94 resultados para Supply Reduction


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The objective of traffic engineering is to optimize network resource utilization. Although several works have been published about minimizing network resource utilization, few works have focused on LSR (label switched router) label space. This paper proposes an algorithm that takes advantage of the MPLS label stack features in order to reduce the number of labels used in LSPs. Some tunnelling methods and their MPLS implementation drawbacks are also discussed. The described algorithm sets up NHLFE (next hop label forwarding entry) tables in each LSR, creating asymmetric tunnels when possible. Experimental results show that the described algorithm achieves a great reduction factor in the label space. The presented works apply for both types of connections: P2MP (point-to-multipoint) and P2P (point-to-point)


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The aim of traffic engineering is to optimise network resource utilization. Although several works on minimizing network resource utilization have been published, few works have focused on LSR label space. This paper proposes an algorithm that uses MPLS label stack features in order to reduce the number of labels used in LSPs forwarding. Some tunnelling methods and their MPLS implementation drawbacks are also discussed. The algorithm described sets up the NHLFE tables in each LSR, creating asymmetric tunnels when possible. Experimental results show that the algorithm achieves a large reduction factor in the label space. The work presented here applies for both types of connections: P2MP and P2P


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This short paper addresses the problem of designing a QFT (quantitative feedback theory) based controllers for the vibration reduction in a 6-story building structure equipped with shear-mode magnetorheological dampers. A new methodology is proposed for characterizing the nonlinear hysteretic behavior of the MR damper through the uncertainty template in the Nichols chart. The design procedure for QFT control design is briefly presented


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This paper focuses on the analysis of the economic impact that sectorial total factor productivity – or valued added - gains have on two regional Spanish economies (Catalonia and Extremadura). In particular it is studied the quantitative effect that each sector’s valued added injections has on household welfare (real disposable income), on the consumption price indices and factor relative prices, on real production (GDP) and on the government and foreign net income. To do that, we introduce the concept of supply multiplier. The analytical approach consists of a computable general equilibrium model, in which it is assumed perfect competition and cleared markets of goods and factors. All the parameters and exogenous variables of the model are calibrated by means of two social accounting matrices, one for each region under study. The results allow identifying those sectors with the greatest multipliers impact on consumer welfare as the key sectors in the regional economies. Keywords: efficiency gains, supply multipliers, key sectors, computable general equilibrium. JEL Classification: C68, R13.


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A systolic array to implement lattice-reduction-aided lineardetection is proposed for a MIMO receiver. The lattice reductionalgorithm and the ensuing linear detections are operated in the same array, which can be hardware-efficient. All-swap lattice reduction algorithm (ASLR) is considered for the systolic design.ASLR is a variant of the LLL algorithm, which processes all lattice basis vectors within one iteration. Lattice-reduction-aided linear detection based on ASLR and LLL algorithms have very similarbit-error-rate performance, while ASLR is more time efficient inthe systolic array, especially for systems with a large number ofantennas.


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If financial deepening aids economic growth, then financial repression should be harmful. We use a natural experiment – the change in the English usury laws in 1714 – to analyze the effects of interest rate restrictions. We use a sample of individual loan transactions to demonstrate how the reduction of the legal maximum rate of interest affected the supply and demand for credit. Average loan size and minimum loan size increased strongly, and access to credit worsened for those with little ‘social capital.’ While we have no direct evidence that loans were misallocated, the discontinuity in loan receipts makes this highly likely. We conclude that financial repression can undermine the positive effects of financial deepening.


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We analyze the impact of countercyclical capital buffers held by banks on the supplyof credit to firms and their subsequent performance. Spain introduced dynamicprovisioning unrelated to specific bank loan losses in 2000 and modified its formulaparameters in 2005 and 2008. In each case, individual banks were impacteddifferently. The resultant bank-specific shocks to capital buffers, coupled withcomprehensive bank-, firm-, loan-, and loan application-level data, allow us toidentify its impact on the supply of credit and on real activity. Our estimates showthat countercyclical dynamic provisioning smooths cycles in the supply of credit andin bad times upholds firm financing and performance.


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I study the impact of a universal child benefit on fertility and family well-being. I exploitthe unanticipated introduction of a new, sizeable, unconditional child benefit in Spain in2007, granted to all mothers giving birth on or after July 1, 2007. The regressiondiscontinuity-type design allows for a credible identification of the causal effects. I find thatthe benefit did lead to a significant increase in fertility, as intended, part of it coming froman immediate reduction in abortions. On the unintended side, I find that families whoreceived the benefit did not increase their overall expenditure or their consumption ofdirectly child-related goods and services. Instead, eligible mothers stayed out of the laborforce significantly longer after giving birth, which in turn led to their children spending lesstime in formal child care and more time with their mother during their first year of life. Ialso find that couples who received the benefit were less likely to break up the year afterhaving the child, although this effect was only short-term. Taken together, the resultssuggest that child benefits of this kind may successfully increase fertility, as well asaffecting family well-being through their impact on maternal time at home and familystability.


