118 resultados para Business Zones.


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We will present an analysis of data from a literature review and semi-structured interviews with experts on OER, to identify different aspects of OER business models and to establish how the success of the OER initiatives is measured. The results collected thus far show that two different business models for OER initiatives exist, but no data on their success or failure is published. We propose a framework for measuring success of OER initiatives.


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Anàlisi territorial del litoral català mitjançant una sèrie de variables tractades amb sistemes d’informació geogràfica (recurs eòlic, perfil batimètric, zones incloses en Xarxa Natura 2000, subestacions elèctriques vora la costa) per tal de localitzar les zones òptimes d’implantació d’un parc eòlic marí


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El projecte tracte d' implementar una solució de Business Intelligence sota la plataforma Microsoft.Aquest projecte va destinat al Departament de Comptabilitat de l' Ajuntament de Cambrils, i està relacionat amb la funció del control de les despeses i els ingressos


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We study consumption heterogeneity over the business cycle. Using household panel data from 1984 to 2010 in the US we find that the welfare cost of the business cycle is non-negligible, once agents heterogeneity is taken into account, and sums to about 1% of yearly consumption. This is due to the structure of comovements between the different parts of the consumption distribution, in particular the tails are highly volatile and negatively related to each other. We also find that business cycle fluctuations originating from exogenous financial shocks only hit the top end of the consumption distribution and therefore reduce consumption inequality.


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Engineering of negotiation model allows to develop effective heuristic for business intelligence. Digital ecosystems demand open negotiation models. To define in advance effective heuristics is not compliant with the requirement of openness. The new challenge is to develop business intelligence in advance exploiting an adaptive approach. The idea is to learn business strategy once new negotiation model rise in the e-market arena. In this paper we present how recommendation technology may be deployed in an open negotiation environment where the interaction protocol models are not known in advance. The solution we propose is delivered as part of the ONE Platform, open source software that implements a fully distributed open environment for business negotiation


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El matollar sec europeu format per Erica australis, Erica arborea, Pterosparum tridentatum, Halimium lasianthum i Calluna vulgaris com a espècies predominants és cremat en les serralades del Massís Central de forma repetida durant el pas dels anys. Això ha sigut, tradicionalment, a causa de la necessitat de mantenir-lo transitable per al bestiar, encara que altres circumstàncies s’han afegit actualment a aquesta necessitat, que incrementen el risc d’incendi d’aquesta comunitat, disparant-se el número d’incendis en els últims 30 anys. Sabent això, vam decidir realitzar un estudi a les zones de matollar que trobem al Massís Central situat a la zona del Concello de Villariño de Conso, a Ourense, per conèixer com es comporten les espècies característiques d’aquest tipus d’ecosistema després dels incendis, mitjançant la realització de mostrejos i perfils del sòl. D’aquesta manera hem volgut veure com es desenvolupen les espècies vegetals de matollar al llarg del temps, després de ser cremats. Gràcies a l’estudi hem pogut veure com el matollar observat te unes característiques que li permet sobreviure als incendis i tindre una capacitat de regeneració elevada després de patir aquesta pertorbació. Això es degut a la capacitat per rebrotar d’aquestes espècies arbustives i a la seva competitivitat. També hem vist com a necessari, donar un valor econòmic a la bona conservació de l’hàbitat, per tal de que la població local abandoni pràctiques de gestió forestal nocives, com el foc.


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The aim of this study is to develop a model measuring the performance of cities' marketing efforts. The model and the benchmarking methodology presented can be used by local authorities to position their marketing efforts and achievements against other (competing) cities and to identify best practices that can assist place marketers in learning how to be more efficient obtaining desired place marketing results, e.g., improved city brand image, with the available resources/budgets. The major implication for practitioners is that place marketing should be managed as a process, taking into account both the resource flows and the outputs, as well as the efficiency of this process.


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El objetivo del proyecto es llevar a cabo el desarrollo de una herramienta que permita a las pequeñas y medianas empresas informatizar su gestión para acercarlas al e-business.


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El presente proyecto consiste en la implantación de un sistema destinado a la gestión empresarial en el que se complementa el actual ERP con un sistema Business Intelligence.


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L’objectiu és fer una proposta alternativa en la gestió dels estanys urbans artificials a la província de Barcelona per tal de disminuir l’alt cost de manteniment actual. Els tractaments habituals en la gestió d’estanys urbans són insostenibles tant ecològicament com econòmicament. Concretament es fa un estudi de naturalització d’estanys urbans de Barcelona mitjançant l’ús de les plantes macròfites aquàtiques de la regió, per tal de substituir els tractaments habituals que es fan a piscines públiques per tractaments similars als de les piscines naturals


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Estudi del medi abiòtic i biòtic dels estanys de Basturs (Conca del riu Tremp) a partir del qual s'han elaborat diverses propostes de gestió dirigides a una millora de la conservació les zones humides


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Anàlisi i disseny de la implantació de SAP Business One en un restaurant o cadena de restaurants.


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Using Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data for 41 countries this study investigates the impact of business exit on entrepreneurial activity at the country level. The paper distinguishes between two types of entrepreneurial activity according with the motive to start a new business: entrepreneurs driven by opportunity and necessity motives. The findings indicate that exits have a positive impact on future levels of entrepreneurial activity in a country. For each exit in a given year, a larger proportion of entrepreneurial activity the following year. Moreover, this e ffect turns out to be higher for opportunity entrepreneurs. The findings indicate that both types of entrepreneurial activity rates are influenced by the same factors and in the same direction. However, for some factors we find a di fferential impact on the entrepreneurship. The results show some important implications given that business exit may be overcome when there is a necessity motivation. This has important implications for both researchers and policy makers. JEL codes: L26. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, business exit, social values


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We propose a method to evaluate cyclical models which does not require knowledge of the DGP and the exact empirical specification of the aggregate decision rules. We derive robust restrictions in a class of models; use some to identify structural shocks and others to evaluate the model or contrast sub-models. The approach has good size and excellent power properties, even in small samples. We show how to examine the validity of a class of models, sort out the relevance of certain frictions, evaluate the importance of an added feature, and indirectly estimate structural parameters.


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The aim of this paper is to test formally the classical business cycle hypothesis, using data from industrialized countries for the time period since 1960. The hypothesis is characterized by the view that the cyclical structure in GDP is concentrated in the investment series: fixed investment has typically a long cycle, while the cycle in inventory investment is shorter. To check the robustness of our results, we subject the data for 15 OECD countries to a variety of detrending techniques. While the hypothesis is not confirmed uniformly for all countries, there is a considerably high number for which the data display the predicted pattern. None of the countries shows a pattern which can be interpreted as a clear rejection of the classical hypothesis.