Este trabajo tiene por objeto la caracterizaci6n mineralbgica y fsico-qumica de las arcillas terciarias explotadas en el yacimiento de Sitjar, cercano a la localidad de Onda (Castellbn), utilizadas como materia prima por la industria ceramica castellonense. Se estudian tambitn algunas propiedades ceramicas de estas arcillas, incidiendo en el comportamiento ttrmico, para su correcta aplicaci6n. La composici6n qumica y mineral6gica posibilita su utilizaci6n como aditivo para la fabricaci6n de materiales porosos y refractarios.
This year the development of our project can be divided into two main clearly different parts, on one hand the laboratory work, where the sampled ceramic individuals has been prepared and analyzed and the elaboration of the data obtained during the excavation of 2007 has been finished and, on the other hand, the field work developed at the archaeological site during this specific year (2008).In the mark of the analytical work a significant number of ceramic individuals (144) from the different stratigraphical units from various areas of the excavation of Termez and Tchinguiz Tepe sampled duringthe new and previous field works has been archaeometrically characterized. This specific material includedindividuals dated into the Hellenistic and Sassanian period, which has been confirmed by C14dating upon organic samples.At the same time, in the mark of the field work of 2008 the archaeological record, already started tobe under study during the excavation of 2007, has been completed and two new archaeological recordshave been registered on of which is located in the area of Tchinguiz Tepe. For the archeological studythe information of the previous geophysical prospecting has been indisputably taken into considerationand the same methodology has been applied to crosscheck the latter archaeological results.
We present a new class of sequential adsorption models in which the adsorbing particles reach the surface following an inclined direction (shadow models). Capillary electrophoresis, adsorption in the presence of a shear, and adsorption on an inclined substrate are physical manifestations of these models. Numerical simulations are carried out to show how the new adsorption mechanisms are responsible for the formation of more ordered adsorbed layers and have important implications in the kinetics, in particular, modifying the jamming limit.
[spa] En este estudio se presentan los resultados del trabajo realizado sobre la calidad de las diferentes producciones de terra sigillata comercializadas en época de Augusto, como paso previo al estudio del consumo. A partir de la apiicación de técnicas arqueométricas, se han establecido criterios objetivos en algunos casos, cuantitativos como son la resistencia a la ruptura de las diferentes vajillas analizadas y la adherencia y el estado de sinterización de su barniz. De este modo, ha sido posible determinar la existencia de las diversas calidades, que deben influenciar el consumo cerámico.
Les actuacions arqueologiques portades a terme des dels anys se tanta a la ciutat de Badalona, han permes posar al descobert una part important d'estructures corresponents a la ciutat romana de Baetulo. A partir d'aquestes excavacions, l' analisi específica de la ceramica terra sigillata documentada en determinats contextos estratigrafics, on aquest tipus ceramic és l'element basic de datació, ens ha permes realitzar una revisió de les cronologies proposades inicialment per a aquests estrats i per a les estructures associades. Aquesta revisió, que afecta el període que va del regnat d' August fms a epoca flavia, ha suposat la clarificació del material de terra sigillata recuperat i, en alguns casos, la modificació de la interpretació de la seqüencia estratigrafica i la se va datació.
This year the development of our project can be divided into two main clearly different parts, on one hand the laboratory work, where the sampled ceramic individuals has been prepared and analyzed and the elaboration of the data obtained during the excavation of 2007 has been finished and, on the other hand, the field work developed at the archaeological site during this specific year (2008).In the mark of the analytical work a significant number of ceramic individuals (144) from the different stratigraphical units from various areas of the excavation of Termez and Tchinguiz Tepe sampled duringthe new and previous field works has been archaeometrically characterized. This specific material includedindividuals dated into the Hellenistic and Sassanian period, which has been confirmed by C14dating upon organic samples.At the same time, in the mark of the field work of 2008 the archaeological record, already started tobe under study during the excavation of 2007, has been completed and two new archaeological recordshave been registered on of which is located in the area of Tchinguiz Tepe. For the archeological studythe information of the previous geophysical prospecting has been indisputably taken into considerationand the same methodology has been applied to crosscheck the latter archaeological results.
