
The monopole (L=0) and quadrupole (L=2) strength distributions in normal 3He clusters are calculated within the random-phase approximation. We use a phenomenological, zero-range 3-3He interaction to generate the Hartree-Fock single-particle spectrum and the residual particle-hole interaction. The evolution of the collective modes with the number of atoms in the cluster is discussed.
The response function of alkali-metal clusters, modeled as jellium spheres, to dipole (L=1) and quadrupole (L=2) spin-dependent fields is obtained within the time-dependent local-spin-density approximation of density-functional theory. We predict the existence of low-energy spin modes of surface type, which are identified from the strength function. Their collectivity and evolution with size are discussed.
Background: Hox and ParaHox gene clusters are thought to have resulted from the duplication of a ProtoHox gene cluster early in metazoan evolution. However, the origin and evolution of the other genes belonging to the extended Hox group of homeobox-containing genes, that is, Mox and Evx, remains obscure. We constructed phylogenetic trees with mouse, amphioxus and Drosophila extended Hox and other related Antennapedia-type homeobox gene sequences and analyzed the linkage data available for such genes.Results: We claim that neither Mox nor Evx is a Hox or ParaHox gene. We propose a scenariothat reconciles phylogeny with linkage data, in which an Evx/Mox ancestor gene linked to aProtoHox cluster was involved in a segmental tandem duplication event that generated an arrayof all Hox-like genes, referred to as the `coupled¿ cluster. A chromosomal breakage within thiscluster explains the current composition of the extended Hox cluster (with Evx, Hox and Moxgenes) and the ParaHox cluster.Conclusions: Most studies dealing with the origin and evolution of Hox and ParaHox clustershave not included the Hox-related genes Mox and Evx. Our phylogenetic analyses and theavailable linkage data in mammalian genomes support an evolutionary scenario in which anancestor of Evx and Mox was linked to the ProtoHox cluster, and that a tandem duplication of alarge genomic region early in metazoan evolution generated the Hox and ParaHox clusters, plusthe cluster-neighbors Evx and Mox. The large `coupled¿ Hox-like cluster EvxHox/MoxParaHox wassubsequently broken, thus grouping the Mox and Evx genes to the Hox clusters, and isolating theParaHox cluster.
Background: Chemoreception is a widespread mechanism that is involved in critical biologic processes, including individual and social behavior. The insect peripheral olfactory system comprises three major multigene families: the olfactory receptor (Or), the gustatory receptor (Gr), and the odorant-binding protein (OBP) families. Members of the latter family establish the first contact with the odorants, and thus constitute the first step in the chemosensory transduction pathway.Results: Comparative analysis of the OBP family in 12 Drosophila genomes allowed the identification of 595 genes that encode putative functional and nonfunctional members in extant species, with 43 gene gains and 28 gene losses (15 deletions and 13 pseudogenization events). The evolution of this family shows tandem gene duplication events, progressive divergence in DNA and amino acid sequence, and prevalence of pseudogenization events in external branches of the phylogenetic tree. We observed that the OBP arrangement in clusters is maintained across the Drosophila species and that purifying selection governs the evolution of the family; nevertheless, OBP genes differ in their functional constraints levels. Finally, we detect that the OBP repertoire evolves more rapidly in the specialist lineages of the Drosophila melanogaster group (D. sechellia and D. erecta) than in their closest generalists.Conclusion: Overall, the evolution of the OBP multigene family is consistent with the birth-and-death model. We also found that members of this family exhibit different functional constraints, which is indicative of some functional divergence, and that they might be involved in some of the specialization processes that occurred through the diversification of the Drosophila genus.
