34 resultados para Wegematic 1000


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Whether providing additional resources to local communities leads to improved public services and better outcomes more generally, given existing management capacity and incentive and accountability structures, is an unresolved yet important question for public policy. This paper uses a regression-discontinuity design to evaluate the effect of unrestricted fiscal transfers on local spending (including on education), schooling and learning in Brazil. Results show that transfers increase local public spending almost one for one with no evidence of crowding out own revenue or other revenue sources. Extra per capita transfers of 1000 Reais lead to about 0.42 additional years of elementary schooling and student literacy rates increase by about 5.6 percentage points on average. Part of this effect arises through higher teacher-student ratios in municipal elementary school systems. Results also suggest that additional resources have stronger effects in more rural and less developed parts of Brazil.


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New location models are presented here for exploring the reduction of facilities in aregion. The first of these models considers firms ceding market share to competitorsunder situations of financial exigency. The goal of this model is to cede the leastmarket share, i.e., retain as much of the customer base as possible while sheddingcostly outlets. The second model considers a firm essentially without competition thatmust shrink it services for economic reasons. This firm is assumed to close outlets sothat the degradation of service is limited. An example is offered within a competitiveenvironment to demonstrate the usefulness of this modeling approach.


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La evolución de peso en los períodos de lactación y transición de 583 lechones fue estudiada mediante un análisis estadístico, evaluando el efecto de la suplementación con ácidos grasos de cadena media (AGCM) en lechones con poco peso al nacimiento. 188 de los 375 lechones que nacieron con un peso al nacimiento (PN) &1250 g recibieron 3mL de AGCM cada 24 h durante los primeros 3 días de vida; su peso medio al destete (día 28) fue inferior respecto al grupo control (lechones no suplementados) (-114,17 g). No obstante, 106 de los 180 lechones nacidos con un PN &1000 g fueron suplementados, y su peso medio al destete y a finales de transición (día 63) fue superior respecto al grupo control (destete: +315,16 g; día 63: +775,47 g). Finalmente, los lechones suplementados con PN&800 g tuvieron los peores resultados: su diferencia de peso medio al destete fue de -177,58 g respecto al grupo control. Por lo tanto, en esta prueba fueron estudiados los lechones con un PN entre 800 y 999 g porque el grupo suplementado al destete tuvo una diferencia de peso medio considerable respecto al grupo control:+511,58 g. Asimismo, considerando una probabilidad de error inferior a 0,05, no hubieron diferencias significativas en las diferentes categorías de PN analizadas. De todas maneras, es importante destacar el alto grado de significación en la suplementación con AGCM en lechones con PN entre 800 y 999g (P=0,059). Por otra parte, el PN del grupo suplementado con PN&1000 g fue inferior que el del grupo no suplementado con PN&1000 g; esta diferencia de PN fue significativa (P=0,004) y como consecuencia el grado de significación en la suplementación con AGCM en lechones con PN entre 800 y 999 g fue inferior al esperado. Además, en esta prueba se incluyeron algunos resultados generales y también un análisis simple de supervivencia, aunque no era el objetivo principal


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Johnson CCD photometry was performed in the two subgroups of the association Cepheus OB3, for selected fields each containing at least one star with previous UBV photoelectric photometry. Photometry for about 1000 stars down to visual magnitude 21 is provided, although the completeness tests show that the sample is complete down to V=19mag. Individual errors were assigned to the magnitude and colours for each star. Colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams are shown. Astrometric positions of the stars are also given. Description of the reduction procedure is fully detailed.


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Interdisciplinary frameworks for studying natural hazards and their temporal trends have an important potential in data generation for risk assessment, land use planning, and therefore the sustainable management of resources. This paper focuses on the adjustments required because of the wide variety of scientific fields involved in the reconstruction and characterisation of flood events for the past 1000 years. The aim of this paper is to describe various methodological aspects of the study of flood events in their historical dimension, including the critical evaluation of old documentary and instrumental sources, flood-event classification and hydraulic modelling, and homogeneity and quality control tests. Standardized criteria for flood classification have been defined and applied to the Isère and Drac floods in France, from 1600 to 1950, and to the Ter, the Llobregat and the Segre floods, in Spain, from 1300 to 1980. The analysis on the Drac and Isère data series from 1600 to the present day showed that extraordinary and catastrophic floods were not distributed uniformly in time. However, the largest floods (general catastrophic floods) were homogeneously distributed in time within the period 1600¿1900. No major flood occurred during the 20th century in these rivers. From 1300 to the present day, no homogeneous behaviour was observed for extraordinary floods in the Spanish rivers. The largest floods were uniformly distributed in time within the period 1300-1900, for the Segre and Ter rivers.


