92 resultados para Long cycles
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a UMR-CNRS - Géologie et Océanographie, França, entre 2007 i 2009. Els canvis climàtics ràpids de l’últim període glacial (cicles Dansgaard/Oeschger i Heinrich Stadials-HS), han estat documentats en testimonis marins, de gel i dipòsits continentals, generalment de l’hemisferi nord. Mentre que la majoria dels estudis paleoclimàtics i paleoceanogràfics de l’Atlàntic Nord sobre l’últim període glacial s’han centrat en la part nord i est, les latituds mitjanes de la part occidental han estat menys estudiades. Particularment, els canvis de la vegetació de l’est de Nord Amèrica durant l’últim glacial es coneixen molt poc degut a la manca de seqüències pol.líniques llargues en aquesta regió. Només dues seqüències de pol.len del llac Tulane (Florida) mostren canvis de la vegetació significatius i interessants durant l’últim glacial, que suggereixen HS càlids i humits, que contrasta amb el que s’observa a l’altre costat de l’Atlàntic Nord. El treball realitzat al UMR-CNRS 5805 EPOC, Université Bordeaux 1, EPHE, des del 23 d’abril 2007 al 22 d’abril 2009, gràcies a la beca Beatriu de Pinós, implica una reconstrucció a alta resolució dels canvis de la vegetació a partir de l’anàlisi d’un testimoni marí, localitzat a l’oest de l’Atlàntic Nord subtropical (MD99-2203, 34º58’N, 75º12’W), durant l’Estadi Isotòpic Marí 3 (MIS 3). Les dades pal.linològiques del testimoni mostren una alternança entre Picea i Quercus. En general, les associacions pol.líniques indiquen que les variacions de la vegetació segueixen un patró bosc boreal/temperat durant l’últim glacial. El model d’edat preliminar basat en edats radiomètriques suggereix un augment del bosc temperat acompanyat d’una reducció del boreal entre el H4 i el H3. La comparació amb registres pol.línics marins d’alta resolució de la regió est subtropical, a latituds similars, mostren, per primer cop, que els canvis en les formacions forestals associats als canvis climàtics ràpids de l’últim glacial van ser menys intensos al sud-est de Nord Amèrica que a la Península Ibèrica.
Introducción: Colombia cuenta con poca información sobre el comportamiento del cáncer, no obstante, el carcinoma de cuello uterino representa la segunda causa de muerte por la enfermedad entre las mujeres de nuestro entorno. El patrón epidemiológico de la enfermedad es preocupante porque los estados localmente avanzados constituyen el estado más frecuente al momento del diagnóstico y la mortalidad siendo bastante alta a pesar de la presencia de un programa de cribado organizado. Objetivo: Describir el valor pronóstico de la densidad microvascular (DMV) y de la expresión proteica de varios genes relacionados con la supervivencia y proliferación del cáncer de cérvix localmente avanzado en un grupo de mujeres tratadas con quimioradiación y braquiterapia intracavitaria. Se estimaron la tasa de respuesta global (TRG), la supervivencia libre de progresión (SLP) y la supervivencia global (SG). Resultados: Se incluyeron 61 mujeres con una edad media de 52 ± 10 años; todas tenían diagnóstico de cáncer de cérvix localmente avanzado (IIA 2.3%/IIB 47.5%/IIIA 4.9%/IIIB 37.7%/IVA 3.3%/no definido 3.3%), con un volumen tumoral promedio de 6.4cm (DE ± 1.8cm) e infección por VPH en 46% de los casos; 58 sujetos (95%) tenían un patrón escamoso, dos fueron adenocarcinomas y &50% presentaba neoplasias moderada o pobremente diferenciadas. Todas fueron tratadas con quimioradiación (interrupción transitoria en teleterapia por toxicidad y otras causas en 19% y 21.4%, respectivamente/media de ciclos de platino concomitante 4.8 series ± 1.0) y braquiterapia (77% completaron el tratamiento intracavitario). La mediana para la SLP y global fue de 6.6 meses (r, 4.0-9.1) y 30 meses (r, 11-48), respectivamente. Ninguna de las variables tuvo un efecto positivo sobre la SLP, mientras el análisis multivariado demostró que los niveles de expresión del VEGF (P=0.026), EGFR (P=0.030), y el volumen tumoral menor de 6 cm (P=0.02) influyeron positivamente sobre éste desenlace. Conclusión: Existe una influencia positiva sobre el pronóstico, de la tipificación en el cáncer de cérvix localmente avanzado tratado con quimioradiación basada en platino.
