68 resultados para Stars : luminosity function
Whereas people are typically thought to be better off with more choices, studiesshow that they often prefer to choose from small as opposed to large sets of alternatives.We propose that satisfaction from choice is an inverted U-shaped function of thenumber of alternatives. This proposition is derived theoretically by considering thebenefits and costs of different numbers of alternatives and is supported by fourexperimental studies. We also manipulate the perceptual costs of information processingand demonstrate how this affects the resulting satisfaction function. We furtherindicate that satisfaction when choosing from a given set is diminished if people aremade aware of the existence of other choice sets. The role of individual differences insatisfaction from choice is documented by noting effects due to gender and culture. Weconclude by emphasizing the need to have an explicit rationale for knowing how muchchoice is enough.
The principal aim of this paper is to estimate a stochastic frontier costfunction and an inefficiency effects model in the analysis of the primaryhealth care services purchased by the public authority and supplied by 180providers in 1996 in Catalonia. The evidence from our sample does not supportthe premise that contracting out has helped improve purchasing costefficiency in primary care. Inefficient purchasing cost was observed in thecomponent of this purchasing cost explicitly included in the contract betweenpurchaser and provider. There are no observable incentives for thecontracted-out primary health care teams to minimise prescription costs, whichare not explicitly included in the present contracting system.
The well--known Minkowski's? $(x)$ function is presented as the asymptotic distribution function of an enumeration of the rationals in (0,1] based on their continued fraction representation. Besides, the singularity of ?$(x)$ is clearly proved in two ways: by exhibiting a set of measure one in which ?ï$(x)$ = 0; and again by actually finding a set of measure one which is mapped onto a set of measure zero and viceversa. These sets are described by means of metrical properties of different systems for real number representation.
The matching function -a key building block in models of labor market frictions- impliesthat the job finding rate depends only on labor market tightness. We estimate such amatching function and find that the relation, although remarkably stable over 1967-2007,broke down spectacularly after 2007. We argue that labor market heterogeneities are notfully captured by the standard matching function, but that a generalized matching functionthat explicitly takes into account worker heterogeneity and market segmentation is fullyconsistent with the behavior of the job finding rate. The standard matching function canbreak down when, as in the Great Recession, the average characteristics of the unemployedchange too much, or when dispersion in labor market conditions -the extent to which somelabor markets fare worse than others- increases too much.
A second set of UBVRI photometry results for nearby stars of Gliese's (1969) catalog and its supplements, including in this case some multiple systems, are presented. Most of the observations were carried out between July 1984 and December 1985 at Calar Alto with the 1.23-m Centro Astronomico Hispano-Aleman telescope and the 1.52-m Observatorio Astronomico Nacional telescope. The number of observations of program and standard stars for the six runs and the final results for 60 stars are presented.
We present Stroemgren uvby and Hbeta_ photometry for a set of 575 northern main sequence A type stars, most of them belonging to the Hipparcos Input Catalogue, with V from 5mag to 10mag and with known radial velocities. These observations enlarge the catalogue we began to compile some years ago to more than 1500 stars. Our catalogue includes kinematic and astrophysical data for each star. Our future goal is to perform an accurate analysis of the kinematical behaviour of these stars in the solar neighbourhood.
In recent years, several authors have revised the calibrations used to compute physical parameters (tex2html_wrap_inline498, tex2html_wrap_inline500, log g, [Fe/H]) from intrinsic colours in the tex2html_wrap_inline504 photometric system. For reddened stars, these intrinsic colours can be computed through the standard relations among colour indices for each of the regions defined by Strömgren (1966) on the HR diagram. We present a discussion of the coherence of these calibrations for main-sequence stars. Stars from open clusters are used to carry out this analysis. Assuming that individual reddening values and distances should be similar for all the members of a given open cluster, systematic differences among the calibrations used in each of the photometric regions might arise when comparing mean reddening values and distances for the members of each region. To classify the stars into Strömgren's regions we extended the algorithm presented by Figueras et al. (1991) to a wider range of spectral types and luminosity classes. The observational ZAMS are compared with the theoretical ZAMS from stellar evolutionary models, in the range tex2html_wrap_inline506 K. The discrepancies are also discussed.
Our procedure to detect moving groups in the solar neighbourhood (Chen et al., 1997) in the four-dimensional space of the stellar velocity components and age has been improved. The method, which takes advantadge of non-parametric estimators of density distribution to avoid any a priori knowledge of the kinematic properties of these stellar groups, now includes the effect of observational errors on the process to select moving group stars, uses a better estimation of the density distribution of the total sample and field stars, and classifies moving group stars using all the available information. It is applied here to an accurately selected sample of early-type stars with known radial velocities and Strömgren photometry. Astrometric data are taken from the HIPPARCOS catalogue (ESA, 1997), which results in an important decrease in the observational errors with respect to ground-based data, and ensures the uniformity of the observed data. Both the improvement of our method and the use of precise astrometric data have allowed us not only to confirm the existence of classical moving groups, but also to detect finer structures that in several cases can be related to kinematic properties of nearby open clusters or associations.
A list of 681 UBVRI secondary standard stars for CCD photometry is presented. Visual magnitude ranges from 9.7 to 19.4, and the B-V colour index varies from 1.15 to 1.97. The stars are grouped into 11 different fields, each of them is generally observable in a single CCD frame. The stars are located near Landolt UBVRI equatorial standards, accessible to telescopes in both hemispheres, and mainly within the 5 - 8 hours range of right ascension. Photometry, equatorial coordinates and finding charts are provided.
In order to complete the photometric data of the Gliese (1969) 'Catalog of Nearby Stars', and in addition use these data for the Hipparcos space astrometry mission, program stars have been selected from the catalog and its supplements on the basis of their having an incomplete set of UBVRI photometric data of magnitude lower than 13. The program developed rejects determinations of any magnitude or color index having a residual greater than 2(sigma-prime), where sigma-prime is the standard deviation for the determinations of unit weight.
UBVRI photoelectric photometry is presented for 269 late spectral type, high proper motion stars belonging to the 'Lowell Proper Motion Survey' and included in the present version of the Hipparcos Input Catalogue. The observations and data reduction are described. The external errors obtained by comparison of the results with those obtained in other studies are presented.
UBVRI data are presented for a set of 229 late-type stars, most of them being high proper motion stars. All these data are part of the Input Catalog planned observations for the Hipparcos mission.
UVBY-Beta photometric data are presented for 67 stars in the region of alpha-Persei and their relationship to the cluster is analyzed. These data allowed us to confirm at least 16 new members of the alpha-Persei open cluster.