The magnetic structure of the [Cu4(bpy)4(aspartate)2(H2O)3](ClO4)4·2.5 H2Ocrystal - using fractional coordinates determined at room-temperature ¿ has beenanalysed in detail. This analysis has been carried out by extending our first principlesbottom-up theoretical approach, which was initially designed to study through-spacemagnetic interactions, to handle through-bond magnetic interactions. The only input datarequired by this approach are the values of the computed JAB exchange parameters for allthe unique pairs of spin-containing centres. The results allow the magnetic structure ofthe crystal, which presents two types of isolated tetranuclear CuII clusters, to be definedin quantitative terms. Each of these clusters presents ferro and antiferromagneticinteractions, the former being stronger, although outnumbered by the latter. Thecomputed magnetic susceptibility curve shows the same qualitative features as theexperimental data. However, there are small differences that are presumed to beassociated with the use of room-temperature crystal coordinates.
The magnetic structure of the [Cu4(bpy)4(aspartate)2(H2O)3](ClO4)4·2.5 H2Ocrystal - using fractional coordinates determined at room-temperature ¿ has beenanalysed in detail. This analysis has been carried out by extending our first principlesbottom-up theoretical approach, which was initially designed to study through-spacemagnetic interactions, to handle through-bond magnetic interactions. The only input datarequired by this approach are the values of the computed JAB exchange parameters for allthe unique pairs of spin-containing centres. The results allow the magnetic structure ofthe crystal, which presents two types of isolated tetranuclear CuII clusters, to be definedin quantitative terms. Each of these clusters presents ferro and antiferromagneticinteractions, the former being stronger, although outnumbered by the latter. Thecomputed magnetic susceptibility curve shows the same qualitative features as theexperimental data. However, there are small differences that are presumed to beassociated with the use of room-temperature crystal coordinates.
As adult height is a well-established retrospective measure of health and standard of living, it is important to understand the factors that determine it. Among them, the influence of socio-environmental factors has been subjected to empirical scrutiny. This paper explores the influence of generational (or environmental) effects and individual and gender-specific heterogeneity on adult height. Our data set is from contemporary Spain, a country governed by an authoritarian regime between 1939 and 1977. First, we use normal position and quantile regression analysis to identify the determinants of self-reported adult height and to measure the influence of individual heterogeneity. Second, we use a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition approach to explain the `gender height gap¿ and its distribution, so as to measure the influence on this gap of individual heterogeneity. Our findings suggest a significant increase in adult height in the generations that benefited from the country¿s economic liberalization in the 1950s, and especially those brought up after the transition to democracy in the 1970s. In contrast, distributional effects on height suggest that only in recent generations has ¿height increased more among the tallest¿. Although the mean gender height gap is 11 cm, generational effects and other controls such as individual capabilities explain on average roughly 5% of this difference, a figure that rises to 10% in the lowest 10% quantile.
La técnica de rejilla es un instrumento de evaluación de las dimensiones y estructura del significado personal que se deriva de la teoría de los constructos personales. Tanto en la versión original de G. A. Kelly (1955) como en sus continuas actualizaciones, esta técnica pretende captar la forma en que una persona da sentido a su experiencia en sus propios términos. No se trata, por tanto, de un test convencional, sino de una forma de entrevista estructurada orientada a explicitar y analizar los constructos con los que la persona organiza su mundo. De la entrevista se genera una matriz de datos que se somete a varios análisis para revelar su estructura implícita. El programa RECORD ofrece los resultados de una forma clara y proporciona además una serie de gráficos de fácil interpretación. Todo ello permite dibujar la estructura del mapa cognitivo del sujeto desde su propia semántica, culminando así, con rigor metodológico, una vieja aspiración fenomenológica. Se trata de un instrumento muy 'flexible que puede adaptarse a diversas áreas de aplicación: evaluación individual, grupal, familiar y de pareja, intervención psicoeducativa, asesoramiento vocacional, investigación de mercados, asesoramiento empresarial, investigación terapéutica, estudio de la estructura cognitiva de la personalidad, etc.