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El principal objectiu d'aquest estudi és reflectir quins són els principals factors competitius per a les pymes a Catalunya. Per això, es va escollir una mostra de 1000 empreses de diferents sectors i amb els límits que marca la Unió Europea per a definir una pyme. A partir d'aquí, es va analitzar la informació financera. Amb aquesta font d'informació, es va poder arribar a la conclusió que tots aquells aspectes relacionats amb el personal i reflectits a través de ràtios, eren els més significatius estadísticament per a poder explicar la rendibilitat en les empreses. També es va enviar un qüestionari a la mostra esmentada i es va preguntar el punt de vista del gestor o empresari. Només 50 empreses van contestar, i una vegada més, el factor humà es va revelar com el més important. S'ha d'assenyalar que altres elements tals com la inversió en tecnologia, que s'esperava fossin significatius, no van donar els resultats esperats en el sentit que cap altre fos considerat tan rellevant com els recursos humans.


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La reducción al polo, los gradientes horizontales, los mapas de relieves sombreados y la continuación analítica ascendente (CAA) constituyen transformaciones del campo magnético ampliamente utilizadas durante el estudio de la estructura geológica de una región. En la región de Moa (NE de Cuba) estas transformaciones se emplean para resaltar alineaciones en los datos magnéticos que constituyen estructuras tectónicas disyuntivas o zonas de contactos abruptos, así como la estructura geológica en profundidad. Con el análisis de estas transformaciones del campo se comprobó que los principales sistemas de fallas de la región de estudio se manifiestan en el comportamiento del campo magnético, particularmente en los mapas de relieve sombreados a partir de zonas alineadas. En estos mismos mapas se repiten alineaciones con dirección noroeste y noreste que no coinciden con las estructuras descritas en los mapas morfotectónico y geológico, destacando zonas que pueden constituir contactos tectónicos o litológicos no citados en trabajos anteriores. Para la mayoría de las estructuras, los mapas analizados sugieren posiciones, longitudes e incluso formas algo distintas a las señaladas en los mapas morfotectónico y geológico. A partir del modelaje interactivo en los perfiles de interpretación trazados a través de las principales anomalías, se deduce que loscuerpos anómalos poseen formas de cuñas y de capas verticales o ligeramente inclinadas en algunos de sus extremos. Además, yacen a poca profundidad (0-400 m), con la excepción de algunos cuerpos que pueden alcanzar más de 1000 m de profundidad en su límite inferior (perfil III-III' y XII-XII'). Estos resultados corroboran el carácter alóctono de las unidades ofiolíticas en esta región.


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We present a electroluminescence (EL) study of the Si-rich silicon oxide (SRSO) LEDs with and without Er3+ ions under different polarization schemes: direct current (DC) and pulsed voltage (PV). The power efficiency of the devices and their main optical limitations are presented. We show that under PV polarization scheme, the devices achieve one order of magnitude superior performance in comparison with DC. Time-resolved measurements have shown that this enhancement is met only for active layers in which annealing temperature is high enough (>1000 ◦C) for silicon nanocrystal (Si-nc) formation. Modeling of the system with rate equations has been done and excitation cross-sections for both Si-nc and Er3+ ions have been extracted.


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El principal objectiu d'aquest estudi és reflectir quins són els principals factors competitius per a les pymes a Catalunya. Per això, es va escollir una mostra de 1000 empreses de diferents sectors i amb els límits que marca la Unió Europea per a definir una pyme. A partir d'aquí, es va analitzar la informació financera. Amb aquesta font d'informació, es va poder arribar a la conclusió que tots aquells aspectes relacionats amb el personal i reflectits a través de ràtios, eren els més significatius estadísticament per a poder explicar la rendibilitat en les empreses. També es va enviar un qüestionari a la mostra esmentada i es va preguntar el punt de vista del gestor o empresari. Només 50 empreses van contestar, i una vegada més, el factor humà es va revelar com el més important. S'ha d'assenyalar que altres elements tals com la inversió en tecnologia, que s'esperava fossin significatius, no van donar els resultats esperats en el sentit que cap altre fos considerat tan rellevant com els recursos humans.


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Settling particles were collected using sediment traps deployed along three transects in the Lacaze-Duthiers and Cap de Creus canyons and the adjacent southern open slope from October 2005 to October 2006. The settling material was analyzed to obtain total mass fluxes and main constituent contents (organic matter, opal, calcium carbonate, and siliciclastics). Cascades of dense shelf water from the continental shelf edge to the lower continental slope occurred from January to March 2006. They were traced through strong negative near-bottom temperature anomalies and increased current speeds, and generated two intense pulses of mass fluxes in January and March 2006. This oceanographic phenomenon appeared as the major physical forcing of settling particles at almost all stations, and caused both high seasonal variability in mass fluxes and important qualitative changes in settling material. Fluxes during the dense shelf water cascading (DSWC) event ranged from 90.1 g m(-2) d(-1) at the middle Cap de Creus canyon (1000 m) to 3.2 g m(-2) d(-1) at the canyon mouth (1900 m). Fractions of organic matter, opal and calcium carbonate components increased seaward, thus diminishing the siliciclastic fraction. Temporal variability of the major components was larger in the canyon mouth and open slope sites, due to the mixed impact of dense shelf water cascading processes and the pelagic biological production. Results indicate that the cascading event remobilized and homogenized large amounts of material down canyon and southwardly along the continental slope contributing to a better understanding of the off-shelf particle transport and the internal dynamics of DSWC events.


