45 resultados para Fuji IX GP Fast
The origin of the carbon atoms in CO2 respired by leaves in the dark of several plant species has been studied using 13C/12C stable isotopes. This study was conducted using an open gas exchange system for isotope labeling that was coupled to an elemental analyser and further linked to an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (EA-IRMS) or coupled to a gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC-C-IRMS). We demonstrate here that the carbon, which is recently assimilated during photosynthesis, accounts for nearly ca. 50% of the carbon in the CO2 lost through dark respiration after illumination in fast-growing and cultivated plants and trees and, accounts for only ca. 10% in slow-growing plants. Moreover, our study shows that fast- growing plants, which had the largest percentages of newly fixed carbon of leaf-respired CO2 , were also those with the largest shoot/root ratios, whereas slow-growing plants showed the lowest shoot/root values.
Estudi de l'evolució del dornini territorial d'un monestir pirinenc, durant els segles IX-XII. Sant Llorenç prop Baga, situat al Berguedà (Catalunya), tenia les seves terres esteses per la Cerdanya i, sobretot, per la mateixa comarca de Berga. Hom ha estudiat l'evolució del ritme de donacions, els llocs on eren situades les propietats donades i també l'evolució de les relacions entre el monestir i els qui tenien el domini útil de les seves terres (pactes i contractes d'emfiteusi). D'acord amb aquests tres aspectes de valoració hom ha establert les següents cinc etapes en l'evolució del domini: 1.ª fase (898-945): el monestir existeix; 2.ª fase (945-985): moment d'expansió del domini, amb importants donacions comtals i també de particulars; 3.ª fase (985-1040): força donacions; els donadors a canvi del domini útil es comprometen a lliurar la tasca (un onzé de la collita); 4.ª fase (1040-1100): primers símptomes de transformació: el monestir tendeix a cedir la fiscalització a tercers i els pagesos han de pagar més pel gaudi del domini útil; 5.ª fase (segle XII): s'accentuen els canvis esmentats en la fase anterior, gairebé no hi ha cap donació, els documents fan referència sobretot a la zona més propera al monestir, augment dels judicis i dels enfrontaments i aparició d'esments de terres i cases abandonades.
Capsule application of Diamidino Yellow (DY) to the cut end of the sciatic nerve immediately followed by capsule application of Fast Blue (FB) resulted in approximate to 95% double-labelled dorsal root ganglion neurones (DRGn) and motoneurones (Mn). Nerve injection of DY followed either immediately or 2 months later by capsule application of FB resulted in approximate to 90% double-labelled DRGn and Mn, indicating that DY and FB label similar populations of DRGn and Mn, and that insignificant DY fading occurred during this period. Inversing the order of application, however, i.e. nerve injection of FB followed immediately by capsule application of DY, resulted in double labelling in only approximate to 10% of the DRGn and Mn. These percentages increased to 70% of the DRGn and 60% of the Mn when the FB injection was followed 1 or 2 months after by the DY application, indicating that DY uptake is blocked by recent administration of FB. The results indicate that DY and FB might be useful for sequential labelling before and after nerve injury as a tool to investigate the accuracy of sensory and motor regeneration.
The present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of the fluorescent dyes Fast Blue (FB), Fluoro-Gold (FG), and Diamidino Yellow (DY) for retrograde tracing of lumbar dorsal root ganglia after their subcutaneous injection into different hindlimb digits. Injection of equal volumes (0.5 mu l) of 5% FB or 2% FG resulted in similar mean numbers of sensory neurones labelled by each tracer. Injection of equal volumes (0.5 mu l) of FB or FG in a single digit followed 10 days later by a second injection of the same volume of 5% DY into the same digit resulted in similar mean numbers of labelled sensory neurones for each of the three tracers. Furthermore, on average, 75% of all the FB-labelled cells and 74% of all FC-labelled cells also contained DY. Repeating the same experiment with an increased volume of DY (1.5 mu l) resulted in an increase in the mean number of double-labelled profiles to 82 and 84% for FB and FG, respectively. The results show that FB, FG and DY label similar numbers of cutaneous afferents and that a high level of double labelling may be obtained after sequential injections in digits. These properties make them suitable candidates in investigations where a combination of tracers with similar labelling efficacies is needed.
