56 resultados para 3D display systems


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Catadioptric sensors are combinations of mirrors and lenses made in order to obtain a wide field of view. In this paper we propose a new sensor that has omnidirectional viewing ability and it also provides depth information about the nearby surrounding. The sensor is based on a conventional camera coupled with a laser emitter and two hyperbolic mirrors. Mathematical formulation and precise specifications of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the sensor are discussed. Our approach overcomes limitations of the existing omni-directional sensors and eventually leads to reduced costs of production


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L’objectiu d’aquest PFC és el desenvolupament d’una eina pel modelatge procedural d’edificis i altres estructures arquitectòniques. El modelatge d’edificis és, per si sol, un bon tema on aplicar‐hi la programació procedural. Un edifici normal compte sempre amb elements que es repeteixen en altura i amplada. El fet de “repetir” una tasca suggereix sempre l’aplicació d’algun tipus de procediment per tal de simplificar i reduir la feina de l’usuari a l’hora de desenvolupar aquesta feina


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El projecte consisteix en analitzar, dissenyar i desenvolupar un sistemaestèreo binocular (format per dues càmeres) sobre un suport que ofereixi la mobilitat iportabilitat necessària per utilitzar-lo de forma independent, és a dir, sense necessitat deconnexió a un ordinador, ja que normalment, els sistemes de visió per computador solenincorporar un ordinador amb un frame grabber (placa de captura d’imatges). Per a dur a terme elsistema estèreo més adient, s’analitzaran els requeriments necessaris, s’estudiaran diferentsalternatives, i finalment, es desenvoluparà i es demostrarà el funcionament del sistema en qüestió


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Creació d'un entorn de treball per tal de visualitzar models tridimensionals en temps real amb dos objectius: proporcionar una interfície gràfica per poder visualitzar interactivament una escena, modificant-ne els seus elements i aconseguir un disseny que faci el projecte altament revisable i reutilitzable en elfutur, i serveixi per tant de plataforma per provar altres projectes


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L’objectiu d’aquest PFC és desenvolupar un sistema de pluja per a videojocs i aplicacions de realitat virtual que sigui acurat, tant en el sentit del realisme visual com del seu comportament. El projecte permetrà al desenvolupador de videojocs incorporar a les seves aplicacions, zones de pluja amb diferents intensitats utilitzant el hardware gràfic més modern, per així evitar que aquesta pluja sigui processada per la CPU i per tant pugui alentir el videojoc que està creant. S’han desenvolupat dos sistemes, el sistema d’edició de pluja i el de visualització en temps real


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Els sistemes de visió estèreo es basen en la reconstrucció per triangulació a partir de dues càmeres, permetent la representació d’objectes del món real en tres dimensions. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte consisteix a dissenyar i implementar un sistema estèreo amb una sola càmera amb dos petits vidres d’alta transmissivitat davant de la lent, utilitzant la teoria clàssica desenvolupada a partir de dues càmeres. D’aquesta forma obtindrem un sistema molt més compacte que en el cas de tenir dues càmeres, que serà apte per entorns molt reduïts i per escenes molt properes


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L’objectiu d’aquest PFC és desenvolupar una eina d’edició de façanes procedural apartir d’una imatge d’una façana real. L’aplicació generarà les regles procedurals de lafaçana a partir de dades adquirides del model que es vol representar, com unafotografia. L’usuari de l’aplicació generarà de forma semi-automàtica i interactiva lesregles de subdivisió i repetició, especificant també la inserció de elementsarquitectònics (portes, finestres), que podran ser instanciats a partir d’una llibreria. Uncop generades, les regles s’escriuran en el format del sistema BuildingEngine perintegrar-se completament dins el procés de modelatge urbà.Aquest projecte es desenvoluparà en Matlab


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Es presenten les bases teòriques de la visualització de la informació i els models visuals més estesos actualment amb exemples en el camp de la biblioteconomia ila documentació. Es presenta un model simple per crear visualitzacions amb un exemple demostratiu. S'ofereix una selecció de fonts d'informació del tema per a un coneixement bàsic i per estar al dia.


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In this paper we present the ViRVIG Institute, a recently created institution that joins two well-known research groups: MOVING in Barcelona, and GGG in Girona. Our main research topics are Virtual Reality devices and interaction techniques, complex data models, realistic materials and lighting, geometry processing, and medical image visualization. We briefly introduce the history of both research groups and present some representative projects. Finally, we sketch our lines for future research


