56 resultados para Mobile home living.
Conèixer la qualitat de vida (QV) mitjançant el qüestionari Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLWHFQ) en una població afecta d’insuficiència cardíaca atesa al nivell d’atenció primària mitjançant un estudi descriptiu transversal i observacional. La major part dels pacients són dones d’edat avançada amb disfunció diastòlica, d’etiologia hipertensiva. L’aplicació del MLWHFQ ha presentat puntuacions baixes. S’ha trobat significació estadística amb la classe funcional i el nombre d’ingressos en l’últim any, en malalts amb malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica i insuficiència renal crònica. No s’ha trobat correlació significativa amb la fracció d’ejecció, el tractament, ni amb la causa de la insuficiència cardíaca.
This research explores critical environmental concepts from the standpoint of political ecology. It contrasts the Ecuadorian Kichua indigenous concept of Sumak Kawsay (i.e., living well), with discourses about natural, urban and rural areas. Sumak Kawsay was included in Ecuador’s 2008 constitution as an alternative to the neoclassical idea of development. This work reveals interesting insights from a variety of social and political viewpoints from both rural and urban areas. The research is based on the medium sized city of Cuenca, which is located in the southern Ecuadorian Andes. We used an adaptation of the Q Method to investigate stakeholders’ perceptions. Four remarkably well-defined viewpoints were revealed. Although these views contrast strongly with Sumak Kawsay, it is possible to transform this paradigm in the foundation of Cuenca’s public policies and institutional structure.
This working – paper will be focused on three key issues: • How will affect the enlargement to the Justice and Home Affairs Cooperation. Especially, the absortion of Schenguen Agreements and the overall JHA by the candidate countries. • The enlargement impact over the European Immigraton Policy and the specific policies carried out by the EU Member States. The main question is the free movement of persons safeguard, in order to protect external borders of European Union. • An analysis of September, 11 attacks against U.S.A might be necessary to understand the future changes on JHA policy.
L'objectiu fonamental d'aquest treball és implementar un sistema de base de dades per donar resposta a la necessitat dels desenvolupadors d'aplicacions mòbils a nivell mundial per unificar i millorar l'experiència dels seus usuaris a l'hora de descarregar les seves aplicacions.
Aplicación cliente para dispositivos Android que permite a un usuario del sistema TamTam-Home acceder a sus datos y hacer un seguimiento en tiempo real de las entradas y salidas de su personal.
This paper describes a systematic research about free software solutions and techniques for art imagery computer recognition problem.
Floor cleaning is a typical robot application. There are several mobile robots aviable in the market for domestic applications most of them with random path-planning algorithms. In this paper we study the cleaning coverage performances of a random path-planning mobile robot and propose an optimized control algorithm, some methods to estimate the are of the room, the evolution of the cleaning and the time needed for complete coverage.
Desenvolupament d'un sistema consistent en un software per la recopilació de dades GPS per a Windows Mobile, un servidor de comunicacions, un server web i una plana web de consulta de les posicions en temps real de les PDA's.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the School of Computing of the University of Dundee, United Kingdom, from 2010 to 2012. This document is a scientific report of the work done, main results, publications and accomplishment of the objectives of the 2-year post-doctoral research project with reference number BP-A 00239. The project has addressed the topic of older people (60+) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which is a topic of growing social and research interest, from a Human-Computer Interaction perspective. Over a 2-year period (June 2010-June 2012), we have conducted classical ethnography of ICT use in a computer clubhouse in Scotland, addressing interaction barriers and strategies, social sharing practices in Social Network Sites, and ICT learning, and carried out rapid ethnographical studies related to geo-enabled ICT and e-government services towards supporting independent living and active ageing. The main results have provided a much deeper understanding of (i) the everyday use of Computer-Mediated Communication tools, such as video-chats and blogs, and its evolution as older people’s experience with ICT increases over time, (ii) cross-cultural aspects of ICT use in the north and south of Europe, (iii) the relevance of cognition over vision in interacting with geographical information and a wide range of ICT tools, despite common stereotypes (e.g. make things bigger), (iv) the important relationship offline-online to provide older people with socially inclusive and meaningful eservices for independent living and active ageing, (v) how older people carry out social sharing practices in the popular YouTube, (vi) their user experiences and (vii) the challenges they face in ICT learning and the strategies they use to become successful ICT learners over time. The research conducted in this project has been published in 17 papers, 4 in journals – two of which in JCR, 5 in conferences, 4 in workshops and 4 in magazines. Other public output consists of 10 invited talks and seminars.
