34 resultados para Man-woman relationships.


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La tesina analitza com Anne Brontë desafia el mite del casament romàntic a la novel·la The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Argumento que aquesta crítica es fa mostrant les conseqüències nefastes d’un matrimoni (entre l’Arthur i l’Helen) basat en l’atracció i en la idea que una dona pot salvar un home de mala vida. Malgrat que la novel·la acaba amb un altre casament (entre l’Helen i en Gilbert), si s’analitza en detall es pot veure que presenta elements subversius. Per exemple, la seva unió està basada en igualtat intel·lectual i compatibilitat de caràcters, enlloc d’igualtat econòmica i social


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In this paper we set out a confirmatory factor analysis model relating the values adolescents and their parents aspire to for the child’s future. We approach a problem when collecting parents’ answers and analysing paired data from parents and their child: the fact that in some families only one parent answers, while in others both meet to answer together. In order to account for differences between one-parent and two-parent responses we follow a multiple group structural equation modelling approach. Some significant differences emerged between the two and one answering parent groups. We observed only weak relationships between parents’ and children’s values


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Streptococcus suis is an emerging zoonotic agent. Human infection is associated with occupational exposure to swine. Affected persons are usually, but not always, healthy (1,2). Immunosuppressive conditions can predispose persons to S. suis infection, and cancer has classically been associated as a risk factor for S. suis infection (1,2). Nevertheless, the actual number of reported cases is low (27). We describe a severe case of S. suis infection in a man who had not been exposed to swine but for whom disseminated cancer was diagnosed 5 months after the infection.


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Streptococcus suis is an emerging zoonotic agent. Human infection is associated with occupational exposure to swine. Affected persons are usually, but not always, healthy (1,2). Immunosuppressive conditions can predispose persons to S. suis infection, and cancer has classically been associated as a risk factor for S. suis infection (1,2). Nevertheless, the actual number of reported cases is low (27). We describe a severe case of S. suis infection in a man who had not been exposed to swine but for whom disseminated cancer was diagnosed 5 months after the infection.