364 resultados para Buracos negros (Astronomia) - Termodinâmica
In his version of the theory of multicomponent systems, Friedman used the analogy which exists between the virial expansion for the osmotic pressure obtained from the McMillan-Mayer (MM) theory of solutions in the grand canonical ensemble and the virial expansion for the pressure of a real gas. For the calculation of the thermodynamic properties of the solution, Friedman proposed a definition for the"excess free energy" that is a reminder of the ancient idea for the"osmotic work". However, the precise meaning to be attached to his free energy is, within other reasons, not well defined because in osmotic equilibrium the solution is not a closed system and for a given process the total amount of solvent in the solution varies. In this paper, an analysis based on thermodynamics is presented in order to obtain the exact and precise definition for Friedman"s excess free energy and its use in the comparison with the experimental data.
La ciencia fue cultivada, en el occidente islámico, de manera amplia y eficaz, pero ¿quién la financió y por qué? El artículo explora este vastísimo campo a partir de las fuentes árabes que aportan datos (crónicas históricas y diccionarios biográficos) para trazar un panorama del mecenazgo científico. De este modo, además, se contribuye a situar a la ciencia en su contexto social.
Aims:We searched for very high energy (VHE) γ-ray emission from the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A Methods: The shell-type supernova remnant Cassiopeia A was observed with the 17 m MAGIC telescope between July 2006 and January 2007 for a total time of 47 h. Results: The source was detected above an energy of 250 GeV with a significance of 5.2σ and a photon flux above 1 TeV of (7.3 ± 0.7_stat ± 2.2_sys) × 10-13 cm-2s-1. The photon spectrum is compatible with a power law dN/dE ∝ E-Γ with a photon index Γ = 2.3 ± 0.2_stat ± 0.2_sys. The source is point-like within the angular resolution of the telescope.
The accretion of matter onto a massive black hole is believed to feed the relativistic plasma jets found in many active galactic nuclei (AGN). Although some AGN accelerate particles to energies exceeding 1012 electron volts and are bright sources of very-high-energy (VHE) γ-ray emission, it is not yet known where the VHE emission originates. Here we report on radio and VHE observations of the radio galaxy Messier 87, revealing a period of extremely strong VHE γ-ray flares accompanied by a strong increase of the radio flux from its nucleus. These results imply that charged particles are accelerated to very high energies in the immediate vicinity of the black hole.
Formation of nanosized droplets/bubbles from a metastable bulk phase is connected to many unresolved scientific questions. We analyze the properties and stability of multicomponent droplets and bubbles in the canonical ensemble, and compare with single-component systems. The bubbles/droplets are described on the mesoscopic level by square gradient theory. Furthermore, we compare the results to a capillary model which gives a macroscopic description. Remarkably, the solutions of the square gradient model, representing bubbles and droplets, are accurately reproduced by the capillary model except in the vicinity of the spinodals. The solutions of the square gradient model form closed loops, which shows the inherent symmetry and connected nature of bubbles and droplets. A thermodynamic stability analysis is carried out, where the second variation of the square gradient description is compared to the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix in the capillary description. The analysis shows that it is impossible to stabilize arbitrarily small bubbles or droplets in closed systems and gives insight into metastable regions close to the minimum bubble/droplet radii. Despite the large difference in complexity, the square gradient and the capillary model predict the same finite threshold sizes and very similar stability limits for bubbles and droplets, both for single-component and two-component systems.
Lying at the core of statistical physics is the need to reduce the number of degrees of freedom in a system. Coarse-graining is a frequently-used procedure to bridge molecular modeling with experiments. In equilibrium systems, this task can be readily performed; however in systems outside equilibrium, a possible lack of equilibration of the eliminated degrees of freedom may lead to incomplete or even misleading descriptions. Here, we present some examples showing how an improper coarse-graining procedure may result in linear approaches to nonlinear processes, miscalculations of activation rates and violations of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.
