22 resultados para Sheep-dip


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Este trabajo es un comentario a un diálogo-entrevista con José María Valverde (Valencia de Alcántara/Cáceres/1926-Barcelona, 1996), en su vertiente estrictamente traductora. La importancia del comentario estriba en el hecho de que muchas traducciones del eximio teórico de la literatura, poeta y traductor extremeño servirán, con el tiempo, de modelo de lengua y cultura. De ahí la importancia de leer en su contexto, reseñar y comentar sus opiniones. Así, pues en el trabajo se reproducen y se comentan hasta seis items: 1. Para traducir bien, hay que oír al autor original. 2. El traductor tiene que vivir de su trabajo. 3. En Italia se traduce bien. 4. Está por escribir una historia del sentido del humor. 5. Cuando no existe una tradición hay que inventarla. 6. Lo primero es hablar; después traducir.


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Background: Coxiella burnetii is a highly clonal microorganism which is difficult to culture, requiring BSL3 conditions for its propagation. This leads to a scarce availability of isolates worldwide. On the other hand, published methods of characterization have delineated up to 8 different genomic groups and 36 genotypes. However, all these methodologies, with the exception of one that exhibited limited discriminatory power (3 genotypes), rely on performing between 10 and 20 PCR amplifications or sequencing long fragments of DNA, which make their direct application to clinical samples impracticable and leads to a scarce accessibility of data on the circulation of C. burnetii genotypes. Results: To assess the variability of this organism in Spain, we have developed a novel method that consists of a multiplex (8 targets) PCR and hybridization with specific probes that reproduce the previous classification of this organism into 8 genomic groups, and up to 16 genotypes. It allows for a direct haracterization from clinical and environmental samples in a single run, which will help in the study of the different genotypes circulating in wild and domestic cycles as well as from sporadic human cases and outbreaks. The method has been validated with reference isolates. A high variability of C. burnetii has been found in Spain among 90 samples tested, detecting 10 different genotypes, being those adaA negative associated with acute Q fever cases presenting as fever of intermediate duration with liver involvement and with chronic cases. Genotypes infecting humans are also found in sheep, goats, rats, wild boar and ticks, and the only genotype found in cattle has never been found among our clinical samples. Conclusions: This newly developed methodology has permitted to demonstrate that C. burnetii is highly variable in Spain. With the data presented here, cattle seem not to participate in the transmission of C. burnetii to humans in the samples studied, while sheep, goats, wild boar, rats and ticks share genotypes with the human population.


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The farming exploitation in the Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley (Principality of Andorra). The Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley, a natural space located in the Principality of Andorra, has kept a high ecological and landscape value through time. At present, the Valley is considered in the cultural landscape category of the UNESCO World-wide Heritage. A study of the spatial variability of pastures in the Valley conducted from 1994 to 2003 concluded that there was an optimistic future for livestock. This future was mainly explained by new policies in the country, as well as by the new hopes of the tockbreeders. The study also stated that cattle and horse movements within the Valley did not varied over the study period, although entrance and exit points changed. Sheep only fed in the Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley, but it wouldbe convenient its introduction in other areas where horses and cattle did not pasture. The study concluded that the use of the Valley by the stockbreeders contributed to the development of the vegetation and the landscape, and that the livestock is very important to keep natural and landscape values of the Valley.


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The complexing capacity of synthetic (0.011 M tartrate in 13.5% ethanol) and real wine (Raimat Abadia) in titrations with added total Zn concentrations up to 0.03 M has been determined following the free Zn concentrations with AGNES (absence of gradients and Nernstian equilibrium stripping) technique. A correction to find the preconcentration factor or gain (Y1) really applied at each one of the ionic strengths reached due to Zn additions along the titration has been applied. The standard implementation of AGNES to real wine led to the observation of two anomalous behaviors: (a) an increasingly negative current in the deposition stage (labeled as “HER” effect) and (b) a minimum in the currents of the stripping stage plot (labeled as the “dip” effect). A practical strategy to apply AGNES avoiding the dip effect has been developed to quantify properly free Zn concentrations. The van den Berg–Ružic–Lee linearization method (assuming the existence of just 1:1 complexes) has been adapted to consider the dilution effect and the ionic strength changes. Aggregated stability constants and total ligand concentrations have been calculated from synthetic and wine titration data. The found complexing capacity in the studied wine (cT,L = 0.0179 ± 0.0007 M) indicates the contribution of ligands other than tartrate (which is confirmed to be the main one).


