65 resultados para Photothermal transparent transducer


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Aquest Treball de Final de Carrera engloba l'anàlisi, el disseny i la implementació d'una aplicació web per a psicologia i teràpia online. L'enginyeria d'aquest programari està basada en la tècnica d'orientació a objectes, dins l'estàndard UML. Els aspectes generals de l'anàlisi i disseny s'han desenvolupat amb un cicle de vida en cascada, per tenir una bona base de partida i poder confeccionar una planificació en el temps. La fase de implementació, està basada en un cicle de vida iteratiu e incremental, implementant a cada iteració una petita part amb autonomia que correspon a un cas d'ús. Com a llenguatge de desenvolupament he escollit Java , i com a arquitectura de l'aplicació J2EE, degut a la seva robustesa i a que en l'actualitat, té un fort posicionament en aplicacions web i en xarxa, arribant a ser un estàndard en l'entorn distribuït d'aplicacions empresarials a Internet. En l'estratègia en el disseny i per donar solucions efectives a problemes tipificats, he fet servir el patró MVC, que a més, ha incrementat considerablement la reusabilitat i efectivitat del codi i estructura de la programació. Per a la implementació he incorporat el framework Struts2, que basa la seva arquitectura en el patró MVC, i que ha facilitat molt el treball ja que ha donat solucions a problemes generals estàndard i altres de baix nivell, i ha permès focalitzar els esforços en donar solució a qüestions més particulars i específiques del projecte. En l'accés transparent a les dades he optat per Hibernate3, una poderosa eina que enllaça el món relacional de les BBDD amb el mon de l'orientació a objectes de les classes de les aplicacions. I com a SGBD per a la persistència de dades, he fet servir Oracle 10g XE, també tot un referent en la indústria, i un dels més complets.


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Los Frameworks constituyen el nuevo paradigma en cuanto al desarrollo de software se refiere. Entre sus principales características se encuentran la facilidad para la reutilización de código. En este marco específico proporcionados por la tecnología usaremos la tecnología JAVA y su extensión en cuanto a la persistencia de datos. El Framework de persistencia es el responsable de gestionar la lógica de acceso a los datos en un SGBD (Sistema de Gestión de Bases de Datos), ya sea de entrada o salida, y ocultando los detalles más pesados relativos a la estructura propia de la Base de Datos utilizada, de manera completa y transparentemente. En conclusión, este proyecto se basa en un análisis del los Frameworks existentes, analizando sus características y profundizando en los detalles concretos de su actividad y manejo en cuanto a la persistencia.


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El projecte es basa en estudiar i avaluar diferents sistemes gestors de bases de dades (SGBDs) per desar informació dins el context de la Web Semàntica. Els SGBDs hauran de tractar, emmagatzemar i gestionar la informació classificada segons uns criteris semàntics i interrelacionada amb conceptes afins, alhora que permetin la comunicació entre sistemes de manera transparent a l'usuari.


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L’Administració de Justícia, com servei públic que ha de donar als ciutadans una eficaç resolució dels conflictes, ha de comptar per al correcte compliment de la seva funció institucional, amb una sèrie de mitjans, no tan sols personals i materials, sinó també tecnològics, que li permetin assegurar la consecució de les seves finalitats. Per tant, es precisa una Administració oberta i transparent, caracteritzada per l’efectivitat i per la seva proximitat al ciutadà. La introducció de les TIC en l’Administració de Justícia és un procés bastant recent i encara no tancat, si es compara amb la resta del sector públic, especialment d’altres àmbits de l’Administració molt més avançats en la incorporació de les TIC, com són el tributari i el de la Seguretat Social. No obstant això, avui en dia, on majors èxits s’han assolit en aquest camp en l’Administració de Justícia és en el de la seva utilització interna: informatització interna, gestió interna dels procediments, intranets, etc. Per això, on queda un llarg camí per recórrer encara és en el camp de les relacions telemàtiques entre Administració de Justícia i els operadors jurídics, però especialment amb els ciutadans. D’altra banda, el legislador és sensible cada vegada més a aquest tema i s’ha preocupat de regular determinats aspectes on les TIC incideixen en l’àmbit de la justícia: actuacions dels procuradors, advocats, notificacions telemàtiques, el valor del document electrònic en el procés judicial... Així queda reflectit, per exemple, a la Llei Orgànica del Poder Judicial o la Llei d’Enjudiciament Civil. No obstant això, de lege ferenda, seria convenient l’existència d’un marc normatiu únic regulador de l’aplicació de les TIC en la Justícia. Així mateix, també ha d’assenyalar-se que en el procés institucional d’introducció de les noves tecnologies en la Justícia alguns dels acords adoptats així com les previsions contingudes en la normativa aplicable, no deixen de ser en la majoria dels casos simplement programàtics.


