31 resultados para high-temperature drying


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The thermodynamic functions of a Fermi gas with spin population imbalance are studied in the temperature-asymmetry plane in the BCS limit. The low-temperature domain is characterized by an anomalous enhancement of the entropy and the specific heat above their values in the unpaired state, decrease of the gap and eventual unpairing phase transition as the temperature is lowered. The unpairing phase transition induces a second jump in the specific heat, which can be measured in calorimetric experiments. While the superfluid is unstable against a supercurrent carrying state, it may sustain a metastable state if cooled adiabatically down from the stable high-temperature domain. In the latter domain the temperature dependence of the gap and related functions is analogous to the predictions of the BCS theory.


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The kinetics of crystallization of four amorphous (or partially amorphous) melt spun Nd-Fe-B alloys induced by thermal treatment is studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy, In the range of temperatures explored experimentally, the crystallization process is thermally activated and generally proceeds in various stages. The Curie temperature and the crystallization behavior have been measured. The apparent activation energy of crystallization of most of the crystallization stages has been determined for each melt spun alloy. The explicit form of the kinetic equation that best describes the first stage of crystallization has been found. It follows in general the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Erofe'ev model, but clear deviations to that model occur for one alloy. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrates that preferentially hetereogeneous nucleation occurs at the ribbon surface which was in contact with the wheel. From crystallization kinetics results the lower part of the experimental time-temperature-transformation curves for all studied alloys are deduced and extrapolated to the high temperature limit of their range of validity, also deduced.


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We have studied the effect of heat treatment on the magnetic properties and on the martensitic transition of the Ni50Mn30Al20 alloy. A mixed L21+B2 state is obtained in the as-prepared sample, while no L21 order is retained in the sample quenched from high temperature. For the two heat treatments, the samples order antiferromagnetically, but there is evidence of coexisting ferromagnetic interactions. A martensitic transition occurs below the magnetic one for quenched samples. However, the martensitic transition is inhibited in the as-prepared sample.


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NdFeB melt-spun amorphous or partially amorphous alloys of four compositions were prepared. Their crystallization kinetics induced by thermal treatment was studied by differential scanning calorimetry and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that heterogeneous nucleation occurs preferentially at the ribbon surface which was in contact with the wheel. The explicit form of the kinetic equation that best describes the first stage of crystallization under high undercooling conditions was obtained for each alloy. From the crystallization results, the lower part of the experimental time-temperature-transformation curves was deduced for each alloy and extrapolated up to the high-temperature limit of their validity. Microstructural observations showed a typical size of the microcrystals obtained by heat treatment of ~100 nm. From the magnetic properties measured with a vibrating sample magnetometer, the same magnetic behavior of partially crystallized alloys is observed regardless of the temperature of annealing provided the same crystallization fraction, x, is achieved, at least for small values of x (typically ~10%).


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We report a systematic study of the low-temperature electrical conductivity in a series of SrRuO3 epitaxial thin films. At relatively high temperature the films display the conventional metallic behavior. However, a well-defined resistivity minimum appears at low temperature. This temperature dependence can be well described in a weak localization scenario: the resistivity minimum arising from the competition of electronic self-interference effects and the normal metallic character. By appropriate selection of the film growth conditions, we have been able to modify the mean-free path of itinerant carriers and thus to tune the relative strength of the quantum effects. We show that data can be quantitatively described by available theoretical models.


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We consider a Potts model diluted by fully frustrated Ising spins. The model corresponds to a fully frustrated Potts model with variables having an integer absolute value and a sign. This model presents precursor phenomena of a glass transition in the high-temperature region. We show that the onset of these phenomena can be related to a thermodynamic transition. Furthermore, this transition can be mapped onto a percolation transition. We numerically study the phase diagram in two dimensions (2D) for this model with frustration and without disorder and we compare it to the phase diagram of (i) the model with frustration and disorder and (ii) the ferromagnetic model. Introducing a parameter that connects the three models, we generalize the exact expression of the ferromagnetic Potts transition temperature in 2D to the other cases. Finally, we estimate the dynamic critical exponents related to the Potts order parameter and to the energy.


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To understand the origin of the dynamical transition, between high-temperature exponential relaxation and low-temperature nonexponential relaxation, that occurs well above the static transition in glassy systems, a frustrated spin model, with and without disorder, is considered. The model has two phase transitions, the lower being a standard spin glass transition (in the presence of disorder) or fully frustrated Ising (in the absence of disorder), and the higher being a Potts transition. Monte Carlo results clarify that in the model with (or without) disorder the precursor phenomena are related to the Griffiths (or Potts) transition. The Griffiths transition is a vanishing transition which occurs above the Potts transition and is present only when disorder is present, while the Potts transition which signals the effect due to frustration is always present. These results suggest that precursor phenomena in frustrated systems are due either to disorder and/or to frustration, giving a consistent interpretation also for the limiting cases of Ising spin glass and of Ising fully frustrated model, where also the Potts transition is vanishing. This interpretation could play a relevant role in glassy systems beyond the spin systems case.


