65 resultados para cognate object construction
En aquest treball s'intenta fer una síntesi de les especificacions aportades per l'estàndard definit com a SQL: 1999, tot analitzant les ampliacions que fan referència a la nova orientació a l'objecte i a la incorporació de l'herència com a principal element diferenciador.
Aquest document conté la memòria dels treballs desenvolupats pel seu autor per a la especificació, disseny, construcció i proves d'un sistema informàtic basat en tecnologies JEE objecte del seu Treball Fi de Carrera.
L'objectiu és estudiar les característiques orientades a l'objecte de l'estàndard SQL: 1999 i posar-les a prova amb un producte comercial que les suporti.
El projecte de recerca que s’ha dut a terme els darrers tres anys consisteix en una reflexió teòrica al voltant de l’autoria literària, fent especial èmfasi en les implicacions de gènere dels processos de legitimació literària i les posicions autorials que se’n deriven. Clarice Lispector en tant que nom d’autor sota el qual s’agrupa no només un corpus literari sinó tots aquells textos que construeixen un cos d’autora, constitueix l’objecte d’anàlisi a partir del qual es posa en joc la reflexió teòrica esmentada. Per a dur-lo a terme, es realitza un anàlisi de la producció autogràfica de l'autora i de tots aquells discursos que contribueixen a la construció del seu personatge: els discurso acadèmics, biogràfics i mediàtics; els materials fotogràfics i audiovisuals; les recreacions del personatge des de diversos llenguatges artístics (literari, teatral i cinematogràfic), etc.
The EU has been one of the main actors involved in the construction process of an international climate change regime, adopting it as an identity sign in the international arena. This activism has reverted in the European political agenda and in the one of its Members States. Therefore, climate change has become a driver for the EU growing participation in energy policy and for its governance evolution. In this context, much attention has been paid to the climate and energy policies integration agreed after the 2007 spring European Council. Apparently, this decision meant a decisive step towards the incorporation of the environmental variable in the energy policy-making. Moreover, the Action Plan [2007-2009] “Energy Policy for Europe” outlined priority actions in a variety of energy-related areas, implying the new European Energy Policy commencement. Against this background, there is still much left to understand about its formulation and its further development. Rooted on the Environmental Policy Integration approach, this paper traces the increasing proximity between environment and energy policies in order to understand the green contribution to the European Energy Policy construction.
The objective of this project consists of designing and constructing a RTM mould for a loose flange of glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP). The design phase has the mission to realise a quality and simple design of the RTM mould, with the objective to obtain an easy and economic phase of construction and the more possible great characteristics of the loose flange. In fact this RTM mould will be a mould prototype, which will be developed in the future to obtain an RTM mould able to support a loose flange production. Therefore when more steps are developed in this project, then the future objective will be near
Final report of the eKnowledge's project, an online forum tool that offers consultants and students the chance to create spaces for asynchronous communication and collaboration.
Given a set of images of scenes containing different object categories (e.g. grass, roads) our objective is to discover these objects in each image, and to use this object occurrences to perform a scene classification (e.g. beach scene, mountain scene). We achieve this by using a supervised learning algorithm able to learn with few images to facilitate the user task. We use a probabilistic model to recognise the objects and further we classify the scene based on their object occurrences. Experimental results are shown and evaluated to prove the validity of our proposal. Object recognition performance is compared to the approaches of He et al. (2004) and Marti et al. (2001) using their own datasets. Furthermore an unsupervised method is implemented in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of our supervised classification approach versus an unsupervised one
L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte ha estat aprofundir en la construcció de programari, abordant totes les etapes d'un projecte de construcció de programari des de la perspectiva de l'enginyeria del software (anàlisi, disseny, implementació i proves) i utilitzant el paradigma de programació Orientada a l'Objecte mitjançant l'ús de la tecnologia J2EE, conjuntament amb bastions de programari de gran importància en el mon real i per tant, en l'àmbit de desenvolupament de programari i tecnològic actuals.
The project aims at advancing the state of the art in the use of context information for classification of image and video data. The use of context in the classification of images has been showed of great importance to improve the performance of actual object recognition systems. In our project we proposed the concept of Multi-scale Feature Labels as a general and compact method to exploit the local and global context. The feature extraction from the discriminative probability or classification confidence label field is of great novelty. Moreover the use of a multi-scale representation of the feature labels lead to a compact and efficient description of the context. The goal of the project has been also to provide a general-purpose method and prove its suitability in different image/video analysis problem. The two-year project generated 5 journal publications (plus 2 under submission), 10 conference publications (plus 2 under submission) and one patent (plus 1 pending). Of these publications, a relevant number make use of the main result of this project to improve the results in detection and/or segmentation of objects.
