99 resultados para Fs lasers
In this study, we have performed magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) measurement on epitaxial La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 thin films containing artificial interfaces created by laser-patterning the SrTiO3 substrate. The observed increase of the resistivity and of the high-field magnetoresistance when measuring the films across the interface arrays are related to the reduction of the magnetization of the interfaces with respect to the rest of the film. As observed by the local MOKE probe, the structural disorder in the manganite film induced by the underlying patterned substrate leads to a large spin disorder responsible for a strong high-field susceptibility of the resistance.
Orthorhombic YMnO3 (YMO) epitaxial thin films were deposited on SrTiO3 (STO) single-crystal substrates. We show that the out-of-plane texture of the YMO films can be tailored using STO substrates having (001), (110), or (111) orientations. We report on the magnetic properties of the YMO(010) films grown on STO(001) substrates. The dependence of the susceptibility on the temperature indicates that the films are antiferromagnetic below the Néel temperature (around 35 K). Orthorhombic YMO(010) films were also deposited on an epitaxial buffer layer of ferromagnetic and metallic SrRuO3 (SRO). The magnetic hysteresis loops of SRO show exchange bias at temperatures below the Néel temperature of YMO. These results confirm that the YMO films are antiferromagnetic and demonstrate that magnetoelectric YMO can be integrated in functional epitaxial architectures.
Laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) is a laser direct-write technique that offers the possibility of printing patterns with a high spatial resolution from a wide range of materials in a solid or liquid state, such as conductors, dielectrics, and biomolecules in solution. This versatility has made LIFT a very promising alternative to lithography-based processes for the rapid prototyping of biomolecule microarrays. Here, we study the transfer process through the LIFT of droplets of a solution suitable for microarray preparation. The laser pulse energy and beam size were systematically varied, and the effect on the transferred droplets was evaluated. Controlled transfers in which the deposited droplets displayed optimal features could be obtained by varying these parameters. In addition, the transferred droplet volume displayed a linear dependence on the laser pulse energy. This dependence allowed determining a threshold energy density value, independent of the laser focusing conditions, which acted as necessary conditions for the transfer to occur. The corresponding sufficient condition was given by a different total energy threshold for each laser beam dimension. The threshold energy density was found to be the dimensional parameter that determined the amount of the transferred liquid per laser pulse, and there was no substantial loss of material due to liquid vaporization during the transfer.
Time-resolved imaging is carried out to study the dynamics of the laser-induced forward transfer of an aqueous solution at different laser fluences. The transfer mechanisms are elucidated, and directly correlated with the material deposited at the analyzed irradiation conditions. It is found that there exists a fluence range in which regular and well-defined droplets are deposited. In this case, laser pulse energy absorption results in the formation of a plasma, which expansion originates a cavitation bubble in the liquid. After the further expansion and collapse of the bubble, a long and uniform jet is developed, which advances at a constant velocity until it reaches the receptor substrate. On the other hand, for lower fluences no material is deposited. In this case, although a jet can be also generated, it recoils before reaching the substrate. For higher fluences, splashing is observed on the receptor substrate due to the bursting of the cavitation bubble. Finally, a discussion of the possible mechanisms which lead to such singular dynamics is also provided.
The self-intermediate dynamic structure factor Fs(k,t) of liquid lithium near the melting temperature is calculated by molecular dynamics. The results are compared with the predictions of several theoretical approaches, paying special attention to the Lovesey model and the Wahnstrm and Sjgren mode-coupling theory. To this end the results for the Fs(k,t) second memory function predicted by both models are compared with the ones calculated from the simulations.
Polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga thin films have been deposited by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique, using slices of a Ni-Mn-Ga single crystal as targets and onto Si (100) substrates at temperatures ranging from 673 K up to 973 K. Off-stoichiometry thin films were deposited at a base pressure of 1×10-6-Torr or in a 5 mTorr Ar atmosphere. Samples deposited in vacuum and temperatures above 823 K are magnetic at room temperature and show the austenitic {220} reflection in their x-ray diffraction patterns. The temperature dependences of both electrical resistance and magnetic susceptibility suggest that these samples exhibit a structural martensitic transition at around 260 K. The magnetoresistance ratio at low temperature can be as high as 1.3%, suggesting the existence of a granular structure in the films
A number of statistical tests for detecting population growth are described. We compared the statistical power of these tests with that of others available in the literature. The tests evaluated fall into three categories: those tests based on the distribution of the mutation frequencies, on the haplotype distribution, and on the mismatch distribution. We found that, for an extensive variety of cases, the most powerful tests for detecting population growth are Fu"s FS test and the newly developed R2 test. The behavior of the R2 test is superior for small sample sizes, whereas FS is better for large sample sizes. We also show that some popular statistics based on the mismatch distribution are very conservative. Key words: population growth, population expansion, coalescent simulations, neutrality tests
Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is one of the most promising surveying techniques for rockslope characterization and monitoring. Landslide and rockfall movements can be detected by means of comparison of sequential scans. One of the most pressing challenges of natural hazards is combined temporal and spatial prediction of rockfall. An outdoor experiment was performed to ascertain whether the TLS instrumental error is small enough to enable detection of precursory displacements of millimetric magnitude. This consists of a known displacement of three objects relative to a stable surface. Results show that millimetric changes cannot be detected by the analysis of the unprocessed datasets. Displacement measurement are improved considerably by applying Nearest Neighbour (NN) averaging, which reduces the error (1¿) up to a factor of 6. This technique was applied to displacements prior to the April 2007 rockfall event at Castellfollit de la Roca, Spain. The maximum precursory displacement measured was 45 mm, approximately 2.5 times the standard deviation of the model comparison, hampering the distinction between actual displacement and instrumental error using conventional methodologies. Encouragingly, the precursory displacement was clearly detected by applying the NN averaging method. These results show that millimetric displacements prior to failure can be detected using TLS.