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We show that small amounts of 3He atoms, added to a 4He drop deposited on a flat cesium surface at zero temperature, populate bound states localized at the contact line. These edge states show up for drops large enough to develop well defined surface and bulk regions together with a contact line, and they are structurally different from the well-known Andreev states that appear at the free surface and at the liquid-solid interface of films. We illustrate the one-body density of 3He in a drop with 1000 4He atoms, and show that for a sufficiently large number of impurities the density profiles spread beyond the edge, coating both the curved drop surface and its flat base and eventually isolating it from the substrate.


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We present the concept of a sensitive and broadband resonant mass gravitational wave detector. A massive sphere is suspended inside a second hollow one. Short, high-finesse Fabry-Perot optical cavities read out the differential displacements of the two spheres as their quadrupole modes are excited. At cryogenic temperatures, one approaches the standard quantum limit for broadband operation with reasonable choices for the cavity finesses and the intracavity light power. A molybdenum detector, of overall size of 2 m, would reach spectral strain sensitivities of 2x10-23Hz-1/2 between 1000 and 3000 Hz.


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Abstract. The ability of 2 Rapid Bioassessment Protocols (RBPs) to assess stream water quality was compared in 2 Mediterranean-climate regions. The most commonly used RBPs in South Africa (SAprotocol) and the Iberian Peninsula (IB-protocol) are both multihabitat, field-based methods that use macroinvertebrates. Both methods use preassigned sensitivity weightings to calculate metrics and biotic indices. The SA- and IB-protocols differ with respect to sampling equipment (mesh size: 1000 lm vs 250 300 lm, respectively), segregation of habitats (substrate vs flow-type), and sampling and sorting procedures (variable time and intensity). Sampling was undertaken at 6 sites in South Africa and 5 sites in the Iberian Peninsula. Forty-four and 51 macroinvertebrate families were recorded in South Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, respectively; 77.3% of South African families and 74.5% of Iberian Peninsula families were found using both protocols. Estimates of community similarity compared between the 2 protocols were .60% similar among sites in South Africa and .54% similar among sites in the Iberian Peninsula (BrayCurtis similarity), and no significant differences were found between protocols (Multiresponse Permutation Procedure). Ordination based on Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling grouped macroinvertebrate samples on the basis of site rather than protocol. Biotic indices generated with the 2 protocols at each site did not differ. Thus, both RBPs produced equivalent results, and both were able to distinguish between biotic communities (mountain streams vs foothills) and detect water-quality impairment, regardless of differences in sampling equipment, segregation of habitats, and sampling and sorting procedures. Our results indicate that sampling a single habitat may be sufficient for assessing water quality, but a multihabitat approach to sampling is recommended where intrinsic variability of macroinvertebrate assemblages is high (e.g., in undisturbed sites in regions with Mediterranean climates). The RBP of choice should depend on whether the objective is routine biomonitoring of water quality or autecological or faunistic studies.


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En la noche entre el año 999 y 1000, la cristiandad entera esperaba, temblando, la segunda venida de Cristo en el día del juicio final. Sin embargo, con gran sorpresa y considerable alivio de todo el mundo, la mañana siguiente el papa Silvestre pudo celebrar su misa tranquilamente. Ni Cristo ni su notorio antagonista habían asomado la cabeza en el mísero mundo de los seres mortales. El tiempo no se había parado, el cielo no se había abierto y los muertos seguían en sus tumbas. El mundo, imperturbable, había decidido seguir su camino....


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During the winters of 1999 and 2000 large avalanches occurred in the ski resort of Las Leñas (Los Andes, Mendoza, Argentina). On 8 September 1999 an avalanche of new, dry snow ran over a path with a 1000 m vertical drop. On 30 June and on 1 July 2000 five avalanches of similar vertical drop, which start with new snow, entrained very wet snow during their descent, and evolved into dense snow avalanches. To use the MN2D dynamics model correctly, calibration of model parameters is necessary. Also, no previous works with the use of dynamics models exist in South America. The events used to calibrate the model occurred during the winters of 1999 and 2000 and are a good sample of the kind of avalanches which can occur in this area of the Andes range. By considering the slope morphology and topography, the snow and meteorological conditions and the results of the model simulations, it was estimated that these avalanches were not extreme events with a return period greater than one hundred years. This implies that, in natural conditions, bigger, extreme avalanches could happen. In this work, the MN2D dynamics model is calibrated with two different avalanches of the same magnitude: dry and wet. The importance of the topographic data in the simulation is evaluated. It is concluded that MN2D dynamics model can be used to simulate dry extreme avalanches in Argentinean Andes but not to simulate extreme wet avalanches, which are much more sensitive to the topography.