37 resultados para constant work-rate


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En aquest treball es tracten qüestions de la geometria integral clàssica a l'espai hiperbòlic i projectiu complex i a l'espai hermític estàndard, els anomenats espais de curvatura holomorfa constant. La geometria integral clàssica estudia, entre d'altres, l'expressió en termes geomètrics de la mesura de plans que tallen un domini convex fixat de l'espai euclidià. Aquesta expressió es dóna en termes de les integrals de curvatura mitja. Un dels resultats principals d'aquest treball expressa la mesura de plans complexos que tallen un domini fixat a l'espai hiperbòlic complex, en termes del que definim com volums intrínsecs hermítics, que generalitzen les integrals de curvatura mitja. Una altra de les preguntes que tracta la geometria integral clàssica és: donat un domini convex i l'espai de plans, com s'expressa la integral de la s-èssima integral de curvatura mitja del convex intersecció entre un pla i el convex fixat? A l'espai euclidià, a l'espai projectiu i hiperbòlic reals, aquesta integral correspon amb la s-èssima integral de curvatura mitja del convex inicial: se satisfà una propietat de reproductibitat, que no es té en els espais de curvatura holomorfa constant. En el treball donem l'expressió explícita de la integral de la curvatura mitja quan integrem sobre l'espai de plans complexos. L'expressem en termes de la integral de curvatura mitja del domini inicial i de la integral de la curvatura normal en una direcció especial: l'obtinguda en aplicar l'estructura complexa al vector normal. La motivació per estudiar els espais de curvatura holomorfa constant i, en particular, l'espai hiperbòlic complex, es troba en l'estudi del següent problema clàssic en geometria. Quin valor pren el quocient entre l'àrea i el perímetre per a successions de figures convexes del pla que creixen tendint a omplir-lo? Fins ara es coneixia el comportament d'aquest quocient en els espais de curvatura seccional negativa i que a l'espai hiperbòlic real les fites obtingudes són òptimes. Aquí provem que a l'espai hiperbòlic complex, les cotes generals no són òptimes i optimitzem la superior.


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L'objectiu d'aquest treball és que l'autor derivi en testimoni de la societat a partir d'enquestes i dels seus propis textos, que exemplifiquen situacions diverses. Tot regit per una voluntat que més o menys expressada, dirigeix l'acció dels homes: l'esperança en un món millor que en cap lloc es troba, ni en altres temps. L'autor fent-se ressò d'un humanisme tormentat s'insereix en experiències literàries, que són mirall de l'home coetani. De tota manera mai no oblida els intents que en el passat han portat els homes a imaginar indrets de felicitat. És per això la constant recurrència a les utopies literàries. En contrast amb les enquestes realitzades apel·lant a les diverses ideologies polítiques. Com a conclusió el treball ens aporta la idea que la vida segueix i paral·lela a ella, segueix la vida literària, i totes dues són fonament de la utopia. És a dir, que podem fer nostre, altra vegada, el vell aforisme enigmàtic i totalitzador que ens anuncia que 'el camí s'ha iniciat i el viatge s'ha acabat'.


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Resum en anglès del projecte de recerca L'empresa xarxa a Catalunya. TIC, productivitat, competitivitat, salaris i beneficis a l'empresa catalana té com a objectiu principal constatar que la consolidació d'un nou model estratègic, organitzatiu i d'activitat empresarial, vinculat amb la inversió i l'ús de les TIC (o empresa xarxa), modifica substancialment els patrons de comportament dels resultats empresarials, en especial la productivitat, la competitivitat, les retribucions dels treballadors i el benefici. La contrastació empírica de les hipòtesis de treball l'hem feta per mitjà de les dades d'una enquesta a una mostra representativa de 2.038 empreses catalanes. Amb la perspectiva de l'impacte de la inversió i l'ús de les TIC no s'aprecia una relació directa entre els processos d'innovació digital i els resultats de l'activitat de l'empresa catalana. En aquest sentit, hem hagut de segmentar el teixit productiu català per a buscar les organitzacions en què el procés de coinnovació tecnològica digital i organitzativa és més present i en què la intensitat de l'ús del coneixement és un recurs molt freqüent per a poder copsar impactes rellevants en els principals resultats empresarials. Això és així perquè l'economia catalana, avui, presenta una estructura productiva dual.


