718 resultados para Publicitat -- Innovacions tecnològiques
En los últimos años, la relación entre tecnología y resultado exportador ha sido objeto de algunos estudios centrados en explicar la relación existente entre los distintos indicadores de las actividades tecnológicas y la performance internacional de las empresas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las investigaciones centradas en este tema tienden a aproximar la estrategia innovadora de una empresa a partir de sus gastos en actividades de I+D cuando, en realidad, el concepto de innovación tecnológica podría resultar más amplio que la mera realización formal de actividades de I+D. En este trabajo en primer lugar se identifican aquellos factores que aproximan, de una forma más exhaustiva, las actividades de innovación tecnológica que realiza una empresa y, en segundo lugar, se averiguará su relación con el resultado exportador de la misma. Los resultados que se obtienen son satisfactorios ya que demuestran que la probabilidad y la intensidad exportadora de las empresas españolas del sector textil-confección dependen no sólo de sus inversiones en I+D, sino también de otras variables vinculadas a su estrategia innovadora.
In this paper, a theoretical framework for analyzing the selection of governance structures for implementing collaboration agreements between firms and Technological Centers is presented and empirically discussed. This framework includes Transaction Costs and Property Rights’ theoretical assumptions, though complemented with several proposals coming from the Transactional Value Theory. This last theory is used for adding some dynamism in the governance structure selection. As empirical evidence of this theoretical explanation, we analyse four real experiences of collaboration between firms and one Technological Center. These experiences are aimed to represent the typology of relationships which Technological Centers usually face. Among others, a key interesting result is obtained: R&D collaboration activities do not need to always be organized through hierarchical solutions. In those cases where future expected benefits and/or reputation issues could play an important role, the traditional more static theories could not fully explain the selected governance structure for managing the R&D relationship. As a consequence, these results justify further research about the adequacy of the theoretical framework presented in this paper in other contexts, for example, R&D collaborations between firms and/or between Universities or Public Research Centers and firms.
Los procesos de cambio técnico en la agricultura no se han empezado a tratar de forma directa hasta fechas recientes. Con frecuencia, además, su tratamiento ha estado condicionado por supuestos y consideraciones que no permiten explicar las causas que los impulsaron ni sus características diferenciales, ya sea por aceptar acríticamente los postulados neoclásicos de la teoría económica o por utilizar unos referentes sobre las posibilidades de innovación y el comportamiento de los agentes económicos, poco adaptados a la diversidad de realidades agrarias. En primer lugar, que la evolución del cambio técnico en la agricultura española ha estado caracterizada por la coexistencia de procesos contínuos y discontínuos de diferente entidad y, por tanto, por la coexistencia de complejas líneas de conexión entre las diversas ofertas tecnológicas que se han ido articulando a lo largo del tiempo y la eclosión de cambios técnicos radicales. En segundo lugar, pondremos de relieve la existencia de constelaciones técnicas diferenciadas para los diversos ámbitos ambientales del Estado Español, especialmente para el período anterior a 1936, y la significativa ampliación que experimentaron seguidamente las posibilidades reales de innovación desde mediados del siglo XX, con la difusión de las nuevas técnicas de la Revolución Verde. Por último y con respecto a las circunstancias que han impulsando la transformación del sector agrario español hasta el momento presente, destacaramos la política económica del Estado y la actividad de las instituciones públicas, identificables con lo que se conoce hoy en día como sistema nacional de innovación.
