22 resultados para task manager


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In this paper we study student interaction in English and Swedish courses at a Finnish university. We focus on language choices made in task-related activities in small group interaction. Our research interests arose from the change in the teaching curriculum, in which content and language courses were integrated at Tampere University of Technology in 2013. Using conversation analysis, we analysed groups of 4-5 students who worked collaboratively on a task via a video conference programme. The results show how language alternation has different functions in 1) situations where students orient to managing the task, e.g., in transitions into task, or where they orient to technical problems, and 2) situations where students accomplish the task. With the results, we aim to show how language alternation can provide interactional opportunities for language learning. The findings will be useful in designing tasks in the future.


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Mi trabajo de disertación se desarrolla en el contexto del Grado de Comunicación de la UOC y la finalidad es establecer un marco teórico actualizado sobre el concepto de reputación on-line aplicable al sector hotelero. En este sentido entiendo necesario partir del análisis de tres hoteles de Palma de Mallorca para obtener un diagnóstico de reputación y poderafirmar que existe una relación entre su reputación on-line y la obtención de mayores ingresos. Por este motivo, llevaré a cabo un estudio de caso comparativo con la herramienta de monitorización SocialVane del Hotel Gran Meliá Victoria con sus competidores más directos.


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Many aspects of human behavior are driven by rewards, yet different people are differentially sensitive to rewards and punishment. In this study, we showthat white matter microstructure inthe uncinate/inferiorfronto-occipitalfasciculus, defined byfractional anisotropy values derived from diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images, correlates with both short-term (indexed by the fMRI blood oxygenation level-dependent response to reward in the nucleus accumbens) and long-term (indexed by the trait measure sensitivity to punishment) reactivityto rewards.Moreover,traitmeasures of reward processingwere also correlatedwith reward-relatedfunctional activation in the nucleus accumbens. The white matter tract revealed by the correlational analysis connects the anterior temporal lobe with the medial and lateral orbitofrontal cortex and also supplies the ventral striatum. The pattern of strong correlations suggests an intimate relationship betweenwhitematter structure and reward-related behaviorthatmay also play a rolein a number of pathological conditions, such as addiction and pathological gambling.


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Aplicació per a mòbils Android que permet la gestió d'entitats relacionades amb una competició de bàsquet i l'scouting d'un partit en curs mitjançant el recull de dades estadístiques en un dispositiu mòbil.


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Aquest projecte consisteix en un petit servei web de comptabilitat desenvolupat amb Vaadin framework, MySQL i Java. Dita aplicació permet crear factures i altres documents i portar-ne unes estadístiques de les figures relacionades amb aquesta comptabilitat. El fet d'utilitzar Vaadin permet desenvolupar aquest servei web mitjançant Java. Aquesta entrega es composa d'una presentació, la memòria i el producte (servei web+BD+instruccions).


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Rodrigo, Chamizo, McLaren, & Mackintosh (1997) demonstrated the blocking effect in a navigational task using a swimming pool: rats initially trained to use three landmarks (ABC) to find an invisible platform learned less about a fourth landmark (X) added later than did rats trained from the outset with these four landmarks (ABCX). The aim of the experiment reported here was to demonstrate unblocking using a similar procedure as in the previous work. Three groups of rats were initially trained to find an invisible platfom in the presence of three landmarks: ABC for the Blocking and Unblocking groups and LMN for the Control group. Then, all animals were trained to find the platform in the presence of four landmarks, ABCX. In this second training, unlike animals in the Blocking group to which only a new landmark (X) was added in comparison to the first training, the animals in the Unblocking group also had a change in the platform position. In the Control group, both the four landmarks and the platform position were totally new at the beginning of this second training. As in Rodrigo et al. (1997) a blocking effect was found: rats in the Blocking group learned less with respect to the added landmark (X) than did animals in the Control group. However, rats in the Unblocking group learned about the added landmark (X) as well as did animals in the Control group. The results are interpreted as an unblocking effect due to a change in the platform position between the two phases of training, similarly to what is normal in classical conditioning experiments, in which a change in the conditions of reinforcement between the two training phases of a blocking design produce an attenuation or elimination of this effect. These results are explained within an error-correcting connectionist account of spatial navigation (McLaren, 2002).