Actualment hi ha una gran varietat de marques i models d'estabilitzadors de tensió, tot i que tots estan dissenyats i construïts amb el mateix propòsit, entregar una tensió estable a la sortida del dispositiu. La raó per la que es fabriquen estabilitzadors de tensió, es basa en el fet que, tot i amb els avenços tècnics i millores dels serveis de l'àrea energètica, no s'han pogut eliminar les freqüents caigudes o pujades de tensió en les xarxes d'alimentació d'energia elèctrica, fet que pot ocasionar errors en el funcionament dels equips electrònics. És per això que la majoria d'usuaris d'equips electrònics interposen un estabilitzador de tensió entre la línea d'alimentació dels seus aparells. L'objectiu del treball és realitzar la construcció d'un dispositiu de tres bobines amb un nucli ferromagnètic per a dur a terme la funció d'estabilitzador de tensió alterna. Mitjançant la tècnica de reluctància de nucli saturable i aplicant-la en aquest cas pràctic, es vol aconseguir desenvolupar un estabilitzador de tensió fiable i econòmic. Aquest treball ha d'aportar una solució en entorns de treball, entre altres, on s'utilitzen màquines d'alimentació alternes que siguin molt sensibles a les variacions de tensió de la xarxa i que, a més a més, no suposi una despesa molt elevada.
We report a phenomenon occurring in field-responsive suspensions: shear-induced anomalous stresses. Competition between a rotating field and a shear flow originates a multiplicity of anomalous stress behaviors in suspensions of bound dimers constituted by induced dipoles. The great variety of stress regimes includes nonmonotonic behaviors, multiresonances, negative viscosity effect, and blockades. The reversibility of the transitions between the different regimes and the self-similarity of the stresses make this phenomenon controllable and therefore applicable to modify macroscopic properties of soft condensed matter phases.
The purpose of this meta-analysis was to examine the efficacy of maintenance treatments for bipolar disorder. Placebo-controlled or active comparator bipolar maintenance clinical trials of ≥6 months' duration with at least 15 patients/treatment group were identified using Medline, EMBASE, clinicaltrials.gov, and Cochrane databases (1993 to July 2010). The main outcome measure was relative risk for relapse for patients in remission. Twenty trials (5,364 patients) were identified. Overall, lithium and quetiapine were the most studied agents (eight and five trials, respectively). The majority of studies included patients who had previously responded to treatment for an acute episode. All interventions, with the exception of perphenazine+mood stabilizer, showed a relative risk for manic/mixed or depressive relapse below 1.0, although there was variation in the statistical significance of the findings vs. placebo. No monotherapy was associated with a significantly reduced risk for both manic/mixed and depressed relapse. Of the combination treatments, only quetiapine+lithium/divalproex, was associated with a significantly reduced risk vs. comparator (placebo+lithium/valproate) for relapse at both the manic/mixed and depressed poles of bipolar illness. Limitations for the analysis include differences in study durations and definitions of relapse. In conclusion, available maintenance therapies show considerable variation in efficacy. The efficacy of lithium and divalproex has been confirmed, but newer therapies, such as a number of atypical antipsychotics were also shown to be effective in bipolar disorder. Efficacy of all maintenance interventions needs to be balanced against the safety and tolerability profiles of individual agents.
Esta investigación está motivada por el interés por las suspensiones judiciales como medida más adecuada para determinados sujetos con perfiles toxicológicos y que requieren una intervención que se puede abordar en un contexto comunitario. Con el fin de valorar su eficacia, el equipo de investigadores se ha centrado en los índices de reincidencia y aquellos factores que pueden influir a partir del análisis estadístico de una muestra de 237 sujetos sometidos a la obligación de tratamiento de deshabituación. Observando el índice de reincidencia, en función del análisis de variables sociopersonales y judiciales de los sujetos, se buscan aquellos indicadores que pueden ser eficaces para reducir la comisión de nuevos hechos delictivos. De los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que variables como una buena adherencia familiar, la estabilidad laboral o la finalización correcta de un tratamiento de deshabituación aportan unos niveles de reincidencia bajos Asimismo, se justifica el otorgamiento de suspensiones judiciales como herramienta punitiva más eficaz para aquellos sujetos con características toxicológicas y necesidades rehabilitadoras debido a su adicción, dado que los niveles de reincidencia obtenidos en esta investigación aportan unos índices más bajos que los niveles actuales de reincidencia penitenciaria (siempre teniendo en cuenta la diferencia de perfiles). Se concluye en este estudio que la aplicación de estas medidas penales alternativas son una herramienta más integradora debido a que se desarrolla dentro del entorno comunitario.