Projecte de recerca realitzat pel Grup de Recerca de Didàctica i Multimèdia (DiM) de la UAB, entre els mesos de gener i maig del 2005. L’objectiu ha estat fer un seguiment, en 22 centres pilot experimentadors de primària i de secundaria (públics i privats) de tot Catalunya, de l’ús que els professors fessin de la PD a les classes, amb la intenció d’avaluar el seu potencial d’innovació pedagògica i identificar les pràctiques docents més eficaces i innovadores. El projecte s'emmarca d'una banda en el paradigma socio-crìtic de recerca educativa, ja que pretén la innovació i millora de les metodologies didàctiques dels professors participants mitjançant uns processos de recerca-acció. Per altra banda, des d'una perspectiva tècnico-etnogràfica (a partir de qüestionaris, entrevistes i observacions directes), se cerquen dades objectives sobre les aportacions de la PD a la millora dels processos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge. Al llarg de la recerca s’han elaborat diversos recursos de suport al professorat que es poden consultar al portal de la pissarra digital &http://dewey.uab.es/pmarques/pdigital/ca/pissarra.htm&
Atès que la presència de l'esport a Internet cada cop és més recurrent, aquest treball es centra en l'impacte d'Internet en les relacions existents entre alguns dels actors més importants a la indústria de l'esport a Europa: - Organitzacions esportives, que són productors del producte esportiu base; - Mitjans de comunicació, que comuniquen temes esportius; - Organitzacions comercials, que promocionen els seus productes a través de l'esport i els mitjans de comunicació (tot incloent els patrocinadors esportius); - Fans / consumidors del producte base de l' esport. Amb l'anàlisi de l'estructura i continguts d'una mostra de 27 llocs web d'aquestes organitzacions, i després de considerar els conceptes i teories sobre la comunicació a Internet, l'emergència del comerç electrònic i l'e-marketing, i com poden relacionar-se amb la indústria esportiva i la transmissió de missatges esportius, s'estableixen les conclusions sobre quin és l'impacte d'Internet a la indústria esportiva, quan som propers a l'inici de la convergència entre la televisió digital i Internet.
Conferència inagural de la 11a Setmana de la Ciència celebrada el 2006 al Palau Robert
This paper explores the effects of two main sources of innovation -intramural and external R&D- on the productivity level in a sample of 3,267 Catalonian firms. The data set used is based on the official innovation survey of Catalonia which was a part of the Spanish sample of CIS4, covering the years 2002-2004. We compare empirical results by applying usual OLS and quantile regression techniques both in manufacturing and services industries. In quantile regression, results suggest different patterns at both innovation sources as we move across conditional quantiles. The elasticity of intramural R&D activities on productivity decreased when we move up the high productivity levels both in manufacturing and services sectors, while the effects of external R&D rise in high-technology industries but are more ambiguous in low-technology and knowledge-intensive services. JEL codes: O300, C100, O140. Keywords: Innovation sources, R&D, Productivity, Quantile regression
L'extensió de l'aplicació de les tecnologies digitals a les comunicacions acadèmiques ha estat tal que ha alterat el model de servei que les biblioteques acadèmiques havien estat oferint durant el darrer segle. Tenint en compte el creixement explosiu del contingut digital en el web, avui en dia no està gaire clar el que hauria de ser una biblioteca acadèmica. Aquest article és un intent de proporcionar a les biblioteques acadèmiques una estratègia per el que queda del primer quart de segle XXI. El model té cinc elements: 1) completar el pas de les col·leccions en paper a les col·leccions en format electrònic; 2) retirar col·leccions patrimonials ("legacy")impreses; 3) redistribuir l'espai de la biblioteca; 4) modificar l’orientació dels instruments, els recursos i els coneixements tècnics de la biblioteca i la informació; 5) traslladar el focus de les col·leccions de l'adquisició de fons a la gestió del contingut. Es tindran en compte cadascun dels elements de l'estratègia i les seves interaccions. Es d'esperar que el resultat proporcioni un mapa útil per les biblioteques acadèmiques i els campus als quals donen servei.
The I-district effect hypothesis establishes the existence of highly intense innovation in Marshallian industrial districts due to the presence of external localization economies. However, industrial districts are characterized by specific manufacturing specializations in such a way that this effect could be due to these dominant specializations. The objective of this research is to test whether the effect is explained by the conditions of the territory or by the industrial specialization and to provide additional evidence of the existence and causes of the highly intense innovation in industrial districts (I-district effect). The estimates for Spain of a fixed effects model interacting territory and industry suggest that the high innovative performance of industrial districts is maintained across sectors whereas the industrial specialization behaves differently depending on the type of local production system in which it is placed. The I-district effect is related to the conditions of the territory more than to the industrial specialization. The territory is a key variable in explaining the processes of innovation and should be considered a basic dimension in the design of innovation and industrial policies.