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This paper examines the importance that the current Convention on the Future of Europe is giving (or not) to the question of democratic accountability in European foreign and defence policy. As all European Union (EU) member states are parliamentary democracies1, and as there is a European Parliament (EP) which also covers CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy) and ESDP (European Security and Defence Policy2) matters, I will concentrate on parliamentary accountability rather than democratic accountability more widely defined. Where appropriate, I will also refer to the work of other transnational parliamentary bodies such as the North Atlantic Assembly or NAA (NATO´s Parliamentary Assembly) or the Western European Union (WEU) Parliamentary Assembly3. The article will consist of three sections. First, I will briefly put the question under study within its wider context (section 1). Then, I will examine the current level of parliamentary accountability in CFSP and defence matters (section 2). Finally, I will consider the current Convention debate and assess how much attention is being given to the question of accountability in foreign and defence policies (section 3). This study basically argues that, once again, there is very little interest in an issue that should be considered as vital for the future democratic development of a European foreign and defence policy. It is important to note however that this paper does not cover the wider debate about how to democratise and make the EU more transparent and closer to its citizens. It concentrates on its Second Pillar because its claim is that very little if any attention is being given to this question


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A problem in the archaeometric classification of Catalan Renaissance pottery is the fact, thatthe clay supply of the pottery workshops was centrally organized by guilds, and thereforeusually all potters of a single production centre produced chemically similar ceramics.However, analysing the glazes of the ware usually a large number of inclusions in the glaze isfound, which reveal technological differences between single workshops. These inclusionshave been used by the potters in order to opacify the transparent glaze and to achieve a whitebackground for further decoration.In order to distinguish different technological preparation procedures of the single workshops,at a Scanning Electron Microscope the chemical composition of those inclusions as well astheir size in the two-dimensional cut is recorded. Based on the latter, a frequency distributionof the apparent diameters is estimated for each sample and type of inclusion.Following an approach by S.D. Wicksell (1925), it is principally possible to transform thedistributions of the apparent 2D-diameters back to those of the true three-dimensional bodies.The applicability of this approach and its practical problems are examined using differentways of kernel density estimation and Monte-Carlo tests of the methodology. Finally, it istested in how far the obtained frequency distributions can be used to classify the pottery


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Esta aplicación pretende ser en un cliente ligero de conexión a las distintas bases de datos, de tal forma que, de manera transparente y simplemente seleccionando un esquema de ejecución, se permitan consultas tanto de forma online como programada.


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The rigorous and transparent treatment of the effects of nuclear vibrational motion in two-photon absorption (TPA) was discussed. Perturbation formula for diatomic molecules were developed and applied to the X¹Σ+–A¹Π transition in CO. The analysis showed that the vibrations played an important role in TPA, just as their role in the calculation of conventional nonlinear optical (NLO) hyperpolarizabilities


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The longwave emission of planetary atmospheres that contain a condensable absorbing gas in the infrared (i.e., longwave), which is in equilibrium with its liquid phase at the surface, may exhibit an upper bound. Here we analyze the effect of the atmospheric absorption of sunlight on this radiation limit. We assume that the atmospheric absorption of infrared radiation is independent of wavelength except within the spectral width of the atmospheric window, where it is zero. The temperature profile in radiative equilibrium is obtained analytically as a function of the longwave optical thickness. For illustrative purposes, numerical values for the infrared atmospheric absorption (i.e., greenhouse effect) and the liquid vapor equilibrium curve of the condensable absorbing gas refer to water. Values for the atmospheric absorption of sunlight (i.e., antigreenhouse effect) take a wide range since our aim is to provide a qualitative view of their effects. We find that atmospheres with a transparent region in the infrared spectrum do not present an absolute upper bound on the infrared emission. This result may be also found in atmospheres opaque at all infrared wavelengths if the fraction of absorbed sunlight in the atmosphere increases with the longwave opacity


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Economia Digital: Una sortida per a múltiples sistemes comercials, és un treball de recerca que tracta sobre el comerç electrònic en tots els seus aspectes, partint d’un anàlisi teòric que estableix les bases d’aquest sistema comercial; seguit d’un estudi de dos casos concrets d’empreses que han introduït Internet en la seva activitat. Per una banda, una d’aquestes empreses, Destil·leries Julián Segarra, s’ha servit de les noves tecnologies, amb un ús publicitari, per tal de donar-se a conèixer però sense oferir la possibilitat de venda online. D’altra banda, Surfdevils S.L. no només utilitza els recursos que ofereix la xarxa de manera informativa, sinó que va més enllà i permet adquirir els seus productes mitjançant el seu espai web. A més es realitza un breu estudi sobre els hàbits de compra per Internet, mitjançant una enquesta efectuada a una mostra de la població.Tot aquest estudi, serveix per arribar a la conclusió que introduir el comerç electrònic dins del seu funcionament és rentable per a les empreses i beneficiós pels consumidors, ja que els ofereix la possibilitat d’adquirir els productes en un mercat més ampli, transparent i competitiu.


