44 resultados para external hazards
We study the effects of external noise in a one-dimensional model of front propagation. Noise is introduced through the fluctuations of a control parameter leading to a multiplicative stochastic partial differential equation. Analytical and numerical results for the front shape and velocity are presented. The linear-marginal-stability theory is found to increase its range of validity in the presence of external noise. As a consequence noise can stabilize fronts not allowed by the deterministic equation.
The dynamics of an interface separating the two coexistent phases of a binary system in the presence of external fluctuations in temperature is studied. An interfacial instability is obtained for an interface that would be stable in the absence of fluctuations or in the presence of internal fluctuations. Analytical stability analysis and numerical simulations are in accordance with an explanation of these effects in terms of a quenchlike instability induced by fluctuations.
The effect of external fluctuations on the formation of spatial patterns is analyzed by means of a stochastic Swift-Hohenberg model with multiplicative space-correlated noise. Numerical simulations in two dimensions show a shift of the bifurcation point controlled by the intensity of the multiplicative noise. This shift takes place in the ordering direction (i.e., produces patterns), but its magnitude decreases with that of the noise correlation length. Analytical arguments are presented to explain these facts.
Coherence resonance occurring in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback is studied via the Lang-Kobayashi model with external nonwhite noise in the pumping current. The temporal correlation and the amplitude of the noise have a highly relevant influence in the system, leading to an optimal coherent response for suitable values of both the noise amplitude and correlation time. This phenomenon is quantitatively characterized by means of several statistical measures.
We study the exact ground state of the two-dimensional random-field Ising model as a function of both the external applied field B and the standard deviation ¿ of the Gaussian random-field distribution. The equilibrium evolution of the magnetization consists in a sequence of discrete jumps. These are very similar to the avalanche behavior found in the out-of-equilibrium version of the same model with local relaxation dynamics. We compare the statistical distributions of magnetization jumps and find that both exhibit power-law behavior for the same value of ¿. The corresponding exponents are compared.
A very simple model of a classical particle in a heat bath under the influence of external noise is studied. By means of a suitable hypothesis, the heat bath is reduced to an internal colored noise (OrnsteinUhlenbeck noise). In a second step, an external noise is coupled to the bath. The steady state probability distributions are obtained.
We study steady-state correlation functions of nonlinear stochastic processes driven by external colored noise. We present a methodology that provides explicit expressions of correlation functions approximating simultaneously short- and long-time regimes. The non-Markov nature is reduced to an effective Markovian formulation, and the nonlinearities are treated systematically by means of double expansions in high and low frequencies. We also derive some exact expressions for the coefficients of these expansions for arbitrary noise by means of a generalization of projection-operator techniques.
We present a new class of sequential adsorption models in which the adsorbing particles reach the surface following an inclined direction (shadow models). Capillary electrophoresis, adsorption in the presence of a shear, and adsorption on an inclined substrate are physical manifestations of these models. Numerical simulations are carried out to show how the new adsorption mechanisms are responsible for the formation of more ordered adsorbed layers and have important implications in the kinetics, in particular, modifying the jamming limit.
Temperature and velocity correlation functions in a fluid subjected to conditions creating both a temperature and a velocity gradient are computed up to second order in the gradients. Temperature and velocity fluctuations are coupled due to convection and viscous heating. When the viscosity goes to infinity one gets the temperature correlation function for a solid under a temperature gradient, which contains a long-ranged contribution, quadratic in the temperature gradient. The velocity correlation function also exhibits long-range behavior. In a particular case its equilibrium term is diagonal whereas the nonequilibrium correction contains nondiagonal terms.
We analyze the light-scattering spectrum of a suspension in a viscoelastic fluid under density and velocity gradients. When a density gradient is present, the dynamic structure factor exhibits universality in the sense that its expression depends only on the reduced frequency and the reduced density gradient. For a velocity gradient, however, the universality breaks down. In this last case we have found a transition point from one to three characteristic frequencies in the spectrum, which is governed by the value of the external gradient. The presence of the viscoelastic time scales introduces a shift in the ``critical¿¿ point.
Thermal fluctuations around inhomogeneous nonequilibrium steady states of one-dimensional rigid heat conductors are analyzed in the framework of generalized fluctuating hydrodynamics. The effect of an external source of noise is also considered. External fluctuations come from temperature and position fluctuations of the source. Contributions of each kind of noise to the temperature correlation function are computed and compared through the study of its asymptotic behavior.
(2+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS) gravity is quantized in the presence of an external scalar field. We find that the coupling between the scalar field and gravity is equivalently described by a perturbed conformal field theory at the boundary of AdS3. This allows us to perform a microscopic computation of the transition rates between black hole states due to absorption and induced emission of the scalar field. Detailed thermodynamic balance then yields Hawking radiation as spontaneous emission, and we find agreement with the semiclassical result, including greybody factors. This result also has application to four and five-dimensional black holes in supergravity.
We present exact equations and expressions for the first-passage-time statistics of dynamical systems that are a combination of a diffusion process and a random external force modeled as dichotomous Markov noise. We prove that the mean first passage time for this system does not show any resonantlike behavior.
In this article we present a detailed analysis of the kinetics of a class of sequential adsorption models that take into account the effect of externally applied fields (as an electric field, or a shear rate) on the adsorption. The excluded volume interactions related to the finite size of the adsorbing particles are modified by the external fields. As a result, new adsorption mechanisms appear with respect to the ones used to describe the kinetics in a quiescent fluid. In particular, if the adsorbing particles are allowed to roll over preadsorbed ones, adsorption becomes non local even in the simplest geometry. An exact analytic theory cannot be developed, but we introduce a self-consistent theory that turns out to agree with the simulation results over all the range of the parameters.
In this article we present a detailed analysis of the kinetics of a class of sequential adsorption models that take into account the effect of externally applied fields (as an electric field, or a shear rate) on the adsorption. The excluded volume interactions related to the finite size of the adsorbing particles are modified by the external fields. As a result, new adsorption mechanisms appear with respect to the ones used to describe the kinetics in a quiescent fluid. In particular, if the adsorbing particles are allowed to roll over preadsorbed ones, adsorption becomes non local even in the simplest geometry. An exact analytic theory cannot be developed, but we introduce a self-consistent theory that turns out to agree with the simulation results over all the range of the parameters.