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We study the spin dynamics of quasi-one-dimensional F=1 condensates both at zero and finite temperatures for arbitrary initial spin configurations. The rich dynamical evolution exhibited by these nonlinear systems is explained by surprisingly simple principles: minimization of energy at zero temperature and maximization of entropy at high temperature. Our analytical results for the homogeneous case are corroborated by numerical simulations for confined condensates in a wide variety of initial conditions. These predictions compare qualitatively well with recent experimental observations and can, therefore, serve as a guidance for ongoing experiments.


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Background Enzymatic biodiesel is becoming an increasingly popular topic in bioenergy literature because of its potential to overcome the problems posed by chemical processes. However, the high cost of the enzymatic process still remains the main drawback for its industrial application, mostly because of the high price of refined oils. Unfortunately, low cost substrates, such as crude soybean oil, often release a product that hardly accomplishes the final required biodiesel specifications and need an additional pretreatment for gums removal. In order to reduce costs and to make the enzymatic process more efficient, we developed an innovative system for enzymatic biodiesel production involving a combination of a lipase and two phospholipases. This allows performing the enzymatic degumming and transesterification in a single step, using crude soybean oil as feedstock, and converting part of the phospholipids into biodiesel. Since the two processes have never been studied together, an accurate analysis of the different reaction components and conditions was carried out. Results Crude soybean oil, used as low cost feedstock, is characterized by a high content of phospholipids (900 ppm of phosphorus). However, after the combined activity of different phospholipases and liquid lipase Callera Trans L, a complete transformation into fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs >95%) and a good reduction of phosphorus (P <5 ppm) was achieved. The combination of enzymes allowed avoidance of the acid treatment required for gums removal, the consequent caustic neutralization, and the high temperature commonly used in degumming systems, making the overall process more eco-friendly and with higher yield. Once the conditions were established, the process was also tested with different vegetable oils with variable phosphorus contents. Conclusions Use of liquid lipase Callera Trans L in biodiesel production can provide numerous and sustainable benefits. Besides reducing the costs derived from enzyme immobilization, the lipase can be used in combination with other enzymes such as phospholipases for gums removal, thus allowing the use of much cheaper, non-refined oils. The possibility to perform degumming and transesterification in a single tank involves a great efficiency increase in the new era of enzymatic biodiesel production at industrial scale.


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The Virulundo carbonatite in Angola, one of the biggest in the world, contains pyrochlore as an accessory mineral in all of the carbonatite units (calciocarbonatites, ferrocarbonatites, carbonatite breccias, trachytoids). The composition of the primary pyrochlore crystals is very close to fluornatrocalciopyrochlore in all these units. High-temperature hydrothermal processes caused the pseudomorphic replacement of the above crystals by a second generation of pyrochlore, characterized by lower F and Na contents. Low-temperature hydrothermal replacement of the above pyrochlores, associated with production of quartz-carbonates-fluorite veins, controled the development of a third generation of pyrochlore, characterized by high Sr contents. Finally, supergene processes produced the development of a secondary paragenesis in the carbonatite, consisting in late carbonates, goethite, hollandite and REE minerals (mainly synchysite-(Ce), britholite-(Ce), britholite-(La), cerite-(Ce)). Separation of Ce from the other REE was allowed by oxidizing conditions. Therefore, Ce4+ was also incorporated into a late generation of pyrochlore, which is also strongly enriched in Ba and strongly depleted in Ca and Na


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This work describes a simulation tool being developed at UPC to predict the microwave nonlinear behavior of planar superconducting structures with very few restrictions on the geometry of the planar layout. The software is intended to be applicable to most structures used in planar HTS circuits, including line, patch, and quasi-lumped microstrip resonators. The tool combines Method of Moments (MoM) algorithms for general electromagnetic simulation with Harmonic Balance algorithms to take into account the nonlinearities in the HTS material. The Method of Moments code is based on discretization of the Electric Field Integral Equation in Rao, Wilton and Glisson Basis Functions. The multilayer dyadic Green's function is used with Sommerfeld integral formulation. The Harmonic Balance algorithm has been adapted to this application where the nonlinearity is distributed and where compatibility with the MoM algorithm is required. Tests of the algorithm in TM010 disk resonators agree with closed-form equations for both the fundamental and third-order intermodulation currents. Simulations of hairpin resonators show good qualitative agreement with previously published results, but it is found that a finer meshing would be necessary to get correct quantitative results. Possible improvements are suggested.