This paper addresses the issue of the relationship between productivity and market competition. In comparison to the economies of other European countries, the Spanish economy has been growing, while productivity growth has stagnated. Here we provide empirical evidence about the relationship between productivity and market competition from Spanish manufacturing firms at firm level between 1994 and 2004. Correcting for selection bias, our study pays special attention to the patterns of productivity growth between openness and non-openness firms. When market competition increases the effect on firms operating in domestic markets is positive but when the level of competition is high incentives to invest in innovation and productivity gains disappear. The empirical relationship between competition and productivity is an inverted U-shape, where productivity growth is highest at intermediate levels of competition. The productivity growth of firms operating in international markets is higher than that of non-openness firms, but when market competition rises they moderate their productivity growth. Our empirical results suggest that the correct competition policy in the Spanish economy should remove the barriers to competition in internal markets in order to increase the incentives for manufacturing firms to invest in innovation and productivity growth.
Este trabajo analiza los lazos existentes entre productividad, innovación e investigación a nivel de empresa utilizando una extensión del modelo estructural de función de producción de Crépon, Duguet y Mairesse (1998). El modelo explica la productividad por medio de la innovación y, la innovación a través de la inversión en investigación. El estudio se realiza para las empresas del sector manufacturero español utilizando datos provenientes de la Encuesta sobre innovación tecnológica en las empresas 2004. Se corrigen los sesgos de selectividad y simultaneidad que se presentan dadas las características estadísticas de los datos y de las relaciones económicas entre las variables: sólo una pequeña proporción de las empresas realizan actividades de investigación; y la investigación, innovación y productividad se determinan de forma endógena. Al aplicar la forma tradicional de estimación del modelo se encuentran resultados muy similares a trabajos anteriores realizados para España. Sin embargo, se demuestra que dicha formulación no produce estimaciones consistentes, por lo que aquí se utilizan extensiones alternativas, y se exploran nuevas especificaciones para las decisiones de realizar actividades internas de investigación y desarrollo.
This paper examines the antecedents and innovation consequences of the methods firms adopt in organizing their search strategies. From a theoretical perspective, organizational search is described using a typology that shows how firms implement exploration and exploitation search activities that span their organizational boundaries. This typology includes three models of implementation: ambidextrous, specialized, and diversified implementation. From an empirical perspective, the paper examines the performance consequences when applying these models, and compares their capacity to produce complementarities. Additionally, since firms' choices in matters of organizational search are viewed as endogenous variables, the paper examines the drivers affecting them and identifies the importance of firms' absorptive capacity and diversified technological opportunities in determining these choices. The empirical design of the paper draws on new data for manufacturing firms in Spain, surveyed between 2003 and 2006.
ISAFRUIT is an integrated European Union Project focussed on increasing fruit consumption as a means to improve human health, through evaluating the fruit chain and addressing bottlenecks therein.The innovations which are being developed throughout the ISAFRUIT Project have been analysed to determine both the success factors and the obstacles in reaching the commercialisation stage. Only 9.58% of the deliverables planned within the Project were focussed on developing technological innovations.There is evidence, however, of successes in the development of new innovations arising from the ISAFRUIT Project, with several other potential innovations in the pipeline. Of the technologies identified, 67% are still at the “invention stage”; that is, the stage prior to bridging the so-called “valley of death”, the stage between an invention and an innovation. Those which are considered to have moved over the “valley of death” either had industry partners included in the Project, or had consulted with industry to ensure that the technology was relevant, or met a recognised industry need. Many of the technologies which made less progress did not have the same interactions with industry. A number of other issues were identified which prevented further progress towards innovation. The need for scientists to publish scientific papers, both for their career pathways and to increase their chances of future funding, was identified as one issue, although the filing of patents is now becoming more accepted and recognised. The patenting system is considered complex by many scientists and is not well-understood. Finally, agreements between partners on the sharing of intellectual property rights can cause a delay in the innovation process.
This paper addresses the impact of payment systems on the rate of technology adoption. We present a model where technological shift is driven by demand uncertainty, increased patients' benefit, financial variables, and the reimbursement system to providers. Two payment systems are studied: cost reimbursement and (two variants of) DRG. According to the system considered, adoption occurs either when patients' benefits are large enough or when the differential reimbursement across technologies offsets the cost of adoption. Cost reimbursement leads to higher adoption of the new technology if the rate of reimbursement is high relative to the margin of new vs. old technology reimbursement under DRG. Having larger patient benefits favors more adoption under the cost reimbursement payment system, provided that adoption occurs initially under both payment systems.