49 resultados para Dystopian Fiction


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El seu article parteix de l'afirmació que el destí de les dones al segle XIX està marcat, en la ficció, pel "bovarysme", malaltia que proposa que les dones s'emmalalteixen i moren perquè llegeixen malament. El treball analitza aquest problema de la "mala lectura" traçant un recorregut que va des de Fernán Caballero fins a Freud i es comenten alguns episodis de lectura que apareixen en la "Autobiografía" de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Clemencia, Amalia, Madame Bovary, María, La regenta i El caso Dora. Her article departs from the statement that the destiny of women in the 19th century is determined, in fiction, by "bovarysm", an illness which proposes that women get sick and die because they read incorrectly. The work analyzes this problem of "bad reading" tracing a journey from Fernán Caballero to Freud, and comments on several episodes about the act of reading, from Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda's "Autobiography", Clemencia, Amalia, Madame Bovary, María, La Regenta and Dora's Case.


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En aquest treball s'analitza el paper que Joanot Martorell assigna a les dones en la seva novel·la Tirant lo Blanc i, en concret, les diferències que aporta respecte de la narrativa anterior. El punt d'interès s'ha centrat en la versemblança dels personatges femenins del Tirant amb la realitat de l'època de l'autor i en quina manera es reflecteix a la novel·la la misoginia que imperava durant l'epoca medieval.


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo poner en relación el género literario y el género sexual mediante el estudio del funcionamiento del cronotopo en dos piezas narrativas de Copi (1939-1987). Siguiendo un método comparatista y con la ayuda de diferentes conceptos de teoría literaria, teoría queer y filosofía postestructuralista, se llevará a cabo un análisis, en primer lugar, de los medios con que Copi pretende transgredir las normas de género (literario y sexual); en segundo lugar, de los objetos imitados que son reapropiados según códigos no heterocentrados; por último, del modo en que el espaciamiento del tiempo en la novelística y la cuentística del escritor argentino privilegia una concepción del gender primordialmente prostética.


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The main purpose of this research project is to analyse the major female figures in Wilkie Collins' work of fiction The Law and the Lady, in relation to the times in which the novel was produced and the situation of women in the Victorian era. After taking into account the major events of the life of the author, as well as the sociohistorical conditions of the Victorian period, I try to reach conclusions about whether the author challenges gender-role expectations, presenting the readers with a new form of femininity, of if, on the contrary, he preserves and maintains a conservative, traditional perspective of femininity and female conventions proper to the established parameters of the times in which he lived. Keywords:


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Des de la Poètica d'Aristotil (segle IV a. C .. ), que assimila la creació artística a la mímesi, acostumem a oposar els termes de 'ficció' i de 'realitat' com s'oposen la simulació d'aparences (múltiples) a la identitat d'allò que és ver ( i per tant, u). Aquesta aproximació lògica a la relació existent entre l'escriptura i l'ordre de representació de les coses, o entre les dimensions simbòliques de la raó estètica i els seus referents reals, vincula, ho sabem, les paraules i les coses d'una manera molt complexa .


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The author of this article is concerned with trying to understand why Paloma Díaz-Mas, the writer of such an excellent novel as La tierra fértil (1999), has not received much critical attention. He underlines three main reasons. First, she does not live in Madrid or Barcelona and so she is far away from the main centres of cultural power. Second, she teaches Spanish literature in the Basque Country, a political and linguistic community which significantly differs from that of many other writers. Third, she writes historical novels, which does not appear to be very fashionable in Spain these days. Moreover, Díaz-Mas is a woman writer who does not make use of the most commonly available feminine patterns, and she does not seem to offer a model easy to include in a given feminist methodology either. However, Mérida-Jiménez argues that Paloma provides an intelligent deconstruction of “male authority” through subtle rhetorical means, as well as a representation of the weakness of his “domination” in very innovative ways, such as those derived from the dialectics between history and fiction, centrality and marginality, heterosexuality and homosexuality, individual and society, dream and reason or tradition and modernity.


