682 resultados para Biblioteques infantils
Organitzades per la Fundació Joan Costa Roma i pel Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa i amb el suport del Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, entre els dies 6 i 8 d'octubre se celebraren a Terrassa les XI Jornadas Nacionales de Información y Documentación en Ciencias de la Salud. Aquestes Jornadas, de caràcter biennal, són d'àmbit estatal i representen una bona oportunitat perquè els professionals de la informació que treballen en el camp biosanitari (hospitals, biblioteques universitàries, centres de recerca, agències d'avaluació, empreses de serveis d'informació, etc.) intercanviïn informacions i experiències sobre temes del seu interès.
Catalan libraries find themselves stretched to their limits due to the conflict between the traditional model of preserving and conserving knowledge and the pressures created by the constant expansion of the collection. A solution can be found in weeding the collection. This article first explains the legal and reglamentary framework in which weeding should take place, followed by a proposed planning method that suggests different criteria to be applied. A description is provided of practical aspects of organising a project and of evaluating results. The article concludes with various alternatives for final disposal of the documents to be withdrawn definitively. A selective, annotated bibliography is included.
As a consequence of the lack of adequate support, many people with physical or sensorial difficulties frequently encounter obstacles to using information technologies. Today equipment and programmes exist for overcoming these barriers, but frequently they are too expensive for the economic limitations of our smaller libraries, document centres, archives, museums, etc. An inexpensive alternative can be found in the accessibility options incorporated into Windows. While these probably do not offer the best or the most adequate solutions, it can be argued that, they are an acceptable alternative, considering existing budget restrictions. This text describes the functionalities of Windows XP, grouping them according to the type of difficulty addressed (visual, motor or auditory) in order to facilitate access to the application.
Anàlisi de citacions en tesis doctorals d'informàtica de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), presentades entre 1996-1998, per determinar l'ús d'informació segons la tipologia i el suport documental. Com a punt de partida per al disseny del projecte desenvolupat, s'analitzen els fonaments del mètode emprat en vista d'una revisió de la bibliografia sobre desenvolupament de col·leccions i estudis d'usuaris. Les dades obtingudes entre els doctorands de la UPC són consistents amb les característiques apuntades en la bibliografia sobre els investigadors de l'àrea de ciències de la computació: una elevada obsolescència de la bibliografia professional, el control de la bibliografia mitjançant les citacions en les lectures efectuades, la prioritat per les fonts més pròximes i accessibles, la consulta de cercadors de recursos web, la visita a llocs web d'investigadors i institucions de solvència en el seu terreny, i el contacte amb els col·legues mitjançant la comunicació electrònica, configuren un ús per tipus de documents que fa prevaler els congressos i la literatura grisa en més gran mesura que en altres àrees cientificotècniques.
A partir del análisis de citas bibliográficas presentes en las tesis doctorales de informática de la Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC), leídas entre 1996-1998, se determina el uso de información según la tipología y el soporte documental. Los datos obtenidos son consistentes con las características apuntadas en la bibliografía sobre los investigadores del área de ciencias de la computación: una elevada obsolescencia de la bibliografía profesional, el control de la bibliografía mediante las citas en las lecturas efectuadas, la prioridad por las fuentes más próximas y accesibles, la consulta de buscadores de recursos web, la visita a sitios web de investigadores e instituciones de solvencia en su terreno, y el contacto con los colegas mediante la comunicación electrónica. Todo ello configura un uso por categorías documentales que prima los congresos y la literatura gris en mayor medida que otras áreas científico-técnicas.
The recent surge in scientific electronic journals began when libraries began having access to the WWW in the mid-1990s. The shift from paper to digital has affected the traditional alignment and role of the primary "stakeholders" -mainly authors, publishers, universities and libraries. The author offers a brief review of the history of the scholarly journal followed by the evolution of e-journals in during the past two decades. The article then focuses on the implications that these have had on traditional library processes and services such as selection, acquisitions, cataloguing, storage, preservation and user services. In the conclusion the author speculates on the long term effect of Web-based publishing on the format of the traditional scholarly journal as it has existed for over 300 years.
L'objectiu del text és donar a conèixer l'aplicació dels estudis de satisfacció d'usuaris a les biblioteques universitàries catalanes. Es pretén establir, a més, quins factors influeixen en la seva elaboració,especialment els lligats a l'àmbit de la gestió dels centres. Es descriu el procés de la investigació ila metodologia del treball de camp utilitzada (una enquesta enviada perquè l'autoemplenessin els directors de lesbiblioteques). Finalment, s'analitzen els resultats de l'enquesta i es presenten les conclusions generals.
El objetivo del texto es dar a conocer la aplicación de los estudios de satisfacción de usuarios en las bibliotecas universitarias catalanas. Se pretende establecer, además, qué factores influyen en su realización, especialmente todos aquellos ligados al ámbito de la gestión de los centros. Se describe el proceso de la investigación y la metodología del trabajo de campo utilizada (una encuesta autocumplimentativa enviada a los directores de las bibliotecas). Finalmente, se analizan los resultados de la encuesta y se presentan las conclusiones generales.
The article describes blogs and content syndication as tools for disseminating information in libraries and other information centres, as well as in educational and research environments. The authors begin by defining each of these tools, followed by a review of their history and a discussion of how they have been used. Finally, possible applications are suggested for library environments and research spaces, while offering considerations about what activities the library community might carry out in order to convert these tools into an effective means of communication
The article describes blogs and content syndication as tools for disseminating information in libraries and other information centres, as well as in educational and research environments. The authors begin by defining each of these tools, followed by a review of their history and a discussion of how they have been used. Finally, possible applications are suggested for library environments and research spaces, while offering considerations about what activities the library community might carry out in order to convert these tools into an effective means of communication
The offer of new products and services is the main way to enhance the image of public libraries in public opinion and to attract the media attention that they deserve. Presented here for professional consideration and comment are fifty surprising, simple and realistic ideas that can be carried out by public libraries, with the aim of reaching unknown user groups and of maintaining the fidelity of current users.
The offer of new products and services is the main way to enhance the image of public libraries in public opinion and to attract the media attention that they deserve. Presented here for professional consideration and comment are fifty surprising, simple and realistic ideas that can be carried out by public libraries, with the aim of reaching unknown user groups and of maintaining the fidelity of current users.
Information and communication technologies enabled cultural and scientific patrimony -and information in general- to be presented in digital format, as well as in traditional analogical formats. The response was immediate and since the decade of the 1990s different projects have been designed to guarantee permanent access to the digital production -retrieval, storage, handling, preservation and dissemination. This article presents an international overview of existing models of national digital repositories, a name given to these projects that are normally generated by national libraries with a common objective: ensuring that web pages are always accessible.
First, we examine the context of creation of special collection units in libraries, and the reasons why libraries compile archive materials and collections. Second, we focus on the techniques used in library environments to describe archive materials and collections and to guarantee their accessibility. We examine the models used in the United States and the United Kingdom to describe and access these materials, and the cooperative projects launched in these two countries in the past few years. Finally, we offer a preliminary analysis of how these types of materials are currently dealt with in Catalan libraries, and issue some recommendations to improve their archiving and access.