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This article describes a photocatalytic nanostructured anatase coating deposited by cold gas spray (CGS)supported on titanium sub-oxide (TiO22x) coatings obtained by atmospheric plasma spray (APS) onto stainless steel cylinders. The photocatalytic coating was homogeneous and preserved the composition and nanostructure of the starting powder. The inner titanium sub-oxide coating favored the deposition of anatase particles in the solid state. Agglomerated nano-TiO2 particles fragmented when impacting onto the hard surface of the APS TiO22x bond coat. The rough surface provided by APS provided an ideal scenario for entrapping the nanostructured particles, which may be adhered onto the bond coat due to chemical bonding; a possible bonding mechanism is described. Photocatalytic experiments showed that CGS nano-TiO2 coating was active for photodegrading phenol and formic acid under aqueous conditions. The results were similar to the performance obtained by competitor technologies and materials such as dip-coating P25 photocatalysts. Disparity in the final performance of the photoactive materials may have been caused by differences in grain size and the crystalline composition of titanium dioxide.


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La utilización de electrolitos soportados en el ánodo es una estrategia muy útil para mejorar las propiedades eléctricas de las pilas de combustible de óxido sólido, debido a que permiten disminuir considerablemente el espesor de los electrolitos. Para este trabajo, se han preparado exitosamente pilas de combustible de óxido sólido con electrolitos de ceria dopada con Gd, Ce1-xGdxO2-y (CGO) soportados sobre un ánodo formado por un cermet de Ni/CGO. Dichas pilas se han instalado y caracterizado en un reactor de una sola cámara donde se ha hecho circular una mezcla de propano y aire. Para ello, se han preparado mezclas de polvos de NiO y de ceria dopada con gadolinia, con diferentes composiciones y tamaño de partículas, para obtener los ánodos con porosidades apropiadas y así utilizarlos como soporte del electrolito en las pilas. Los polvos de los electrolitos de CGO se han preparado por la técnica sol-gel y se han depositado por"dip coating" con diferentes espesores (15-30 ¿m) utilizando una tinta preparada a partir de partículas nanométricas dispersadas en una resina comercial. Los cátodos de La1-xSrxCoO3-S (LSCO) se han preparado también por la técnica sol-gel y se han depositado sobre la capa fina del electrolito. Finalmente, las propiedades eléctricas se han determinado en un reactor de una sola cámara dónde el propano se ha mezclado con aire sintético por encima del límite superior de inflamabilidad. En estas condiciones experimentales se han obtenido altas densidades de potencia estables, controlando las velocidades de flujo total de gas transportador y la presión parcial de propano.


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Coastal wetlands are characterized by high biodiversity, which is one of the main criteria considered when establishing protection policies or when proposing adequate management actions. In this study, the crustacean and aquatic insect composition of the Empord`a wetlands is described. These two faunal groups contribute highly to the total biodiversity in these wetlands but are seldom considered when managing natural areas. A selection (84 sampling points) of all water body types present in the Empord`a wetlands were sampled monthly (surber and dip net with a 250 μm mesh). Sampling was carried out during 3 surveys (1991-92, 1996-97 and 1999-2000). A rich fauna of 125 crustacean and 295 aquatic insect taxa was identified. We characterized each water body type using the most abundant species and the relative species richness of the taxonomic groups. A classification of the water body types, according to similarity between inventories, groups the brackish and hyperhaline systems in one cluster and the various freshwater systems in another one. Among freshwater systems, lotic waters and freshwater wetlands have a high similarity, whereas rice fields and freshwater springs have a low similarity