36 resultados para Vieussens, Raymond, 1641-1715
The contributions of this paper are twofold: On the one hand, the paper analyses the factors determining the growth in car ownership in Spain over the last two decades, and, on the other, the paper provides empirical evidence for a controversial methodological issue. From a methodological point of view, the paper compares the two alternative decision mechanisms used for modelling car ownership: ordered-response versus unordered-response mechanisms. A discrete choice model is estimated at three points in time: 1980, 1990 and 2000. The study concludes that on the basis of forecasting performance, the multinomial logit model and the ordered probit model are almost undistinguishable. As for the empirical results, it can be emphasised that income elasticity is not constant and declines as car ownership increases. Besides, households living in rural areas are less sensitive than those living in urban areas. Car ownership is also sensitive to the quality of public transport for those living in the largest cities. The results also confirmed the existence of a generation effect, which will vanish around the year 2020, a weak life-cycle effect, and a positive effect of employment on the number of cars per household. Finally, the change in the estimated coefficients over time reflects an increase in mobility needs and, consequently, an increase in car ownership.
Traffic forecasts provide essential input for the appraisal of transport investment projects. However, according to recent empirical evidence, long-term predictions are subject to high levels of uncertainty. This paper quantifies uncertainty in traffic forecasts for the tolled motorway network in Spain. Uncertainty is quantified in the form of a confidence interval for the traffic forecast that includes both model uncertainty and input uncertainty. We apply a stochastic simulation process based on bootstrapping techniques. Furthermore, the paper proposes a new methodology to account for capacity constraints in long-term traffic forecasts. Specifically, we suggest a dynamic model in which the speed of adjustment is related to the ratio between the actual traffic flow and the maximum capacity of the motorway. This methodology is applied to a specific public policy that consists of suppressing the toll on a certain motorway section before the concession expires.
In this paper we are aimed to investigate the relationship between Catalan knowledge and individual earnings in Catalonia. Using data from 2006, we find a positive earning return to Catalan proficiency; however, when accounting for self-selection into Catalan knowledge, we find a higher language return (20% of extra earnings), suggesting that individuals who are more prone to know Catalan are also less remunerated than others (negative selection effect). Moreover, we also find important complementarities between language knowledge and completed education, which means that only more educated individuals benefit from Catalan knowledge.
This paper investigates the economic value of Catalan knowledge for national and foreign first- and second-generation immigrants in Catalonia. Specifically, drawing on data from the “Survey on Living Conditions and Habits of the Catalan Population (2006)”, we want to quantify the expected earnings differential between individuals who are proficient in Catalan and those who are not, taking into account the potential endogeneity between knowledge of Catalan and earnings. The results indicate the existence of a positive return to knowledge of Catalan, with a 7.5% increase in earnings estimated by OLS; however, when we account for the presence of endogeneity, monthly earnings are around 18% higher for individuals who are able to speak and write Catalan. However, we also find that language and education are complementary inputs for generating earnings in Catalonia, given that knowledge of Catalan increases monthly earnings only for more educated individuals.
This paper is concerned with the investigation of the intergenerational mobility of education in several European countries and its changes across birth cohorts (1940-1980) using a new mobility index that considers the total degree of mobility as the weighted sum of mobility with respect to both parents. Moreover, this mobility index enables the analysis of the role of family characteristics as mediating factors in the statistical association between individual and parental education. We find that Nordic countries display lower levels of educational persistence but that the degree of mobility increases over time only in those countries with low initial levels. Moreover, the results suggest that the degree of mobility with respect to fathers and mothers converges to the same level and that family characteristics account for an important part of the statistical association between parental education and children’s schooling; a particular finding is that the most important elements of family characteristics are the family’s socio-economic status and educational assortative mating of the parents.
This paper contributes to the empirical literature on the effects of agglomeration and road accessibility on productivity of firms by looking at the case of Spain. We approach productivity indirectly by using individual wages allocated at the NUTS III level. We use a repeated cross-section of individual micro-data for the years 1995, 2002 and 2006. The availability of interprovincial travel time data for each of the three years allows controlling for transport improvements over the period by using a market potential variable. Additionally, agglomeration is approached by employment density and we control for localization economies, human capital externalities and a large set of individual and workplace characteristics. Estimating by instrumental variables, our results show a positive and significant effect of market accessibility on wages and non linear effect for employment density.
Creació d'una empresa que el seu producte principal es un programa amb una llicencia de programari lliure. L'empresa generarà una base del programa, robust i estable. Després s'alliberarà amb una llicencia lliure per a que la comunitat de programari lliure s'afegeixi al desenvolupament i el faci créixer i convertir-ho en un producte de qualitat i superior als actuals productes privatius. Per aconseguir el objectiu, l'empresa gestionarà el producte amb metodologies empresarials. El benefici, s'obtindrà de les SaaS (Software As a Service). El model de negoci i l'estratègia empresarial es basarà segons el model Hecker i Raymond.