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We find that over the period 1950-1990, US states absorbed increases in the supplyof schooling due to tighter compulsory schooling and child labor laws mostly throughwithin-industry increases in the schooling intensity of production. Shifts in the industrycomposition towards more schooling-intensive industries played a less important role.To try and understand this finding theoretically, we consider a free trade model withtwo goods/industries, two skill types, and many regions that produce a fixed rangeof differentiated varieties of the same goods. We find that a calibrated version ofthe model can account for shifts in schooling supply being mostly absorbed throughwithin-industry increases in the schooling intensity of production even if the elasticityof substitution between varieties is substantially higher than estimates in the literature.


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Unemployment rates in developed countries have recently reached levels not seenin a generation, and workers of all ages are facing increasing probabilities of losingtheir jobs and considerable losses in accumulated assets. These events likely increasethe reliance that most older workers will have on public social insurance programs,exactly at a time that public finances are suffering from a large drop in contributions.Our paper explicitly accounts for employment uncertainty and unexpectedwealth shocks, something that has been relatively overlooked in the literature, butthat has grown in importance in recent years. Using administrative and householdlevel data we empirically characterize a life-cycle model of retirement and claimingdecisions in terms of the employment, wage, health, and mortality uncertainty facedby individuals. Our benchmark model explains with great accuracy the strikinglyhigh proportion of individuals who claim benefits exactly at the Early RetirementAge, while still explaining the increased claiming hazard at the Normal RetirementAge. We also discuss some policy experiments and their interplay with employmentuncertainty. Additionally, we analyze the effects of negative wealth shocks on thelabor supply and claiming decisions of older Americans. Our results can explainwhy early claiming has remained very high in the last years even as the early retirementpenalties have increased substantially compared with previous periods, andwhy labor force participation has remained quite high for older workers even in themidst of the worse employment crisis in decades.


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This paper explores the integration process that firms follow to implementSupply Chain Management (SCM) and the main barriers and benefits relatedto this strategy. This study has been inspired in the SCM literature,especially in the logistics integration model by Stevens [1]. Due to theexploratory nature of this paper and the need to obtain an in depthknowledge of the SCM development in the Spanish grocery sector, we used thecase study methodology. A multiple case study analysis based on interviewswith leading manufacturers and retailers was conducted.The results of this analysis suggest that firms seem to follow the integration process proposed by Stevens, integrating internally first, andthen, extending this integration to other supply chain members. The casesalso show that Spanish manufacturers, in general, seem to have a higherlevel of SCM development than Spanish retailers. Regarding the benefitsthat SCM can bring, most of the companies identify the general objectivesof cost and stock reductions and service improvements. However, withrespect to the barriers found in its implementation, retailers andmanufacturers are not coincident: manufacturers seem to see more barrierswith respect to aspects related to the other party, such as distrust and alack of culture of sharing information, while retailers find as mainbarriers the need of a know-how , the company culture and the historyand habits.


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Models of the exchange process based on search theory can be usedto analyze the features of objects that make them more or less likely toemerge as ``money'' in equilibrium. These models illustrate the trade--offbetween endogenous acceptability (an equilibrium property) and intrinsiccharacteristics of goods, such as storability, recognizability, etc. Inthis paper, we look at how the relative supply and demand for various goodsaffect their likelihood of becoming money. Intuitively, goods in highdemand and/or low supply are more likely to appear as commodity money,subject to the qualification that which object ends up circulating as amedium of exchange depends at least partly on convention. Welfare propertiesare discussed.


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We study whether people's preferences in an unbalanced market are affected by whether they are on the excess supply side or the excess demand side of the market. Our analysis is based on the comparison of behavior between two types of experimental gift exchange markets, which vary only with respect to whether first or second movers are on the long side of the market. The direction of market imbalance could influence subjects' motivation, as second movers, workers, might react differently to favorable actions by first movers, firms, in the two cases. Our data show strong deviations from the standard game-theoretic prediction. However, we only find secondary treatment effects. First movers are not more generous when they are in excess supply and second movers do not respond less favorably when they are in excess demand. Competition has only minor psychological effects in our data.


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In this paper we study the welfare impact of alternative tax schemes on laborand capital. We evaluate the e_ect of lowering capital income taxes on thedistribution of wealth in a model with heterogeneous agents, restricting ourattention to policies with constant tax rates.We calibrate and simulate the economy; we find that lowering capital taxeshas two effects: i) it increases effciency in terms of aggregate production, andii) it redistributes wealth in favor of those agents with a low wage/wealth ratio.We find that the redistributive effect dominates, and that agents with a lowwage wealth ratio would experience a large loss in utility if capital income taxeswere eliminated.