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Background: The aim of this report is to describe the main characteristics of the design, including response rates, of the Cornella Health Interview Survey Follow-up Study. Methods: The original cohort consisted of 2,500 subjects (1,263 women and 1,237 men) interviewed as part of the 1994 Cornella Health Interview Study. A record linkage to update the address and vital status of the cohort members was carried out using, first a deterministic method, and secondly a probabilistic one, based on each subject's first name and surnames. Subsequently, we attempted to locate the cohort members to conduct the phone follow-up interviews. A pilot study was carried out to test the overall feasibility and to modify some procedures before the field work began. Results: After record linkage, 2,468 (98.7%) subjects were successfully traced. Of these, 91 (3.6%) were deceased, 259 (10.3%) had moved to other towns, and 50 (2.0%) had neither renewed their last municipal census documents nor declared having moved. After using different strategies to track and to retain cohort members, we traced 92% of the CHIS participants. From them, 1,605 subjects answered the follow-up questionnaire. Conclusion: The computerized record linkage maximized the success of the follow-up that was carried out 7 years after the baseline interview. The pilot study was useful to increase the efficiency in tracing and interviewing the respondents.


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The simultaneous use of multiple transmit and receive antennas can unleash very large capacity increases in rich multipath environments. Although such capacities can be approached by layered multi-antenna architectures with per-antenna rate control, the need for short-term feedback arises as a potential impediment, in particular as the number of antennas—and thus the number of rates to be controlled—increases. What we show, however, is that the need for short-term feedback in fact vanishes as the number of antennas and/or the diversity order increases. Specifically, the rate supported by each transmit antenna becomes deterministic and a sole function of the signal-to-noise, the ratio of transmit and receive antennas, and the decoding order, all of which are either fixed or slowly varying. More generally, we illustrate -through this specific derivation— the relevance of some established random CDMA results to the single-user multi-antenna problem.


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Extensive theoretical and experimental work on the neuronal correlates of visual attention raises two hypotheses about the underlying mechanisms. The first hypothesis, named biased competition, originates from experimental single-cell recordings that have shown that attention upmodulates the firing rates of the neurons encoding the attended features and downregulates the firing rates of the neurons encoding the unattended features. Furthermore, attentional modulation of firing rates increases along the visual pathway. The other, newer hypothesis assigns synchronization a crucial role in the attentional process. It stems from experiments that have shown that attention modulates gamma-frequency synchronization. In this paper, we study the coexistence of the two phenomena using a theoretical framework. We find that the two effects can vary independently of each other and across layers. Therefore, the two phenomena are not concomitant. However, we show that there is an advantage in the processing of information if rate modulation is accompanied by gamma modulation, namely that reaction times are shorter, implying behavioral relevance for gamma synchronization.


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The 2×2 MIMO profiles included in Mobile WiMAX specifications are Alamouti’s space-time code (STC) fortransmit diversity and spatial multiplexing (SM). The former hasfull diversity and the latter has full rate, but neither of them hasboth of these desired features. An alternative 2×2 STC, which is both full rate and full diversity, is the Golden code. It is the best known 2×2 STC, but it has a high decoding complexity. Recently, the attention was turned to the decoder complexity, this issue wasincluded in the STC design criteria, and different STCs wereproposed. In this paper, we first present a full-rate full-diversity2×2 STC design leading to substantially lower complexity ofthe optimum detector compared to the Golden code with only a slight performance loss. We provide the general optimized form of this STC and show that this scheme achieves the diversitymultiplexing frontier for square QAM signal constellations. Then, we present a variant of the proposed STC, which provides a further decrease in the detection complexity with a rate reduction of 25% and show that this provides an interesting trade-off between the Alamouti scheme and SM.


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In a MIMO layered architecture, several codewordsare transmitted from a multiplicity of antennas. Although thespectral efficiency is maximized if the rates of these codewordsare separately controlled, the feedback rate within the linkadaptation loop is reduced if they are constrained to be identical.This poses a direct tradeoff between performance andfeedback overhead. This paper provides analytical expressionsthat quantify the difference in spectral efficiency between bothapproaches for arbitrary numbers of antennas. Specifically, thecharacterization takes place in the realm of the low- and highpowerregimes via expansions that are shown to have a widerange of validity.In addition, the possibility of adjusting the transmit powerof each codeword individually is considered as an alternative tothe separate control of their rates. Power allocation, however,turns out to be inferior to rate control within the context of thisproblem.


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Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques have become an essential part of broadband wireless communications systems. For example, the recently developed IEEE 802.16e specifications for broadband wireless access include three MIMOprofiles employing 2×2 space-time codes (STCs), and two of these MIMO schemes are mandatory on the downlink of Mobile WiMAX systems. One of these has full rate, and the other has full diversity, but neither of them has both of the desired features. The third profile, namely, Matrix C, which is not mandatory, is both a full rate and a full diversity code, but it has a high decoder complexity. Recently, the attention was turned to the decodercomplexity issue and including this in the design criteria, several full-rate STCs were proposed as alternatives to Matrix C. In this paper, we review these different alternatives and compare them to Matrix C in terms of performances and the correspondingreceiver complexities.


