75 resultados para GAS-GIANT PLANET
The thermodynamic functions of a Fermi gas with spin population imbalance are studied in the temperature-asymmetry plane in the BCS limit. The low-temperature domain is characterized by an anomalous enhancement of the entropy and the specific heat above their values in the unpaired state, decrease of the gap and eventual unpairing phase transition as the temperature is lowered. The unpairing phase transition induces a second jump in the specific heat, which can be measured in calorimetric experiments. While the superfluid is unstable against a supercurrent carrying state, it may sustain a metastable state if cooled adiabatically down from the stable high-temperature domain. In the latter domain the temperature dependence of the gap and related functions is analogous to the predictions of the BCS theory.
The density of states of a Bose-condensed gas confined in a harmonic trap is investigated. The predictions of Bogoliubov theory are compared with those of Hartree-Fock theory and of the hydrodynamic model. We show that the Hartree-Fock scheme provides an excellent description of the excitation spectrum in a wide range of energy, revealing a major role played by single-particle excitations in these confined systems. The crossover from the hydrodynamic regime, holding at low energies, to the independent-particle regime is explicitly explored by studying the frequency of the surface mode as a function of their angular momentum. The applicability of the semiclassical approximation for the excited states is also discussed. We show that the semiclassical approach provides simple and accurate formulas for the density of states and the quantum depletion of the condensate.
In this work we compare the results of the Gross-Pitaevskii and modified Gross-Pitaevskii equations with ab initio variational Monte Carlo calculations for Bose-Einstein condensates of atoms in axially symmetric traps. We examine both the ground state and excited states having a vortex line along the z axis at high values of the gas parameter and demonstrate an excellent agreement between the modified Gross-Pitaevskii and ab initio Monte Carlo methods, both for the ground and vortex states.
We explore the phase diagram of a two-component ultracold atomic Fermi gas interacting with zero-range forces in the limit of weak coupling. We focus on the dependence of the pairing gap and the free energy on the variations in the number densities of the two species while the total density of the system is held fixed. As the density asymmetry is increased, the system exhibits a transition from a homogenous Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) phase to phases with spontaneously broken global space symmetries. One such realization is the deformed Fermi surface superfluidity (DFS) which exploits the possibility of deforming the Fermi surfaces of the species into ellipsoidal form at zero total momentum of Cooper pairs. The critical asymmetries at which the transition from DFS to the unpaired state occurs are larger than those for the BCS phase. In this precritical region the DFS phase lowers the pairing energy of the asymmetric BCS state. We compare quantitatively the DFS phase to another realization of superconducting phases with broken translational symmetry: the single-plane-wave Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell phase, which is characterized by a nonvanishing center-of-mass momentum of the Cooper pairs. The possibility of the detection of the DFS phase in the time-of-flight experiments is discussed and quantified for the case of 6Li atoms trapped in two different hyperfine states.
The energy and structure of a dilute hard-disks Bose gas are studied in the framework of a variational many-body approach based on a Jastrow correlated ground-state wave function. The asymptotic behaviors of the radial distribution function and the one-body density matrix are analyzed after solving the Euler equation obtained by a free minimization of the hypernetted chain energy functional. Our results show important deviations from those of the available low density expansions, already at gas parameter values x~0.001 . The condensate fraction in 2D is also computed and found generally lower than the 3D one at the same x.
We derive nonlinear diffusion equations and equations containing corrections due to fluctuations for a coarse-grained concentration field. To deal with diffusion coefficients with an explicit dependence on the concentration values, we generalize the Van Kampen method of expansion of the master equation to field variables. We apply these results to the derivation of equations of phase-separation dynamics and interfacial growth instabilities.
We analyze the influence of the density dependence of the symmetry energy on the average excitation energy of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance (GMR) in stable and exotic neutron-rich nuclei by applying the relativistic extended Thomas-Fermi method in scaling and constrained calculations. For the effective nuclear interaction, we employ the relativistic mean field model supplemented by an isoscalar-isovector meson coupling that allows one to modify the density dependence of the symmetry energy without compromising the success of the model for binding energies and charge radii. The semiclassical estimates of the average energy of the GMR are known to be in good agreement with the results obtained in full RPA calculations. The present analysis is performed along the Pb and Zr isotopic chains. In the scaling calculations, the excitation energy is larger when the symmetry energy is softer. The same happens in the constrained calculations for nuclei with small and moderate neutron excess. However, for nuclei of large isospin the constrained excitation energy becomes smaller in models having a soft symmetry energy. This effect is mainly due to the presence of loosely-bound outer neutrons in these isotopes. A sharp increase of the estimated width of the resonance is found in largely neutron-rich isotopes, even for heavy nuclei, which is enhanced when the symmetry energy of the model is soft. The results indicate that at large neutron numbers the structure of the low-energy region of the GMR strength distribution changes considerably with the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy, which may be worthy of further characterization in RPA calculations of the response function.