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ZnO nanorods grown by both high temperature vapour phase transport and low temperature chemical bath deposition are very promising sources for UV third harmonic generation. Material grown by both methods show comparable efficiencies, in both cases an order of magnitude higher than surface third harmonic generation at the quartz-air interface of a bare quartz substrate. This result is in stark contrast to the linear optical properties of ZnO nanorods grown by these two methods, which show vastly different PL efficiencies. The third harmonic generated signal is analysed using intensity dependent measurements and interferometric frequency resolved optical gating, allowing extraction of the laser pulse parameters. The comparable levels of efficiency of ZnO grown by these very different methods as sources for third harmonic UV generation provides a broad suite of possible growth methods to suit various substrates, coverage and scalability requirements. Potential application areas range from interferometric frequency resolved optical gating characterization of few cycle fs pulses to single cell UV irradiation for biophysical studies.


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En el presente trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en el estudio de las reacciones de Síntesis Autopropagada a Alta Temperatura (Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis, SHS) de Nitruro de Silicio. La síntesis autopropagada a alta temperatura consiste básicamente en la generación de reacciones altamente exotérmicas capaces de automantenerse. Se puede considerar como principal ventaja del método el ahorro energético que supone. La síntesis se realiza sobre una mezcla inicial de silicio metálico sobre la cual se realizan adiciones de diluyente y otros aditivos (sales amónicas) que afectan al desarrollo de la reacción. Se ha estudiado la influencia que en este sistema pueden tener las proporciones de las distintas incorporaciones en la mezcla, tanto en el material resultante como en las condiciones de reacción. Igualmente se ha estudiado la posibilidad de utilización de nuevos aditivos que puedan minimizar el impacto medio ambiental. Se presentan los estudios microestructurales del material obtenido, la identificación cristalográfica de las fases presentes así como los comportamientos de los parámetros que definen la propia reacción. Con la información obtenida se propone el mecanismo predominante de la síntesis del Nitruro de Silicio mediante SHS.


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L’objectiu del projecte és obtenir pólvores dels superconductors d’alta temperatura YBa2Cu3O7 i GdBa2Cu3O7 per la via de dissolució-polimerització. Aquestes pólvores seran obtingudes a partir d’òxids (Itri o Gadolini i Coure) i carbonat de bari amb àcid nítric en una dissolució aquosa de Polietinenglicol (PEG), per tal de convertir aquests òxids en nitrats coordinats amb les cadenes de PEG. Aquest producte intermedi es sotmetrà a una piròlisis per tal d’obtenir òxids i carbonats, però amb una mida més reduïda respecte als productes inicials i un grau de barreja més íntim, permetent que reaccionin entre ells amb més facilitat. Finalment, per tal d’obtenir els superconductors YBa2Cu3O7 i GdBa2Cu3O7 es farà un últim tractament tèrmic a alta temperatura en el qual es produirà la reacció desitjada. Durant tot el procés es duran a terme anàlisis d’aquest per mitjà de tècniques de Termogravimetria (TGA), d’Anàlisi Tèrmica Diferencial (DTA), espectroscòpia Infraroja (IR) i la difracció de raig X (DRX) . També s’analitzaran els diferents productes que es van obtenint (intermedis i finals) amb l’ajuda de l’espectrometria IR i la difracció de pólvores. En base a aquests resultats, es variaran els paràmetres de la reacció (concentracions, temperatures, etc.) i dels tractaments tèrmics (atmosfera, temperatura, temps, etc.) per tal d’optimitzar el producte


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Estudi de l’obtenció de les les pólvores del compost superconductor GdBa2Cu3O7 mitjançant la utilització de diferents mètodes partint de solucions aquoses de nitrat estabilitzades amb PEG, com son apartir del reactor Kjeldhal o a partir d’un assecatge ràpid damunt una placa calefactora.En el procés d’obtenció d’aquestes pólvores es vol fer una caracterització dels productesinicials, intermedis i finals que s’aniran obtenint durant les diferents etapes. Aquest estudi esfarà mitjançant varis tipus d’anàlisi, com la difracció de raig X (XRD), l’espectroscòpiainfraroja (IR) o la termogravimetria (TG).Finalment, també es comprovarà si els nitrats i el PEG que formen la solució aquosa espoden assecar en forma de capa, i si posteriorment, és possible la seva descomposició percombustió