The improvement of the reliability of the contact between the osseous tissues and the implant materials has been tested by recovering the metallic implants with ceramic materials, usually calcium phosphates. In our study, the calcium phosphate recovering layers were deposited by means of a pulsed-laser deposition technique. Our aim was to to evaluate the tissue interactions established between cortical bone and titanium implants covered by five different layers, ranging from amorphous calcium phosphate to crystalline hydroxyapatite, obtained by altering the parameters of the laser ablation process. The surgical protocol of the study consisted in the simultaneous implantation of the five types of implants in both the tibial dyaphisis of three Beagle dogs, sacrificed respectively one, two and three months after the last surgical procedures. After the sacrifice, the samples were submitted to a scheduled procedure of embedding in plastic polymers without prior decalcification, in order to perform the ultrastructural studies: scanning microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons (BS-SEM). Our observations show that both in terms of the calcified tissues appearing as a response to the presence of the different coatings and of time of recovering, the implants coated with crystalline calcium phosphate layers by laser ablation present a better result than the amorphous-calcium-phosphate-coated implants. Moreover, the constant presence of chondroid tissue, related with the mechanical induction by forces applied on the recovering area, strongly suggests that the mechanisms implied in osteointegration are related to endomembranous, rather than endochondral ossification processes
The improvement of the reliability of the contact between the osseous tissues and the implant materials has been tested by recovering the metallic implants with ceramic materials, usually calcium phosphates. In our study, the calcium phosphate recovering layers were deposited by means of a pulsed-laser deposition technique. Our aim was to to evaluate the tissue interactions established between cortical bone and titanium implants covered by five different layers, ranging from amorphous calcium phosphate to crystalline hydroxyapatite, obtained by altering the parameters of the laser ablation process. The surgical protocol of the study consisted in the simultaneous implantation of the five types of implants in both the tibial dyaphisis of three Beagle dogs, sacrificed respectively one, two and three months after the last surgical procedures. After the sacrifice, the samples were submitted to a scheduled procedure of embedding in plastic polymers without prior decalcification, in order to perform the ultrastructural studies: scanning microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons (BS-SEM). Our observations show that both in terms of the calcified tissues appearing as a response to the presence of the different coatings and of time of recovering, the implants coated with crystalline calcium phosphate layers by laser ablation present a better result than the amorphous-calcium-phosphate-coated implants. Moreover, the constant presence of chondroid tissue, related with the mechanical induction by forces applied on the recovering area, strongly suggests that the mechanisms implied in osteointegration are related to endomembranous, rather than endochondral ossification processes
The improvement of the reliability of the contact between the osseous tissues and the implant materials has been tested by recovering the metallic implants with ceramic materials, usually calcium phosphates. In our study, the calcium phosphate recovering layers were deposited by means of a pulsed-laser deposition technique. Our aim was to to evaluate the tissue interactions established between cortical bone and titanium implants covered by five different layers, ranging from amorphous calcium phosphate to crystalline hydroxyapatite, obtained by altering the parameters of the laser ablation process. The surgical protocol of the study consisted in the simultaneous implantation of the five types of implants in both the tibial dyaphisis of three Beagle dogs, sacrificed respectively one, two and three months after the last surgical procedures. After the sacrifice, the samples were submitted to a scheduled procedure of embedding in plastic polymers without prior decalcification, in order to perform the ultrastructural studies: scanning microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons (BS-SEM). Our observations show that both in terms of the calcified tissues appearing as a response to the presence of the different coatings and of time of recovering, the implants coated with crystalline calcium phosphate layers by laser ablation present a better result than the amorphous-calcium-phosphate-coated implants. Moreover, the constant presence of chondroid tissue, related with the mechanical induction by forces applied on the recovering area, strongly suggests that the mechanisms implied in osteointegration are related to endomembranous, rather than endochondral ossification processes
Alteration and contamination processes modify the chemical composition of ceramic artefacts. This is not restricted solely to the affected elements, but also affects general concentrations. This is due to the compositional nature of chemical data, enclosed by the restriction of unit sum. Since it is impossible to know prior to data treatment whether the original compositions have been changed by such processes, the methodological approach used in provenance studies must be robust enough to handle materials that might have been altered or contaminated. The ability of the logratio transformation proposed by Aitchison to handle compositional data is studied and compared with that of present data treatments. The logaratio transformation appears to offer the most robust approach
The study of technology transfer in pottery production to the periphery of the Mycenaean world has been addressed by considering two different areas, southern Italy and central Macedonia. Technological features such as ceramic paste, decoration and firing have been determined for different ceramic groups established according to provenance criteria. The studies of technology and provenance have been performed following an archaeometric approach, using neutron activation analysis, petrographic analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results have revealed the existence of two different models. On the one hand, southern Italy seems to exhibit a more organized pottery production, which follows a Mycenaean-like technology, while in central Macedonia production is probably more varied, being based in part on the technology of the local tradition.