52 resultados para Videotex systems


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We extend Floquet theory for reducing nonlinear periodic difference systems to autonomous ones (actually linear) by using normal form theory.


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Boundary equilibrium bifurcations in piecewise smooth discontinuous systems are characterized by the collision of an equilibrium point with the discontinuity surface. Generically, these bifurcations are of codimension one, but there are scenarios where the phenomenon can be of higher codimension. Here, the possible collision of a non-hyperbolic equilibrium with the boundary in a two-parameter framework and the nonlinear phenomena associated with such collision are considered. By dealing with planar discontinuous (Filippov) systems, some of such phenomena are pointed out through specific representative cases. A methodology for obtaining the corresponding bi-parametric bifurcation sets is developed.


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The objectives of Participant 4 were: - Establishment and maintenance of a representative collection of AM fungal species in vivo on trap plant cultures. - Study of the effects of early mycorrhizal inoculation in the growth and health of in vitro plantlets and their subsequent behaviour in the nursery. - Effect of the mycorrhization of in vitro produced bananas and plantains on plant growth and health, under biotic stress conditions (nematode and fungi)


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To a finite graph there corresponds a free partially commutative group: with the given graph as commutation graph. In this paper we construct an orthogonality theory for graphs and their corresponding free partially commutative groups. The theory developed here provides tools for the study of the structure of partially commutative groups, their universal theory and automorphism groups. In particular the theory is applied in this paper to the centraliser lattice of such groups.


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A mesura que la investigació depèn cada vegada més dels computadors, l'emmagatzematge de dades comença a convertir-se en un recurs escàs per als projectes, i suposa una gran part del cost total. Alguns projectes intenten resoldre aquest problema emprant emmagatzament distribuït. És doncs necessari que alguns centres proveeixin de grans quantitats d'emmagatzematge massiu de baix cost basat en cintes magnètiques. L'inconvenient d'aquesta solució és que el rendiment disminueix, particularment a l'hora de tractar-se de grans quantitats d'arxius petits. El nostre objectiu és crear un híbrid entre un sistema d'alt cost i rendiment basat en discs, i un de baix cost i rendiment basat en cintes. Per això, unirem dCache, un sistema d'emmagatzematge distribuït, amb Castor, un sistema d'emmagatzematge jeràrquic, creant sistemes de fitxers virtuals que contindran grans quantitats d'arxius petits per millorar el rendiment global del sistema.


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An important debate on the role of creativity and culture as factors of local economic development is distinctly emerging. Despite the emphasis put on the theoretical definition of these concepts, it is necessary to strengthen comparative research for the identification and analysis of the kind of creativity embedded in the territory as well as its determinants. Creative local production systems are identified in Italy and Spain departing from local labour markets as territorial units, and focusing on two different kinds of creative


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Thermal systems interchanging heat and mass by conduction, convection, radiation (solar and thermal ) occur in many engineering applications like energy storage by solar collectors, window glazing in buildings, refrigeration of plastic moulds, air handling units etc. Often these thermal systems are composed of various elements for example a building with wall, windows, rooms, etc. It would be of particular interest to have a modular thermal system which is formed by connecting different modules for the elements, flexibility to use and change models for individual elements, add or remove elements without changing the entire code. A numerical approach to handle the heat transfer and fluid flow in such systems helps in saving the full scale experiment time, cost and also aids optimisation of parameters of the system. In subsequent sections are presented a short summary of the work done until now on the orientation of the thesis in the field of numerical methods for heat transfer and fluid flow applications, the work in process and the future work.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Auditing and Integration of Management Systems Research Laboratory de la Universitat d’Alberta, Canadà, des de maig fins a setembre del 2007. Aquest centre porta a terme recerca de caire teòrica i bàsica aplicada a l’assegurament de la qualitat, i més concretament a l’estandardització i integració de sistemes de gestió. En primer lloc, s’han analitzat les dades obtingudes en l’estudi empíric descriptiu realitzat a Catalunya durant l’any 2005, focalitzat en els estàndards de gestió més utilitzats per les empreses catalanes, en que s’hi incloïen les normes ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OSHAS 18001 així com els nous estàndards de suport de la sèrie ISO 10000. En segon terme, i a partir d’aquest anàlisis previ, s’ha iniciat el disseny d’una metodologia flexible per a la integració dels sistemes de gestió basats en estàndards internacionals.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la School of Mathematics and Statistics de la University of Plymouth, United Kingdom, entre abril juliol del 2007.Aquesta investigació és encara oberta i la memòria que presento constitueix un informe de la recerca que estem duent a terme actualment. En aquesta nota estudiem els centres isòcrons dels sistemes Hamiltonians analítics, parant especial atenció en el cas polinomial. Ens centrem en els anomenats quadratic-like Hamiltonian systems. Diverses propietats dels centres isòcrons d'aquest tipus de sistemes van ser donades a [A. Cima, F. Mañosas and J. Villadelprat, Isochronicity for several classes of Hamiltonian systems, J. Di®erential Equations 157 (1999) 373{413]. Aquell article estava centrat principalment en el cas en que A; B i C fossin funcions analítiques. El nostre objectiu amb l'estudi que estem duent a terme és investigar el cas en el que aquestes funcions són polinomis. En aquesta nota formulem una conjectura concreta sobre les propietats algebraiques que venen forçades per la isocronia del centre i provem alguns resultats parcials.


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It has been recently found that a number of systems displaying crackling noise also show a remarkable behavior regarding the temporal occurrence of successive events versus their size: a scaling law for the probability distributions of waiting times as a function of a minimum size is fulfilled, signaling the existence on those systems of self-similarity in time-size. This property is also present in some non-crackling systems. Here, the uncommon character of the scaling law is illustrated with simple marked renewal processes, built by definition with no correlations. Whereas processes with a finite mean waiting time do not fulfill a scaling law in general and tend towards a Poisson process in the limit of very high sizes, processes without a finite mean tend to another class of distributions, characterized by double power-law waiting-time densities. This is somehow reminiscent of the generalized central limit theorem. A model with short-range correlations is not able to escape from the attraction of those limit distributions. A discussion on open problems in the modeling of these properties is provided.


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In this paper, we develop numerical algorithms that use small requirements of storage and operations for the computation of invariant tori in Hamiltonian systems (exact symplectic maps and Hamiltonian vector fields). The algorithms are based on the parameterization method and follow closely the proof of the KAM theorem given in [LGJV05] and [FLS07]. They essentially consist in solving a functional equation satisfied by the invariant tori by using a Newton method. Using some geometric identities, it is possible to perform a Newton step using little storage and few operations. In this paper we focus on the numerical issues of the algorithms (speed, storage and stability) and we refer to the mentioned papers for the rigorous results. We show how to compute efficiently both maximal invariant tori and whiskered tori, together with the associated invariant stable and unstable manifolds of whiskered tori. Moreover, we present fast algorithms for the iteration of the quasi-periodic cocycles and the computation of the invariant bundles, which is a preliminary step for the computation of invariant whiskered tori. Since quasi-periodic cocycles appear in other contexts, this section may be of independent interest. The numerical methods presented here allow to compute in a unified way primary and secondary invariant KAM tori. Secondary tori are invariant tori which can be contracted to a periodic orbit. We present some preliminary results that ensure that the methods are indeed implementable and fast. We postpone to a future paper optimized implementations and results on the breakdown of invariant tori.