47 resultados para Jewish artists.


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Practicing art is not a high risk activity. This statement, along with the creative, expressive and intangible aims of this activity, as well as the lack of information, promotion of safety awareness and training of thepeople in charge of art studios, may have pushed the implications of practicing art as regards health, safety and environment into the background. Faced with this prospect, a comprehensive study of the facilities and the activities carried out in art studios becomes necessary. The study concerns experimental activities involving Health and Safety risks for both the artists and the teachers and students, especially those carried out in the studios located in educational institutions.


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El trabajo trata la traducción del manga al castellano (cuestiones lingüísticas, metodológicas y técnicas): las características principales del japonés, el proceso de traducción, los métodos y las opciones de adaptación empleados por las editoriales españolas, y la compatibilidad de escritura en equipos españoles. Finalmente, incluye un ejemplo real de traducción.


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Since the begínning ofAdvertising, art has been a source ofinexhaustible inspiration for the advertising creative, who have used or misused it with any limits. With more or less direct references to artists, pieces or art movements, to references to the act ofart creation itself and certain aesthetic categories. Taking into account the various semantic versions that art offers, with multiple connotative lectures, this use has not been much profitable in many occasions, not as much as it could have been. However, in other circumstances, thís use has been vampirizing, only preoccupied for the audience impact ofa well knowll reference, but despising it and reducing it to a mere reclaim. In the case ofGiocconda by Leonardo da Vinci or the Birth ofVenus by Bottícelli are significant examples ofthis use, maybe popular, ofthe art productíon. That is to say that the depository was used as a source ofreferences to enrich the lectures ofthe advertising pieces (for instance, the excellent Citroen Xsara Picasso advertisement with the fordism mass production chain) or ¡ust to allow a higher t1Otoriety (like the Chupa-Chups advertisement where the Mona Lisa heartily sucks one ofthe mythical sweets with a stick). Thanks to a selected advertising pieces, graphical and audiovisual, we will be able to go through this kind ofadvertising creation logistics, from the moment that this one decided to call out these art references that were sleeping dreamingly Oll the fair in a depository until this strictly cultural moment came.


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Aquest treball és un recull de tot el que s'ha trobat documentat sobre els jueus que van habitar Puigcerdà entre els anys 1260 i 1493. S'estructura a partir d'una introducció sobre la cultura jueva, l'arribada a Puigcerdà dels jueus, per què, com i quan s'hi instal·len, el Call puigcerdanès, on trobem tot el que fa referència a l'espai físic, l'humà i el material, i finalment la seva expulsió.


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Dins del projecte de recerca I+D Impressió expandida: repercussions dels mitjans digitals en el context de l’art imprès, amb codi: HUM 2007-64757/ARTE i finançat pel Ministerio de Ciencia yTecnologia, l’any 2007 es va constituir un sub-grup que, sota el nom d’Ars Combinatoria, hatreballat en la investigació de la impressió digital sobre diferents suports.Aquest equip investigador està format per les professores M.Mercè Casanovas, Cristina Pastó iEva Vila (col·laboradora) , totes elles vinculades a la pràctica i la docència del gravat, la litografia ila serigrafia .L’interès i la dedicació per aquestes disciplines ha anat ampliant-se i creixent amb l’aportació delsmitjans digitals, que han suposat un canvi en el format, en el projecte i en la concepció de l’obra.Per dur a terme aquesta recerca, hem rebut el suport de l’empresa barcelonina EGM Laboratoriscolor, especialitzada en la impressió digital d’alta resolució.Des d’aleshores s’ha seguit una investigació profunda sobre les diferents possibilitats de laimpressió digital damunt suports convencionals i no convencionals. Tota una recerca que, fins al moment, s’ha concretat en tres exposicions, dues de col·lectives i una d’individual, que mostren els resultats obtinguts.


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In our capacity as creative artists, researchers and fine arts professors, most part of our activity focuses on the relationships between people and creativity, technology, and resources, and, most frequently, what we aim to offer are new enjoyable and subversive ways of interacting with these three fields. As art teachers, we ask 'why and how' to teach dynamic bearing in mind that digital technology will undoubtedly impact on contemporary art practice.


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In a medieval Barcelonan side-street, urine, rubbish, and a bewildering array of graphic imagery splatters the narrowing walls between two major thoroughfares. A contemporary conflict between residents, unknown artists and others is played out using banners, bottles, stickers, posters, stencils, spray paint, and bodily substances. In this shadowed liminality, local and global debates are superimposed upon substructures constructed from disease, prostitution, and the Saint of the Plague. The continuing urban struggle constitutes temporal statements of dirt and purity, violence and humour, dominance and resistance, death and salvation. Like the renovated facades masking the crumbling remains of structures long neglected, the government’s literal whitewashing of the art is a temporal cover-up of a discursive symptom stretching from deeply embedded preconditions. However, from his niche in the angular bend of the alley bearing his name, the statue of St. Rock remains unblinkingly staring, raised above the contestations expressed below.


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This article focuses on Barcelona"s art market to explore the underlying factors behind the clustering of art dealers in several of the city"s districts. Drawing upon quantitative and qualitative data, the article analyses how such clustering reveals a strategic action in the sense attributed to it by Crozier and Friedberg (1981). Gallery districts are not a reflection of structural factors (economic, urban development-related or social) but the result of a combination of strategic choices either individual or collective which explain the permanence of leading gallery districts or the emergence of new ones.