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From a managerial point of view, the more effcient, simple, and parameter-free (ESP) an algorithm is, the more likely it will be used in practice for solving real-life problems. Following this principle, an ESP algorithm for solving the Permutation Flowshop Sequencing Problem (PFSP) is proposed in this article. Using an Iterated Local Search (ILS) framework, the so-called ILS-ESP algorithm is able to compete in performance with other well-known ILS-based approaches, which are considered among the most effcient algorithms for the PFSP. However, while other similar approaches still employ several parameters that can affect their performance if not properly chosen, our algorithm does not require any particular fine-tuning process since it uses basic "common sense" rules for the local search, perturbation, and acceptance criterion stages of the ILS metaheuristic. Our approach defines a new operator for the ILS perturbation process, a new acceptance criterion based on extremely simple and transparent rules, and a biased randomization process of the initial solution to randomly generate different alternative initial solutions of similar quality -which is attained by applying a biased randomization to a classical PFSP heuristic. This diversification of the initial solution aims at avoiding poorly designed starting points and, thus, allows the methodology to take advantage of current trends in parallel and distributed computing. A set of extensive tests, based on literature benchmarks, has been carried out in order to validate our algorithm and compare it against other approaches. These tests show that our parameter-free algorithm is able to compete with state-of-the-art metaheuristics for the PFSP. Also, the experiments show that, when using parallel computing, it is possible to improve the top ILS-based metaheuristic by just incorporating to it our biased randomization process with a high-quality pseudo-random number generator.


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Transparent conducting, aluminium doped zinc oxide thin films (ZnO:Al) were deposited by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering. The RF power was varied from 60 to 350Wwhereas the substrate temperature was kept at 160 °C. The structural, electrical and optical properties of the as-deposited films were found to be influenced by the deposition power. The X-ray diffraction analysis showed that all the films have a strong preferred orientation along the [001] direction. The crystallite size was varied from 14 to 36 nm, however no significant change was observed in the case of lattice constant. The optical band gap varied in the range 3.44-3.58 eV. The lowest resistivity of 1.2×10 -3Vcm was shown by the films deposited at 250 W. The mobility of the films was found to increase with the deposition power.


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The metastable defects of a-Si:H samples annealed at temperatures in the 300-550°C range have been studied by photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS). The light-soaked samples show an increase in optical absorption in the 0.8 to 1.5 eV range. The metastable defect density decreases when the annealing temperature increases, while the defect density increases. This decrease in the metastable defect density shows an almost linear correlation with the decrease in the hydrogen content of the samples, determined by IR transmission spectroscopy and thermal desorption spectroscopy.


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This paper deals with the determination of the interface density of states in amorphous silicon-based multilayers. Photothermal deflection spectroscopy is used to characterize two series of aSi:H/aSi1-xCx:H multilayers, and a new approach in the treatment of experimental dada is used in order to obtain accurate results. From this approach, an upper limit of 10^10 cm-2 is determined for the interface density of states.


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Highly transparent and stoichiometric boron nitride (BN) films were deposited on both electrodes (anode and cathode) of a radio-frequency parallel-plate plasma reactor by the glow discharge decomposition of two gas mixtures: B2H6-H2-NH3 and B2H6-N2. The chemical, optical, and structural properties of the films, as well as their stability under long exposition to humid atmosphere, were analyzed by x-ray photoelectron, infrared, and Raman spectroscopies; scanning and transmission electron microscopies; and optical transmittance spectrophotometry. It was found that the BN films grown on the anode using the B2H6-H2-NH3 mixture were smooth, dense, adhered well to substrates, and had a textured hexagonal structure with the basal planes perpendicular to the film surface. These films were chemically stable to moisture, even after an exposition period of two years. In contrast, the films grown on the anode from the B2H6-N2 mixture showed tensile stress failure and were very unstable in the presence of moisture. However, the films grown on the cathode from B2H6-H2-NH3 gases suffered from compressive stress failure on exposure to air; whereas with B2H6-N2 gases, adherent and stable cathodic BN films were obtained with the same crystallographic texture as anodic films prepared from the B2H6-H2-NH3 mixture. These results are discussed in terms of the origin of film stress, the effects of ion bombardment on the growing films, and the surface chemical effects of hydrogen atoms present in the gas discharge.