We describe methods for the fast production of highly coherent-spin-squeezed many-body states in bosonic Josephson junctions. We start from the known mapping of the two-site Bose-Hubbard (BH) Hamiltonian to that of a single effective particle evolving according to a Schrödinger-like equation in Fock space. Since, for repulsive interactions, the effective potential in Fock space is nearly parabolic, we extend recently derived protocols for shortcuts to adiabatic evolution in harmonic potentials to the many-body BH Hamiltonian. A comparison with current experiments shows that our methods allow for an important reduction in the preparation times of highly squeezed spin states.
El terme alou indicava originàriament en el món germànic els béns hereditaris o de successió del patrimoni familiar, en oposició als adquirits per compra, aquests darrers designats amb la paraula comparata, segons la distinció establerta ja en les lleis sàlica, ripuària, alamannorum i baiwariorum. Trobem la mateixa contraposició en les Formulae Bignonianae i Lindenbrogianae. Com que els béns adquirits solien ser béns no lliures que es concedien en benefici, els béns alodials, per a evitar confusions, van designar, des de l"etapa carolíngia, la terra que no estava en situació de dependència, la terra lliure. El vocable alou és, sens dubte, herència del germànic.
There is an increasing interest to seek new enzyme preparations for the development of new products derived from bioprocesses to obtain alternative bio-based materials. In this context, four non-commercial lipases from Pseudomonas species were prepared, immobilized on different low-cost supports, and examined for potential biotechnological applications. Results: To reduce costs of eventual scaling-up, the new lipases were obtained directly from crude cell extracts or from growth culture supernatants, and immobilized by simple adsorption on Accurel EP100, Accurel MP1000 and Celite (R) 545. The enzymes evaluated were LipA and LipC from Pseudomonas sp. 42A2, a thermostable mutant of LipC, and LipI. 3 from Pseudomonas CR611, which were produced in either homologous or heterologous hosts. Best immobilization results were obtained on Accurel EP100 for LipA and on Accurel MP1000 for LipC and its thermostable variant. Lip I. 3, requiring a refolding step, was poorly immobilized on all supports tested ( best results for Accurel MP1000). To test the behavior of immobilized lipases, they were assayed in triolein transesterification, where the best results were observed for lipases immobilized on Accurel MP1000. Conclusions: The suggested protocol does not require protein purification and uses crude enzymes immobilized by a fast adsorption technique on low-cost supports, which makes the method suitable for an eventual scaling up aimed at biotechnological applications. Therefore, a fast, simple and economic method for lipase preparation and immobilization has been set up. The low price of the supports tested and the simplicity of the procedure, skipping the tedious and expensive purification steps, will contribute to cost reduction in biotechnological lipase-catalyzed processes.
Identification of chemical compounds with specific biological activities is an important step in both chemical biology and drug discovery. When the structure of the intended target is available, one approach is to use molecular docking programs to assess the chemical complementarity of small molecules with the target; such calculations provide a qualitative measure of affinity that can be used in virtual screening (VS) to rank order a list of compounds according to their potential to be active. rDock is a molecular docking program developed at Vernalis for high-throughput VS (HTVS) applications. Evolved from RiboDock, the program can be used against proteins and nucleic acids, is designed to be computationally very efficient and allows the user to incorporate additional constraints and information as a bias to guide docking. This article provides an overview of the program structure and features and compares rDock to two reference programs, AutoDock Vina (open source) and Schrodinger's Glide (commercial). In terms of computational speed for VS, rDock is faster than Vina and comparable to Glide. For binding mode prediction, rDock and Vina are superior to Glide. The VS performance of rDock is significantly better than Vina, but inferior to Glide for most systems unless pharmacophore constraints are used; in that case rDock and Glide are of equal performance. The program is released under the Lesser General Public License and is freely available for download, together with the manuals, example files and the complete test sets, at http://rdock.sourceforge.net/
Here we discuss two consecutive MERLIN observations of the X-ray binary LS I +61° 303 . The first observation shows a double-sided jet extending up to about 200 AU on both sides of a central source. The jet shows a bent S-shaped structure similar to the one displayed by the well-known precessing jet of SS 433 . The precession suggested in the first MERLIN image becomes evident in the second one, showing a one-sided bent jet significantly rotated with respect to the jet of the day before. We conclude that the derived precession of the relativistic (beta=0.6) jet explains puzzling previous VLBI results. Moreover, the fact that the precession is fast could be the explanation of the never understood short term (days) variability of the associated gamma-ray source 2CG 135+01 / 3EG J0241+6103
