45 resultados para business management


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Aplicació web per a la gestió empresarial d'una empresa.


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El TFC analitza la implantació en un holding empresarial d'un nou CRM i la seva connexió i integració amb la resta d'aplicacions ja existents.


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El projecte es desenvolupa en el marc d'un conveni entre la UAB i la empresa UNIT4 Business Software Ibérica a les oficines de Barberà del Vallès. L'objectiu del projecte consisteix en crear un assistent de formularis per a la plataforma de treball de l'aplicació de gestió de l'empresa UNIT4 que permeti tant a usuaris com a clients crear els seus propis formularis personalitzats complint sempre les directrius de disseny predefinides.


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En el següent article es pretén analitzar els mecanismes que va emprar la premsa doctrinal carlina al llindar del segle XIX amb el XX per a autofinançar-se. Ho exemplifiquem en dos diaris lleidatans –El Almogávar Leridano i El Loredan- dirigits, respectivament, per Salvador Morales i Roger de Llúria. D’ambdòs ens interessa especialment la publicitat, font principal dels ingressos, que hi inserien així com la seva ubicació en els diaris citats. Aquestes connoten els trets essencials d’una tipologia de premsa essencialment partidista, ideològica i política cada cop més allunyada dels postulats i la gestió empresarials dels grans mitjans de comunicació escrits.


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El presente documento ilustra la aplicación de la metodología Business Process Managementpara el caso de una empresa multinacional del sector de la electrónica. Para ello se han tomado los procesos excepcionales de Supply Chain Operations en el área EMEA (Europa, Oriente Medio y África). Se ha analizado la situación inicial, donde la aparición de incidencias de calidad en productos terminados y listos para entregar a clientes generaba una serie de acciones descoordinadas y con resultados insatisfactorios. Todos los departamentos implicados comprometían recursos, tiempo y esfuerzo, sin estar alineados entre sí. A partir de la aplicación sistemática de la metodología BPM definida en 10 fases, se ha desarrollado una solución completa para los procesos excepcionales. El documento describe con detalle en proceso de Reflash y la documentación necesaria para poner el proceso bajo control y en mejora continua.


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This paper analyzes the employment relationship on the basis of the notion of access. We argue that the degree of access provided by a job is an incentive to activate the employee’s self-actualization needs. We investigate the effect of access on the workers’ performance through an agency model and provide a number of propositions with practical implications for personnel policies. Our results are consistent with the intuition emerged from the real business practice as well as with many of the arguments on the substitutive role between monetary and non-monetary incentives frequently reported in the literature.


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This paper aims to analyse the impact of human capital on business productivity, focusing the analysis on the possible effect of the complementarity that exists between human capital and new production technologies, particularly advanced manufacturing technologies (AMTs) for the specific case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Catalonia. Additionally, following the theory of skill-biased technological change, the paper analyses whether technological change produces bias exclusively in the skills required for managers, or whether the bias extends to the skills required of production staff. With this objective, we have compared the possible existence of complementarity between AMTs and the level of human capital for different occupational groups. The results confirm the complementary relationship between human capital and new production technologies. The results by occupational group confirm that to maximise the productivity of new technologies, skilled staff are needed both in management and production, with managers and professionals as well as skilled operatives playing a vital role. Keywords: human capital, process technologies, complementarity, business productivity. (JEL D24, J24, O30).


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This project deals with the generation of profitability and the distribution of its benefits. Inspired by Davis (1947, 1955), we define profitability as the ratio of revenue to cost. Profitability is not as popular a measure of business financial performance as profit, the difference between revenue and cost. Regardless of its popularity, however, profitability is surely a useful financial performance measure. Our primary objective in this project is to identify the factors that generate change in profitability. One set of factors, which we refer to as sources, consists of changes in quantities and prices of outputs and inputs. Individual quantity changes aggregate to the overall impact of quantity change on profitability change, which we call productivity change. Individual price changes aggregate to the overall impact of price change on profitability change, which we call price recovery change. In this framework profitability change consists exclusively of productivity change and price recovery change. A second set of factors, which we refer to as drivers, consists of phenomena such as technical change, change in the efficiency of resource allocation, and the impact of economies of scale. The ability of management to harness these factors drives productivity change, which is one component of profitability change. Thus the term sources refers to quantities and prices of individual outputs and inputs, whose changes influence productivity change or price recovery change, either of which influences profitability change. The term drivers refers to phenomena related to technology and management that influence productivity change (but not price recovery change), and hence profitability change.


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Aquest projecte mostra la importància que pot tenir un sistema basat en Business Intelligence, dins d’una empresa o organització, donant una eina per augmentar la competitivitat, treballant les dades que s’obtenen dels diferents sistemes de gestió que hi ha dins l’empresa. Aquest gran nombre de dades històriques les transformarem per formar una base de dades de qualitat, i les explorarem per tal d’extreure’n informació útil en format gràfic, per ajudar a la pressa de decisions per part dels directius.


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El presente proyecto consiste en la implantación de un sistema destinado a la gestión empresarial en el que se complementa el actual ERP con un sistema Business Intelligence.


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Anàlisi i disseny de la implantació de SAP Business One en un restaurant o cadena de restaurants.


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The paper explores the consequences that relying on different behavioral assumptions in training managers may have on their future performance. We argue that training with an emphasis on the standard assumptions used in economics (rationality and self-interest) leads future managers to rely excessively on rational and explicit safeguarding, crowding out instinctive contractual heuristics and signaling a 'bad' type to potential partners. In contrast, human assumptions used in management theories, because of their diverse, implicit and even contradictory nature, do not conflict with the innate set of cooperative tools and may provide a good training ground for such tools. We present tentative confirmatory evidence by examining how the weight given to behavioral assumptions in the core courses of the top 100 business schools influences the average salaries of their MBA graduates. Controlling for the average quality of their students and some other schools' characteristics, average salaries are significantly greater for those schools whose core MBA courses contain a higher proportion of management courses as opposed to courses based on economics or technical disciplines.


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The present work discusses the effects of university culture and structure on university-business relations, focusing on knowledge transfer activities. It puts forward the thesis that when links between university and business are introduced into the university system as a turn-key proposition rather than as developmental process, the prevailing university culture and structure will exert resistance against change and will oppose the creation of appropriate structures to promote them, with deleterious effects for the university.


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In this work we discuss some ideas and opinions related with teaching Metaheuristics in Business Schools. The main purpose of the work is to initiate a discussion and collaboration about this topic,with the final objective to improve the teaching and publicity of the area. The main topics to be discussed are the environment and focus of this teaching. We also present a SWOT analysis which lead us to the conclusion that the area of Metaheuristics only can win with the presentation and discussion of metaheuristics and related topics in Business Schools, since it consists in a excellent Decision Support tools for future potential users.