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If the old body is usually read as a synonym of fragility and upcoming illness, even though not the case for most elderly citizens, the reality is that the longer we live, the increased probability of being affected by different illnesses cannot be eluded or denied. In Doris Lessing’s The Diary of a Good Neighbour and Margaret Forster’s Have the Men Had Enough? the reader is invited to participate in the day-to-day routines of two aged female protagonists, as well as to empathize with their inner feelings as they go through their last life stage. In fact, their ‘dys-appearing’ bodies, marked by their respective terminal illnesses, force these characters to grow closer to those around them and to accept the help of their families and friends, despite their desire to keep their free will and independence until the very end. The analysis of the two novels within the framework of ageing studies aims to show the contradictions existing between a growing ageing society and the negative cultural connotations of old age in Western society and the need to revise them.


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The passionate and deceptive life stories of the protagonists in Angela Carter’s Wise Children (1990) and Rose Tremain’s The Cupboard (1984), women in their seventies and eighties, are entangled with historical events that influenced England, Europe and the rest of the world. In these novels, Angela Carter and Rose Tremain challenge not only notions of ageing by presenting elder protagonists who are lively and strong, but also the idea of history as unique, true and unquestionable by conferring on them the status of story and historytellers.


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This article analyses the cómic book Maus, by Art Spiegelman (1986-1991), from two angles: as a work of art dealing with the Holocaust, and as a cómic that subverts the fictional tradition of the genre, opening itself up to history and the narration of reality. Maus, the first cómic book to treat the topic of the Holocaust in depth, was written by a second-generation witness. It is a story of both physical survival and enduring trauma in the family. At the same time, an analysis of the stratevival and enduring trauma in the family. At the same time, an analysis of the strateof the traditional cómic reveals how Spiegelman has used the genre to recount, instead of fiction and for the first time, a historically authentic biographical tale


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Maria Àngels Anglada tenia una clara consciència del lloc, que va deixar una empremta profunda en la seva obra literària. L’article analitza les visions que l’autora dóna de Vic, la ciutat natal, a través de la poesia, la narrativa i la prosa assagística. En particular, l’anàlisi se centra en el relat de fons autobiogràfic No em dic Laura. Aquest text vehicula una dura crítica política, social i moral del Vic sotmès a la dictadura franquista. I, alhora, constitueix la millor mostra del vigatanisme crític que caracteritza l’autora.


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Estudi sobre els microrelats i la xarxa de 140 caràcters.


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[spa] Sócrates y su serena actitud ante la muerte –si bien cuestionándola-, según relato de Jenofonte en su Apología de Sócrates, se convierten para el dramaturgo Rodolf Sirera en la referencia idónea para una reflexión osada sobre los límites de la ficción teatral. Tradición Clásica, pues –incluida la que proviene de la Tragedia Barroca-, sometida a un juicio severo en aras de una mayor conciencia del peligro de reducir la vida a una mera representación y a los seres humanos en intérpretes forzados de un guión que no escribieron.


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One of the problems with books which are relatively general in nature is that many of the individual contributions tend to be so narrow and specialised that only the author has any knowledge of (or interest in) the issues under discussion. At first sight this appears to be the case with Detecting Detection. Fortunately, however, first impressions are deceiving. Although the essays in the volume deal with writers as diverse and disparate as the Catalano-Spanish writer Juan Marse, the Bulgarian-French philosopher Julia Kristeva and the once-vaunted giant of English literature,Graham Greene, among numerous others, there is much to be enjoyed and learnt, even if some of the works under discussion are unfamiliar to the crime fiction reader and/or scholar to whom the book initially appears to be directed.


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A partir del problema de la distinción entre el sueño y la vigilia y su relación con la premisa de la película de Christopher Nolan Origen, nos proponemos construir una analogía del vínculo entre la ficción y la realidad. Esta metáfora nos servirá para exponer la idea de creación artística dentro de un marco filosófico. Para esto, recurriremos a la noción de cooperación interpretativa de los textos narrativos de Umberto Eco y, en particular, a la suposición de una teoría de la mentira como símil de la semiosis y medio de explicación semiótica.


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La comunicación que presentamos nace de una investigación centrada en la descripción del gesto lector del resumen de textos narrativos por parte del alumnado que inicia la educación secundaria obligatoria. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido elaborar una rúbrica descriptiva que nos informa del estado de desarrollo de multitud de procesos relacionados con este gesto lector y, en consecuencia, pueden ser utilizados para centrar la formación del alumnado en las distintas etapas educativas. La comunicación mostrará la posibilidad de incorporar los resultados de la investigación en los libros de texto destinados al alumnado.