L’objectiu es determinar si el tractament amb azitromicina a llarg termini redueix la freqüència d’exacerbacions respiratòries en pacients amb malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica (MPOC) greu. Estudi retrospectiu observacional que avalua els beneficis clínics del tractament amb azitromicina a llarg termini (500 mg per via oral tres vegades per setmana) durant 12 mesos en pacients amb MPOC greu amb un mínim de 4 exacerbacions agudes (EAMPOC) per any o colonitzats per Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Es comparen amb els 12 mesos previs a l’introducció de l’azitromicina: nombre de EAMPOC, hospitalitzacions i dies d'estada hospitalària. L’azitromicina a llarg termini s’associa a una reducció significativa de EAMPOC, hospitalitzacions i dies d’estada hospitalària en pacients amb EPOC greu independentment de la colonització basal.
This paper will discuss the possible roles of academic libraries in promoting, supporting, and sustaining institutional Open Educational Resource initiatives. It will note areas in which libraries or librarians have skills and knowledge that intersect with some of the needs of academic staff and students as they use and release OERs. It will also present the results of a brief survey of the views of some OER initiatives on the current and potential role of academic libraries.
Eligibility criteria might explain differences in viral response to combined antiretroviral treatment (cART) between clinical trials and routine care setting. Prospective analysis including HIV-1 infected patients starting cART between January 2004 and December 2009, at Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron. Effectiveness evaluated as time to treatment failure (TF), defined as virologic failure, loss to follow-up, death or treatment discontinuation whatever the reason other than switching. Effectiveness month 12, 24 and 36 was 82.9%, 78.5% and 76%, respectively. 57 (24.6%) patients presented TF, mainly due to intolerance or toxicity. Higher risk in patients starting before 2006 and those with protease inhibitor based regimen.
Many terrestrial and marine systems are experiencing accelerating decline due to the effects of global change. This situation has raised concern about the consequences of biodiversity losses for ecosystem function, ecosystem service provision, and human well-being. Coastal marine habitats are a main focus of attention because they harbour a high biological diversity, are among the most productive systems of the world and present high anthropogenic interaction levels. The accelerating degradation of many terrestrial and marine systems highlights the urgent need to evaluate the consequence of biodiversity loss. Because marine biodiversity is a dynamic entity and this study was interested global change impacts, this study focused on benthic biodiversity trends over large spatial and long temporal scales. The main aim of this project was to investigate the current extent of biodiversity of the high diverse benthic coralligenous community in the Mediterranean Sea, detect its changes, and predict its future changes over broad spatial and long temporal scales. These marine communities are characterized by structural species with low growth rates and long life spans; therefore they are considered particularly sensitive to disturbances. For this purpose, this project analyzed permanent photographic plots over time at four locations in the NW Mediterranean Sea. The spatial scale of this study provided information on the level of species similarity between these locations, thus offering a solid background on the amount of large scale variability in coralligenous communities; whereas the temporal scale was fundamental to determine the natural variability in order to discriminate between changes observed due to natural factors and those related to the impact of disturbances (e.g. mass mortality events related to positive thermal temperatures, extreme catastrophic events). This study directly addressed the challenging task of analyzing quantitative biodiversity data of these high diverse marine benthic communities. Overall, the scientific knowledge gained with this research project will improve our understanding in the function of marine ecosystems and their trajectories related to global change.
The pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) type I receptor (PAC1) is a G-protein-coupled receptor binding the strongly conserved neuropeptide PACAP with 1000-fold higher affinity than the related peptide vasoactive intestinal peptide. PAC1-mediated signaling has been implicated in neuronal differentiation and synaptic plasticity. To gain further insight into the biological significance of PAC1-mediated signaling in vivo, we generated two different mutant mouse strains, harboring either a complete or a forebrain-specific inactivation of PAC1. Mutants from both strains show a deficit in contextual fear conditioning, a hippocampus-dependent associative learning paradigm. In sharp contrast, amygdala-dependent cued fear conditioning remains intact. Interestingly, no deficits in other hippocampus-dependent tasks modeling declarative learning such as the Morris water maze or the social transmission of food preference are observed. At the cellular level, the deficit in hippocampus-dependent associative learning is accompanied by an impairment of mossy fiber long-term potentiation (LTP). Because the hippocampal expression of PAC1 is restricted to mossy fiber terminals, we conclude that presynaptic PAC1-mediated signaling at the mossy fiber synapse is involved in both LTP and hippocampus-dependent associative learning.
Human embryonic stem (hES) cells represent a potential source for cell replacement therapy of many degenerative diseases. Most frequently, hES cell lines are derived from surplus embryos from assisted reproduction cycles, independent of their quality or morphology. Here, we show that hES cell lines can be obtained from poor-quality blastocysts with the same efficiency as that obtained from good- or intermediate-quality blastocysts. Furthermore, we show that the self-renewal, pluripotency, and differentiation ability of hES cell lines derived from either source are comparable. Finally, we present a simple and reproducible embryoid body-based protocol for the differentiation of hES cells into functional cardiomyocytes. The five new hES cell lines derived here should widen the spectrum of available resources for investigating the biology of hES cells and advancing toward efficient strategies of regenerative medicine.
This paper describes an experiment to explore the effects of the TENCompetence infrastructure for supporting lifelong competence development which is now in development. This infrastructure provides structured, multi-leveled access to learning materials, based upon competences. People can follow their own learning path, supported by a listing of competences and their components, by competence development plans attached to competences and by the possibility to mark elements as complete. We expected the PCM to have an effect on (1) control of participants of their own learning, and (2) appreciation of their learning route, (3) of the learning resources, (4) of their competence development, and (5) of the possibilities of collaboration. In the experiment, 44 Bulgarian teachers followed a distance learning course on a specific teaching methodology for six weeks. Part of them used the TENCompetence infrastructure, part used an infrastructure which was similar, except for the characterizing elements mentioned above. The results showed that in the experimental condition, more people passed the final competence assess-ment, and people felt more in control of their own learning. No differences between the two groups were found on the amount and appreciation of collaboration and on further measures of competence development.
We propose an adverse selection framework in which the financial sector has a dual role. It amplifies or dampens exogenous shocks and also generates endogenous fluctuations. We fully characterize constrained optimal contracts in a setting in which entrepreneurs need to borrow and are privately informed about the quality of their projects. Our characterization is novel in analyzing pooling and separating allocations in a context of multi-dimensional screening: specifically, the amounts of investment undertaken and of entrepreneurial net worth are used to screen projects. We then embed these results in a dynamic competitive economy. First, we show how endogenous regime switches in financial contracts may generate fluctuations in an economy that exhibits no dynamics under full information. Unlike previous models of endogenous cycles, our result does not rely on entrepreneurial net worth being counter-cyclical or inconsequential for determining investment. Secondly, the model shows the different implications of adverse selection as opposed to pure moral hazard. In particular, and contrary to standard results in the macroeconomic literature, the financial system may dampen exogenous shocks in the presence of adverse selection.