DUODES: Paraules clau d'història de les dones a Catalunya, segles IX-XVIII: una proposta de tesaurus
Sobre una proposta de tesaurus amb les paraules clau d'història de les dones de Catalunya dels segles IX a XVIII, realitzat per les dones de les seccions d'Història Medieval i Moderna del Centre d'lnvestigació Històrica de la Dona de la Universitat de Barcelona (DUODA)
Sobre la configuració general d'una proposta de tesaurus amb les paraules clau d'història de les dones de Catalunya dels segles IX a XVIII, realitzat per les dones de les seccions d'Història Medieval i Moderna del Centre d'lnvestigació Històrica de la Dona de la Universitat de Barcelona (DUODA)
Amyloid aggregation is linked to a large number of human disorders, from neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer"s disease (AD) or spongiform encephalopathies to non-neuropathic localized diseases as type II diabetes and cataracts. Because the formation of insoluble inclusion bodies (IBs) during recombinant protein production in bacteria has been recently shown to share mechanistic features with amyloid self-assembly, bacteria have emerged as a tool to study amyloid aggregation. Herein we present a fast, simple, inexpensive and quantitative method for the screening of potential anti-aggregating drugs. This method is based on monitoring the changes in the binding of thioflavin-S to intracellular IBs in intact Eschericchia coli cells in the presence of small chemical compounds. This in vivo technique fairly recapitulates previous in vitro data. Here we mainly use the Alzheimer"s related beta-amyloid peptide as a model system, but the technique can be easily implemented for screening inhibitors relevant for other conformational diseases simply by changing the recombinant amyloid protein target. Indeed, we show that this methodology can be also applied to the evaluation of inhibitors of the aggregation of tau protein, another amyloidogenic protein with a key role in AD.
Amyloid aggregation is linked to a large number of human disorders, from neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer"s disease (AD) or spongiform encephalopathies to non-neuropathic localized diseases as type II diabetes and cataracts. Because the formation of insoluble inclusion bodies (IBs) during recombinant protein production in bacteria has been recently shown to share mechanistic features with amyloid self-assembly, bacteria have emerged as a tool to study amyloid aggregation. Herein we present a fast, simple, inexpensive and quantitative method for the screening of potential anti-aggregating drugs. This method is based on monitoring the changes in the binding of thioflavin-S to intracellular IBs in intact Eschericchia coli cells in the presence of small chemical compounds. This in vivo technique fairly recapitulates previous in vitro data. Here we mainly use the Alzheimer"s related beta-amyloid peptide as a model system, but the technique can be easily implemented for screening inhibitors relevant for other conformational diseases simply by changing the recombinant amyloid protein target. Indeed, we show that this methodology can be also applied to the evaluation of inhibitors of the aggregation of tau protein, another amyloidogenic protein with a key role in AD.
BACKGROUND: The Cancer Fast-track Programme's aim was to reduce the time that elapsed between well-founded suspicion of breast, colorectal and lung cancer and the start of initial treatment in Catalonia (Spain). We sought to analyse its implementation and overall effectiveness. METHODS: A quantitative analysis of the programme was performed using data generated by the hospitals on the basis of seven fast-track monitoring indicators for the period 2006-2009. In addition, we conducted a qualitative study, based on 83 semistructured interviews with primary and specialised health professionals and health administrators, to obtain their perception of the programme's implementation. RESULTS: About half of all new patients with breast, lung or colorectal cancer were diagnosed via the fast track, though the cancer detection rate declined across the period. Mean time from detection of suspected cancer in primary care to start of initial treatment was 32 days for breast, 30 for colorectal and 37 for lung cancer (2009). Professionals associated with the implementation of the programme showed that general practitioners faced with suspicion of cancer had changed their conduct with the aim of preventing lags. Furthermore, hospitals were found to have pursued three specific implementation strategies (top-down, consensus-based and participatory), which made for the cohesion and sustainability of the circuits. CONCLUSION: The programme has contributed to speeding up diagnostic assessment and treatment of patients with suspicion of cancer, and to clarifying the patient pathway between primary and specialised care.