Article on es defineix com es concep l’aprenentatge matemàtic des d’una perspectiva sociocultural i es presenta una experiència realitzada en una classe de xiquets i xiquetes de 5 anys
La escolarización de los niños que proceden de la inmigración, especialmente la extracomunitaria, comporta dificultades que, aunque a veces se niegan, son evidentes para cualquier persona que trabaja en el mundo de la educación. Así, la creciente diversidad étnica y lingüística, y otros fenómenos, como la incorporación tardía, es vista por bastantes profesoras y profesores como una "carga" suplementarias en su quehacer educativo diario. De hecho, en la concepción clásica del trabajo escolar, la consideración de un aumento de las dificultades cuando aumenta la diversidad siempre ha estado presente y, nos guste o no, nuestro sistema educativo, como la mayoría de sistemas educativos, sigue siendo bastante clásico. Sin embargo, es de justicia señalar que las modificaciones , incluidas las innovaciones, que los sistemas educativos han sufrido en el tiempo han ido de la mano de adaptarlos a la creciente diversidad social que se iba incorporando. En los últimos años, está afirmación debe relativizarse, al menos en el sentido que toma en el texto. Así, en muchos países occidentales, las actuales reformas educativas buscan su adaptabilidad sobre la base de la segregación
Este artículo trata de la aplicación de las competencias básicas en el currículum de Educación Primaria. El objetivo que persigue es ofrecer algunas estrategias para ayudar a los maestros a integrar las competencias básicas en los métodos de programación y evaluación. Con este fin, y para prever las posibles dificultades en la implementación de las competencias básicas, en la primera parte del artículo se analiza la situación actual a partir de la lectura de diversos documentos legales vigentes. A continuación, en la segunda parte del artículo se aportan algunas herramientas para facilitar esta integración desde las áreas de lengua y de matemáticas. Realizamos esta aproximación desde la didáctica de la lengua y de las matemáticas por su carácter instrumental para la adquisición de otros conocimientos
This article presents an approach to disciplinary knowledge, and experiential learning necessary for the Early Childhood Education teachers can teach statistics and probability significantly, effective and systematic. First, are specified a set of basic knowledge about the discipline and exposed the contents sequenced by level; secondly, provides guidance on how they learn and how they should be taught the knowledge of statistics and probability in the first ages; and, finally, are some examples of activities implemented in kindergarten classrooms
La perspectiva ecológica sobre el desarrollo humano (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) pone el acento en la relación entre los diferentes contextos de vida de los niños. En la educación infantil, los contextos de vida mas importantes son la familia y la escuela. En este artículo mostramos los aspectos de continuidad y discontinuidad entre ambos contextos en relación a las ideas de las familias y las educadoras sobre el desarrollo infantil y también a sus creencias y expectativas sobre la educación. Los resultados muestran que existe un acuerdo notable en muchos aspectos entre las familias y las educadoras, si bien también existen aspectos de desacuerdo, principalmente entre las educadoras de parvulario y las familias
In this article we present a qualitative study conducted with six indigenous and six mestizos from Intercultural University of Chiapas. The aim of the study is to exemplify the mutual perception between different ethno-linguistic groups, as well as the possible change occurred after the admission to the University. That is, opinions about the other group after and before entering the University. We conclude that a higher education intercultural model can promote mutual understanding and relationship between indigenous and mestizos and thus combat prejudices and stereotypes
This article looks at the musical activity carried out at Palafrugell Music School as a musical education centre over the past forty years. After giving a brief description of the work carried out there by vocal and instrumental groups, the article analyses and offers examples and tangible motives that use activities to show that forming part of a coral or instrumental group helps personal development and promotes the acquisition of habits, alongside musical training and learning. In short, an education in values
The far-reaching, fast-moving changes –diffuse urbanisation, building infrastructure, moving away from agricultural space, etc.– suffered by the countryside in most European countries makes it important to have education about the countryside in place to help secondary students interpret their environment and assess the importance of managing the territory to achieve a medium ordered at human scale. The project «City, territory, countryside» is a set of materials for secondary level that aim for reflection on the countryside, work on basic competences and educating about civic-minded attitudes in students
This article looks at the treatment of languages in the communities in Spanish territory, which apart from Spanish have another language. At the beginning we discuss some questions which are relative to social cohesion in those territories where more than one language is spoken and we defend bilingual education as a good instrument in favour of it. At the same time we look at the concept of bilingual education and the assumptions that it bears in respect of the learning of languages. In this sense we discuss the conditions of acquisition of language and its appearance in the area of bilingual education
This article offers a panorama of mathematics training for future teachers at pre-school level in Spain. With this goal in mind, this article is structured infour sections: where we come from, where we are, where we’re going and where we want to go. It offers, in short, a brief analysis that shows the efforts made to ensure there is sufficient academic and scientific rigour in teachers’ studies at pre-school in general and students’ mathematics education in particular. Together with a description of the progress made in recent years, it also raises some questions for all those involved in training future teachers for this educational stage
This article aims to investigate pre-school mathematics teaching from an uptodate perspective. To pursue this contemporary vision we focus on four key questions: what kind of maths is being worked on, who is doing it, how it is being done, and why it is being done
Las actividades escolares fuera del centro constituyen una marca de calidad del pasado y del presente educativo, y tienen que seguir siéndolo en el futuro. A partir de una investigación cualitativa se identifican las razones aducidas por enseñantes para salir del aula y, con ejemplos concretos, quedan plasmados algunos de los objetivos perseguidos, así como otros que se añaden a la propia actividad. Se identifican salidas vivenciales y otras más experimentales, se reconocen valores positivos, pero también se echa en falta un trabajo más coherente con los principios actuales de la educación ambiental. Precisamente esta educación es la propuesta como el camino a seguir para renovar objetivos, técnicas y procedimientos para salir del aula
The physical education curriculum stresses the importance of improving students’ key motor skills. This idea agrees with the contributions of research into motor development concerning the important role these skills play in child development. In order to facilitate this improvement is essential to know the different basic aspects of how these key motor skills evolve as well as the essential factors related to the characteristics and conditions of educational practice
From the areas of motor learning and the teaching of Physical Education we promote coherent methodological orientationswith the present curricular guide that are focused in such a way so that the student is able to act independently. In thissense we may consider the problem situations as a good example for methodological proposals. So as to determine its useand adequateness for Physical Education it is conveniente to analyse the characteristics of the motor tasks that areproposed as well as the features of the teaching intervention in such a way as to ease the adquisition and development ofthe motor competence of the students
In front of a moment of change in the education, with the entry into force of the LOE (Ley Orgánica de Educación, 2006), the aim of thisarticle is to face the challenge of trying to answer to the need to make concrete learning agreements with the new curriculum based on competences.The present article arises from the interest of being able to offer an approach that facilitates the exposition to show the didactic units from the areaof physical education in relation with the pedagogic principles of the LOE. Departing from this commitment, let’s sense beforehand an offer of thecontributions of the Physical Education to the Basic Competence to learn to learn which entails to develop some capacities in fuction of knowing todo skills