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Aquest treball de final de grau, té com objectiu realitzar un estat de la qüestió sobre tots els estudis i treballs realitzats, al voltant de la figura de l’artista María Gutiérrez Blanchard. D’una banda, s’ha buscat tota la bibliografia existent sobre ella, fent un recompte del total de les obres i comentant els anys de publicació. A més, s’ha analitzat totes les que s’han pogut consultar; presentant les aportacions, coincidències i dissidències que hi ha entre elles. Per una altra banda, i a partir de les informacions llegides en la bibliografia sobre l’artista, s’ha buscat la presència que té aquesta en les publicacions sobre els moviments, escoles o artistes ,amb els que va tenir algun vincle o relació (Escola de París, cubisme, Juan Gris i art i gènere), en els diccionaris i enciclopèdies d’història de l’art i en diferents documents electrònics.. Aquesta comparació de diferents treballs, m’ha donat l’oportunitat de veure les aportacions o punts positius de tots ells, per tal de conèixer a María Gutiérrez Blanchard i la seva obra; però també, m’ha permès ser conscient de les mancances o punts negatius, i així adonar-me que encara queda molta feina per a fer, per tal de conèixer a fons la seva figura. Cal destacar, el punt de vista masclista des del que s’ha analitzat l’obra d’aquesta artista, establint un forta connexió entre la seva obra i la vida personal (malformació física). .Aquest punt de vista ha estat fortament criticat, principalment durant els darrers anys, des de la bibliografia d’art i gènere, especialment per Xon de Ros, que aporta reflexions molt interessants.


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Un recorregut per la historia de les edicions d'artista a Catalunya a través de la cultura visual i l'art contemporani. Amb l'edició independent i la xarxa digital com dues eines fonamentals tan pels artistes -pels beneficis que l'edició pot proporcionar a la seva visibilitat i l'evolució professional- com pels diferents agents -veuen en ella l'oportunitat de generar nous formats de relació amb el públic- que tenen la voluntat de treballar amb i per aquest subsector de l'últim art contemporani. Un àmbit que avui gaudeix d'una situació creativa i productiva molt interessant i fructífera.


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Aquest text fa referència a una pintura a l’oli dedicada a sant Josep Oriol, conservada a l’església parroquial de la Pobla de Segur. Arran d’una anàlisi iconogràfica atenta de l’obra, dedicada a un sant beatificat a Barcelona el juny del 1807, un fet que comportà nombroses representacions de la mà dels artistes més notables, apunta la possibilitat, que pogués ser obra de Bonaventura Planella (1772-1844).


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One of the founders of numismatics in Modern Age was the archbishop of Tarragona and renowned jurist Antonio Agustín. He was educated during the mid-sixteenth century mainly in Italy, particularly in Bologna and Padua. His role in the development of antiquarian studies – and interest in collecting – ran parallel to the development of numismatics in the Cinquecento. His interest in realia , i.e., the materials and documents perceived as primary evidence of history understood in a global sense, make him a pioneer in setting the trends and methodologies which would be later employed by Bernard de Montfaucon. The period Antonio Agustín spent in Bologna, at the Reale Collegio di Spagna, between 1539 and 1544, afforded him the opportunity to enter a very cultivated circle where the admiration and study of the Antique was well established since the mid-fifteenth century. The cultural effervescence taking place in Bologna was encouraged by the court of Giovanni II Bentivoglio and the University alike. Artists also contributed to the development of antiquarian knowledge, and the painter Amico Aspertini (ca. 1475-1552) exemplifies this. It is clear that Antonio Agustín certainly benefited from the scholarly environment in Bologna during the first half of the Cinquecento, which had been firmly anchored since the fertile Quattrocento. Although the documentary evidence is scarce, and it is difficult to pinpoint the details, it is undeniable that Antonio Agustín was heavily influenced by his Bolognese experience.


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This article presents a panoramic view of the development of the so-called serliana or Serlian motif throughout the Italian Renaissance, focusing on the most relevant examples in the architecture of that period. The use of this motif during the Early Renaissance was pioneered by Filippo Brunelleschi in religious buildings. As its employment become widespread in a range of different settings, architects frequently incorporated local building traditions. It was only during the last twenty years of the Quattrocento that Giuliano da Sangallo and Leonardo da Vinci adopted the Serlian arch in residential architecture designed for the ruling elites. Thanks to Bramante and other artists such as Raphael, Baldassare Peruzzi, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger and Giulio Romano, the motif was extraordinarily popular during the High Renaissance period. Ever-increasingly complex and monumental compositions eased the adaptation of the serliana to both exterior and interior spaces, and in works such as the design by Galeazzo Alessi in Genoa, the imperial connotation of the motif is clear. This process illustrates the progressive transfer from the religious to the courtly sphere, and, at the same time, the permeability between the sacred and the profane. During the sixteenth century, Spain too was at the European avant-garde, due to its contacts with Italy and the latest fashions, such as the employment of the serliana in residential architecture, were followed in the fortified palace at La Calahorra, the Vich palace in Valencia, or the palace of Charles V in Granada, as part of a complex iconography of power. Throughout the sixteenth century, the serliana featured in that specifically-Spanish typology, the monumental altarpiece or retablo, as well as in monumental tombs. Italy was certainly the leading force in the process and had an indisputable influence on Spanish art, but the latter would develop its own original solutions in the sixteenth century, which matched the innovative character of Italian creations.


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This article analyses the cómic book Maus, by Art Spiegelman (1986-1991), from two angles: as a work of art dealing with the Holocaust, and as a cómic that subverts the fictional tradition of the genre, opening itself up to history and the narration of reality. Maus, the first cómic book to treat the topic of the Holocaust in depth, was written by a second-generation witness. It is a story of both physical survival and enduring trauma in the family. At the same time, an analysis of the stratevival and enduring trauma in the family. At the same time, an analysis of the strateof the traditional cómic reveals how Spiegelman has used the genre to recount, instead of fiction and for the first time, a historically authentic biographical tale