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Within pre-enlargement Europe, Italy records one of the widest employment rate gaps between highly and poorly educated women, as well one of the largest differences in the share, among working women, of public sector employment. Building on these stylized facts and using the Longitudinal Survey of Italian Households (ILFI), we investigate the working trajectories of three cohorts of Italian women born between 1935 and 1964 and observed from their first job until they are in their forties. We use mainly, but not exclusively, event history analysis in order to identify the main factors that influence entry into and exit from paid work over the life course. Our results suggest that in the Italian context, where employment protection policies have also been used as surrogate measures to favour reconciliation between family and work, and where traditional gender norms still persist, education is so important for women's employment decisions because it represents an investment in 'reconciliation' and 'work legitimacy' over and above investment in human capital.


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In this paper we compare two historical scenarios very different one to each other bothin institutional and geographical terms. What they have in common is the situation ofrelative poverty of most of the population. On the one side we are dealing withhistorical industrializing Catalonia in the North East of Spain, a country exhibiting pooreconomic yields in the context of European and non European industrializing nations inthe 19th century. We compare children s work patterns in 19th century Catalonia withthose of current developing countries in Latin America, Africa and South and East Asia.This kind of exercise in which the nexus of the comparison are the levels of wealth ofcountries that are unsuccessful to achieve high standards of economic growth allows usto combine the micro historical analysis (in the Catalan case) with the macrocomparative approach in current developing countries. By means of both, the microhistorical analysis and the macro regression analysis we obtain the result that adultwomen s skills and real wages are a key factor when we want to explain the patterns ofchildren work. While female real wages increased a sharp rate in 19th century Cataloniawe obtain very different results in the case of developing countries. This differentgender bias helps to explain why in some cases children continue to work and also whysome parts of the world continue to be poor according to our regression analysis.


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This paper analyzes the effect of the 1998 reform of the French single parents allowanceon the labor supply of single mothers with very young children. The reform aimed atencouraging participation by allowing eligible single parents to accumulate benefits andlabor earnings for a limited period of time. Using data from the French EmploymentSurvey, the analysis shows that single mothers affected by the reform had experienced asignificant increase in their employment rate four years after the reform wasimplemented. During the same period, the employment rate of married mothers withyoung children did not experience a significant change, suggesting that at least part ofthe increase was a consequence of the reform. These results provide some evidence thatbenefit schedules that provide financial incentives to work can have significant effectsin getting single moms back to work, even in the presence of very young children.


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This work carries out an empirical evaluation of the impact of the main mechanism for regulating the prices of medicines in the UK on a variety ofpharmaceutical price indices. The empirical evidence shows that the overall impact of the rate of return cap appears to have been slight or even null, and in any case that the impact would differ across therapeutic areas. These empiricalfindings suggest that the price regulation has managed to encourage UK-based firms¿ diversification in many therapeutic areas


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Translations of the first chapters of Book VII of Plato's Republic, in which he introduces the well-known image of the cave, eikón, reveals an astonishing and intriguing variety of interpretations of this image: "allegory", "myth", "fable", "parable", "simile" and "comparison", to cite but a few. Taking as an example the work by Benjamin Jowett, the Victorian translator of Plato, remarkable for its textual accuracy and by means of a close analysis of the terms related to the image, this paper insists on the need to neither interpret nor correct the great ideal philosopher, in this case revealing some evident contradictions that arise when this advice is not followed and pointing out the occasional use of terms extraneous to the Platonic lexicon such as "allegory".


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We present a study about the influence of substrate temperature on deposition rate of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films prepared by rf glow discharge decomposition of pure silane gas in a capacitively coupled plasma reactor. Two different behaviors are observed depending on deposition pressure conditions. At high pressure (30 Pa) the influence of substrate temperature on deposition rate is mainly through a modification of gas density, in such a way that the substrate temperature of deposition rate is similar to pressure dependence at constant temperature. On the contrary, at low pressure (3 Pa), a gas density effect cannot account for the observed increase of deposition rate as substrate temperature rises above 450 K with an activation energy of 1.1 kcal/mole. In accordance with laser‐induced fluorescence measurements reported in the literature, this rise has been ascribed to an increase of secondary electron emission from the growing film surface as a result of molecular hydrogen desorption.