26 resultados para Religious ethics.


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The aim of this article is to show, by means of an accurate philological analysis of Plautarch's Eroticus, how Western Ethics has been clearly sexualized. Indeed, the specific features of masculine bodies become the suitable ones to define what is really ethical, while the specific features of feminine bodies become in their turn the suitable ones to define what is by no means ethical.


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The aim of this article is to present an accurate analysis of O. Wilde's poem 'Camma' by referring it to its Greek model: that Camma both in Plutarch's Amatorius (Eroticus) and Mulierum Virtutes. It is precisely this accurate reading which permits us to verify how Plutarch's Ethics is corrected from the parameters of the hedonism which is peculiar to O. Wilde's aestheticism, thus turning Camma into a symbol of a pleasant life.


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It is certainly astonishing that an innovating study about the Greek pederasty in England like the one by John Addington Symonds does not quote Plutarch's Eroticus -in fact, it is only cited in some footnotes-, if one bears in mind that this dialogue is an accurate philosophical reflection on Greek eros, in which very often significant ethical themes are approached. The aim of this article is just to reveal the different reasons for such an omission.


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Resulta sorprendente que un estudio pionero en Inglaterra sobre la pederastia griega como el de John Addington Symonds no cite el Erótico de Plutarco, excepción hecha de en algunas notas a pie de página, siendo como es este dialogo una seria reflexión filosófica sobre el eros griego, en que a menudo se abordan cuestiones éticas. El objetivo de este artículo es revelar justamente las razones de índole diversa para una tal omisión.


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Resulta sorprenent que un estudi pioner a Anglaterra sobre la pederàstia grega como el de John Addington Symonds no citi l'Eròtic de Plutarc, llevat de en algunes notes a peu de pàgina, essent com és aquest diàleg una seriosa reflexió filosòfica sobre l'eros grec, en què sovint s'aborden qüestions ètiques. L'objectiu d'aquest article és revelar justament les raons d'índole diversa per a una tal omissió.


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[spa]El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar que aquello que vincula la deconstrucción con lo político es la idea de acontecimiento y, en concreto, la fe en el acontecimiento. Lo mesiánico consiste en esta fe en el acontecimiento que Derrida recupera de Marx. Para demostrar esta tesis procederé, en primer lugar, a distinguir la idea de mesianicidad de la idea reguladora kantiana; en segundo lugar, se analizará el concepto de creencia que, según Derrida, debe habitar el concepto mismo de democracia; y finalmente se mostrará cómo este elemento fiduciario de la deconstrucción desborda el ámbito de lo ético para abrir una concepción de lo político vinculada a lo religioso.


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The main theme"In a Better World" (S. Bier, 2011), is violence and its possible answers: forgiveness and revenge. The film revolves around a doctor Anton who works in a refugee camp in sub-Saharan Africa. His family lives in a quiet village in Denmark, where his teenage son suffers bullying at school. This movie shows the fragility of a modern society, normal in appearance but with deep fissures that reflect the tragedies plaguing much of the African continent. It helps to understand the reality experienced by more than 10 million refugees and 15 million internally displaced persons surviving in sub-Saharan Africa. Hævnen, the original title whose meaning in Spanish is revenge, invites reflection on another possible response to violence-forgiveness. It is an excellent film for teaching and learning issues related to humanitarian work developed by health professionals in refugee camps around world.


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The main theme"In a Better World" (S. Bier, 2011), is violence and its possible answers: forgiveness and revenge. The film revolves around a doctor Anton who works in a refugee camp in sub-Saharan Africa. His family lives in a quiet village in Denmark, where his teenage son suffers bullying at school. This movie shows the fragility of a modern society, normal in appearance but with deep fissures that reflect the tragedies plaguing much of the African continent. It helps to understand the reality experienced by more than 10 million refugees and 15 million internally displaced persons surviving in sub-Saharan Africa. Hævnen, the original title whose meaning in Spanish is revenge, invites reflection on another possible response to violence-forgiveness. It is an excellent film for teaching and learning issues related to humanitarian work developed by health professionals in refugee camps around world.


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En el títol d'aquesta Tribuna se'ns pro posa parlar sobre la relació entre l'ètica i la religió. Plantejar en l'espai d'una revista pedagògica la qüestió «ètica/religió' és encetar al hora molts temes. Però potser el primer i més immediat és el que fa referència a la normativa fins ara vigent que plantejava la necessitat d'optar entre l'assignatura d'ètica i la de religió. No entrarem en consideracions sobre els motius que van provocar aquesta situació, sinó que tan sols expressarem la nostra opinió sobre l'alternativa esmentada.


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Tant l'ètica com la religió formen part d'un llarg aprenentatge de la humanitat. Aquesta ha d'aprendre també a sobreposar-se de les seves grans contradiccions, no solament a adaptar-se al medi i transformar-lo d'acord amb els seus interessos i necessitats. Vull recordar aquestes contradiccions que encara avui ens fan sentir molt avall en l'escala ideal del progrés.


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This article aims to provide an overview of the products Catalonia has to offer in terms of religious tourism. The growing interest in this kind of tourism worldwide, and in Catalonia itself, along with the region's wealth of religious heritage (particularly connected to the Christian Church) contrast with the lack of religion-based tourism products available, which results in its absence from the region's image as a tourism destination. In view of this, the Faculty of Tourism (University of Girona), the Vic Bishopric's Albergueria-Centre for Cultural Dissemination and the Tarraconense Episcopal Conference's Interdiocese Secretariat for the Custody and Promotion of Holy Art (SICPAS) decided to address the situation with the help of funding from the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. In order to re-position Christian religious heritage in the image of Catalonia as a tourist destination, the aforementioned parties embarked upon a project to set up a series of routes throughout the region, branded under the name Catalonia Sacra