We consider a lattice-gas model of particles with internal orientational degrees of freedom. In addition to antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor (NN) and next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) positional interactions we also consider NN and NNN interactions arising from the internal state of the particles. The system then shows positional and orientational ordering modes with associated phase transitions at Tp and To temperatures at which long-range positional and orientational ordering are, respectively, lost. We use mean-field techniques to obtain a general approach to the study of these systems. By considering particular forms of the orientational interaction function we study coupling effects between both phase transitions arising from the interplay between orientational and positional degrees of freedom. In mean-field approximation coupling effects appear only for the phase transition taking place at lower temperatures. The strength of the coupling depends on the value of the long-range order parameter that remains finite at that temperature.
We derive analytical expressions for the excitation energy of the isoscalar giant monopole and quadrupole resonances in finite nuclei, by using the scaling method and the extended ThomasFermi approach to relativistic mean-field theory. We study the ability of several nonlinear σω parameter sets of common use in reproducing the experimental data. For monopole oscillations the calculations agree better with experiment when the nuclear matter incompressibility of the relativistic interaction lies in the range 220260 MeV. The breathing-mode energies of the scaling method compare satisfactorily with those obtained in relativistic RPA and time-dependent mean-field calculations. For quadrupole oscillations, all the analyzed nonlinear parameter sets reproduce the empirical trends reasonably well.
We have analyzed a two-dimensional lattice-gas model of cylindrical molecules which can exhibit four possible orientations. The Hamiltonian of the model contains positional and orientational energy interaction terms. The ground state of the model has been investigated on the basis of Karl¿s theorem. Monte Carlo simulation results have confirmed the predicted ground state. The model is able to reproduce, with appropriate values of the Hamiltonian parameters, both, a smectic-nematic-like transition and a nematic-isotropic-like transition. We have also analyzed the phase diagram of the system by mean-field techniques and Monte Carlo simulations. Mean-field calculations agree well qualitatively with Monte Carlo results but overestimate transition temperatures.
Step bunching develops in the epitaxy of SrRuO3 on vicinal SrTiO3(001) substrates. We have investigated the formation mechanisms and we show here that step bunching forms by lateral coalescence of wedgelike three-dimensional islands that are nucleated at substrate steps. After coalescence, wedgelike islands become wider and straighter with growth, forming a self-organized network of parallel step bunches with altitudes exceeding 30 unit cells, separated by atomically flat terraces. The formation mechanism of step bunching in SrRuO3, from nucleated islands, radically differs from one-dimensional models used to describe bunching in semiconducting materials. These results illustrate that growth phenomena of complex oxides can be dramatically different to those in semiconducting or metallic systems.
The quenching of the photoluminescence of Si nanopowder grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition due to pressure was measured for various gases ( H2, O2, N2, He, Ne, Ar, and Kr) and at different temperatures. The characteristic pressure, P0, of the general dependence I(P) = I0¿exp(¿P/P0) is gas and temperature dependent. However, when the number of gas collisions is taken as the variable instead of pressure, then the quenching is the same within a gas family (mono- or diatomic) and it is temperature independent. So it is concluded that the effect depends on the number of gas collisions irrespective of the nature of the gas or its temperature.
Highly transparent and stoichiometric boron nitride (BN) films were deposited on both electrodes (anode and cathode) of a radio-frequency parallel-plate plasma reactor by the glow discharge decomposition of two gas mixtures: B2H6-H2-NH3 and B2H6-N2. The chemical, optical, and structural properties of the films, as well as their stability under long exposition to humid atmosphere, were analyzed by x-ray photoelectron, infrared, and Raman spectroscopies; scanning and transmission electron microscopies; and optical transmittance spectrophotometry. It was found that the BN films grown on the anode using the B2H6-H2-NH3 mixture were smooth, dense, adhered well to substrates, and had a textured hexagonal structure with the basal planes perpendicular to the film surface. These films were chemically stable to moisture, even after an exposition period of two years. In contrast, the films grown on the anode from the B2H6-N2 mixture showed tensile stress failure and were very unstable in the presence of moisture. However, the films grown on the cathode from B2H6-H2-NH3 gases suffered from compressive stress failure on exposure to air; whereas with B2H6-N2 gases, adherent and stable cathodic BN films were obtained with the same crystallographic texture as anodic films prepared from the B2H6-H2-NH3 mixture. These results are discussed in terms of the origin of film stress, the effects of ion bombardment on the growing films, and the surface chemical effects of hydrogen atoms present in the gas discharge.