The local thermodynamics of a system with long-range interactions in d dimensions is studied using the mean-field approximation. Long-range interactions are introduced through pair interaction potentials that decay as a power law in the interparticle distance. We compute the local entropy, Helmholtz free energy, and grand potential per particle in the microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles, respectively. From the local entropy per particle we obtain the local equation of state of the system by using the condition of local thermodynamic equilibrium. This local equation of state has the form of the ideal gas equation of state, but with the density depending on the potential characterizing long-range interactions. By volume integration of the relation between the different thermodynamic potentials at the local level, we find the corresponding equation satisfied by the potentials at the global level. It is shown that the potential energy enters as a thermodynamic variable that modifies the global thermodynamic potentials. As a result, we find a generalized Gibbs-Duhem equation that relates the potential energy to the temperature, pressure, and chemical potential. For the marginal case where the power of the decaying interaction potential is equal to the dimension of the space, the usual Gibbs-Duhem equation is recovered. As examples of the application of this equation, we consider spatially uniform interaction potentials and the self-gravitating gas. We also point out a close relationship with the thermodynamics of small systems.
La Zawiya Hamzawiya forma parte de las bibliotecas marroquíes descritas en les bibliothéques au Maro por Latifa Benjelloun-Larouil. Anteriormente, Mutrammad al-Mannünt había publicado un inventario de los fondos de la biblioteca entre los que se hace referencia al manuscrito 80 aunque sin especificar todo su contenido. En este mismo artículo introducía un resumen de la historia de la ZÁvwya haciendo hincapié en los principales copistas que trabajaron en ella, así como en las expediciones locales y extranjeras que consultaron sus manuscritos.
In 2009, Cygnus X-3 (Cyg X-3) became the first microquasar to be detected in the GeV γ-ray regime, via the satellites Fermi and AGILE. The addition of this new band to the observational toolbox holds promise for building a more detailed understanding of the relativistic jets of this and other systems. We present a rich data set of radio, hard and soft X-ray, and γ-ray observations of Cyg X-3 made during a flaring episode in 2010 May. We detect a ~3 day softening and recovery of the X-ray emission, followed almost immediately by a ~1 Jy radio flare at 15 GHz, followed by a 4.3σ γ-ray flare (E > 100 MeV) ~1.5 days later. The radio sampling is sparse, but we use archival data to argue that it is unlikely the γ-ray flare was followed by any significant unobserved radio flares. In this case, the sequencing of the observed events is difficult to explain in a model in which the γ-ray emission is due to inverse Compton scattering of the companion star's radiation field. Our observations suggest that other mechanisms may also be responsible for γ-ray emission from Cyg X-3.
The expansion of an isolated hot spherical nucleus with excitation energy and its caloric curve are studied in a thermodynamic model with the SkM∗ force as the nuclear effective two-body inter-action. The calculated results are shown to compare well with the recent experimental data from energetic nuclear collisions. The fluctuations in temperature and density are also studied. They are seen to build up very rapidly beyond an excitation energy of ∼9 MeV/u. Volume-conserving quadrupole deformation in addition to expansion indicates , however, nuclear disassembly above an excitation energy of ∼4 MeV/u.
We present molecular dynamics (MD) simulations results for dense fluids of ultrasoft, fully penetrable particles. These are a binary mixture and a polydisperse system of particles interacting via the generalized exponential model, which is known to yield cluster crystal phases for the corresponding monodisperse systems. Because of the dispersity in the particle size, the systems investigated in this work do not crystallize and form disordered cluster phases. The clusteringtransition appears as a smooth crossover to a regime in which particles are mostly located in clusters, isolated particles being infrequent. The analysis of the internal cluster structure reveals microsegregation of the big and small particles, with a strong homo-coordination in the binary mixture. Upon further lowering the temperature below the clusteringtransition, the motion of the clusters" centers-of-mass slows down dramatically, giving way to a cluster glass transition. In the cluster glass, the diffusivities remain finite and display an activated temperature dependence, indicating that relaxation in the cluster glass occurs via particle hopping in a nearly arrested matrix of clusters. Finally we discuss the influence of the microscopic dynamics on the transport properties by comparing the MD results with Monte Carlo simulations.