La técnica de rejilla es un instrumento de evaluación de las dimensiones y estructura del significado personal que se deriva de la teoría de los constructos personales. Tanto en la versión original de G. A. Kelly (1955) como en sus continuas actualizaciones, esta técnica pretende captar la forma en que una persona da sentido a su experiencia en sus propios términos. No se trata, por tanto, de un test convencional, sino de una forma de entrevista estructurada orientada a explicitar y analizar los constructos con los que la persona organiza su mundo. De la entrevista se genera una matriz de datos que se somete a varios análisis para revelar su estructura implícita. El programa RECORD ofrece los resultados de una forma clara y proporciona además una serie de gráficos de fácil interpretación. Todo ello permite dibujar la estructura del mapa cognitivo del sujeto desde su propia semántica, culminando así, con rigor metodológico, una vieja aspiración fenomenológica. Se trata de un instrumento muy 'flexible que puede adaptarse a diversas áreas de aplicación: evaluación individual, grupal, familiar y de pareja, intervención psicoeducativa, asesoramiento vocacional, investigación de mercados, asesoramiento empresarial, investigación terapéutica, estudio de la estructura cognitiva de la personalidad, etc.
This is the first TEM examination of vitellogenesis in the cestode Aporhynchus menezesi, a parasite of the velvet belly lanternshark Etmopterus spinax and a member of a little-studied trypanorhynch family, the Aporhynchidae. The synthetic activity of vitellocytes plays two important functions in the developmental biology of cestodes: (1) their shell-globules serve in eggshell formation; and (2) their accumulated reserves of glycogen and lipids represent a food source for the developing embryo. In A. menezesi, vitelline follicles consist of cells at various stages of development, from peripheral, immature cells of the gonial type to mature cells towards the centre of the follicle. These stages are: (I) immature; (II) early differentiation; (III) advanced maturation; and (IV) mature. Gradual changes involved in this process occur within each stage. Vitellogenesis involves: (1) an increase in cell volume; (2) the development of a smooth endoplasmic reticulum and an accelerated formation and accumulation of both unsaturated and saturated lipid droplets, along with their continuous enlargement and fusion; (3) the formation of individual β-glycogen particles and their accumulation in the form of glycogen islands scattered among lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of maturing and mature vitellocytes; (4) the rapid accumulation of large, moderately saturated lipid droplets accompanied by dense accumulations of β-glycogen along with proteinaceous shell-globules or shell-globule clusters in the peripheral layer during the advanced stage of maturation; (5) the development of cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum that produce dense, proteinaceous shell-globules; (6) the development of Golgi complexes engaged in the packaging of this material; and (7) the progressive and continuous enlargement of shell-globules into very large clusters in the peripheral layer during the advanced stage of maturation. Vitellogenesis in A. menezesi, only to some extent, resembles that previously described for four other trypanorhynchs. It differs in: (i) the reversed order of secretory activities in the differentiating vitellocytes, namely the accumulation of large lipid droplets accompanied by glycogenesis or β-glycogen formation during early differentiation (stage II), i.e. before the secretory activity, which is predominantly protein synthesis for shell-globule formation (stage III); (ii) the very heavy accumulation of large lipid droplets during the final stage of cytodifferentiation (stage IV); and (iii) the small number of β-glycogen particles present in mature vitellocytes. Ultracytochemical staining with PA-TCH-SP for glycogen proved positive for a small number of β-glycogen particles in differentiating and mature vitellocytes. Hypotheses, concerning the interrelationships of patterns of vitellogenesis, possible modes of egg formation, embryonic development and life-cycles, are commented upon.