El desenvolupament del càlcul diferencial i integral com a disciplina científica a Europa durant el segle XVIII no és un tema nou. Però s’ha acostumat a enfocar la visió d’aquesta formació molt sovint des del “centre” i a partir de les grans figures com Isaac Newton o Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. En el present treball el protagonista potser, per a molts, no és una figura de primera línia; Tomàs Cerdà, és un ensenyant a Barcelona i a Madrid durant la segona meitat del segle XVIII, que “tradueix” al castellà autors anglesos, però que amb la seva pràctica està realment introduint el nou càlcul a Espanya i donant, de fet, una orientació d’aquesta nova disciplina als seus deixebles. El com i per què Cerdà decideix quin serà el seu guia en la introducció del càlcul diferencial i integral i quines seran les seves pròpies aportacions en aquesta labor seran els temes centrals del nostre treball. La nostra tasca ha anat, així doncs, a entendre millor, el procés de divulgació del coneixement científic, veient-lo en tot moment com formant part activa del mateix procés de construcció d’aquest coneixement.
Descripció de l’estudi arqueològic i la restauració arquitectònica de l’Església de Santa Helena o Santa Creu de Rodes realitzats a principis dels anys 90
La población femenina y la indígena del Ecuador han presentado continuamente desigualdades de ingresos respecto a la población masculina y a la no indígena, respectivamente. El presente trabajo reporta que una parte de las diferencias salariales a favor de los hombres y de la población no indígena es resultado de la discriminación salarial por razones de género y etnia. Este resultado se ha obtenido estimando ecuaciones mincerianas de ingresos corrigiendo el problema de se sgo de selección muestral y utilizando la metodología de descomposición de las brechas salariales de Oaxaca (1973) y Newmak (1988) también corregidas por el problema de sesgo de selección muestral.
Human capital endowment is one of the main factors influencing the level of development of a region. This paper analyses whether remoteness from economic activity has a negative effect on human capital accumulation and, consequently, on economic development. Making use of microdata this research proves that remoteness from economic activity has contributed to explain the divergences in the level of education observed across Spanish provinces over the last 50 years. The effect is significant even when controlling for the improvement of education supply. Nonetheless, the accessibility effect has been petering out since the 1960s due to the decreasing barriers to mobility.
Two recently reported treatments [J. M. Porrà et al., Phys. Rev. A 44, 4866 (1991) and I. L¿Heureux and R. Kapral, J. Chem. Phys. 88, 7468 (1988)] of the problem of bistability driven by dichotomous colored noise with a small correlation time are brought into agreement with each other and with the exact numerical results of L¿Heureux and Kapral [J. Chem. Phys. 90, 2453 (1989)].
El 1716 es publicà a Milà un text que fa una àmplia justificació històrica i política de la causa de Carles III d'Àustria a la Guerra de Successió d'Espanya (1702-1715). L'obra, de dimensions considerables (72 pàgines), va ser redactada per un eclesiàstic castellà que participà a la defensa de Barcelona durant el darrer setge i que va ser desterrat a Itàlia per les noves autoritats borbòniques. L'article analitza algunes de les idees centrals del text, com ara: l'oposició a la tirania borbònica i la defensa d'una monarquia moderada; la identificació de l'entronització de Felip V com el trencament de l'equilibri europeu i el punt culminant de la decadència d'Espanya; la denúncia de la traïció dels aliats; la vindicació de l'austriacisme castellà i la crítica al borbonisme d'alguns sectors catalans; i la descripció de la repressió i de l'exili.
During the last three decades, the number of tourism events has been growing in Catalan coastal resorts because of the recover of Catalan cultural traditions, festivals and folklore, and also because of tourism growth. Catalan tourism resorts use events as catalysers for new supply and as a mean to differentiate and singularize themselves from their competitors. The tourism potential of cultural events is undeniable but there are some problems that prevent a more effective impact as economic and regional development agents. This paper reflects some discussions and conclusions obtained from the analysis of 264 valid responses of a survey made to different Catalan event organizers in 2008 and 2009. We describe and characterize cultural event supply in coastal resorts in order to study the events tourism importance, their capacity to generate and spread economic development, and their managerial model. The analysis is made in a geographical basis, comparing the results of the territorial organization of events of the city of Barcelona, coastal and inland municipalities. Finally some considerations about event regional tourism policy and tourism development are discussed.