Statistical computing when input/output is driven by a Graphical User Interface is considered. A proposal is made for automatic control ofcomputational flow to ensure that only strictly required computationsare actually carried on. The computational flow is modeled by a directed graph for implementation in any object-oriented programming language with symbolic manipulation capabilities. A complete implementation example is presented to compute and display frequency based piecewise linear density estimators such as histograms or frequency polygons.
This paper examines factors explaining subcontracting decisions in the construction industry. Rather than the more common cross-sectional analyses, we use panel data to evaluate the influence of all relevant variables. We design and use a new index of the closeness to small numbers situations to estimate the extent of hold-up problems. Results show that as specificity grows, firms tend to subcontract less. The opposite happens when output heterogeneity and the use of intangible assets and capabilities increase. Neither temporary shortage of capacity nor geographical dispersion of activities seem to affect the extent of subcontracting. Finally, proxies for uncertainty do not show any clear effect.
El estudio de las implicaciones comunicativas presentes en el paisaje abre un amplio abanico de posibilidades para el tratamiento de la dualidad entre comunicación y paisaje. Aspectos como los efectos que el paisaje genera en los procesos de comunicación humana (comunicación intrapersonal e interpersonal), el seguimiento de los procesos comunicativos mediante los cuales se mercadea con el paisaje (comunicación de masas), la construcción de imaginarios individuales y colectivos a partir de la interacción entre ciudadanía y paisaje y, más recientemente, la construcción de identidades territoriales a partir de la elaboración de una imagen de marca de ciudad o de país —léase promoción turística, citymarketing y/o branding— tienen, todos ellos, unas enormes implicaciones en las sociedades contemporáneas. Es por todo ello por lo que se hace imprescindible avanzar hacia un modelo de análisis comunicativo del paisaje, objetivo posible interrelacionando la geografía y los estudios de comunicación, dos disciplinas aparentemente alejadas una de la otra en cuanto a sus orígenes y su praxis y, sin embargo, muy cercanas en lo que respecta a la evolución reciente de sus paradigmas y en lo referente al tratamiento de determinados conceptos, como los de espacio y paisaje.
We present a georeferenced photomosaic of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37°18’N). The photomosaic was generated from digital photographs acquired using the ARGO II seafloor imaging system during the 1996 LUSTRE cruise, which surveyed a ~1 km2 zone and provided a coverage of ~20% of the seafloor. The photomosaic has a pixel resolution of 15 mm and encloses the areas with known active hydrothermal venting. The final mosaic is generated after an optimization that includes the automatic detection of the same benthic features across different images (feature-matching), followed by a global alignment of images based on the vehicle navigation. We also provide software to construct mosaics from large sets of images for which georeferencing information exists (location, attitude, and altitude per image), to visualize them, and to extract data. Georeferencing information can be provided by the raw navigation data (collected during the survey) or result from the optimization obtained from imatge matching. Mosaics based solely on navigation can be readily generated by any user but the optimization and global alignment of the mosaic requires a case-by-case approach for which no universally software is available. The Lucky Strike photomosaics (optimized and navigated-only) are publicly available through the Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS, http://www.marine-geo.org). The mosaic-generating and viewing software is available through the Computer Vision and Robotics Group Web page at the University of Girona (http://eia.udg.es/_rafa/mosaicviewer.html)
Monitoring thunderstorms activity is an essential part of operational weather surveillance given their potential hazards, including lightning, hail, heavy rainfall, strong winds or even tornadoes. This study has two main objectives: firstly, the description of a methodology, based on radar and total lightning data to characterise thunderstorms in real-time; secondly, the application of this methodology to 66 thunderstorms that affected Catalonia (NE Spain) in the summer of 2006. An object-oriented tracking procedure is employed, where different observation data types generate four different types of objects (radar 1-km CAPPI reflectivity composites, radar reflectivity volumetric data, cloud-to-ground lightning data and intra-cloud lightning data). In the framework proposed, these objects are the building blocks of a higher level object, the thunderstorm. The methodology is demonstrated with a dataset of thunderstorms whose main characteristics, along the complete life cycle of the convective structures (development, maturity and dissipation), are described statistically. The development and dissipation stages present similar durations in most cases examined. On the contrary, the duration of the maturity phase is much more variable and related to the thunderstorm intensity, defined here in terms of lightning flash rate. Most of the activity of IC and CG flashes is registered in the maturity stage. In the development stage little CG flashes are observed (2% to 5%), while for the dissipation phase is possible to observe a few more CG flashes (10% to 15%). Additionally, a selection of thunderstorms is used to examine general life cycle patterns, obtained from the analysis of normalized (with respect to thunderstorm total duration and maximum value of variables considered) thunderstorm parameters. Among other findings, the study indicates that the normalized duration of the three stages of thunderstorm life cycle is similar in most thunderstorms, with the longest duration corresponding to the maturity stage (approximately 80% of the total time).