Contexto Una central nuclear, al igual que cualquier otro tipo de central generadora de energía eléctrica, mediante turbinas de vapor, está basada en un proceso termodinámico. El rendimiento de las mismas es función del salto entálpico del vapor, para mejorarlo las centrales están constituidas por un ciclo compound formado por turbina de alta presión y turbinas de baja presión, y un ciclo regenerativo consistente en calentar el agua de alimentación antes de su introducción a los generadores de vapor. Un ciclo regenerativo está basado en etapas de calentadores o cambiadores de calor para aprovechar al máximo la energía térmica del vapor, este proyecto está basado en la mejora y optimización del proceso de control de estos para contribuir a mejorar el rendimiento de la central. Objetivo Implementar un sistema de control que nos permita modernizar los clásicos sistemas basados en controles locales y comunicaciones analógicas. Mejorar el rendimiento del ciclo regenerativo de la central, aprovechando las mejoras tecnológicas que ofrece el mercado, tanto en el hardware como en el software de los sistemas de instrumentación y control. Optimizar el rendimiento de los lazos de control de cada uno de los elementos del ciclo regenerativo mediante estrategias de control. Procedimiento Desarrollo de un sistema de control actualizado considerando, como premisa principal, la fiabilidad del sistema, el análisis de fallos y la jerarquización del riesgo. Análisis y cálculo de los lazos de control considerando las premisas establecidas. Configuración de los lazos mediante estrategias de control que nos permitan optimizar y minimizar los efectos del fallo. Para ello se han utilizado parámetros y datos extraídos de la Central Nuclear de Ascó. Conclusiones Se ha modernizado y optimizado el sistema de control mejorando el rendimiento del ciclo regenerativo. Se ha conseguido un sistema más fiable, reduciendo el riesgo del fallo y disminuyendo los efectos de los mismos. El coste de un proyecto de estas características es inferior al de un sistema convencional y ofrece más posibilidades. Es un sistema abierto que permite utilizar e interconectar equipos de diferentes fabricantes, lo que favorece tanto el mantenimiento como las posibles ampliaciones futuras del sistema.
The microquasar 1E 1740.7-2942 is a source located in the direction of the Galactic Center. It has been detected at X-rays, soft gamma-rays, and in the radio band, showing an extended radio component in the form of a double-sided jet. Although no optical counterpart has been found so far for 1E 1740.7-2942, its X-ray activity strongly points to a galactic nature. Aims.We aim to improve our understanding of the hard X-ray and gamma-ray production in the system, exploring whether the jet can emit significantly at high energies under the light of the present knowledge. Methods.We have modeled the source emission, from radio to gamma-rays, with a cold-matter dominated jet model. INTEGRAL data combined with radio and RXTE data, as well as EGRET and HESS upper-limits, are used to compare the computed and the observed spectra. Results.From our modeling, we find out that jet emission cannot explain the high fluxes observed at hard X-rays without violating at the same time the constraints from the radio data, favoring the corona origin of the hard X-rays. Also, 1E 1740.7-2942 might be detected by GLAST or AGILE at GeV energies, and by HESS and HESS-II beyond 100 GeV, with the spectral shape likely affected by photon-photon absorption in the disk and corona photon fields.
Microquasars are stellar x-ray binaries that behave as a scaled down version of extragalactic quasars. The star LS 5039 is a new microquasar system with apparent persistent ejection of relativistic plasma at a 3 kiloparsec distance from the sun. It may also be associated with a gamma-ray source discovered by the Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) on board the COMPTON-Gamma Ray Observatory satellite. Before the discovery of LS 5039, merely a handful of microquasars had been identified in the Galaxy, and none of them was detected in high-energy gamma-rays.
In recent years, massive protostars have turned out to be a possible population of high-energy emitters. Among the best candidates is IRAS 16547-4247, a protostar that presents a powerful outflow with clear signatures of interaction with its environment. This source has been revealed to be a potential high-energy source because it displays non-thermal radio emission of synchrotron origin, which is evidence of relativistic particles. To improve our understanding of IRAS 16547-4247 as a high-energy source, we analyzed XMM-Newton archival data and found that IRAS 16547-4247 is a hard X-ray source. We discuss these results in the context of a refined one-zone model and previous radio observations. From our study we find that it may be difficult to explain the X-ray emission as non-thermal radiation coming from the interaction region, but it might be produced by thermal Bremsstrahlung (plus photo-electric absorption) by a fast shock at the jet end. In the high-energy range, the source might be detectable by the present generation of Cherenkov telescopes, and may eventually be detected by Fermi in the GeV range.