This case study deals with a rock face monitoring in urban areas using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner. The pilot study area is an almost vertical, fifty meter high cliff, on top of which the village of Castellfollit de la Roca is located. Rockfall activity is currently causing a retreat of the rock face, which may endanger the houses located at its edge. TLS datasets consist of high density 3-D point clouds acquired from five stations, nine times in a time span of 22 months (from March 2006 to January 2008). The change detection, i.e. rockfalls, was performed through a sequential comparison of datasets. Two types of mass movement were detected in the monitoring period: (a) detachment of single basaltic columns, with magnitudes below 1.5 m3 and (b) detachment of groups of columns, with magnitudes of 1.5 to 150 m3. Furthermore, the historical record revealed (c) the occurrence of slab failures with magnitudes higher than 150 m3. Displacements of a likely slab failure were measured, suggesting an apparent stationary stage. Even failures are clearly episodic, our results, together with the study of the historical record, enabled us to estimate a mean detachment of material from 46 to 91.5 m3 year¿1. The application of TLS considerably improved our understanding of rockfall phenomena in the study area.
La utilización de la tecnología láser en Odontología ha tenido una constante evolución y desarrollo. Con este trabajo se pretende hacer una actualización desde un punto de vista crítico, científico y objetivo de los avances y aplicaciones que se han publicado sobre el láser de baja potencia en el ámbito de cada una de las especialidades odontológicas. Asimismo, se exponen sus características, las normas de seguridad necesarias para su utilización, sus efectos secundarios y sus contraindicaciones.
El láser de diodo tiene numerosas aplicaciones en la especialidad de Cirugía Bucal siendo utilizado preferentemente para realizar intervenciones quirúrgicas sobre los tejidos blandos siempre que no impliquen un excesivo sangrado. En Endodoncia, Implantología Bucofacial y Periodoncia se emplea por su importante efecto bactericida. También se utiliza en procedimientos de blanqueamiento dentario. Es importante controlar adecuadamente el tiempo de aplicación y la potencia de trabajo para evitar el sobrecalentamiento de los tejidos vecinos, lo que produciría su necrosis. Siempre que se utilice el láser de diodo se debe efectuar la protección ocular recomendada tanto para el profesional, sus ayudantes y personal auxiliar, como para el paciente.
La incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías en las ciencias de la salud es, hoy en día, una realidad, ante la cual los profesionales sanitarios deben estar preparados. La tecnología láser ofrece numerosas ventajas en casi la totalidad de las especialidades odontológicas. De la amplia gama de láseres disponibles, el láser de CO2 destaca por sus aplicaciones en el ámbito de la cirugía bucal, especialmente en la cirugía de los tejidos blandos, aunque su uso también ha sido estudiado en otras disciplinas como la odontología conservadora y la endodoncia. Su uso no está exento de riesgos, y el odontólogo especializado en cirugía bucal debe poseer los conocimientos y las habilidades pertinentes para su utilización. Las características del láser de CO2 permiten una cirugía rápida y cómoda para el profesional y unas molestias postoperatorias mínimas para el paciente.
Los láseres de Er:YAG y de Er,Cr:YSGG por su longitud de onda son bien absorbidos, tanto por el agua que contienen los tejidos blandos como por los cristales de hidroxiapatita presentes en los tejidos duros. Estas características hacen posible que estos láseres puedan ser absorbidos por los tejidos duros. Se presentan los múltiples usos y aplicaciones que tiene esta tecnología en Odontología, tanto en cirugía de tejidos blandos, como sus aplicaciones sobre tejidos duros, como por ejemplo los tratamientos de la caries o la cirugía ósea reemplazando en ambos casos al instrumental rotatorio. Desde la incorporación de estos láseres en los tratamientos odontológicos, se ha abierto una nueva perspectiva en relación con el uso de la anestesia local. Con la utilización de esta tecnología se pueden realizar tratamientos quirúrgicos poco extensos sin necesidad de aplicar anestesia locorregional, si bien su uso más común es para diversos procedimientos de terapéutica dental.
Existen diferentes tipos de láseres que pueden tener aplicación en Odontología, y éstos pueden ser utilizados con diferentes fines. El propósito de este artículo es comentar, de forma genérica, el empleo de diferentes tipos de láseres en diversos tipos de tratamientos habituales en la práctica odontológica. No todos los láseres producen los mismos efectos; tampoco un mismo láser produce el mismo efecto sobre diferentes tejidos, y, según sean los parámetros de emisión utilizados, incluso el mismo láser puede producir diferentes efectos sobre el mismo tejido. Para poder incorporar el láser a la praxis diaria, el profesional debe conocer, entre otros extremos, las indicaciones, las contraindicaciones y la forma de utilización del tipo o tipos de láseres que desee utilizar, antes de su aplicación en clínica.
Las principales aplicaciones del láser blando en Odontología son como analgésico, antiinflamatorio, cicatrizante y hemostático. Algunos estudios in vitro parecen demostrar que el láser blando modifica ciertas reacciones a nivel bioquímico, pero a la hora de su aplicación clínica no hay unanimidad respecto a su efectividad ya que, frente a los estudios cuyos resultados son positivos, están los que no los obtienen y lo relacionan a un posible efecto placebo. A esta controversia se suma el hecho de que los estudios sobre el láser blando son difíciles de evaluar, porque en la mayoría falta la especificación de alguno de los parámetros que intervienen en la emisión láser. Otra aplicación del láser blando en Odontología se realiza sobre células marcadas con un fotosensibilizador para obtener un efecto destructivo selectivo de dichas células. Este procedimiento parece ser útil sobre células cancerosas y microorganismos patógenos.