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An experiment was carried out to examine the impact on electrodermal activity of people when approached by groups of one or four virtual characters at varying distances. It was premised on the basis of proxemics theory that the closer the approach of the virtual characters to the participant, the greater the level of physiological arousal. Physiological arousal was measured by the number of skin conductance responses within a short time period after the approach, and the maximum change in skin conductance level 5 s after the approach. The virtual characters were each either female or a cylinder of human size, and one or four characters approached each subject a total of 12 times. Twelve male subjects were recruited for the experiment. The results suggest that the number of skin conductance responses after the approach and the change in skin conductance level increased the closer the virtual characters approached toward the participants. Moreover, these response variables were inversely correlated with the number of visits, showing a typical adaptation effect. There was some evidence to suggest that the number of characters who simultaneously approached (one or four) was positively associated with the responses. Surprisingly there was no evidence of a difference in response between the humanoid characters and cylinders on the basis of this physiological data. It is suggested that the similarity in this quantitative arousal response to virtual characters and virtual objects might mask a profound difference in qualitative response, an interpretation supported by questionnaire and interview results. Overall the experiment supported the premise that people exhibit heightened physiological arousal the closer they are approached by virtual characters.


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An experiment was carried out to examine the impact on electrodermal activity of people when approached by groups of one or four virtual characters at varying distances. It was premised on the basis of proxemics theory that the closer the approach of the virtual characters to the participant, the greater the level of physiological arousal. Physiological arousal was measured by the number of skin conductance responses within a short time period after the approach, and the maximum change in skin conductance level 5 s after the approach. The virtual characters were each either female or a cylinder of human size, and one or four characters approached each subject a total of 12 times. Twelve male subjects were recruited for the experiment. The results suggest that the number of skin conductance responses after the approach and the change in skin conductance level increased the closer the virtual characters approached toward the participants. Moreover, these response variables were inversely correlated with the number of visits, showing a typical adaptation effect. There was some evidence to suggest that the number of characters who simultaneously approached (one or four) was positively associated with the responses. Surprisingly there was no evidence of a difference in response between the humanoid characters and cylinders on the basis of this physiological data. It is suggested that the similarity in this quantitative arousal response to virtual characters and virtual objects might mask a profound difference in qualitative response, an interpretation supported by questionnaire and interview results. Overall the experiment supported the premise that people exhibit heightened physiological arousal the closer they are approached by virtual characters.


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An experiment was carried out to examine the impact on electrodermal activity of people when approached by groups of one or four virtual characters at varying distances. It was premised on the basis of proxemics theory that the closer the approach of the virtual characters to the participant, the greater the level of physiological arousal. Physiological arousal was measured by the number of skin conductance responses within a short time period after the approach, and the maximum change in skin conductance level 5 s after the approach. The virtual characters were each either female or a cylinder of human size, and one or four characters approached each subject a total of 12 times. Twelve male subjects were recruited for the experiment. The results suggest that the number of skin conductance responses after the approach and the change in skin conductance level increased the closer the virtual characters approached toward the participants. Moreover, these response variables were inversely correlated with the number of visits, showing a typical adaptation effect. There was some evidence to suggest that the number of characters who simultaneously approached (one or four) was positively associated with the responses. Surprisingly there was no evidence of a difference in response between the humanoid characters and cylinders on the basis of this physiological data. It is suggested that the similarity in this quantitative arousal response to virtual characters and virtual objects might mask a profound difference in qualitative response, an interpretation supported by questionnaire and interview results. Overall the experiment supported the premise that people exhibit heightened physiological arousal the closer they are approached by virtual characters.


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Se revisa la visualización de la información desde una perspectiva comunicativa, considerándola como una nueva fórmula para la divulgación de datos complejos a un público heterogéneo y no versado en el análisis de datos cuantitativos. Se propone la incorporación de las técnicas de storytelling como herramienta para mantener la atención y conducir la lectura de las visualizaciones, y complementar las dos bases tradicionales de la disciplina: percepción e interacción. La reflexión se acompaña de visualizaciones publicadas en el marco de la comunicación de masas, desde propuestas presentadas por la prensa generalista anglosajona a aplicaciones en línea con el objetivo de aproximar los datos a los ciudadanos.


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The topographical distribution of sciatic and femoral nerve sensory neuronal somata in the L4 dorsal root ganglion of the adult rat was mapped after retrograde tracing with one or two of the dyes Fast Blue, Fluoro-Gold, or Diamidino Yellow. The tracers were applied to the proximal transected end of either nerve alone, or from both nerves in the same animal using separate tracers. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the distribution of labelled neurones were made from serial sections of the L4 dorsal root ganglion which is the only ganglion that these two nerves share. The results showed that with little overlap, femoral nerve neurones distribute dorsally and rostrally whereas sciatic nerve neurones distribute medially and ventrally. This finding indicates the existence of a somatotopical organisation for the representation of different peripheral nerves in dorsal root ganglia of adult animals.


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Interception requires precise estimation of time-to-contact (TTC) information. A long-standing view posits that all relevant information for extracting TTC is available in the angular variables, which result from the projection of distal objecs on to the retina. The diferent timing models rooted in this tradition have consequently relied on combining visual angle and its rate of expansion in diferent ways with tau being the most well-known solution for TTC...