QDius2 és una aplicació pensada per a persones amb discapacitat visual. Consisteix en realitzar una descripció verbalitzada de l’estat d’un electrodomèstic utilitzant un dispositiu mòbil amb sistema operatiu Android. L’aplicació guiarà verbalment l’usuari perquè pugui enfocar el panell de control de l’electrodomèstic amb la càmera. Es processarà la imatge obtinguda per extreure la seva informació, ja sigui en el mateix mòbil o al núvol, segons les preferències de l’usuari, i es llegirà la informació resultant. Aquest projecte està dividit en vuit memòries, una per a cada integrant del grup.
One of the most relevant difficulties faced by first-year undergraduate students is to settle into the educational environment of universities. This paper presents a case study that proposes a computer-assisted collaborative experience designed to help students in their transition from high school to university. This is done by facilitating their first contact with the campus and its services, the university community, methodologies and activities. The experience combines individual and collaborative activities, conducted in and out of the classroom, structured following the Jigsaw Collaborative Learning Flow Pattern. A specific environment including portable technologies with network and computer applications has been developed to support and facilitate the orchestration of a flow of learning activities into a single integrated learning setting. The result is a Computer-Supported Collaborative Blended Learning scenario, which has been evaluated with first-year university students of the degrees of Software and Audiovisual Engineering within the subject Introduction to Information and Communications Technologies. The findings reveal that the scenario improves significantly students’ interest in their studies and their understanding about the campus and services provided. The environment is also an innovative approach to successfully support the heterogeneous activities conducted by both teachers and students during the scenario. This paper introduces the goals and context of the case study, describes how the technology was employed to conduct the learning scenario, the evaluation methods and the main results of the experience.
En plena era de la informació, les noves tecnologies s’han posat també al servei del’ensenyament. Per tal de proveir a l’estudiant dels mètodes més útils i eficients per donar suport al seu aprenentatge, han sorgit eines cada cop més acurades amb la intenció de proveird’una manera robusta tot allò que fins fa poc només es podia fer a les aules. Així va néixer el concepte d’e-learning.QuesTInSitu és una eina concebuda dins d’aquesta àrea que permet crear preguntesgeolocalitzades sobre mapes de GoogleMaps i organitzar-les com a rutes (qüestionaris), sobre el mapa que es desitgi del món. Aquest projecte ofereix la possibilitat de poder realitzar físicament l’activitat creada per QuesTInSitu mitjançant terminals mòbils amb connexió 3G i GPS. Per això, s’ha dissenyat un portal web adaptat, QuesTInSitu mobile, que permet realitzar les gimcanes geolocalitzades dissenyades prèviament. Malgrat aquest projecte està contingut enl’àrea del e-learning, ofereix un llarg ventall de possibilitats d’ús; publicitat o turisme en són alguns exemples.
In this paper, we study how access pricing affects network competition when subscription demand is elastic and each network uses non-linear prices and can applytermination-based price discrimination. In the case of a fixed per minute terminationcharge, we find that a reduction of the termination charge below cost has two opposing effects: it softens competition but helps to internalize network externalities. Theformer reduces mobile penetration while the latter boosts it. We find that firms always prefer termination charge below cost for either motive while the regulator preferstermination below cost only when this boosts penetration.Next, we consider the retail benchmarking approach (Jeon and Hurkens, 2008)that determines termination charges as a function of retail prices and show that thisapproach allows the regulator to increase penetration without distorting call volumes.
This paper addresses three questions: (1) why does the share of skilledworkers in regional population tend to be higher in wealthier regions? (2)what determines changes in this share over time? and (3) why is it that internalmigration tends to raise average skill levels of the receiving regions relativeto that of the sending regions? I construct a two--region dynamic model withagglomeration and congestion to answer these questions. It is shown that,under certain relationship between wages and demand for land, unskilledworkers are discouraged more strongly from living in a wealthier region andare less mobile than skilled workers.
Youth is one of the phases in the life-cycle when some of the most decisivelife transitions take place. Entering the labour market or leaving parentalhome are events with important consequences for the economic well-beingof young adults. In this paper, the interrelationship between employment,residential emancipation and poverty dynamics is studied for eight Europeancountries by means of an econometric model with feedback effects. Resultsshow that youth poverty genuine state dependence is positive and highly significant.Evidence proves there is a strong causal effect between poverty andleaving home in Scandinavian countries, however, time in economic hardshipdoes not last long. In Southern Europe, instead, youth tend to leave theirparental home much later in order to avoid falling into a poverty state that ismore persistent. Past poverty has negative consequences on the likelihood ofemployment.