30 resultados para antimonate, bindheimite, bahianite, Raman Spectroscopy, valentinite
In this paper we present new results on doped μc-Si:H thin films deposited by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition (HWCVD) in the very low temperature range (125-275°C). The doped layers were obtained by the addition of diborane or phosphine in the gas phase during deposition. The incorporation of boron and phosphorus in the films and their influence on the crystalline fraction are studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry and Raman spectroscopy, respectively. Good electrical transport properties were obtained in this deposition regime, with best dark conductivities of 2.6 and 9.8 S cm -1 for the p- and n-doped films, respectively. The effect of the hydrogen dilution and the layer thickness on the electrical properties are also studied. Some technological conclusions referred to cross contamination could be deduced from the nominally undoped samples obtained in the same chamber after p- and n-type heavily doped layers.
Thin films of nanostructured silicon (ns-Si:H) were deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition in the presence of silicon nanoparticles at 100 C substrate temperature using silane and hydrogen gas mixture under continuous wave (cw) plasma conditions. The nanostructure of the films has been demonstrated by diverse ways: transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction, which have shown the presence of ordered silicon clusters (1!=2 nm) embedded in an amorphous silicon matrix. Due to the presence of these ordered domains, the films crystallize faster than standard hydrogenated amorphous silicon samples, as evidenced by electrical measurements during the thermal annealing.
We report on the magneto-optical measurements of an epitaxial SrRuO3 film grown on SrTiO3 (0 0 1), which previously was determined to be single domain orientated by x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy techniques. Our experiments reveal a large Kerr rotation, which reaches a maximum value of about 0.5° at low temperature. By measuring magnetic hysteresis loops at different temperatures, we determined the temperature dependence of the Kerr rotation in the polar configuration. Values of the anisotropic magnetoresistance ~ 20% have been measured. These values are remarkably higher than those of other metallic oxides such as manganites. This striking difference can be attributed to the strong spin-orbit interaction of the Ru 4d ion in the SrRuO3 compound.
We investigated the influence of a hydrogenated disordered carbon (a-C:H) layer on the nucleation of diamond. Substrates c-Si<100>, SiAlON, and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite {0001} were used in this study. The substrate surfaces were characterized with Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) while diamond growth was followed with Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that on silicon and SiAlON substrates the presence of the a-C:H layer enabled diamond to grow readily without any polishing treatment. Moreover, more continuous diamond films could be grown when the substrate was polished with diamond powder prior to the deposition of the a-C:H layer. This important result suggests that the nucleation of diamond occurs readily on disordered carbon surfaces, and that the formation of this type of layer is indeed one step in the diamond nucleation mechanism. Altogether, the data refute the argument that silicon defects play a direct role in the nucleation process. Auger spectra revealed that for short deposition times and untreated silicon surfaces, the deposited layer corresponds to an amorphous carbon layer. In these cases, the subsequent diamond nucleation was found to be limited. However, when the diamond nucleation density was found to be high; i.e., after lengthy deposits of a¿C:H or after diamond polishing, the Auger spectra suggested diamondlike carbon layers.
The structural relaxation of pure amorphous silicon a-Si and hydrogenated amorphous silicon a-Si:H materials, that occurs during thermal annealing experiments, has been analyzed by Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Unlike a-Si, the heat evolved from a-Si:H cannot be explained by relaxation of the Si-Si network strain but it reveals a derelaxation of the bond angle strain. Since the state of relaxation after annealing is very similar for pure and hydrogenated materials, our results give strong experimental support to the predicted configurational gap between a-Si and crystalline silicon.
We have studied the effect of pressure on the structural and vibrational properties of lanthanum tritungstate La2(WO4)3. This compound crystallizes under ambient conditions in the modulated scheelite-type structure known as the α phase. We have performed x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering measurements up to a pressure of 20 GPa, as well as ab initio calculations within the framework of the density functional theory. Up to 5 GPa, the three methods provide a similar picture of the evolution under pressure of α-La2(WO4)3. At 5 GPa, we begin to observe some structural changes, and above 6 GPa we find that the x-ray patterns cannot be indexed as a single phase. However, we find that a mixture of two phases with C2/c symmetry accounts for all diffraction peaks. Our ab initio study confirms the existence of several C2/c structures, which are very close in energy in this compression range. According to our measurements, a state with medium-range order appears at pressures above 9 and 11 GPa, from x-ray diffraction and Raman experiments, respectively. Based upon our theoretical calculations we propose several high-pressure candidates with high cationic coordinations at these pressures. The compound evolves into a partially amorphous phase at pressures above 20 GPa.
The structural and optical properties of three different kinds of GaAs nanowires with 100% zinc-blende structure and with an average of 30% and 70% wurtzite are presented. A variety of shorter and longer segments of zinc-blende or wurtzite crystal phases are observed by transmission electron microscopy in the nanowires. Sharp photoluminescence lines are observed with emission energies tuned from 1.515 eV down to 1.43 eV when the percentage of wurtzite is increased. The downward shift of the emission peaks can be understood by carrier confinement at the interfaces, in quantum wells and in random short period superlattices existent in these nanowires, assuming a staggered band offset between wurtzite and zinc-blende GaAs. The latter is confirmed also by time-resolved measurements. The extremely local nature of these optical transitions is evidenced also by cathodoluminescence measurements. Raman spectroscopy on single wires shows different strain conditions, depending on the wurtzite content which affects also the band alignments. Finally, the occurrence of the two crystallographic phases is discussed in thermodynamic terms.
Hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon films obtained at low temperature (150-280°C) by hot wire chemical vapour deposition at two different process pressures were measured by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy and photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS). A crystalline fraction >90% with a subgap optical absortion 10 cm -1 at 0.8 eV were obtained in films deposited at growth rates >0.8 nm/s. These films were incorporated in n-channel thin film transistors and their electrical properties were measured. The saturation mobility was 0.72 ± 0.05 cm 2/ V s and the threshold voltage around 0.2 eV. The dependence of their conductance activation energies on gate voltages were related to the properties of the material.
Microdoping compensation of microcrystalline silicon obtained by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapour Deposition
Undoped hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon was obtained by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition at different silane-to-hydrogen ratios and low temperature (<300 °C). As well as technological aspects of the deposition process, we report structural, optical and electrical characterizations of the samples that were used as the active layer for preliminary p-i-n solar cells. Raman spectroscopy indicates that changing the hydrogen dilution can vary the crystalline fraction. From electrical measurements an unwanted n-type character is deduced for this undoped material. This effect could be due to a contaminant, probably oxygen, which is also observed in capacitance-voltage measurements on Schottky structures. The negative effect of contaminants on the device was dramatic and a compensated p-i-n structure was also deposited to enhance the cell performance.
Se presenta un estudio exhaustivo del diagrama de fase del sistema binario Li2SO4-Na2SO4. El diagrama de fases se determinó mediante termo-difractometría de rayos-X en muestras de polvo y calorimetría ATD. Se obtiene una nueva fase de fórmula Li2-xNaxSO4, con 1 ¿ x ¿ 1.22. La estructura cristalina de ß-LiNaSO4 se determinó por difracción de rayos-X sobre un monocristal. Este estudio muestra que los cristales usualmente se maclan cuando el crecimiento es por solución, lo cual explica la baja polarización espontánea. Se explica la dispersión Raman de los compuestos Li2SO4, Na2SO4 y LiNaSO4, a partir de los datos estructurales. Las medidas experimentales se han efectuado a diferentes velocidades de calentamiento y enfriamiento.
Previous results concerning radiative emission under laser irradiation of silicon nanopowder are reinterpreted in terms of thermal emission. A model is developed that considers the particles in the powder as independent, so under vacuum the only dissipation mechanism is thermal radiation. The supralinear dependence observed between the intensity of the emitted radiation and laser power is predicted by the model, as is the exponential quenching when the gas pressure around the sample increases. The analysis allows us to determine the sample temperature. The local heating of the sample has been assessed independently by the position of the transverse optical Raman mode. Finally, it is suggested that the photoluminescence observed in porous silicon and similar materials could, in some cases, be blackbody radiation
The structural relaxation of pure amorphous silicon (a-Si) and hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) materials, that occurs during thermal annealing experiments, has been analyzed by Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Unlike a-Si, the heat evolved from a-Si:H cannot be explained by relaxation of the Si-Si network strain but it reveals a derelaxation of the bond angle strain. Since the state of relaxation after annealing is very similar for pure and hydrogenated materials, our results give strong experimental support to the predicted configurational gap between a-Si and crystalline silicon
This article reports a detailed Raman scattering and microstructural characterization of S-rich CuIn(S,Se)2 absorbers produced by electrodeposition of nanocrystalline CuInSe2 precursors and subsequent reactive annealing under sulfurizing conditions. Surface and in-depth resolved Raman microprobe measurements have been correlated with the analysis of the layers by optical and scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and in-depth Auger electron spectroscopy. This has allowed corroboration of the high crystalline quality of the sulfurized layers. The sulfurizing conditions used also lead to the formation of a relatively thick MoS2 intermediate layer between the absorber and the Mo back contact. The analysis of the absorbers has also allowed identification of the presence of In-rich secondary phases, which are likely related to the coexistence in the electrodeposited precursors of ordered vacancy compound domains with the main chalcopyrite phase, in spite of the Cu-rich conditions used in the growth. This points out the higher complexity of the electrodeposition and sulfurization processes in relation to those based in vacuum deposition techniques.
An analysis of silicon on insulator structures obtained by single and multiple implants by means of Raman scattering and photoluminescence spectroscopy is reported. The Raman spectra obtained with different excitation powers and wavelengths indicate the presence of a tensile strain in the top silicon layer of the structures. The comparison between the spectra measured in both kinds of samples points out the existence in the multiple implant material of a lower strain for a penetration depth about 300 nm and a higher strain for higher penetration depths. These results have been correlated with transmission electron microscopy observations, which have allowed to associate the higher strain to the presence of SiO2 precipitates in the top silicon layer, close to the buried oxide. The found lower strain is in agreement with the better quality expected for this material, which is corroborated by the photoluminescence data.