This paper points out an empirical puzzle that arises when an RBC economy with a job matching function is used to model unemployment. The standard model can generate sufficiently large cyclical fluctuations in unemployment, or a sufficiently small response of unemployment to labor market policies, but it cannot do both. Variable search and separation, finite UI benefit duration, efficiency wages, and capital all fail to resolve this puzzle. However, both sticky wages and match-specific productivity shocks help the model reproduce the stylized facts: both make the firm's flow of surplus more procyclical, thus making hiring more procyclical too.
This paper studies the macroeconomic implications of firms' precautionary investment behavior in response to the anticipation of future financing constraints. Firms increase their demand for liquid and safe investments in order to alleviate future borrowing constraints and decrease the probability of having to forego future profitable investment opportunities. This results in an increase in the share of short-term projects that produces a temporary increase in output, at the expense of lower long-run investment and future output. I show in a calibrated model that this behavior is at the source of a novel and powerful channel of shock transmission of productivity shocks that produces short-run dampening and long-run propagation. Furthermore, it can account for the observed business cycle patterns of the aggregate and firm-level composition of investment.
Many empirical studies of business cycles have followed the practise ofapplying the Hodrick-Prescott filter for cross-country comparisons. Thestandard procedure is to set the weight \lambda, which determines the'smoothness' of the trend equal to 1600. We show that if this value isused for against common wisdom about business cycles. As an example, weshow that the long recession occurred inSpain between 1975 and 1985 goesunnotoced by the HP filter. We propose a method for adjusting \lambda byreinterpreting the HP-filter as the solution to a constrained minimizationproblem. We argue that the common practice of fixing \lambda across countriesamounts to chankging the constraints on trend variability across countries.Our proposed method is easy to apply, retains all the virtues of thestandard HP-filter and when applied to Spanish data the results are inthe line with economic historian's view. Applying the method to a numberof OECD countries we find that, with the exception of Spain, Italy andJapan, the standard choice of \lambda=1600 is sensible.
In this paper we describe the existence of financial illusion in public accountingand we comment on its effects for the future sustainability of local publicservices. We relate these features to the lack of incentives amongst publicmanagers for improving the financial reporting and thus management of publicassets. Financial illusion pays off for politicians and managers since it allowsfor larger public expenditure increases and managerial slack, these beingarguments in their utility functions. This preference is strengthen by the shorttime perspective of politically appointed public managers. Both factors runagainst public accountability. This hypothesis is tested for Spain by using anunique sample. We take data from around forty Catalan local authorities withpopulation above 20,000 for the financial years 1993-98. We build this databasis from the Catalan Auditing Office Reports in a way that it can be linkedto some other local social and economic variables in order to test ourassumptions. The results confirm that there is a statistical relationship between the financialillusion index (FI as constructed in the paper) and higher current expenditure.This reflects on important overruns and increases of the delay in payingsuppliers, as well as on a higher difficulties to face capital finance. Mechanismsfor FI creation have to do among other factors, with delays in paying suppliers(and thereafter higher future financial costs per unit of service), no adequateprovision for bad debts and lack of appropriate capital funding either forreposition or for new equipments. For this, it is crucial to monitor the way inwhich capital transfers are accounted in local public sheet balances. As a result,for most of the Municipalities we analyse, the funds for guaranteeing continuityand sustainability of public services provision are today at risk.Given managerial incentives at present in public institutions, we conclude thatpublic regulation recently enforced for assuring better information systems inlocal public management may not be enough to change the current state of affairs.
We estimate the aggregate long-run elasticity of substitution between more and less educatedworkers (the slope of the demand curve for more relative to less educated workers) at theUS state level. Our data come from the (five)1950-1990 decennial censuses. Our empiricalapproach allows for state and time fixed effects and relies on time and state dependentchild labor and compulsory school attendance laws as instruments for (endogenous) changesin the relative supply of more educated workers. We find the aggregate long-run elasticity ofsubstitution between more and less educated workers to be around 1.5.