This is the first TEM examination of vitellogenesis in the cestode Aporhynchus menezesi, a parasite of the velvet belly lanternshark Etmopterus spinax and a member of a little-studied trypanorhynch family, the Aporhynchidae. The synthetic activity of vitellocytes plays two important functions in the developmental biology of cestodes: (1) their shell-globules serve in eggshell formation; and (2) their accumulated reserves of glycogen and lipids represent a food source for the developing embryo. In A. menezesi, vitelline follicles consist of cells at various stages of development, from peripheral, immature cells of the gonial type to mature cells towards the centre of the follicle. These stages are: (I) immature; (II) early differentiation; (III) advanced maturation; and (IV) mature. Gradual changes involved in this process occur within each stage. Vitellogenesis involves: (1) an increase in cell volume; (2) the development of a smooth endoplasmic reticulum and an accelerated formation and accumulation of both unsaturated and saturated lipid droplets, along with their continuous enlargement and fusion; (3) the formation of individual β-glycogen particles and their accumulation in the form of glycogen islands scattered among lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of maturing and mature vitellocytes; (4) the rapid accumulation of large, moderately saturated lipid droplets accompanied by dense accumulations of β-glycogen along with proteinaceous shell-globules or shell-globule clusters in the peripheral layer during the advanced stage of maturation; (5) the development of cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum that produce dense, proteinaceous shell-globules; (6) the development of Golgi complexes engaged in the packaging of this material; and (7) the progressive and continuous enlargement of shell-globules into very large clusters in the peripheral layer during the advanced stage of maturation. Vitellogenesis in A. menezesi, only to some extent, resembles that previously described for four other trypanorhynchs. It differs in: (i) the reversed order of secretory activities in the differentiating vitellocytes, namely the accumulation of large lipid droplets accompanied by glycogenesis or β-glycogen formation during early differentiation (stage II), i.e. before the secretory activity, which is predominantly protein synthesis for shell-globule formation (stage III); (ii) the very heavy accumulation of large lipid droplets during the final stage of cytodifferentiation (stage IV); and (iii) the small number of β-glycogen particles present in mature vitellocytes. Ultracytochemical staining with PA-TCH-SP for glycogen proved positive for a small number of β-glycogen particles in differentiating and mature vitellocytes. Hypotheses, concerning the interrelationships of patterns of vitellogenesis, possible modes of egg formation, embryonic development and life-cycles, are commented upon.
Generalitzem el concepte de clúster de punts d'una superfície a clúster de seccions d'una família de superfícies per passar al cas relatiu, és a dir, a clústers de B-punts d'una B-superfície. Llavors definim, amb una propietat universal, la família universal de clusters de 2-seccions d'una família de superfícies, que, en cas que existir, és un esquema que parametritza tots els clústers de 2-seccions d'una famíla de superfícies. Demostrem la seva existencia sota certes hipotesis i trobem que es pot construir en termes de blowups a partir del producte de la família universal de seccions de la fmília de superficies per si mateixa. Al final del treball hi ha tres exemples que mostren part de la teoria estudiada.
La técnica de rejilla es un instrumento de evaluación de las dimensiones y estructura del significado personal que se deriva de la teoría de los constructos personales. Tanto en la versión original de G. A. Kelly (1955) como en sus continuas actualizaciones, esta técnica pretende captar la forma en que una persona da sentido a su experiencia en sus propios términos. No se trata, por tanto, de un test convencional, sino de una forma de entrevista estructurada orientada a explicitar y analizar los constructos con los que la persona organiza su mundo. De la entrevista se genera una matriz de datos que se somete a varios análisis para revelar su estructura implícita. El programa RECORD ofrece los resultados de una forma clara y proporciona además una serie de gráficos de fácil interpretación. Todo ello permite dibujar la estructura del mapa cognitivo del sujeto desde su propia semántica, culminando así, con rigor metodológico, una vieja aspiración fenomenológica. Se trata de un instrumento muy 'flexible que puede adaptarse a diversas áreas de aplicación: evaluación individual, grupal, familiar y de pareja, intervención psicoeducativa, asesoramiento vocacional, investigación de mercados, asesoramiento empresarial, investigación terapéutica, estudio de la estructura cognitiva de la personalidad, etc.